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西藏世居穆斯林是生活在西藏的特殊族群,长期以来学界非常关注并产生了一些比较有影响的成果.这些成果不仅有助于全面、深入了解西藏世居穆斯林及其文化,而且还有助于进一步运用人类学、民族学理论阐释族群关系.这种研究对促进西藏的发展和稳定具有现实意义.本文从历史脉络、主要观点、特点分析和研究展望四个方面,对国内关于西藏世居穆斯林研究的成果进行了梳理和述评.  相似文献   

影像在人类学田野考察工作当中不仅作为一种研究方法而具体地存在,同时也作为拍摄者与被拍摄者交流、观察事件的互动关系的载体而抽象地存在.通过影像这个媒介,拍摄者、被拍摄者和事件构成了一个特殊的、短期的互动关系.这个关系是由影像表现,由事件引导,由拍摄者和被拍摄者双方的互动支持而形成的.在这个互动关系当中,影像的角色将会是双重的,它既可以是客位的--拍摄者的工具,也可以是主住的--被拍摄者(即"本文化持有者")的工具.于是,拍摄者和被拍摄者在拍摄过程中,通过影像干预了事件,同时也被事件和影像所干预.  相似文献   

张若蓉 《西藏研究》2009,(5):113-120
门巴族、珞巴族是我国具有悠久历史文化的少数民族之一,长期以来有关门巴族、珞巴族研究方面发表了不少成果。本文采用文献计量法,通过对该主题的载文数量进行统计分析,反映论文的研究领域情况,进一步为学者们提供借鉴,拓宽藏学研究的领域。  相似文献   

一、开拓研究领域与取得高深成果的关系我以为,社会科学研究领域从无到有的开拓工作,是贯穿在它的整个发展过程中的.只不过有的属于某一整个学科或课题从无到有的大的开创工作;有的则是在已有学科或课题本身范畴内,继续开创新的研究方面、新的研究内容这类局部的开拓工作.后一类开拓性研究,虽然不像整个领域从无到有的开拓性那样显而易见,但往往却是社会科学研究领域取得高深成果的必由之路.因为研究领域初创时期的成果,总要或多或少受到研究基础薄弱的限制.  相似文献   

女书研究综述杨仁里自江永女书这一特殊民间文化事象被揭示以来,引起了国内外众多学者的极大兴趣,可以认为这是本世纪以来国际文化人类学领域的一项重要成果。笔者在江永县民族工作部门供职,若干年来,留心于此。兹应《民族论坛》杂志社之约,特撰文综述。采掘研究三十...  相似文献   

公共领域与私人领域的划分是现代生活的一个基本状态.健康的公共领域是现代社会的重要标志,公共领域的健康发育对我国的现代化进程、政治文明建设、公民文化形成意义重大.公共领域的研究已经成为学术界的一个重要研究热点,本文主要揭示我国公共领域研究的一些基本成果,揭示研究中出现的问题.勾勒关于公共领域问题研究的图景.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产数字化工程已成为非物质文化遗产保护的重要发展趋势,而对数字化成果的法律保护是保障此工程有序进行、良好发展的制度基础.非物质文化数字化成果在权利主体、保护客体、保护方式等方面与非物质文化遗产本身都不相同,而目前对数字化成果的法律研究严重不足.明确非物质文化遗产数字化成果的版权法律问题,根据其特殊性进行特殊保护,为数字化工程的顺利进行提供法律保障.  相似文献   

国内学者对日本学者的云南研究述评与译介取了丰硕的研究成果,但对日本关于云南立项课题的研究尚未给予关注。截至2019年,日本关于云南研究立项课题73项,涉及人文领域与自然领域,21世纪以前以自然领域为重心,进入21世纪以人文领域为重心,整体而言,日本对云南研究在人文领域与自然领域平分秋色。人文领域涉及历史文化、越境民族、国际比较、少数民族等内容,其中少数民族研究是日本研究云南的核心内容;自然领域则围绕地质地貌、自然地理、植被保护、居住环境等方面展开。日本对云南的研究呈现了自然领域与人文领域共同发展、多学科介入与交叉融合、研究内容丰富多样、中日学者合作、坚持田野调查等特征。国内学者云南研究成果的国际学术交流及海外传播、译介与转出,追踪与把握日本学者对云南多维度、多学科的学术成果,需要进一步深入思考与探索。  相似文献   

