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Chinahasbeenexperiencingahighunemploymentratesince1993,anditwillriseashighas8-9%in1999.ThepredictionwasmadebyDr.HuAngang,directoroftheNationalConditionsAnalysisOfficeoftheEcologicalEnvironmentCentreundertheChineseAcademyofSciencesinanaddresstoaworkshopheldonOctober10.ChinahasenteredaperiodofhighunemploymentItisestimatedtherewillbe13-15millionunemployedworkersin1998,increasingto15-18millionin1999.Thecalculationoftheunemployedworkerswasbasedontheequationstotalunemployedworkers=registeredun…  相似文献   

SighfertilitylevelinTibetZhangTianluDatafromthe1982and1990censusesinTibetshowthebirthrateinTibetandinaltheprefecturesoftheReg...  相似文献   

Using the qualitative participatory action methodology, collective memory work, this study explored how transgender, queer, and questioning (TQQ) youth make meaning of their sexual orientation and gender identity through high school experiences. Researchers identified three major conceptual but overlapping themes from the data generated in the transgender, queer, and questioning youth focus group: a need for resilience, you should be able to be safe, and this is what action looks like! The researchers discuss how as a research product, a documentary can effectively “capture voices” of participants, making research accessible and attractive to parents, practitioners, policy makers, and participants.  相似文献   

CPT'sReadersGiveMagazineHighMarks"Especiallyusefultoforeignersnotfamiliarwiththedaytodaysituation."FromanAmericanreader-socio...  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - Administrative data from multiple sources are combined to measure pregnancy (excluding those ending in abortion or miscarriage) and high school dropout in a...  相似文献   

Forestry authorities throughout China were urged to keep on high alert for forest fires in coming months as lingering dry weather and high temperatures have made forests tinder dry. Zhou Shengxian, director of the State Forestry Administration (SFA), said forestry departments in the major forest regions of northeastern China and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the north should be on the alert to provide fire prevention. These areas are thought to be at higher risk for forest fi…  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - This study investigates how the probability to live alone has developed among working age individuals with and without disabilities in Sweden during the...  相似文献   

Compared to natural calamities, massiveunemployment poses a far more extensive,lasting and painful challenge to China in thenew millennium. Officially, China's unemploymentrate was a mere 3.1% in 1998; in actuality, however,the situation is much worse. Many jobless peoplesimply didn't register with the government; redundantrural residents were not included in the state'sstatistics; and many workers, though employed, areactually redundant.The situation is further aggravated by the fact that th…  相似文献   

Starting in 2006, respondents in the biennial U.S. Health and Retirement Study were asked to submit biomarkers every other wave and were notified of several results. Rates of undiagnosed high blood pressure and diabetes according to these biomarkers were 1.5 % and 0.7 %, respectively. An intent-to-treat analysis suggests that collection and notification had small effects on the average respondent and may have reduced health care utilization. Among respondents who received notification of potentially dangerous biomarker levels, subsequent rates of new diagnosis and associated pharmaceutical usage increased by 20 to 40 percentage points, an order of magnitude above baseline. High blood glucose A1C was associated with a 2.2 % drop in weight and an increase in exercise among respondents without a previous diagnosis of diabetes. Notifications appear also to have altered health behaviors by spouses, suggesting household responses to health maintenance. Biomarker collection seems to have altered circumstances for an interesting minority of HRS respondents.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the importance of job characteristics to explain work-to-family enrichment (WFE) and the value of this enrichment to explain employees’ wellbeing. However, there is no comprehensive framework to explain the relationship between these variables. This study uses the Job Demands-Control-Support model as a guiding framework, and examines the relationship between these job characteristics and WFE and, more interestingly, the WFE as a mechanism for explaining the relationship between job characteristics and employees’ well-being. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship of employees’ perceptions of High Performance Work System (HPWS) with job characteristics. With a sample of 1,390 employees from a Portuguese bank, job demands were found to be negatively related to WFE while autonomy and supervisor support displayed a positive relation. We also observed that WFE is an important mechanism to explain the relationship between these job characteristics and employees’ well being. As expected, HPWS was a relevant organizational characteristic to explain job characteristics, however, we observed that it was also directly related to WFE.  相似文献   

正According to the Government Website of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,relevant departments of Inner Mongolia planned to deliver state scholarship for high school education to disabled students as well as children fromin families with disabled personsmembers.The allowance standard will be 500 Yuan every year for each student initially.In addition,Inner Mongolia has also established a special  相似文献   

Parrado EA 《Demography》2011,48(3):1059-1080
In this article, I demonstrate that the apparently much higher fertility of Hispanic/Mexican women in the United States is almost exclusively the product of period estimates obtained for immigrant women and that period measures of immigrant fertility suffer from three serious sources of bias that together significantly overstate fertility levels: difficulties in estimating the size of immigrant groups; the tendency for migration to occur at a particular stage in life; and, most importantly, the tendency for women to have a birth soon after migration. When these sources of bias are taken into consideration, the fertility of native Hispanic/Mexican women is very close to replacement level. In addition, the completed fertility of immigrant women in the United States is dramatically lower than the level obtained from period calculations. Findings are consistent with classical theories of immigrant assimilation but are a striking departure from the patterns found in previous studies and published statistics. The main implication is that without a significant change in immigration levels, current projections based on the premise of high Hispanic fertility are likely to considerably exaggerate Hispanic population growth, its impact on the ethno-racial profile of the country, and its potential to counteract population aging.  相似文献   

