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马克思主义关于“两种生产”的原理指出,物质资料的生产和人类自身的生产两者相互依存,各以对方的存在为自己存在和发展的前提条件;两者相互渗透,物质资料生产中有人的因素,人类自身生产中有物的因素;两者相互制约,物质资料生产决定人类自身生产的性质和规模,人类自身生产对物质资料生产也有反作用,反作用的性质取决于人类自身生产是否适合物质资料的生产。“两种生产”的原理揭示了人类自身生产必须适合物质资料的生产是一切社会必须普遍遵循的人口发展规律。  相似文献   

一、人类自身生产与物质资料生产的统一构成社会生产总运动 在国民经济调整时期有一个重要课题需要研究,那就是两种生产理论,即物质资料生产与人类自身生产相适应发展的问题。经典作家早指出过:在再生产条件中也同样包括着再生产人类的条件,即再生产人口的条件。这就是说为了使社会生产和再生产能够正常进行,任何社会都必须拥有一定数量的物质资料,以补偿追加这一过程中生产消费和生活消费的需要;同时,还必须拥有一定数量的人口和劳动力以补偿劳动力自然减员和追加劳动力的需要.社会生产应该是物质资料生产与人类自身生产的统一。  相似文献   

<正> 环境是人口自身之外的客观存在,是人口生存的空间,它包括人口的社会环境和自然环境。环境与人口,密不可分,人口依赖于环境而生存。人口的生存、繁衍和发展,对环境也在发生反作用;被人口作用了的环境,又会影响人口。可见,人口既是环境的产物,又是环境的改造者。环境对于人口的关系,是十分重要的。一、社会环境与人口的相互作用人口的社会环境,即人口生存的特定历史条件,包括社会形态、政治制度、生产力发展水平、科学文化状况和社会道德风尚、民族精神状态、风俗习惯等。社会环境,对  相似文献   

通过劳动而实现的物质资料的生产和再生产,与通过婚姻生育而实现的人类自身的生产和再生产,合并称为“两种生产”。这“两种生产”确实是客观存在的。不过,物质资料的生产和再生产作为社会发展的决定性因素,或极终的决定性因素,在信奉历史唯物主义者之间,从未引起过原则性的争论。只是有些人把“决定性”理解为“唯一”,不承认其他因素对社会发展的影响或反作用,显然这只是个别人的误解,马、恩本人也是不同意的。但是,人类自身的生产和再生产,也就是人口的蕃衍这第二种生产,是否也是社会发展的“决定性  相似文献   

目前,就人口与经济的关系来说,可以说众口一词的观点是:物质资料生产和人类自身生产,共同构成人类社会生产的矛盾统一体。在这个统一体中,物质资料生产属于矛盾的主要方面,居于支配的地位,起着主导的作用。人类自身的生产必须与物质资料生产相适应。笔者在认真思索之后,不再附和这种看法,而提出与此相悖的观点;即在两种生产的相互关系中,首先是物质资料的生产必须同人类自身的生产相适应,其次是人类自身生产同物质资料生产相适应。  相似文献   

<正> 有的同志指出:如果说“两种生产理论是马克思主义的一个基本原理的话,那么,为什么在马克思的主要著作《资本论》中,却只有对物质资料生产中的劳动力和生产资料这二个因素的阐析,而找不到两种生产的论据呢?因而对“两种生产理论”提出了质疑。本文拟就这个问题谈点看法。一人类自身的生产和物质资料的生产是统一在社会物质生活的生产和再生产中的不可分割的两个侧面。物质资料生产这一概念大家是比较熟悉的,而对人类自身的生产这个概念的认识则不大一致。为了回答上述质疑,首先有必要从如何理解人类自身生产这一概念说起。要全面理解人类自身的生产,就必须将它作为统一在社会物质生活的生产和再生产中的一个方面,并与物质资料生产紧紧联系在一起进行考察。  相似文献   

在当前理论界关于物质资料生产和人类自身生产的讨论文章中,存有一种观点,即在承认物质资料生产方式是人类社会发展决定力量的同时,又认为人类自身生产是历史的决定因素。 人类自身生产在人类历史中究竟起着什么作用?是否就是一种决定因素?我认为,这还是一个需要进一步共同探讨的问题。  相似文献   

恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中指出:“根据唯物主义观点,历史中的决定性因素,归根结蒂是直接生活的生产和再生产。但是,生产本身又有两种,一方面是生活资料,即食物、衣服、住房以及为此所必需的工具的生产;另一方面是人类自身的生产,即种的蕃衍”,“任何社会都受着两种生产的制约”。人口和经济是互相影响、互相制约的,它们之间有着密切的关系。经济发展决定人口的状况,而人口的状况对经济发展又有巨大的反作用。因为,物质资料生产是人类最基本的实践活动,是人类社会存在和发展的物质基础;而人口的再生产,则是人类社会存在和发展的前提条件。  相似文献   

<正> 物质资料的生产活动是人类社会赖以存在和发展的基础,它对包括经济的、政治的、精神的以及人类自身的各种活动,都有决定性作用。而构成物质资料生产的主要因素,就是生产资料和劳动者,这是进行任何社会生产所必需的条件。正如马克思说:“不论生产的社会形态如何,劳动者和生产资料都总是生产的因  相似文献   

社会生产不仅包括物质资料生产和人类自身生产这两种生产,还存在着第三种生产——精神产品的生产。这是陕西省人口学会梁乃中在来稿中提出的观点。作者指出,从人类社会发展史来看,精神产品的生产同其它两种生产的历史一样久远,是人类社会的一种基本的生产活动。精神产品的源头在于物质资料生产、人类自身生产及其物质关系,但三种生产具有各自不同的生产要素、生产方式、存在形式和功能。精神产品的生产要素是内外环境的刺激、人的感受器及思维创造加工过程。精神产品  相似文献   

This study, which identifies the sociological implication of the environment in social development, was based on the notion that environmental research should recognize that the environment consists of 3 main, interdependent components: the natural environment, the man-made environment, and the social environment. The study first examines these components of environment and their internal mechanisms and, after noting that sociology has failed to explore the interdependence among these components, offers a new notion of ecosystem that modifies and expands the framework offered by Duncan's POET model (increased population creates pressure for technological change, increases urbanization, and creates more pollution). Next, the paper examines the emerging natural and social environmental problems caused by industrialization. The concluding section reviews the development of concepts about the relationship between the environment and social development based on the assumption of limited natural resources. Because it is now understood that it is more appropriate to consider the limit of ecological capacity, it is important to learn to measure social development by the successful achievement of an adaptation or by harmonization with the environment, rather than by material growth. This requires a conceptualization of man as being part of, rather than independent of, nature. New indicators must be developed to measure the degree of social development achieved.  相似文献   

Demographers have much to contribute to climate change science. This paper describes a new framework being developed by the climate research community that holds potential as an organizing tool for population–climate scholarship, as well as being useful for identifying demographic research gaps within the climate change field. The shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) represent plausible alternative trends in the evolution of social and natural systems over the twenty-first century at the scale of the world and large regions. The SSPs can help identify population–environment research gaps by illuminating areas of intersection that will shape climate futures but require deeper scientific understanding—the association between urbanization and energy consumption is an example. Also, to vastly enhance the policy relevance of local case studies, the parameters outlined within the SSPs can offer a basic level of harmonization to facilitate generalization. In this way, the SSP framework can increase the relevance and accessibility of population research and, therefore, offer a mechanism through which demographic science can truly offer policy impact.  相似文献   

何苑 《西北人口》2005,(2):39-41
作者在分析了农业开发对甘肃生态环境变化的多种影响后指出,生态恶化加大甘肃农业的环境和经济成本,并提出抓住生态建设契机、加快农业结构战略性调整的五项对策。  相似文献   

西部地区人才生态环境建设路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周鹏飞  王春波 《西北人口》2005,(4):63-64,F003
西部地区经济发展的相对落后,关键在于人才资源基础薄弱。而人才资源的稀缺主要是因为没有提供一个适合人才生长和发展的良好生态环境。面对激烈的人才资源竞争和挑战,西部地区应该有强烈的危机意识,改善和优化人才资源的生态环境势在必行。本文从政治、经济、自然、社会、人文等方面对构建一个良好的西部人才资源生态环境进行了探析。  相似文献   

关于人口增长、环境退化、贫困与政策取向的深层次思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对人口增长与环境退化和贫困之间的关系分析,得出人口增长是环境恶化和资源过快耗竭的关键原因.而恶化的环境和资源的稀缺又导致贫困.在此基础上,提出了解决这个问题的政策取向--除了关键依靠科技进步和控制人口增长外,还应加强城镇化建设和停止误导性的开发.  相似文献   