张世均  白珍 《民族学刊》2014,5(6):52-62,108-113
2013年,我国的羌学研究与2012年相比较成果丰硕,反映了我国学术界对羌学研究持续升温,具体表现在研究成果增多、老专家研究热情不减、中青年学者成果增多。研究成果的载体仍然以西部的学术期刊为主;研究内容以羌族经济、教育、艺术、历史、文化、宗教等贴近民众生活和社会发展领域为主。但是,2013年的羌学研究中,仍然存在部分论文质量较差、低水平重复研究等不足之处。  相似文献   

近二十年来中国故事学研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,在中国民间文学领域,各门类的研究均取得很大成绩,而又以故事学研究最为突出。文艺学、文化人类学、类型学、母题学、神话———原型批评、结构主义、历史学等等方法,在故事学研究中都有比较娴熟的运用,产生了一大批令人欣喜的学术成果。对这方面的主要成果进行厘清,展现出一条不断深入的发展脉络。  相似文献   


At once a political and cultural intervention, Ethnic Studies as a field sought to create an education whereby students’ knowledges and experiences were valued. While research demonstrating how Ethnic Studies affects students’ academic and social-emotional outcomes, the prowess of Ethnic Studies, as a site for teacher preparation remains under examined in empirical research. Drawing from portraiture, critical race and Ethnic Studies frameworks, I analyze in-depth interviews, focus groups, and artifacts with Filipino American self-identified male teachers. I work to make explicit how Ethnic Studies prepared these teachers in ways their formal teacher education did not. I conclude with recommendations for how teacher education steeped in Ethnic Studies supports culturally sustaining, critically conscious, and community responsive learning for students and teachers committed to justice.  相似文献   

The research presented in this study focuses on Educational Cultural Negotiators (ECNs). The participants were teachers, administrators, and graduate students in an after-school program in the Midwest and a community-based school/university partnership in the Western U.S. We posit that the roles of the ECNs function as advocacy leaders to invoke racial affirmation, and academic intervention on behalf of African-American and Latina/o students at these school sites. Relying on critical race theory as the methodological analysis of the findings, this study seeks to identify the role of the ECNs as advocates for students in these settings to promote their academic and personal growth and success. This work illustrates how these particular educational leaders provide academic direction and challenge racial neglect and color-blindness within the public school system.  相似文献   

The risk of confirming negative stereotypes about one’s social group, known as stereotype threat, depresses academic achievement among students of color and contributes to racial gaps in achievement. Some work finds that stereotype threat may be alleviated through self-affirmation exercises, translating into improved performance among students vulnerable to threat. However, this work has been conducted primarily in settings where students of color represent a relatively small segment of the student population. The current study explores whether this intervention is efficacious in schools where students of color are the majority. Through a randomized controlled trial of 886 students in three high schools (one predominantly black, one predominantly Hispanic, and one mixed race school), we administered self-affirmation exercises over the course of an academic year. We find no clear evidence that self-affirmation promoted higher standardized test scores or higher grades within the sample. The null findings highlight the complex nature of academic challenges in segregated contexts and raise important questions about the nature of stereotype thereat in such contexts. Importantly, this suggests that solely enhancing self-integrity may not be sufficient to close academic race-based gaps.  相似文献   

This article explores how and why a group of Latino/a high school students identify and explain racism differently over the course of an 18-month participatory action research (PAR) project. To do this we examine what recent scholarship has termed racial microaggressions in what is thought of as the Post-Racial America public school system. Pulling examples from student and teacher interview, focus group, and class discussion data we first examine how these students’ teachers conceptualize and talk about racism, cross-racial relationships, and racial misunderstandings, and then we juxtapose that with students’ discursive work to make sense of the ways their teachers make their conceptualizations known and/or seen in school. Focusing on the K-12 context, this study finds racial battle fatigue may be why students switch between how they label these aggressions.  相似文献   


