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We consider a dynamic problem of joint pricing and production decisions for a profit-maximizing firm that produces multiple products. We model the problem as a mixed integer nonlinear program, incorporating capacity constraints, setup costs, and dynamic demand. We assume demand functions to be convex, continuous, differentiable, and strictly decreasing in price. We present a solution approach which is more general than previous approaches that require the assumption of a specific demand function. Using real-world data from a manufacturer, we study problem instances for different demand scenarios and capacities and solve for optimal prices and production plans. We present analytical results that provide managerial insights on how the optimal prices change for different production plans and capacities. We extend some of the earlier works that consider single product problems to the case of multiple products and time variant production capacities. We also benchmark performance of proposed algorithm with a commercial solver and show that it outperforms the solver both in terms of solution quality and computational times.  相似文献   

The business literature advises firms producing complementary products to sell the core product at a low price, but to price the complementary product at a higher premium. This strategy, however, is problematic if firms face competitors in the market for complementary products as well, as observed in recent years for instance in the market for printers/ink cartridges. Motivated by several measures the firms have taken in this market, the current paper analyzes whether firms are interested in protecting their complementary product from outside competition. We find that firms protect their products only if consumers underestimate the demand for the complementary product when deciding which core product to buy. Moreover, we investigate how the decision to protect the complementary product interacts with a firm’s pricing decision. We show that the price policy proposed in the business literature should only be applied, if consumers sufficiently underestimate their demand for the complementary product so that firms strongly protect these products from outside competition.  相似文献   

采用博弈论方法构建竞争企业两周期动态定价模型,研究基于战略顾客行为的质量差异化产品最优定价策略,并分析基于行为的定价(behavior-based pricing,BBP) 对企业利润的影响. 研究结论表明:1)企业相对生产效率和决策顺序是影响BBP策略选择的关键因素;2)当竞争企业相对生产效率差异较大时,BBP策略保护弱势企业利润并且损害强势企业利润,从而加剧行业竞争;3)拥有信息优势的企业单独采用BBP策略时,不仅自身利润降低,也会损害竞争对手利润,从而导致“损人不利己”的双输局面,这与直觉相悖. 最后,选择实际企业数据对本文的模型和结论进行说明验证.  相似文献   

Product reclamation is a critical process in remanufacturing. It is generally assumed in the literature that customers simply want to get rid of their used products without expecting any compensation for them. Some authors have only recently started looking into firms that offer a posted (fixed) price for them. Following recent reports suggesting that customers are increasingly open to bargaining, we compare using a posted price and bargaining to obtain used products. In our analysis, we consider an original manufacturer acting as a monopolist as well as a manufacturer and an independent remanufacturer acting in a duopoly. We analytically show that bargaining is always beneficial to the monopoly manufacturer. In the duopoly case, we distinguish a Cournot competition and a market with the manufacturer as Stackelberg leader. The results of a numerical study show that both firms will use posted pricing in the Cournot competition, especially if bargaining is not costless. By contrast, the remanufacturer can significantly increase his profit by using negotiations if he is the Stackelberg follower.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术和电子商务的发展,网络外部性对产品销售的作用愈发重要.基于这一背景,探究网络外部性对质量差异化产品定价策略的影响.将网络外部性分为自身网络外部性和交互网络外部性两种类型,分别考虑两者对差异化产品价格、需求和利润的影响.结论如下:第一,仅存在自身网络外部性时,网络外部性不影响差异化产品的定价,但影响产品的需求和利润;第二,当自身网络外部性和交互网络外部性同时存在时,网络外部性将同时影响产品的价格、需求和利润.  相似文献   

本文基于资本市场主体关系网络的研究视角,检验了询价对象间关系网络作用于IPO定价的机理和后果,结果表明询价对象间关系网络的强度和性质通过影响询价对象个体报价行为显著作用于IPO定价.研究发现,询价对象个体间关联程度越高,协同低报价行为越严重;询价对象整体关联程度越高,IPO定价越低;QFII参与询价没有弱化反而强化了询价对象间关系网络强度对询价对象协同低报价行为和IPO低定价的作用效果.本文研究发现IPO定价会受到询价对象间关系网络的影响,拓展了资本市场关系网络研究范围,也为尝试利用市场机制而不是仅依靠行政力量解决我国IPO市场潜在的高定价问题提供理论依据.  相似文献   

