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研发阶段新产品信息发布:时间与频率策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新产品开发过程中,何时、以什么频率向外发布所开发的新产品的信息,是企业经营者需要决策的重要问题.现有的文献对新产品信息发布频率尚无直接研究,对首次发布信息时间的研究也还非常有限.本文基于信号理论和有效市场理论,以2000-2010年间我国上市公司发布的602个新产品项目为样本,采用事件研究法和回归分析,研究了研发阶段企业新产品信息发布的时间与频率策略及其市场效果.结果表明,新产品首次发布信息的时间、发布信息的频率对新产品的市场价值都存在倒U形的影响;开发过程中企业与外部商业伙伴的合作对上述两种影响产生负向的调节作用;新产品的创新性正向调节首次发布信息的时间对新产品市场价值的影响.本文的研究结果对于企业新产品开发阶段信息传播策略具有现实的指导意义.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the issue of preannouncing or not preannouncing the development of a new product. Our research is motivated by contrasting views in the literature and varying actions observed in practice. We develop and analyze a game theoretic model that examines the effect of a firm's preannouncement of its product development. Our model is based on a durable goods duopoly market with profit‐maximizing firms. The first firm is an innovator who initially begins developing the product; the second firm is an imitator that begins developing a competing product as soon as it becomes aware of the innovator's product. We assume that consumers are rationally expectant and purchase at most one unit of the product when they have maximum positive utility surplus that is determined by the characteristics of the product, the consumer's marginal utility, and the consumer's discounted utility for future expected products. The innovator firm can release information about its product when it begins developing the product or can guard information about its product until it introduces the product into the market. Our analysis and numerical tests show that, under some conditions, the innovator firm can benefit by preannouncing its product and giving the imitator firm additional time to differentiate its product. We discuss these conditions and their implications for new product development efforts.  相似文献   

We present a retrospective look at the articles on New Product Development that appeared in the first 50 issues of Production and Operations Management (POM). We discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of this POM literature stream. This article is not intended to be a literature review or an exhaustive review of the articles. Rather, we seek to identify new opportunities for rigorous and relevant research, research that has the potential of differentiating and enhancing POM within the Operations Management literature.  相似文献   

新技术革命背景下新产品开发所需资源的广度和深度与日俱增,不同资源的匹配组合对于新产品开发成功具有直接决定性作用。本文结合资源基础理论与社会网络理论,深入研究了新产品开发中不同程度网络-技术资源组合对新产品开发市场绩效与风险的作用机理,并探究了产品多元化对网络-技术资源组合与新产品开发市场绩效、风险之间关系的调节效应。基于143家中国制造业企业实地调研数据,运用结构方程模型与分层回归分析方法进行实证,结果发现:网络资源广度-技术资源深度组合以及网络资源深度-技术资源广度组合对新产品开发市场绩效有正向影响,对新产品开发风险有负向作用;网络资源广度-技术资源广度组合以及网络资源深度-技术资源深度组合对新产品开发市场绩效有负向影响,对新产品开发风险有正向作用;产品多元化正向调节网络资源广度-技术资源深度组合与新产品开发风险之间的关系,以及网络资源广度-技术资源广度组合与新产品开发市场绩效、风险之间的关系。本文的研究为企业提高新产品开发资源配置效率、降低开发风险提供了决策支持与理论依据。  相似文献   

基于前景理论的新产品开发方案选择方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决新产品开发中考虑竞争产品方案评价信息的方案选择问题,提出了一种基于前景理论的决策分析方法。在该方法中,依据新产品开发方案与竞争产品方案相比的绩效确定前景参考点,并给出了前景价值函数和权重函数;通过计算和比较新产品开发方案的前景值和竞争产品方案的前景值,得到新产品开发方案的优选结果;最后给出一个算例,说明该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

国外新产品扩散模型研究的新进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
何应龙  周宗放 《管理学报》2007,4(4):529-536
总结回顾了1990年以后国外新产品扩散模型的主要研究进展,其成果主要体现在2个方面:①在Bass模型基础上的改进扩展模型,主要是引入营销组合变量、供给约束、竞争、补充性产品及产品更新换代的影响,并考虑成倍购买和“试用—再买”的情况;②脱离Bass模型的研究平台,开创全新架构的模型,包括购买力驱动、战略驱动、异质性驱动扩散模型,以及空间扩散和娱乐品扩散模型。比照1990年MAHA JAN等指出的11个未来的研究方向,可见1990年以来新产品扩散的研究取得了很大的进展,在一些方面的发展是突破性的,在另一些方面则严重不足。尤其是近年来新兴技术及其产品的迅猛增长应该成为未来研究关注的一个重点。  相似文献   

