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Nonverbal behavior and sensitivity to a relationship partner’s nonverbal behavior importantly influence the quality of interpersonal interactions and relationships, including attachment relationships. The abilities to encode, or express, and to decode, or understand, nonverbal cues are crucial to effective communication of emotions and are associated with social adjustment and relationship satisfaction. One important social context for the development and use of nonverbal encodingand decoding abilities is what Bowlby (1969/1982, Attachment and loss: Vol.1.Attachment (2nd ed.). New York: Basic Books) called attachment relationships—interpersonal relationships in which one person’s emotional security depends on another person’s sensitive, responsive caregiving and support. In this paper, we present theoretical ideas, review relevant research, and propose new avenues of research dealing with associations between attachment-related processes and patterns of nonverbal behavior and sensitivity in adulthood, two domains of research that have not previously been adequately connected.  相似文献   

作为微传播时代的用户生力军,青年群体的行为方式、生活习惯以及价值生成都深深地打上了媒介的烙印。在接触与使用媒介的过程中,青年群体所呈现出的"媒介依存""个体表演"以及"符号交往"的行为表征,消解了作为主体意义的青年精神。长期处于赛博空间所建构的"仿真"世界,"游戏人生"的娱乐心态让青年群体对现实交际产生了恐惧与焦虑,人生观、价值观、世界观开始变得模糊与游离,信仰虚化、道德混沌、精神危机震碎了青年人日趋成熟的理想价值。  相似文献   

The duration of children's attention to putative threat has been documented as a consistent predictor of later anxiety in inhibited children across childhood (Fox, New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 127, 2010, 33; Pérez‐Edgar & Fox, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 2005, 681). However, attention to threat has not been broadly examined within existing behavioral contexts and has seldom been studied in very early childhood. Whereas toddlers with high levels of internalizing behavior may view fear‐inducing stimuli as a threat, toddlers with high levels of externalizing behavior may demonstrate attention out of interest or sensation seeking. Thus, attention to threat was expected to predict increased toddler shyness in the context of either high internalizing problems or low externalizing behavior. We examined 117 twenty‐four‐month‐old toddlers to determine whether attention to threat interacted with internalizing and externalizing behavior at 24 months of age to predict toddler shyness one year later. Results indicated that attention to threat predicted toddlers' lower shyness at 36 months when toddlers’ externalizing behavior at age 24 months were high, but there was no significant interaction between toddlers’ internalizing behavior and their attention to threat in predicting later shyness. These results expand our understanding of the contexts in which attention to threat in early childhood is a viable predictor of later shyness.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation is an important developmental task of the early years of life. However, situational effects are rarely examined. In this study, we evaluated situational effects on 7‐month‐olds' and their mothers' emotional expression and interactive regulation behavior, individual differences across situations, and intercorrelations within situations. Mother‐infant dyads (N = 225) were observed interacting during episodes from play, teaching, and still‐face situations that varied along 2 developmentally salient dimensions: emotional challenge (low vs. high), and attentional focus (face‐to‐face vs. object). Attentional focus affected mothers' behavior, whereas both challenge and attentional focus affected infants. Associations between mother and infant behaviors varied in each situation. High‐challenge situations provided more consistent individual differences in infants and more negative behavior from mothers. Findings have implications for appropriate assessment of emotion regulation in infancy.  相似文献   

Differentiated gender roles in adulthood are rooted in one's gender role socialization. In order to understand the persistence of gender inequalities in the domestic sphere, we need to examine the gendered patterns of children's housework time. Although researchers have identified behavior modeling as a major mechanism of gender role reproduction and characterized gender socialization as a contextually embedded process, few have investigated contextual variation in behavior modeling, particularly in non‐Western developing countries. Analyzing data from the China Family Panel Studies 2010, the author examined the differences in behavior modeling between boys and girls age 10–15 from 2‐parent families (N = 1,903) in rural and urban China. The results revealed distinctive gendered interplays in the way parental housework and employment behavior helps shape children's housework time. This analysis is a crucial illustration of how the distinctive sociocultural contexts of rural and urban China moderate the effects of housework‐behavior modeling on intergenerational gender role socialization.  相似文献   

This research investigated the influence of observed touch on the perceptions of communality and dominance in dyadic interactions. We manipulated four key situational features of haptic behavior in two experiments: the initiation, reciprocity, the degree of formality of touch (Studies 1 and 2), and the context of the interaction (Study 2). The results showed that the default perception of touch, irrespective of whether it is initiated or reciprocated, is the communal intention of the toucher. Furthermore, the initiation of touch was seen as an act of dominance, particularly, when the contact between the actors was primed as being hierarchical. Reciprocation neutralized the perceived asymmetry in dominance, but such inferences seemed to hinge on the fit of the touch with the context: reciprocation of formal touch reduced the asymmetry in the hierarchical context, whereas reciprocation of informal touch reduced the asymmetry in the non-hierarchical context.  相似文献   

Forty newborns (M age = 27 hr old) of depressed and nondepressed mothers were habituated to a cold or warm temperature tube by hand. Both groups of infants habituated the temperature of the tube, as indicated by a decrease in holding, and dishabituated, as indexed by an increase in holding when the temperature of the tube changed. However, the newborns of depressed mothers (a) required twice as long to habituate; (b) showed a sensitization effect, as indexed by an increase in holding from the second to the third trial of habituation; and (c) passively handled the objects with their hand.  相似文献   

