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从当前就业现状来看,一方面是部分毕业生找不到适合自己的工作,另一方面是部分企业招聘不到满意的员工,这种供需矛盾的出现,根本原因在于高校对大学生能力的培养没有结合社会与企业的需求,导致大学生就业创业能力欠缺.为解决这一问题,该文探究了企业对大学生能力的需求,并指出了现阶段大学生就业创业能力中存在的问题及原因,最后,基于企...  相似文献   

本研究通过文献分析的方法对日本企业品牌战略的特点及其产生的原因进行了总结和分析,认为日本企业在选择品牌战略时更注重对企业品牌的建设.从管理的角度来看,特殊的流通渠道及独特的企业文化使得日本企业更愿采用集约型的品牌管理方式;而从消费者的角度来看,日本消费者对企业品牌的忠诚度更高,并且更容易受企业品牌影响.  相似文献   

传统企业组织机构为了提高产品的赢利能力而疏远了顾客。顾客资产理论则要求企业有快速反应能力以应对顾客的需求,从而形成双线管理模型。为了适应顾客资产理论发展的需要,现以顾客为核心,结合双线管理特征提出一种组织机构重构方案。新的组织机构具有协调更加简易、运行更加灵活,便于确定顾客的价值,有利于有效经营不同的顾客资产,有助于对顾客资产进行投资和运营等优势。  相似文献   

后危机时代,中国商业银行在国际大环境和金融业改革开放背景下面临着营业战略选择.中国商业银行的营业战略转变方向应表现为银行经营模式力求多样化、银行国际化进程应审慎加速、银行金融创新要理性化.同时,也要在银行的自身服务、技术经营模式、人才管理、企业文化等软硬件方面进行完善,以提高中国商业银行的抗风险能力和赢利能力.  相似文献   

一、甘南州国有粮油企业经营现状(一 )企业资产负债状况 :截止 2 0 0 1年上半年 ,全州国有粮油收储企业资产总额为 10 5 93万元 ,其中 :固定资产2 181万元 ,存货 6699万元 ,货币资金 63 5万元 ,应收类 74 6万元 ,其他 3 4 6万元。从资产结构上看 ,存货占资产 80 %以上的有四个县 ,占 60 %的有一个县 ,占 5 0 %的有 3个县。从负债状况看 :负债总额为 10 0 71万元 ,其中 :银行贷款610 0万元 ,应付类 10 90万元 ,升值款 2 63 4万元 ,其他 2 0 8万元。贷款占总负债的 60 .5 6% ,应付类占 10 .82 % ,升值占 2 6.15 %。从库贷比例看 :由 1997年初…  相似文献   

企业寿命的行业因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
波特的竞争战略理论认为一个具有竞争优势地位的企业,可能会由于栖身于一个前景暗淡的产业而获利甚微.实践证明,产业寿命周期对企业寿命周期存在着直接的影响,成功企业与劣势企业的主要不同在于成功企业能够及时适合产业寿命周期的要求,顺势将企业发展起点定位于产业寿命周期的初始阶段.因此,企业技术迁移,或企业经过周密调查和审慎考虑之后所做的由传统产业向新的高技术产业的产业转移,是延长企业寿命的一种战略选择.实践过程中,产业转移时机的把握对预期目标的实现程度也有至关重要的影响.  相似文献   

营业转让标的立法规定不明确的现实导致法律适用的困难,国外营业转让标的的五种学说:"营业财产说"、"营业组织说"、"营业有机体说"、"经营行为说"和"经营者地位说",均存在各自软肋。国内学界对此少且浅的研究致使该论题更成为"雾中之花"。因此,深度探究界定营业转让标的的标准极为必要。以国外学说的比较评价为基础,结合域外法的考察以及解释论和立法论的探究表明,采用"经营性资产说",将营业转让限定为"转让为实施某一营业所必须的全部经营性资产的行为"是较为合理的立法选择。  相似文献   