Collaboration is an essential element of new product development (NPD). This research examines the associations between four types of information technology (IT) tools and NPD collaboration. The relationships between NPD practices and NPD collaboration are also examined. Drawing on organizational information processing theory, we propose that the relationships between IT tools and NPD collaboration will be moderated differently by three project complexity dimensions, namely, product size, project novelty, and task interdependence, due to the differing nature of information processing necessitated by each project complexity dimension. Likewise, the moderation effects of the project complexity dimensions on the relationship between NPD practices and NPD collaboration will also be different. We test our hypotheses using data from a sample of NPD projects in three manufacturing industries. We find that IT tools are associated with collaboration to a greater extent when product size is relatively large. In contrast, IT tools exhibit a smaller association with collaboration when project novelty or task interdependence is relatively high. NPD practices are found to be more significantly associated with NPD collaboration under the contingency of high project novelty or high task interdependence. The findings provide insights about circumstances where several popular IT tools are more likely to facilitate collaboration, thus informing an NPD team's IT adoption and use decisions.  相似文献   

供应商早期参与制造企业新产品的开发作为一种新型的合作模式,可以使合作双方获益。本文从供应商的角度,分析了供应商早期参与制造企业新产品开发的关键因素,并用实证研究的方法验证了这些因素对供应商早期参与新产品开发的影响路径。  相似文献   

王莉  方澜  王方华  顾锋 《管理工程学报》2007,21(4):95-101,135
本研究以网络环境为背景,回顾了客户参与和产品开发绩效方面的研究成果.根据对中国软件企业的调查结果,利用结构方程模型(SEM),分析了客户网上参与和产品开发绩效之间的关系.研究发现:虚拟客户参与平台(VCE)的设计特征、客户知识管理能力、客户网上参与强度都对产品开发绩效有直接正向影响;虚拟客户参与平台的设计特征还通过客户网上参与强度、客户知识管理能力对产品开发绩效有间接正向影响,而客户特性和产品开发绩效之间关系不显著.研究结论为提高企业产品开发绩效提供了实践指导意义.  相似文献   

研发-营销界面市场协同机制研究:“海尔”案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于市场导向与研发-营销界面协同理论,以"海尔"的研发-营销界面协同过程为案例研究对象,探讨了中国企业研发-营销界面协同演化路径、机制模式,解释"海尔"研发-营销界面协同如何基于市场导向,形成市场信息不断被筛选、检验、反馈的循环协同流程,实现了快速反应市场的协同机制的原因与特征。该研究成果对提高新产品绩效,消除研发-营销界面协同的三大障碍:信息沟通障碍、资源整合障碍、目标协同障碍具有较大的理论价值与实践指导意义。  相似文献   

新产品开发创意新源泉——来自海尔的案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发适合市场需求的新产品已经成为企业获得竞争优势的重要来源.通过对海尔三个实践案例的分析,指出零售商是企业获得新产品开发创意的重要源泉,并提出了通过零售商获得新产品开发创意的途径.研究结论不仅丰富了现有的理论成果,同时也为我国企业实践提供了有益的指导.  相似文献   

We present an integrated framework for measuring product development performance. The framework consists of a three stage model for exploring the relationships between metrics used by design, manufacturing, marketing functions, and overall commercial success. Using a cross‐sectional survey of 383 product development professionals working on 38 product development projects in the high‐tech electronic assembled goods manufacturing sector, we provide empirical evidence of the proposed framework. The findings indicate that in the high‐tech manufacturing sector (1) commercial success of new product development projects is primarily determined by market share, (2) gain in market share is primarily driven by lower unit cost and not by technical performance, and (3) reduction in unit cost is primarily driven by the increased speed of new product development and not by the R&D budget. The study failed to identify any significant association between R&D budget and technical performance, and development speed and technical performance.  相似文献   

顾客依赖及其对顾客参与新产品开发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了降低新产品开发的风险,企业越来越强调让顾客参与到新产品开发的过程中.以B2B市场为背景,基于企业的视角,以制度经济学中的依赖理论为基础,探讨组织市场中顾客参与新产品开发的动因,通过问卷调查法初步研究顾客依赖的影响因素及其对顾客参与新产品开发的影响.研究结果表明,在B2B市场中,环境的不确定性和交易专项投资对顾客依赖产生正向的影响,顾客依赖对顾客参与新产品开发具有正向影响,信任对顾客依赖与顾客参与新产品开发的关系有正向调节作用.最后,提出相关的营销建议.  相似文献   

