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消除贫困、改善民生不仅是社会主义本质要求和我党重要使命,也是全世界共同面临的难题。2014年国务院出台的《关于促进旅游产业改革的若干意见》中首次提出了"旅游精准扶贫"概念,作为旅游大省的四川,多年来积极响应、深入实践,旅游精准扶贫工作成效显著。但在部分偏远民族地区,仍然存在诸多影响因素制约了当地乡村旅游发展,降低了旅游扶贫精准度。本文通过对四川偏远民族地区乡村旅游精准扶贫现状及问题的分析,针对性提出了几点对策建议,以期为偏远民族地区乡村旅游可持续发展提供参考,助力我国脱贫攻坚战。  相似文献   

民族地区地方院校受地方经济社会影响大,必须密切与地方经济社会的联系。当前,民族地区地方院校经济学人才培养存在无特色、专业不专、社会联系不紧、应用性不强等几大弊端,人才培养比较成熟的澳大利亚和美国模式有很强的借鉴学习意义,民族地区地方院校的经济学人才培养要在"两双"建设、能力培养、实践教学等方面不断尝试改革。  相似文献   

民族地区中小企业在促进民族地区经济稳定增长、促进市场竞争与繁荣、扩大就业、保持社会稳定等方面具有重要作用。但民族地区中小企业发展中还存在外部环境不完善、资金短缺、技术水平低、人才缺乏、管理落后、市场销售困难等制约因素,因此,必须完善中小企业发展的外部环境,坚持特色经营,提高品牌质量,加强科技创新,提高人才质量与管理水平,建立完善金融体系,多渠道筹集资金,消除民族地区中小企业发展的制约因素,促进民族地区中小企业更好更快发展。  相似文献   

我国在改革开放的30多年的时间里,经济水平得到了空前的发展,但是东部、中部和西部地区的经济发展呈现出了极端的不平衡,西部地区的经济发展水平与东部相比更是有着较大的差距。西部省份之一的四川省,经济水平相对落后,其民族地区的经济发展水平与更是严重落后于其他地区。文本以四川省民族地区为例分析了西部民族地区经济发展滞后的原因,并提出了相应的对策分析。  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是实现全面建成小康社会目标的必然要求。西部民族地区的新农村建设,要坚持做到"四个新":一要提高农民整体素质,培育新型农民;二要提升农民组织化程度,培育新经济组织;三要加强精神文明建设,塑造农村新风貌;四要加强生态文明建设,形成人与自然和谐的新环境。  相似文献   

西部民族地区经济发展水平落后于东部地区的一个重要原因是资本形成的不足。由于西部民族地区对资金的需求量较大、回款周期较长且具有不确定风险,因此其融资渠道和模式较为单一,进一步影响了其经济社会的发展。以国家开发银行为代表的开发性金融机构,创新融资模式,同时具备政策性金融和商业金融的优势,用建设制度和建设市场的方法实现政府目标。这种金融形式正好符合民族地区的融资需求。本文以阿坝州工业园区建设为例,在充分了解开发性金融理论、产业集聚理论和阿坝州工业园区的现状问题基础上,分析阿坝州工业园区发展需要开发性金融的原因,最后为开发性金融促进阿坝州工业园区建设提供若干建议。  相似文献   

“紧紧围绕全面建成小康社会目标,顺应各族群众新期盼”,“支持民族地区加快经济社会发展”。今年9月,习近平总书记在中央民族工作会议上的重要讲话,科学分析了民族地区的发展现状和特点优势,明确提出了促进民族地区发展的主要目标、重点任务,为我们加快民族地区奔向全面小康的步伐,提供了正确方向和行动指南。  相似文献   

经济特区是特定历史条件下,在特定区域,通过特殊政策达到特定目的的举措。民族地区设立经济特区,是在特定的时间即改革开放30年后,在区域经济发展不平衡的背景下,在一些具有特殊区位的民族地区,通过特殊的优惠政策,实现民族地区跨越式发展、构建社会主义和谐民族关系的一项重大、特殊举措。  相似文献   

西部民族地区农村法制建设与思想道德建设对于西部地区的稳定发展都具有十分重要的影响.本文认为加强法制教育是促进这两项建设顺利进行的重要契合点,在此基础上探讨了关于加强西部民族地区农村法制教育相关对策.  相似文献   

加强校园文化建设,对于提高管理水平,实现学校教育目标起着重要的作用。在特殊的文化环境中,内陆民族地区有许多少数民族构成的大学,这使得校园文化民族地区呈现出一定的特点。此外,由于地理,历史和思想认识等各方面的原因,内蒙古大学校园文化建设相对滞后,在很大程度上制约了其自身的发展。因此,加强民族地区高校校园文化建设,构建以校园文化为核心的新型管理模式,对于加快民族地区高校的和谐稳定、促进民族团结发挥着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

Let T = (V,E,w) be an undirected and weighted tree with node set V and edge set E, where w(e) is an edge weight function for e E. The density of a path, say e1, e2,..., ek, is defined as ki = 1 w(ei)/k. The length of a path is the number of its edges. Given a tree with n edges and a lower bound L where 1 L n, this paper presents two efficient algorithms for finding a maximum-density path of length at least L in O(nL) time. One of them is further modified to solve some special cases such as full m-ary trees in O(n) time.  相似文献   

