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In this history of Norwegian vital statistics, the author describes enumerations of population that have taken place in Norway, comments on the methods by which the results have been obtained and describes the material that has been collected.  相似文献   

From olden times in Norway, as also in Sweden and Denmark, the church official in each parish has kept the official registers of marriages, births and deaths, and has produced the records which form the basis of Norwegian vital statistics.  相似文献   

The authors examine the use of population registers in the production of demographic statistics. "To do this, we first describe these registers; we then examine their further development as an independent source of population statistics--including current population estimates, vital and migration statistics--and as an alternative to population censuses. In conclusion, we consider a number of essential features of registers, including the original collection of data, the system's lifetime, privacy protection, and the government's ability to bring about a balance among conflicting interests regarding the collection and use of the data." The discussion is illustrated using examples from the Netherlands and Denmark.  相似文献   

The registration of vital events in the United States has always been under the authority of State and local areas. The preparation of national birth statistics has been made possible through a co-operative working arrangement between the Federal Government and the States. This paper traces the development of registration systems in the United States from colonial days to the present period. The absence of adequate registration systems throughout the country, during the nineteenth century, led to the use of data collected in the decennial population censuses of 1850–1900 for estimating birth rates. This procedure was abandoned because of the unreliability of the results. Steps leading to the formation of the national birth-registration area in 1915, when it included ten States and the District of Columbia, and. activities resulting in its completion in 1933 are discussed.

A major portion of the paper outlines the nation-wide test of birth-registration completeness conducted in 1940 in conjunction with the decennial census of population. Important results of the test are presented, and the methodology is explained. A similar test is being carried out in 1950. Data derived will be used to focus attention on local areas requiring registration promotion. Correction factors for statistical series based on registered events will also be obtained. The final section of the paper indicates the steps States are taking to improve quality of reporting on the birth record. Changes in the content of the standard certificate of live birth since 1915 are summarized and the statistics tabulated from birth certificates detailed.  相似文献   

21世纪全球人口与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
尹豪 《人口学刊》2001,(1):8-13
人类带着其 60亿人口 ,已经进入了 2 1世纪。在刚刚跨入的新世纪里 ,全球人口将继续保持增长 ,国际经济将日益全球化 ,区域经济合作将不断发展。全球仍然面临严峻的人口问题 ,而人口与发展 ,仍然是人类在 2 1世纪所面对的严峻而重大的挑战  相似文献   

J Bai 《人口研究》1984,(2):13-17
The registration of the population is the most crucial part in the entire work of the population census, and it is also the most difficult task. Generally speaking, the population census includes three steps for the complete process: preparations before the census, the practical registration, and the final review. These three steps are closely related to one another, and they form a complete cycle. The preparations before the census include determination of the scope of the census, explanation to the general public of the meaning and significance and demand for the census, preliminary survey of the population situation for the area, and the establishment of registration stations. In the practical registration work, attention should be given to the method, procedure, and principles for the registration. Special arrangements should be made for the popultion who live on boats, move around and live from animal husbandry, and those who belong to ethnic minorities. As for the results of the registration, working staff is required to check and double-check their accuracy. Census regions and different communes should also check on one another's registration in order to correct any possible mistakes. In general, the registration of the populationin the 1982 census was successful, and both the quantity and quality of the registration were improved. This was made possible because of a close cooperation between the people and the government and the hard work by the staff.  相似文献   

The population of Ceylon has many. features in common with other Asian countries. Ceylon has, however, the distinction of an unusual wealth of demographic data. The study of many problems of general interest to Asia may thus be made for Ceylon, and the conclusions in part extended to other Asian countries.  相似文献   

Marshall's treatment of the laws of returns, technical progress, capital formation, and international trade having been reviewed in Part II of this paper, included in the first instalment, his treatment of the genesis of living standards and of the circumstances whereon depend mortality, nuptiality, natality, and natural increase is examined in Part III, the first in the present instalment. Marshall's analysis of the behaviour of living standards reflects his “sociology” and helps to explain why he made no use of the optimum concept; it also reflects his conception of economic development. In Part IV his treatment of natural selection, competition, migration, location theory, and poverty and its cure is reviewed. It is concluded that Marshall's views respecting population represent both a continuation of those of his predecessors and a break therewith and serve nicely, in some instances, to bridge the gap between the demographic theories of the classical economists and those expressed in the second quarter of the present century.  相似文献   