本文沿着人力资本理论形成与发展的历程,通过分析人力资本理论相关的知识资本和社会资本的最新研究动态,认为企业结构性资本对于人力资本转化过程的影响研究是一新的重要研究课题.企业人力资本的价值转化过程对于组织结构性资本的依赖性是由企业人力资本的经济学性质决定的,由企业业务流程、组织结构、规章制度以及企业文化组成的结构性资产影响着企业人力资本价值转化的全过程.  相似文献   

国有经济是我国经济的主体.国有企业是国民经济的重要支柱,是全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要力量,是执政的重要基础.对经营性国有资产的监管是国有资产监管工作中最难的部分,既要实现保值增值,又要防止资产流失.从企业的运行形态和竞争需要来看,显然东西方合壁的模式最适合企业.这样既可以在战略上牵制行政权,又可以在经营管理上制衡行政权.  相似文献   

本文以中国352家上市公司为样本,采集其2002-2013年的公司数据,采用研发强度和技术份额指标来度量技术创新能力,研究了资本结构、技术创新与企业绩效之间的交互关系.通过使用面板固定效应模型和两步广义矩估计方法进行估计,研究结果显示上市公司的技术创新能力对企业绩效产生显著影响,而且资本结构与企业绩效呈显著非线性正相关,资本结构对企业绩效的影响效果随着技术创新能力的提高而提高,资本结构与技术创新能力的交互作用对企业绩效有积极影响.  相似文献   

白彦锋  陈行 《创新》2011,5(1):54-58,127
我国三大石油集团公司是带有国有企业性质的垄断企业。自2006年3月26日起,国家对石油开采企业销售国产原油因价格超过一定水平获得的超额收入按比例征收特别收益金。征收特别收益金后对三大企业的营运能力、偿债能力影响不大,对盈利能力影响较大,但是仍然没有从根本上解决三大企业攫取巨额利润的趋势。征收特别收益金的制度也不尽合理,亟待完善。  相似文献   

薛小荣  孙宇雯 《创新》2010,4(1):38-40
由于企业经营业绩的评价具有不确定性,运用灰色聚类评估方法对我国房地产企业2008年的经营业绩进行评价,并进行比较分析,结果显示:影响房地产企业经营业绩评价的主要指标是流动资产周转率、资产负债率和营业增长率。针对企业应如何提高房地产企业的经营业绩评价等级问题,提出一些相应的建议。  相似文献   

The international debt of the LDCs has become a critical concern, perhaps currently the most critical one, from the perspective of debtor countries and creditors alike. Through the efforts of the IMF, the BIS, the central banks, and the large commercial banks, a crash may have averted for the time being, but the heavy burden of the debt remains, particularly in Latin America, where it is increasingly concentrated. Draconian remedial measures now threaten social and economic development throughout the continent.This article evaluates the perspective for Latin American debts and payments using a debt simulation model. Debt restructuring with the usual “IMF conditions” will impose serious economic shocks in Latin America. But even so, debt service ratios will remain high except under optimistic assumptions about growth in the industrial countries and about commodity prices. Only in case of a solid economic recovery in the United States, Europe and Japan can one be sanguine about Latin America's ability to work its way out from under the debt burden.  相似文献   

刘福泉 《唐都学刊》2011,27(3):63-68
韩国民事执行威慑机制以债务人财产明示制度、不履行债务者名单制度、债务不履行之损害赔偿制度和债务人财产照会制度为主要内容,集中体现了"以债权实现为中心、兼顾程序利益保障"的基本理念。韩国的经验为我国民事执行威慑机制的完善提供了诸多启示:在制度形式上,应以增强条文的确定性和可操作性作为首要任务;在制度内容上,在加强执行威慑功能的同时,还要兼顾当事人程序利益之保障。  相似文献   

There is said to be a “new paradigm in business” proposing that business has far broader social and environmental responsibilities than simply making profits for shareholders. This paper examines the concept of corporate responsibility to see how far Australian business has moved towards the new paradigm. Fifty‐four different stakeholders from one large business were interviewed about the meaning of corporate responsibility. Most acknowledged that business has a responsibility beyond simply making profits, however, profit remained the primary motivation in moves towards corporate citizenship, community involvement and social responsibility.  相似文献   