Choosing a diversification project in a regulated economy involves consideration of a large number of micro and macro issues. In order to make an optimal choice of strategy, a formal approach to diversification planning is necessary. This article develops an approach which aims at breaking up the problem of identification and selection of projects into manageable components. The approach involves three steps: identification of broad industry groups: identification of specific projects within each broad industry group; and comprehensive feasibility study. The major benefit of this approach lies in providing a systematic mechanism for reducing the number of alternatives and in recognizing the link between the internal management processes of strategy formulation with the political and administrative processes in government and regulatory bodies. The article is based largely on the Indian experience.  相似文献   

一个零售商和一个供应商组成的供应链系统,零售商以一定的概率具备损失规避特性,供应商根据此概率大小设计交易契约最大化自身利润。首先,采用博弈和激励机制理论,分别研究了混同契约和甄别契约的设计过程。在混同契约下,供应商针对不同类型的零售商制定统一批发价格,零售商根据该批发价格决定其最优订货量;在甄别契约下,供应商通过设计契约菜单激励零售商显示其真实的损失规避特性。得出,当产品生产成本较低时,供应商可以设计出有效的甄别契约,通过比较混同与甄别契约下的供应商最优期望利润得到最优契约;而当产品成本较高时,不存在有效的甄别契约,此时混同契约即为最优契约。其次,通过数值模拟,对比了在产品生产成本较低时的两种契约下,零售商具有损失规避特征的概率及其损失规避程度对供应商期望利润及零售商期望效用、期望利润的影响;得出,当存在有效的甄别契约时,供应商采用甄别契约总比采用混同契约所得的期望利润更高。  相似文献   

Although there is a rich literature on single product distribution in decentralized supply chains, the incentive problems that arise in distributing a product line have largely not been investigated. In practice, most manufacturers distribute a line of products with different features and qualities and not just a single product. Consider a manufacturer who distributes a product line through competing downstream retailers. In this setting, we investigate how and why the retailers' price and inventory decisions deviate from the centrally optimal decisions. Due to substitution between different product variants, as well as between different retailers, the incentive problems associated with distributing a product line are more complicated than that of distributing a single product. We characterize retailers' incentive distortions under a residual‐claimancy contract, and construct contracts that achieve channel coordination. We show that retail price floors or inventory buybacks, appropriately tailored to each product variant, are among the contracts that can achieve coordination. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate how the optimal contract terms (such as wholesale prices and buyback prices) for each variant are influenced by the parameters of an underlying consumer choice model.  相似文献   

When firms invest in a shared supplier, one key concern is whether the invested capacity will be used for a competitor. In practice, this concern is addressed by restricting the use of the capacity. We consider what happens when two competing firms invest in a shared supplier. We consider two scenarios that differ in how capacity is used: exclusive capacity and first‐priority capacity. We model firms' investment and production decisions, and analyze the equilibrium outcomes in terms of the number of investing firms and capacity levels for each scenario; realized capacity is a stochastic function of investment levels. We also identify conditions under which the spillover effect occurs, where one firm taps into the other firm's invested capacity. Although the spillover supposedly intensifies competition, it actually discourages firms' investment. We also characterize the firms' and supplier's preference about the capacity type. While the non‐investing firm always prefers spillovers from the first‐priority capacity, the investing firm does not always want to shut off the other firm's access to its leftover capacity, especially when allowing spillover induces the other firm not to invest. The supplier's preference depends on the trade‐off between over‐investment and flexibility.  相似文献   

We study ex ante information sharing in a supply chain consisting of a downstream retailer and a make-to-stock upstream manufacturer. The retailer has imperfect demand information and may choose to share it with the manufacturer. Based on the information sharing arrangement, the manufacturer makes the wholesale price and the stocking level decisions. Then the retailer decides the order quantity and the manufacturer fulfills the order up to the available stock level. We find that the retailer has an incentive to voluntarily share the information with the make-to-stock manufacturer if the magnitude of demand uncertainty is intermediate. This stands in sharp contrast with the existing studies which show that the retailer never shares information when the manufacturer is make-to-order. Our results highlight the interdependence between the retailer׳s incentive to share information and the manufacturer׳s operational and marketing decisions.  相似文献   

Schedule nervousness has received significant attention from the academics for almost three decades. However, the majority of published works on schedule nervousness have relied upon experimental results as a basis for making conclusions and there appears to be very little field-based evidence presented in the relevant literature. This paper presents a case study of schedule nervousness based on field observations in a shoe manufacturing company in Indonesia. A model to quantify nervousness is also presented. This study provides an insight that schedule nervousness is an important issue in practice and efforts to quantify nervousness, as well as to understand how it occurred, are necessary in order to reduce nervousness.  相似文献   

In times of uncertainty, the art of forward planning becomes—paradoxically—of even greater importance to industry. But how do you plan both flexibly and effectively? In this speech to the Society for Long Range Planning at the Royal Society on 11 March 1975, BSC's managing director finance, Leonard Kingshott described how the BSC tackles the problem.  相似文献   

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