李伟  李世杰  李凯 《管理科学》2019,22(7):20-33
由于商业惯例和反垄断法立法较晚,中国零售市场中制造商控制产品终端价格的现象普遍存在.买方势力的增强促使大型零售商和制造商争夺定价权,从而形成买方势力在中国零售市场的一种特有表现形式.从产品定价权的争夺入手,分析定价权争夺形式下的买方势力作用机理和经济效应.首先,在确定性市场环境下考察了定价权争夺的激励,发现大型零售商通过定价权的争夺可以获得“纵向定价先动优势”,从而压低产品批发价格、提高自身毛利水平.在此基础上,论文引入市场需求不确定性,分别从零售商风险态度和需求预测能力两个角度对模型进行扩展,发现定价权的获取可以转移零售商面临的不确定性风险,获取“风险转移收益”;还可以增强零售价格对需求波动的反应程度,获取“灵活定价收益”.福利分析表明,定价权争夺形式下的买方势力经济效应与市场需求特征、零售商风险特征等因素有关,买方势力增强并不总会提升消费者福利,还可能推高终端价格,降低消费者福利.基于上述结论,对买方势力的反垄断规制策略进行了探讨.  相似文献   

多资产的股票挂钩保本型理财产品定价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结构性理财产品定价的核心问题是收益函数的确定,定价技术难点在于资产相关性的处理.应用Cholesky分解方法,先解决资产间的相关性问题,然后针对多资产保本型股票挂钩结构性产品收益函数特点,利用蒙特卡罗方法对其进行定价.最后以深圳商业银行盈丰理财0706号为例,介绍该方法的应用.结果表明,该产品定价偏高,产品实际收益率偏低.  相似文献   

Vicki L Sauter 《Omega》1985,13(4):277-284
A decision-maker's experience is thought to affect how he/she chooses the information that support his/her selection among alternatives. Unfortunately, results from empirical studies designed to demonstrate this hypothesis are not in agreement about the existence and/or extent of the relationship. Since one possible explanation for conflicting in results is variability in the operationalization of the variable ‘experience’, this study was designed to determine if it matters whether one chooses a macro view of experience (in which the focus is on a decision-maker's overall experience) or a micro view of experience (in which the focus is on specific experience with the decision under consideration). Additional insights regarding problems in operationalizing ‘experience’ were generated as a result of these analyses to provide a basis for further research in this area.  相似文献   

The reluctance to adopt value-based pricing stems from a fundamental problem created by the system: increased revenue uncertainty and variability. The literature suggests that inconsistent carcass characteristics cause revenue variability under grid pricing. The possibility that the grid pricing structure, regardless of cattle quality variations, also causes revenue variability has been recognized but not fully analyzed. This study quantifies the impact of grid variability over time, pen quality differentials, and quality grade price discounts on average revenue per head for a pen of fed cattle. Grid pricing revenue results are compared to average pricing results.  相似文献   

运用双边市场理论方法,研究传统零售企业的平台化转型及其双边定价模式选择,发现:1)在生产成本和消费者估价均匀分布的条件下,赚差价的传统垄断零售商收取进场费并不能增加利润,转型为会员费制双边零售平台反而降低利润.2)随着供应商单位分销成本的增加,传统零售商可先选择转型为佣金制双边零售平台作为过渡;随着单位分销成本的进一步提高,零售企业可以进一步提高佣金率,并对供应商进行适当补贴,但对消费者免收会员费,转型为二部收费制平台.3)会员费制双边零售平台的倾斜性双边定价策略与产品价格及其分销成本有关,当供应商的零售价格适中时,平台应向消费者与供应商收取会员费;而当供应商零售价格较高时,平台应向供应商收取会员费并补贴消费者.此外,本文结合我国 B2C 零售平台的收费模式进行应用分析.  相似文献   

关联企业转移定价研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分别从考虑税收因素和不考虑税收因素两方面出发,对国内外关于关联企业内部交易 转移定价的研究现状作了比较详细的综述,论述了每一种转移定价策略的缺陷和不足,并结合 现实企业的实际情况,提出了进一步的研究方向。最后就转移定价的最新研究动态及今后的 发展趋势进行了分析  相似文献   