This research addresses the appeal for more empirical-based research on exclusionary practices in local community sport that often go unchallenged within dominant discourses. By examining how organised community sport clubs can uphold systemic segregation of various ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious and socioeconomic groups, this study also draws attention to the importance of research on race, ethnicity, and education in primary school age children; a population group often ignored in both racism studies and studies of sport. Using interview and focus group data from school principals and students (aged 9–12), including students from refugee and asylum seeker migrant backgrounds, collected over 3 years from two schools in the same multicultural community in Melbourne, Australia, this paper challenges the depiction of sport as an uncontested inclusive space in national and educational discourse, and instead demonstrates the continued existence of exclusion through systemically mediated segregation in organised community youth sport.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of a community health worker (CHW) diabetes lifestyle intervention on mental health outcomes. Our study was guided by the principles of community-based participatory research. Data were collected from 164 African American (N = 94) and Hispanic adults (N = 70) participating in a randomized, 6-month delayed intervention group design for improving glycemic control. The intervention time periods were baseline to 6 months for the treatment group and 6–12 months for the delayed group. Linear mixed models were used to conduct longitudinal analyses of the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) scales. In the model adjusted for demographics, the PAID dropped significantly from pre-intervention to post-intervention within both the treatment and delayed groups (p < 0.05) with an average intervention effect of ?6.4 (p < 0.01). The PAID dropped even further within the immediate group from 6 to 12 months. Although the PHQ did not change significantly, the PHQ-2 had an average intervention effect of ?0.3 (p < 0.05) in the model adjusted for demographics. This study contributes to an understanding of how a CHW-led diabetes intervention can result in positive mental health outcomes for Latinos and African Americans with Type 2 diabetes. It also highlights the importance of further exploring what factors may contribute to racial/ethnic variation in mental health outcomes for African Americans and Latinos with diabetes and the role CHWs can play.  相似文献   

This article deals with the way individuals translate governmental rationality into specific self-understandings in everyday life. Based on the case study of a state-run boarding school in Israel, the article draws a link between deliberate governmental intervention in the self-concept of ethnic subjects and the manner in which boarding-school graduates experience this intervention and their selfhood, years after their education in the boarding school. This deliberate governmental intervention is shown to be a form of pastoral power. The boarding school is presented as a voluntary organization acting to enhance the life opportunities of citizens described as ‘marginal’. Furthermore, governmental intervention encompasses organized and deliberate transformation of students’ ethnic identities. The interviews with boarding school graduates reveal that they do not experience their selfhood as one whole but rather as two simultaneous types of self: Eastern and Western. This type of selfhood maintains an antithetical relationship between its two components as well as a lasting attempt to discard one selfhood in favor of the other. The discussion section elucidates the internal logic at the heart of the relationship of the self to self and the meaning of the concept of ‘acting at a distance’ that is bound up with governmentality.  相似文献   


While considerable research has focused on the process and factors affecting acculturation, there is little research that investigates how members of minority and majority groups define acculturation in educational settings. Ethnographic research and qualitative interviews in three secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium) show that teachers and ethnic minority students have different ideas and expectancies regarding the concept ‘integration’, which appears to affect student–teacher relationship. Berry et al.’s [1989. “Acculturation Attitudes in Plural Societies.” Applied Psychology: An International Review 3 (2): 185-206. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.1989.tb01208.x.] acculturation orientations are used as a theoretical template to analyse teachers’ and ethnic minority students’ discourses about acculturation. Analyses reveal that students of immigrant descent perceive acculturation mainly in terms of the establishment of intergroup contact. In contrast, teachers find it harder to disconnect cultural maintenance from contact and participation. By suggesting some form of cultural adoption, teachers hope to socialise their ethnic minority students into the culture of the dominant ethnic group and prepare them for their future. These distinct interpretations of ‘integration’ in everyday life (which actually refers to acculturation) often leads to misunderstandings between ethnic minority students and their teachers, even to conflict, as many students feel that their cultural background is disparaged and not fully valued in school.  相似文献   

结合民族特点 做好学生思想工作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
思想政治工作贵在有的放矢 ,人的思想状况因人而异 ,故最忌千篇一律 ,公式化。少数民族大学生由于地域的、民族的、历史的诸原因 ,形成自己的思维特点和行为特点。本文探索民族大学生思想特点 ,提出针对性思想教育思路  相似文献   

Asian Americans are the most highly educated racial group in the United States and are commonly heralded as the model minority for their high academic success. Nevertheless, previous research suggests that Asian Americans may face certain disadvantages in school settings. For example, Asian Americans’ academic advantage over non-Hispanic white students diminishes between kindergarten entry and the next several years of schooling. This study provides a closer examination of the educational progress of Asian American students compared to white students through a seasonal comparison approach. Using the Northwest Evaluation Association, we analyze reading and math scores for over 130,000 Asian American and white students in grades K-7 in approximately 675 public schools across the US. We find that Asian Americans have higher academic achievement than white students in general, but that these advantages are maintained primarily through faster rates of learning during the summer months. When school is in session, the Asian advantage either remains unchanged or shrinks, consistent with the view that some school processes undermine the educational progress of Asian American students relative to white students.  相似文献   

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