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Despite a mounting interest in the elderly, and a rapidly expanding literature on the subject, there is a dearth of empirical research that can shed light on their condition. For Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia, the record is very thin. With the aid of observed and retrospective data on time-use from a sample of rural Bangladeshis, this paper seeks to help redress this situation by describing the role of the elderly in the household division of labour, management, and authority. The objective is to elaborate how labour-use and activity patterns change with advancing age, for men and women and rich and poor, and to explore the broader implications of such change. Concepts of work, retirement, and dependency are critically examined. The results of several labour surveys are used to estimate the limits that the physical effects of ageing place on the labour-force participation of the elderly.  相似文献   

柳建平  张永丽 《西北人口》2008,29(3):91-94,100
本文利用对甘肃省国家扶贫开发重点县六个样本村的调查资料。在总结贫困地区致贫基本原因的基础上,运用Probit模型,研究了劳动力流动及其相关因素对缓解农村贫困的作用。研究结果表明,家庭劳动力数量、外出劳动力数量、流动者年龄及受教育程度、流动时间的长短、流动的稳定性、流动区域等因素对缓解家庭贫困具有十分积极的作用,外出打工已成为农村缓解贫困的主要途径。  相似文献   

城乡因素在老年人抑郁症状影响模型中的调节效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抑郁症状是衡量老年人心理健康水平的有效指标。本研究采用2006年中国城乡老年人生活状况追踪调查10%数据,运用探索性因素分析、多元线性回归和结构方程模型等方法考察中国老年人的总体抑郁水平,比较抑郁水平的城乡及年龄差异,并对老年人抑郁症状及影响因素进行探索。结果显示,我国老年人抑郁症状较轻,心理健康处于良好水平。农村老年人抑郁症状较城镇老年人明显。健康水平、经济状况、社会支持可有效地预测老年人的抑郁症状。城乡在影响因素模型中起调节效应,健康水平和经济状况对老年人抑郁水平的影响作用受城乡因素的影响,对于农村老年人,经济状况的影响作用大于健康水平;在城镇老年人中表现出完全相反的模式。对于不同的老年人群,应采取有针对性的政策和措施,方能有效减缓老年人抑郁症状,促进心理健康。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化程度日益加深,中老年人将成为我国人口的重要组成部分,他们的健康状况需要给予特别关注,健康促进工作应该从中年人做起。为了探讨健康干预对农村中老年人健康知识、态度和行为的影响,本文采用2011年和2015年中日家庭保健项目数据,运用Logistic回归分析健康知识、态度和行为的影响因素,运用双重差分法计算健康干预项目的净效果。研究结果显示:接受健康干预后,农村中老年人的健康知识、态度观念以及行为表现等方面均发生了明显的改善。在控制其他变量的前提下,健康干预使中老年人对血压知识、糖尿病知识的知晓率分别提高了29.3%和20.3%,对定期检查身体和饮食营养搭配的认同概率分别提升了10.9%和19.1%,近期体检行为和参加体力劳动的概率分别提升了20.6%和7.9%。健康干预对受教育程度较高、自评健康状况较好、在婚状态的农村中老年人的健康知识、态度和行为的改善效果更佳。中老年人的健康干预项目符合健康中国2030的目标要求,是卫生计生部门整合的有益探索,能够改善农村中老年人的健康状况。在以后的健康干预项目中需要对中老年人进行有针对性的健康干预,不断提升中老年人的健康水平,保障他们晚年的生活质量。  相似文献   


The article uses survey data from Sweden to examine social consequences of the mobile society. Key questions tackled include the implications of overnight work travel for the travellers’ ability to cultivate locally based and long‐distance friendships and the potential of travel to provide a source of new acquaintances. Data analysis indicates that widening social networks and increasing opportunities to achieve co‐presence with long‐distance friends, as brought by mobility, represent significant consequences of overnight work travel from an individual’s standpoint. This experience was salient even among those respondents who travelled no more than occasionally, while only the most frequent travellers perceived their travel as something impeding with their chances of sustaining local social ties. While the benefits deriving from travel thus seem incontestable, it may therefore not be possible either to entirely discard the prevalent notion of mobile lifestyles as a factor undermining social cohesion and promoting isolation and loneliness.  相似文献   