The delay of strong economic recovery by industrialized nations, slowed world export growth, and higher interest rates have worsened the financial situation of a number of developing countries which have relied on external borrowings to sustain current account deficits and protect economic development. Recently, well-publicized concerns over the ability to these countries to repay their considerable debt burden have been raised. To shed light on these concerns, the paper focuses on Korea—one of the heavier debt-holding countries. It describes the process through which Korea has acquired its external debt over the past decade, assesses the trends in its debt burden, and presents prospects for the period 1982–1986. Using the Korean experience, the paper shows that the most common indicators used for evaluating foreign debt burden, such as the long-term service ratio, need to be supplemented by other measurements. In a world economy characterized by short-term debts with variable interest rates, the paper suggests that an important tool in analyzing the external debt burden should be the short-term debt burden.  相似文献   

合伙制度并没有因为现代企业制度的发展而消亡而是行之有效的一种经营方式。无论是大陆法系国家 ,还是英美法系国家都对此给与不同程度的确认。我国现行合伙制度应在以下三个方面给予明确规定 :应确立合伙企业作为法律主体的地位 ;应允许法人和个人组成合伙 ;应规定合伙企业破产时 ,债务偿还顺序  相似文献   

Since the onset of the Civil War in 1975 Lebanon has experienced burgeoning fiscal deficits and an unsustainable public debt overhang. Much of this arose from the loss of revenues during the period of the Civil War 1975–1990 and attempts to maintain basic public expenditure, while from 1990 to 2006 this reflected post-Taif rebuilding and reconstruction of key infrastructure with limited revenue capacity. Considerable progress from the 1990s had been achieved in rebuilding the shattered economy from both public and private international and domestic sources, but its legacy is a huge public debt and a servicing requirement that currently absorbs alone almost 30 per cent of total government revenue and is the highest in the world on a per capita basis. While the need to reduce this debt to a sustainable level would be daunting enough in itself, Lebanon's fiscal predicament was further compounded by the outbreak of war with Israel during July–August 2006. The consequence of this 34-day war was the devastation of residential property, vital infrastructure, loss of agricultural production, industrial production, exports, environmental damage, the collapse of tourism and a further erosion of the influence and power of the central government. Estimates of the direct and indirect costs for Lebanon of this relatively brief but devastating war conservatively vary from US$ 10–15 billion. The implications of such reconstruction and rebuilding costs for the budget and public debt are potentially calamitous for Lebanon which is already struggling under the weight of debt overhang and its servicing. A key question is whether Lebanon can tackle this enormous task in insolation.This paper explores the background to the fiscal crisis, identifies from available literature the extent, nature and cost of the war damage, analyses the options available to the authorities in rebuilding the economy and highlights key policy issues and measures that will be required if a sustainable economic recovery is to be achieved. Despite its demonstrated and remarkable resilience to past trauma the paper concludes that the fiscal crisis makes it impossible for Lebanon to tackle the reconstruction and rebuilding task on its own and particularly in the wake of the events of summer 2006. The country will require substantial and ongoing financial support from international lenders and donors. The success of these efforts in the case of Lebanon is of particular interest as it could well be a microcosm of possible future outcomes for the region more generally.  相似文献   

Many People report a growing fear of crime and victimization and a wish to promote their personal safety. The State, which has traditionally maintained the monopoly over law enforcement, is unable to guarantee personal safety to all. In addition to the State, therefore, for profit and non profit organizations fund and produce services to secure the safety of citizens and their property, creating the “Mixed Economy”of protection. This paper briefly discusses the right to personal safety and highlights eight alternative models included in the “Mixed Economy”of protection. It discusses the models and their implications for the community.  相似文献   

Relations between risk properties of Pareto optimal n-person bargaining solutions are studied. The (weak) worse alternative property, risk sensitivity property, and risk profit opportunity property are considered, in particular relations between these properties, and between these properties and other properties such as independence of irrelevant alternatives and individual monotonicity. A distinction is made between bargaining games where all Pareto optimal outcomes are riskless, and bargaining games where Pareto optimal outcomes may represent the utilities of lotteries between riskless alternatives. In the first mentioned case, more general results can be obtained.  相似文献   

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