Constrict theory states that, in the short run, ethnic diversity in any context lowers both the quantity and the quality of interpersonal contacts. We test this theory in the school context, expecting that ethnic school diversity yields fewer and lower quality friendships. Moreover, we investigate whether the associations hold when controlling for the school's socioeconomic situation, and whether the relations between ethnic school diversity and the social outcomes differ between natives and immigrants. Multilevel analyses on data from the Flemish Educational Assessment, consisting of 10,546 natives and 1,324 immigrants in 85 secondary schools, show that ethnic diversity yields fewer friendships and a lower attachment to friends. However, this appears to be due to the schools’ socioeconomic composition. For immigrants, moreover, a higher ethnic diversity yields more friendships and a higher attachment to friends. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

新冠疫情自2019年年底出现以来,经历了严格管控时期、复工复产时期、常态化防疫防控和全面复工复产复市时期等各个阶段,疫情的爆发及持续对交通出行和交通运输产生了巨大冲击,给城市交通带来了极大的挑战.该文以上海为例,开展了基于多源数据的出行行为及特征分析技术的研究.基于行业统计、票务、AFC等数据,分析了新冠疫情对出行规模...  相似文献   

This study examined associations between sexual initiation, unprotected sex, and having multiple sex partners in the past year with participation in a three-year empowerment program targeting orphan and vulnerable children (OVC). The Kenya-based program combines community-conditioned cash transfer, psychosocial empowerment, health education, and microenterprise development. Program participants (n = 1,060) were interviewed in a cross-sectional design. Analyses used gender-stratified hierarchical logit models to assess program participation and other potential predictors. Significant predictors of increased female sexual activity included less program exposure, higher age, younger age at most recent parental death, fewer years of schooling, higher food consumption, higher psychological resilience, and lower general self-efficacy. Significant predictors of increased male sexual activity included more program exposure, higher age, better food consumption, not having a living father, and literacy. Findings support a nuanced view of current cash transfer programs, where female sexual activity may be reduced through improved financial status but male sexual activity may increase. Targeting of OVC sexual risk behaviors would likely benefit from being tailored according to associations found in this study. Data suggest involving fathers in sexual education, targeting women who lost a parent at a younger age, and providing social support for female OVC may decrease risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission.  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of assessing the effectiveness of newly legislated social policies. In an era of growing public reliance on faith-based social services, it is imperative to be accountable and assess the efficacy and effectiveness of this set of providers. It discusses the paucity of such attempts and the complications involved in measuring effectiveness of social programs, especially when religion is involved. It then reviews the contributions provided in this volume and draws conclusions for future Studies.  相似文献   

Nearly 5.1 million children younger than age 18 live with at least one undocumented parent, about 7% of the U.S. child population. Between 2010 and 2013, an estimated 300,000 parents of U.S. citizen children were deported. Raising children in the context of deportation risk increases overall parenting stress for undocumented Latino parents. To investigate this and understand the experience of undocumented parenting, the authors interviewed 70 undocumented parents in two Southwest cities from 2012 to 2013. The authors frame their analysis using the lens of the problem of “illegality.” There are three domains of stressors associated with parenting in the context of deportation risk: trapped parenting, threat of family separation, and altered family processes. The authors discuss these findings in the context of the literature on undocumented families and parenting stress and connect these findings to the current sociopolitical context experienced by Latino families in the United States .  相似文献   

本文以但丁的《神曲》为载体,以先知登宵故事在欧洲的传播为线索,研究伊斯兰文化如何在跨文化的语境中进行传播,以及此种传播如何扩大了伊斯兰文化的世界影响力并使得中世纪的欧洲文化带有显著的混合文化的特点。  相似文献   

作为多维运动,全球化的内容是极为丰富的,其中包括法律的全球化.伊斯兰法作为世界重要法系,在全球化浪潮中不可能独处一隅,而是深受其影响.本文着重论述了全球化背景下伊斯兰法的发展趋势.  相似文献   


Nepal ranks low on the Human Development Index and has a high maternal mortality rate. Various factors contribute to the high rate of maternal mortality and include a shortage of health care professionals, limited access to basic maternal health care, poverty, illiteracy, women's low social status, a poorly developed transportation system, a limited communication system, political conflict, and a diverse population. Interviews with pregnant women, observational data, and national statistics provide the basis for suggestions provided by the author. These include upgrading and opening new maternal care facilities, integrating midwives into local health services, providing education on women's health needs during pregnancy, and improving public awareness of the availability of maternal care services.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen growing enthusiasm internationally for the concept and practice of 'child voice'. This was encapsulated in, and stimulated, by Article 12 of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This article presents the case for incorporating the equally important concept of 'child silence' in both research and applied contexts. 'Child voice' has become a powerful moral crusade and consequently criticism of voice has been muted. This is despite the growing articulation of reservations about 'child voice' in various research and applied contexts. Two particular sets of emerging concerns are discussed: one set is around the purposes behind such engagement with children; and one set relates to the ethical protocols involved. Finally, the article makes a series of recommendations for researchers working in the fields of 'child voice'. These concern five methodological aspects: recognising, noting, responding to, interpreting and reporting silence from children. It is concluded that it is timely to take a step back from assumed support for 'child voice' as necessarily 'a good thing'. Rather, we need to consider more reflexively how, why and when 'child voice' is realised in co-constructed research and professional contexts.  相似文献   

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