Most studies that explore the impact of relative standing on subjective well-being use objective measures of the individual’s relative position, such as the mean income of the reference group or the individual’s ranking in the relevant income distribution. In this paper, using a new household survey from South Africa, we are able to derive subjective measures of relative standing, as information is collected on individuals’ perceptions of where they rank in the income distribution. We find considerable differences between objective and subjective measures of an individual’s relative ranking. Furthermore, our results suggest that an individual’s perceived relative status has a significantly larger effect on subjective well-being than objective measures of relative status based on reported income. We also examine the effects on subjective well-being of how individuals perceive their relative position in the income distribution to have changed since childhood, and what they expect their relative position to be in the future. We find that future upward mobility has a smaller effect than upward mobility compared to one’s past, suggesting that life satisfaction is influenced more by what has been achieved than by anticipated achievements.  相似文献   

陆淑珍 《南方人口》2009,24(2):35-39
本文通过分析1998、2008年两次老年人调查数据,进一步了解城乡老年人的权益保障状况,研究发现城乡老年人的权益保障意识和状况存在明显的差异,大体上城市老年人优于农村老年人,但两者的差距呈缩小趋势。因此,老年人的权益保障工作要正视差距,不断完善以促进积极老龄化的发展。  相似文献   

文章基于中国老年人健康长寿项目1998、2000、2002和2005年4期调查数据,以左利手为例探讨了中国老年人群中与该生物标记相关的因素,分析了该生物标记与健康状况及存活之间的关系.研究显示,在控制了诸多干扰因素下,年龄较低、男性、少数民族、未接受过教育、出生排行小、很少参与社会或闲暇活动、不以大米为主食、居住在北方的老年人口中左利手的比例较高.研究还发现,在控制其他主要干扰因素下,左利手老人在生活自理能力、认知功能和综合健康方面均比右利手老人差.但生存分析表明,左右利手老人之间的短期死亡风险无实质性差异.  相似文献   

Mobility,Space and Power: On the Multiplicities of Seeing Mobility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mobility as a key modern phenomenon can be seen in multiple ways and this article raises the question of how mobility becomes visible and real through diverse ways of seeing mobility. Mobility’s different aspects appear and take place in particular spatial settings under the workings of diverse forms of power, and recognizing this informs us about the making of spatialised mobility. It is shown how mobility intermingles with perceptions, experiences and desires of the modern self. Such workings of power relate, among other things, to framing and imagining, practising and experiencing mobility. Capturing ways of seeing mobility thus widens our language for engaging with questions of mobility and its political and social reality and possible futures.  相似文献   

刘燕舞 《南方人口》2013,28(2):57-64,56
调查显示,农村老年人自杀率在近10年来呈快速上升态势。摆脱疾病痛苦而形成的利己型自杀与因生存困境等而致的绝望型自杀则越来越成为农村老年人自杀的主要类型。在不同的文化区域中,农村老年人自杀的诸项特征呈现出较为明显的分布差异,这些差异性分布与不同区域所在地的社会结构与文化结构有关。同时,农村老年人自杀诸项特征在不同区域中趋同发展的趋势则表明。正式的医疗与养老等制度支持的长期缺位急需纠正和完善,从而缓解农村老年人自杀的危机。  相似文献   

农村社会养老保险制度变迁路径依赖及创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在农村传统养老保障制度安排出现不均衡的情况下 ,我国政府从 2 0世纪 80年代中期开始推行农村社会养老保险制度改革。然而 ,由于新供给制度的路径受初始制度安排的影响 ,制度变迁显示出强烈的路径依赖特征。如何退出这种非绩效的闭锁状态 ,是建立现代农村社会养老保险制度的关键。  相似文献   

This article explores the obligations of presence behind work-related mobility for academics in internationalizing higher education systems. By further developing John Urry’s concept of ‘meetingness’, the article reveals how academics depend on corporeal and virtual mobility to create and maintain a networked professional life outside their own institution, which is crucial in the context of changing work conditions. Our insights are drawn from original qualitative research (42 interviews) in a Flemish and Danish context. The data reveal obligations of presence associated with an interrelated mix of functionality, and the construction of dense and sparse social networks that together support career success and work at the frontiers of academic knowledge. Despite the now well-recognized costs of corporeal mobility, obligations of presence result in virtual and corporeal mobility coexisting, rather than the former substituting for the latter. Virtual mobility is mainly used when conflicting obligations of presence exist, and as a means of sustaining networks over time given the processual nature of meetingness, rather than as a means to reduce levels of corporeal mobility.  相似文献   

死亡水平与社会经济发展关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对死亡的解释和修正可以用多种方法。本文试图从社会经济与死亡水平的相关角度,分析2000年中国各省、市、自治区死亡水平的准确性,并从这一角度提出对死亡水平的修正方法。  相似文献   