X Zhang 《人口研究》1984,(3):58-60, 64
Besides good administration and technical measures, a new birth outlook from the general public is also very important for all work on population control. Through education, the people will learn to transform their traditional birth outlook to a modern one, based upon the interests of the nation. All schools have the important mission of establishing a new birth outlook through the political, legal, moral, and scientific education of the next generation. Educational methods should be variable and active, step by step through all school levels. Different contents and measures should be taken to educate the elementary school students in order that they may understand national policy, the equality between male and female, and the need to obey laws and regulations. In secondary education, emphasis should be given to the knowledge of population science, general health hygiene, human sexuality, common sense in health care for young people, and the relationship between human lives and the natural environment. For college students, because they are close to marrying age, special attention should be given to the practice of late marriage, late child-bearing, birth control, population policy, and studies of population science. Scientists and educators should cooperate to develop a complete system of educational materials to be used at various educational levels. A new birth outlook among the young generation will be created as a result of school education.  相似文献   

At its best, the quest for sustainable use of the planet aspires to a harmonious relationship between human society and natural systems. At its worst, sustainable use is an assertion that human ingenuity and technology can free humankind from biophysical constraints and its dependence upon ecological life support systems. Although science guided by reason is essential to reaching informed decisions on sustainability, it must be accompanied by a new ethos, or set of guiding beliefs. Science can never reduce uncertainty on the complex multivariate systems called ecosystems to the degree that explicit legislation would be possible to protect the components on a species by species, habitat by habitat, ecosystem by ecosystem, and landscape by landscape basis without going to ridiculous extremes. This circumstance does not, however, invalidate attempting to define conditions appropriate to achieving sustainability. Some consensus must be reached on the broad, general conditions governing human society's relationship to the environment. A shared ethos would promote sustainable use and reduce the possibility of harsh penalties exacted upon species that do not respond adequately to alteration in their environment.  相似文献   

知识经济与人口发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济将是经济发展的主流 ,它要求社会对科技有巨大的投入 ,而这种投入对经济和社会有更大的回馈 ;知识产业将成为经济结构中的主导产业 ;知识经济以知识价值为核心 ;在知识经济时代世界经济将形成全球化的新格局 ,并对传统产业进行技术改造。知识经济时代对人口数量的制约因素将主要是环境的和空间的适度 ;对提高人口素质的要求更为迫切 ;人口的经济结构将发生重要变化 ,知识工人将成为社会的主导力量 ;人口分布与迁移也将出现集中化分散化的新特点。知识经济对人口学研究提出了更高要求 ,人口学研究手段要实现现代化和信息化 ;人口学要开放化  相似文献   

This essay deals with population growth, varieties in population density, and their impacts on social development from the viewpoint of Socialism. The author's main argument can be summarized as follows: 1) population growth is a kind of social production, and it is more important than the geographical environment in relation to social development. Regarding population growth, varieties in population density, and the geographical environment as conditions of equal importance in social life is debatable. 2) the changes in population development should not be limited to the changes in number alone. As science and technology are developed, the impact of changes of population quality on social development is becoming increasingly important. 3) population growth is not the major force which determines the social outlook and social system, and it directly influences social productivity. One should not think that a large population and rapid growth rate will speed up social productivity, or that a small population and a slow growth rate will slow down the development of social productivity. The author quotes Joseph Stalin to support his argument.  相似文献   

Demographic and land use dynamics have important implications for the natural environment within both developed and developing nations. Within the context of developed nations, popular and policy debates surrounding contemporary patterns of suburbanization attest to the salience of demographic and development issues. We examine the implications of land-use patterns as related to population and development within the context of the California Mojave Desert ecosystem. In a general sense, we aim to better understand the land requirements inferred by varying levels of population growth and density, as well as the natural habitat implications of those requirements. We develop a GIS including remotely sensed imagery, and demographic, economic, and biophysical data to examine of the implications of various demographic scenarios on species diversity. Spatial and statistical models are designed to develop possible alternative land use `futures'. Within the context of the California Mojave region, our results suggest that high-density development could reduce conflict with regions providing potential habitat for threatened or endangered species by over 80 percent. The process of model development demonstrates a potentially useful tool for policymakers, allowing for estimation and visualization of the land use implications of policy decisions.  相似文献   

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