本文研究公平感对由一个供应商和一个零售商组成的二级供应链中的定价决策的影响,其中供应商决定批发价格,零售商在接受供应商批发价格合同之后决定零售价格,市场需求受到零售价格的线性影响.采用管理实验方法得出,首先,供应商的批发价格和零售商的零售价格均分别低于完全理性假设下的均衡解;供应商是利他性的,即,乐于看到零售商收益的增加,并且,供应商认为零售商是完全理性的,即零售商的决策目标是最大化自身收益;然而,零售商却是刻毒性的,即乐于看到供应商收益的减少.其次,批发价格的变异度大于零售价格的,即供应商决策的难度大于零售商的.给管理者的启示是:供应商应考虑零售商的刻毒性的特征,降低批发价格,以提高零售商接受供应商所提批发价格的概率;此外,还应该为供应商提供辅助决策手段,以降低批发价格的变异度,提高决策的准确性  相似文献   

带杠杆效应的无穷纯跳跃Levy过程期权定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了带有实时交通信息的动态网络车辆路径派送问题。问题包含重复性拥堵和非重复性拥堵两种情形。用重复性拥堵下的交通信息以安排初始路径,通过采用遗传算法求解时变车辆调度问题。车辆在行驶过程中需要根据接收到的实时交通信息调整路线。提出在关键点更新路线的机制,并采用Dynasearch算法求解一类特殊的旅行商问题调整路线。通过对SiouxFalls网络进行数值模拟分析,结果表明新策略能在较短时间内改进其他策略,且随着网络动态性增加其优越性更加明显。  相似文献   


Resource recovery from end-of-life (EOL) products is becoming increasingly engaged in by companies as a response to customer, consumer, government and social pressures, the electronics industry cites competitor pressures as being the main driver of EOL product take-back and recovery. Recovery can occur at three levels; i.e. product, part and material. Each of these options has economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages depending on the product type and a host of other influencing factors. The work described in this paper supports the decision as to the most favourable route from a cost and value perspective, a software model that provides such support is also described.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to study pricing and target oriented decision making together in the newsvendor model. Specifically, this paper studies a newsvendor who decides on order quantity and selling price to maximize the probability of achieving both profit and revenue targets simultaneously. First, it is shown that the probability of a newsvendor achieving both targets depends critically on the relative magnitudes of the profit margin and the ratio between the profit target and the revenue target. Second, the closed-form expressions of the optimal order quantity, the optimal selling price, and the maximal profit and revenue probability are obtained. It is shown that if the product has greater price elasticity, the best strategy is always to price lower and order more.  相似文献   

合理制定铁路客票价格的优化模型及算法   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
四兵锋  高自友   《管理科学》2001,4(2):45-51
在充分考虑出行者和铁路客运部门两方面的利益情况下 ,提出一个双层规划模型以得到在多种交通方式竞争条件下的铁路客票价格制定的最优策略 .既保障了出行者使自己的广义出行费用最小 ,又能使铁路客运部门在运输市场竞争中取得的经济效益最大 .并且给出了求解该模型的 SAB算法。最后用一个简单的算例说明了模型及算法的应用  相似文献   

在电子商务背景下,网络零售商以两种模式向消费者提供产品,一种是常规的网络直销模式,另一种是通过有第三方返利平台参与的返利模式.当两种模式同时存在时,利用消费者效用理论,分别研究了网络零售商的最优定价策略与第三方返利平台的最优返利策略.结果表明,网络零售商是否引入返利模式,与返利产品的满足率、消费者购买返利产品花费的额外成本及返利兑现率密切相关.相对于集中式决策,分散式决策下网络零售商的最优零售价格会降低,同时第三方返利平台返还给消费者的返利会减少,这会加剧两种模式之间的冲突而导致系统低效率.为此,设计了一种改进的收益共享合同来协调两种销售模式,不仅使系统效率达到最优,并且使渠道成员实现"共赢".最后结合数值算例验证了该合同的有效性.  相似文献   

供应链融资模式下零售商的订货与定价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
已有零售商订货与定价问题的研究大都忽略了零售商的初始资金,本文在考虑零售商初始资金的情况下,研究零售商面对初始资金不足时,如何借助外部的融资政策做出最优的订货与定价决策.因此,本文分别讨论了零售商在无融资服务,供应链中核心制造商担保下的外部融资服务及核心制造商提供商业信用的内部融资服务下的订货与定价问题,并建立了相应的...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of intellectual capital (IC), alliance experience and their interaction on the value creation of international strategic alliances (ISAs). Based on a sample of ISAs formed by US firms, we find that firms with a higher level of IC receive greater announcement-period wealth gains. In addition, the empirical results suggest experience positively enhances the wealth effect of ISAs. Finally, we find a significant positive interaction effect between experience and IC on the wealth creation of ISAs. The results demonstrate the importance of considering the joint effects of IC and experience in assessing the value creation of ISAs.  相似文献   

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