郭志仪  郑周胜 《西北人口》2012,33(1):25-28,32
在城市化快速发展过程中,农村劳动力返流现象受到社会各界的关注。基于当前劳动力返流的现状,从户籍制度的视角分析我国劳动力返流的演进历程,建立农村劳动力返流的理论分析框架,并且解析户籍制度政策效应对农村劳动力返流的影响,最后从减少返流与安置两个角度提出应对我国农村劳动力返流的对策建议。  相似文献   

苏南苏北农村生育文化的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究和探讨苏南苏北农村生育文化的差异及其存在的社会经济背景,揭示苏南苏北农村生育文化在地区人口控制中的地位和作用,提出从苏南和苏北的实际出发,大力建设社会主义新型生育文化,推动江苏的人口控制工作不断再上新的台阶的新思路。  相似文献   

农村劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移是提高农业商品化水平的必然要求。本文使用近期的农户调研数据考察了家庭成员外出务工对农户农业商品化率的影响。计量分析表明,从整体上看,务工户与非务工户之间的农业商品率不存在显著差异。我们将农业生产按要素密集程度进行划分后,才发现成员外出务工所带来的潜在影响,务工户粮食生产的商品化率有了提高,而其它农业生产的商品化率则显著下降了。此外,我们还发现,农地市场及农村信贷市场发育对农户农业商品化发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

This report describes a study of the fertility experience of an Amazon Indian tribe that has shown evidence of having the highest documented fertility of any human group. The Shipibo, who live in the upper Peruvian Amazon, are experiencing rapid cultural change, including a decline in the prevalence of polygyny. This study tests the specific hypotheses that polygyny limits individual female and community fertility through the mechanism of post partum sexual abstinence and longer birth intervals. Total population counts in eight villages and reproductive histories of all females age 13+ show that mean birth interval lengths of polygynous women are four months longer than those of monogamous women. Fertility of polygynous women was lower, with 1.3 fewer term-births per reproductive span than that of monogamous women. The community general fertility rate is negatively associated with the proportion of polygynous birth intervals in the community. In this study, cultural change is strongly associated with higher fertility.  相似文献   

刘谦  郭静  李飞 《人口研究》2012,(2):60-70
近年来,我国艾滋病疫情发展显示,50岁以上年龄男性报告病例数增加明显,且以性途径传播为主。研究采取定性和定量结合方法,深入广西某边境县当地低交易价格性服务场所进行观察和访谈,并针对40名小姐,108名客人发放问卷、进行梅毒、艾滋病病毒抗体检测。对当地性网络的研究发现,当地低交易价格性产业已经形成较为稳定的性网络。小姐在其间有着较高的邻连度,而部分活跃的客人表现出更大的桥梁作用。同时,网络成员之间保持了相当长期的交往,网络成员之间的"熟悉"成为采取安全性行为的消解因素。诸多因素构成了通过该网络将老年人群暴露于艾滋病风险的可能性。  相似文献   

谢童伟  吴燕 《南方人口》2012,27(6):15-21
改革开放以来,在制度改革和经济转型的双重作用下,我国人口迁移规模不断扩大,在影响迁移的因素当中教育水平是一个非常重要的影响。研究结果表明:教育在我国人口迁移过程中确实发挥显著的作用。从全国总体来看,教育对人口的迁入与迁出均呈现反向作用关系;城市教育水平与迁入及迁出也均呈现反向作用关系;然而,县教育水平与迁入及迁出均呈现正向作用关系。这反映出,我国目前的人口迁移是一种层级递进式的迁移情况。这种层级递进的模式实质上是我国城市化进程的反映,在这个过程中教育的作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

黄俊辉  李放 《南方人口》2013,28(1):28-38
在城镇化快速推进和家庭养老支持力弱化的背景下,农村老年人对养老院人住意愿也在发生变化。以人口老龄化严重、农村社会养老保险实现全覆盖的东部沿海经济发达省份江苏为例,运用Logistic旧归模型对农村老年人养老院的需求意愿进行实证分析。研究表明,农村老年人晚年生活满意度对养老院需求意愿存在负相关关系,即生活满意度低的老年人相比生活满意度高的老年人更倾向于选择入伟养老院。另外,农村老年人对养老院的需求意愿还受年龄、个人年收入、健康状况、存活儿子数和存活女儿数的影响。本研究的政策启示是,整合村组或社区中的多种力量,为农村老年人构建一个包含生活照料、精神慰藉等多方面的社会支持网络;科学预测农村人口老龄化水平和养老院的需求意愿,稳步推进农村地区养老机构事业发展;从农村地区实际出发,合理引导农村养老机构的资源配置和功能定位。  相似文献   

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