In a model on population and endogenous technological change, Kremer (1993) combines a short-run Malthusian scenario where income determines the population that can be sustained, with the Boserupian insight that greater population spurs technological change and can therefore lift a country out of its Malthusian trap. We show that a more realistic version of the model, which combines population and population density, allows deeper insights into these processes. The incorporation of population density also allows a superior interpretation of the empirical regularities between the level of population, population density, population growth, and economic development at aggregated and disaggregated levels.
Thorsten NestmannEmail:

Z Liu  C Duan 《人口研究》1989,(6):9-13
The estimated cost of raising a child in China from birth to 16 years in 1978 was 6907 Yuan in cities, 4830 Yuan in townships, and 1630 Yuan in rural areas, which included both family costs and costs to the public. In 1985, this cost increased 2.79 times in cities, 0.46 times in townships, and 1.39 times in rural areas in real terms. It was also discovered from a survey in 1986 that in the rural areas, the family cost has increased and the cost to the public decreased since 1978. While in the cities, public cost increased and family cost decreased. In comparing 1985 with 1978, it was also discovered that living expenses were still a major part of the cost. But in the cities, the proportion of the cost attributable to living expenses decreased, while educational and medical expenses increased. In the rural areas, the reverse occurred. In terms of investment in education, the large proportion is the public input. IN 1979, family input was 16.5% in rural areas, 28.7% in cities, and 21.4% in townships. In 1985, family input in educational expenses was 10.4% in urban area and 27.4% in rural areas of Beijing. The small proportion of expenditures in education reflects the negligence of education on the part of both the State and families. Number of parents consider that it does not pay to have their children going to schools, and more education means a bigger loss. This is the reason for 7 million primary and middle school drop outs each year in recent years. In order to improve population quality, it is important to reverse this situation.  相似文献   

This research examines land use change in Israel––an intriguing but understudied setting with regard to population–environment dynamics. While Israel is fairly unique with regard to its combined high levels of economic prosperity and high population growth, this case study has relevance for developed countries and regions (like the south and southwest regions of the USA) which must balance population growth and urban development with open space conservation for ecosystem services and biological diversity. The population–land development relationship is investigated during the period from 1961 to 1995 at three spatial scales: national, regional (six districts), and local (40 localities). There is a positive correlation between population growth and land development rates at the national scale, and while remaining positive, the strength of the relationship varies greatly at regional and local scales. The variation in population–land use dynamics across scales is used to garner insight as to the importance of geography, policy and historical settlement patterns.  相似文献   

"This paper examines recent developments and prospects for population statistics in the former Soviet Union, whose dissolution provides both opportunities and problems. It is important for scholars to be aware of past limitations of Soviet data, since the formation of independent states has neither removed bureaucratic impediments to the production of high-quality data, nor has it led to a population more ready to answer questions fully. Temporarily at least, there is a decrease in the amount and comparability of available information, and in some instances, in its quality. We begin with an overview of the system used to gather population statistics in the former Soviet Union and its inherent problems. We then discuss the challenges faced by the newly independent countries and the changes they need to make to achieve global comparability, including a shift toward the use of standard international definitions and away from political restrictions on data availability."  相似文献   

W Chen 《人口研究》1987,(6):20-23
Inconsistencies in available population statistics for China's cities and towns are described. The author suggests improving these statistics by clarifying the definition of urban population and applying modern statistical methods to data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

21世纪世界人口面临的主要问题与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类跨入 2 1世纪 ,在迅速发展经济的同时 ,也面临着一些问题和挑战。世界人口数量急剧增长 ,人口倍增时间大为缩短。人口老化速度加快 ,在 2 1世纪的前 10年 ,世界各国都将出现人口老龄化趋势。随着现代化工业和市场经济的飞速发展 ,全球人口城市化速度日益加剧。同时贫困人口问题困扰发展中国家。人类为了满足自身发展的需要 ,导致自身资源日益减少 ,生态环境日益恶化 ,如不设法采取补救措施 ,将会面临一场生态灾难  相似文献   

21世纪中国人口科学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪是人类历史发展长河中的一个重要阶段,随着社会文明不断进步,人口科学也由零碎走向完整,由分散走向集中,由各种思想的浪花走向形成理论并逐渐成为完善的学科体系.  相似文献   

21世纪中国人口问题透析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江泽民总书记在全国人口、资源、环境座谈会上提出应该重视和研究人口问题 ,面对 2 1世纪经济全球化、信息化等社会和自然科学的发展 ,结合其对人口科学和人口管理带来革命性的影响 ,本文分析了人口总量控制与低生育水平下的生育政策、劳动人口数量的增长与就业等八方面的问题 ,从一种不同的视角来看待 2 1世纪中国人口问题 ,提出了自身独到的见解。  相似文献   

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