开放式创新模式的出现对企业新产品开发(NPD)过程中模糊前端(FFE)创新活动带来重要影响。本文在对模糊前端、开放式创新以及知识共享等现有研究进行文献综述的基础上,重点对四个经典FFE模型的典型特征、共性与差异、优点与不足进行了系统分析,进而从开放式创新与知识共享的视角,探索并构建提出了FFE的开放式模型。并对该模型的五个重要环节、关键概念及其相互关系进行了界定说明与分析评价,既融入经典模型的深厚积淀,又弥补了传统模型在开放性与知识共享等方面的不足。为解决企业在开放式创新环境下新产品开发FFE阶段面临的新问题提供了很好的理论框架与方法支撑。  相似文献   

The issue you are about to browse offers an opportunity to share many thanks, some observations, and a few forward‐looking thoughts about the department I have had the honor to edit over the last 4 years. It also offers an opportunity to expand the discussion beyond the boundaries of the particular department of Production and Operations Management (POM), and to take stock of the evolution path of the academic community that has formed around the department and its research topics over the past 10 years.  相似文献   

本文从企业间战略联盟的视角出发,探讨了企业创新实践活动中的知识管理过程,以及吸收能力对于外来知识创造和新产品开发的作用,并提出了相应的概念模型和研究假设。通过分析127家联盟企业的调查数据,对假设进行了检验,分析结果表明联盟企业间的知识共享有利于成员企业的知识创造,同时知识创造促进了企业的新产品开发;吸收能力在知识管理过程中起到了重要的调节作用,并对知识管理的效率和效果有着显著影响。  相似文献   

Distributed product development is becoming increasingly prevalent in a number of industries. We study how the global distribution of product development impacts the profit‐maximizing product line that a firm offers. Specifically, we formulate a model to understand the linkage between cost arbitrage as a driver of distributed development and consequent market implications such as customer perceived quality loss to remotely developed products. Analysis of the model reveals that a firm should expand the product line for a development‐intensive good only at intermediate values of cost advantage and quality loss. We modify the base model to include development capacity constraints as a driver of distributed development and find that the results are robust to this change. Our analysis affirms the need for product managers to incorporate the implications of distributed development in making their product line design decision.  相似文献   

When the development cycle for a product is longer than the development cycle for a core technology that is embedded in it, designers may need to modify the product̂s design to avail of upgrades in this core technology. We model optimal product positioning with regard to technology choice in this setting, using a stochastic dynamic programming framework. Under fairly general assumptions, we find that there are three possible optimal actions: to abandon the project, to maintain the current technology, or to reposition so as to use the best technology currently available. We characterize the optimal positioning sequence in different design environments, discussing throughout the practical implications of our model. Previous research and conventional wisdom suggest early finalization of product specifications if design flexibility is decreasing over time. In contrast, we find that in some design environments, repositioning late in the development cycle can be optimal.  相似文献   

Studies on R&D internationalization have identified the decentralization-recentralization pattern of many multinational corporations (MNCs). Studies have also indicated that MNCs tend to pursue a transnational emphasis during R&D recentralization. This research focuses on recentralization of new product development (NPD) in MNCs and aims to reveal different processes of it towards a transnational emphasis. Through a qualitative case study of four MNCs, the NPD recentralization process was explored in two important dimensions – power centralization and pluralistic input. Four process variants were discovered, showing different approaches to power centralization and pluralistic input. The processes of recentralization are novel to the area of R&D internationalization. This study also advances our understanding of R&D recentralization with a focus on NPD fulfilling market demand, which has not been well addressed in prior studies. In addition, this study generates some insights into transnational management.  相似文献   

Coordination efforts that access and align relevant cross‐functional expertise are regarded as an essential element of innovation success. In recent years, these efforts have been further augmented through complementary investments in information systems, which provide the technological platforms for information sharing and coordination across functional and organizational boundaries. Somewhat overlooked has been the critical mediating role of the intelligence gained through these efforts and capabilities. This study draws on the theory of complementarity to elaborate on the nature of this mediating concept. Theoretical predictions of the model are tested using instrument variable regression analysis of data collected from a sample of publicly traded US manufacturing firms. The findings suggest that the effects of both internal and external coordination on market intelligence and supply‐chain intelligence are moderated by the firm's information system capability. The effect of both types of intelligence quality on new product development performance was contingent with the effects being enhanced (attenuated) when the market conditions were dynamic (stable). The results are robust to common‐method bias, endogeneity concerns, and alternative estimation methods.  相似文献   

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