Over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, veterans have been more likely to enter into race/ethnic intermarriages than non-veterans. Theories of race/ethnic intermarriage variously point to how minority race/ethnicity, race/ethnically diverse social settings, progressive racial attitudes, and high socioeconomic status increase individuals’ likelihood of intermarrying. Veterans’ unique racial and socioeconomic characteristics may contribute to their greater likelihood of intermarrying relative to non-veterans: larger percentages of veterans than non-veterans are members of racial and ethnic minority groups, while military service increases individual service members’ long-term economic and educational prospects. At the same time, veterans share in common their exposure to the unique military environment, which may increase their likelihood of intermarriage by diversifying their social circles, and subjecting their attitudes and behavior to group norms that are more explicitly egalitarian than those of society at large. The present study considers these two possible explanations for veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarriage. We use data on seven cohorts of men over six decades in the Current Population Survey, representing a total of 1,456,742 observations, to decompose the difference in likelihood of racial intermarriage between veterans and non-veterans among married men aged 18–65. We find that across cohorts and decades, veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarrying is not fully explained by their race/ethnic and socioeconomic composition. We argue that veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarrying may therefore be driven by their exposure to the military environment.  相似文献   

一元复始,万象更新。在辞旧迎新之际,2006年全国人口和计划生育工作会议在北京召开,总结“十五”, 部署“十一五”,安排2006年的工作,奏响了进军“十一五”开局之年,再创事业辉煌的战斗号角。回眸“十五”,在党中央国务院的正确领导下,人口计生全系统抓大事,谋发展,事业取得新的发展,硕果累累,令人欣慰。中共中央国务院颁布了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,为新时期人口计生工作指明了方向;《人口与计划生育法》及其配套法规的制定和地方条例的修订,使人口计生工作进入依法管理、优质服务的发展阶段;全系统机构更名和职能拓展,促进了人口问题的综合治理;人口发展战略研究取得阶段性重要成果,制定人口发展“十一五”和2020年规划,深化了对科学发展观统领人口发展全局的认识;组织实施“奖励扶助”和“少生快富”两项制度,完善了计划生育利益导向机制,初步实现了由“惩罚为主”向“奖惩并举”的  相似文献   

This study explored the nexus of home and school climate on the psychological distress of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) homeless youth, as well as their experiences during high school. Of the LGBT homeless youth (N = 89) surveyed, 39.3% reported not completing high school. Most participants did not seek support from school staff nor did they report attending a school with a Gay-Straight Alliance. Significantly higher levels of psychological distress were found among high school graduates and those reporting LGBT harassment at home; however, harassment experienced at school was not statistically related to psychological distress. Findings are discussed.  相似文献   

关爱女孩行动,是国家人口计生委更名和扩大职能后,在全国范围内开展的第一个活动。自2003年试点工作启动以来,在党中央、国务院领导同志关心下,在国家人口计生委党组和地方各级党委、政府的正确领导下,各级人口计生委积极发挥参谋助手作用,相关部门齐抓共管,关爱女孩行动在全国各省全面展开,试点县工作进展顺利,成效显著。一、关爱女孩行动取得阶段性成果1.各级党政领导重视,为关爱女孩行动顺利推进提供了组织保障。在2005年5月召开的研究《人口“十一五”规划和2020年发展思路》的中央政治局常委会议和国务院常务会议上,中央和国务院领导同…  相似文献   

The purpose of the PO2 project is to improve the special health education on reproductive health and HIV/ AIDS prevention knowledge in classroom education in the rural junior high schools of China. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education(MOE)of China,the Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China carried out a baseline KAP survey on the subject  相似文献   

The goal of the study is to examine how location (nationally, compared to Canadian regions) is related to indicators of a hostile school environment for sexual minority youth, particularly when physical abuse is used as the outcome variable. Data representing 5,766 Canadian students were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate techniques. Results from the multivariate analyses showed that non-physical abuse was the most significant predictor of homophobically based physical abuse, for both LGBQ and non-LGBQ students. Findings reiterate the importance of considering the progression of harmful events as an escalation of violence as well as the need to view homophobic bullying as having a significant impact on all students. Finally, while the presence of homophobia is prevalent across all Canadian regions, there are, nevertheless, many regional differences, which could be used to inform region-specific action plans.  相似文献   

我们青山区是随着武汉钢铁公司的兴建发展而发展起来的工业城区。全区有十条街,一百八十个居委会,五百一十四个中央、省、市和区属单位。总人口32万多人,其中育龄妇女95000多人。  相似文献   

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