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Sex researchers and mental health clinicians have long recognized that the stigma surrounding homosexuality plays an important role in shaping the social psychological adjustment of gay, lesbian, and bisexual (g/l/b) people. In recent years, researchers have suggested that sexual identity- related distress may influence the physical health status of g/l/b people, primarily because of the ways these self-related feelings and beliefs impact patterns of health-related behavior. This study examines the influence of sexual identity distress and social support on g/l/b youth's drug and alcohol use, psychological distress, and risky sexual behavior. The data come from a services research demonstration program conducted at the Indiana Youth Group, Inc., a g/l/b youth development agency based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Results indicate that sexual identity distress is strongly associated with psychological distress, less frequent use of alcohol, and using fewer types of illegal drugs. Being out to more people in one's support network, however, attenuates the severity of youth's sexual identity-related distress. Youth who report more support ties to g/l/b people indicate engaging in more frequent risky sexual behavior. The implications of these findings for theories of g/l/b youth's sexual identity development are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper exploits the discrete jump in alcohol consumption at the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) in the USA and uses a regression discontinuity design to investigate the relationship between drinking and risky sexual behaviors among young adults. Using confidential data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997 Cohort), we document that young adults tend to drink up to 2.1 days more once they are granted legal access to alcohol at age 21. Although the discrete jump in alcohol consumption at the MLDA is associated with an increase in the probability of having sex by up to 7.8 percentage points, it does not have a significant impact on the probability of engaging in risky sexual behaviors among young adults. We also document that the effect of the MLDA on the probability of using several different birth control methods is not significant for those who had sex in the past 4 weeks. These results are robust under alternative specifications and imply that although the MLDA law is quite effective in reducing alcohol consumption among young adults, spillover effects of this law on risky sexual behaviors are relatively limited.  相似文献   

The importance of a healthy lifestyle is receiving increasing attention due to its impact on health and well-being. However, very few studies have been done on health promoting practices of the general public in Hong Kong. The present study aimed to identify the patterns of health promoting practices of the general public in Hong Kong, to compare health promoting practices across gender and education levels, and to examine the relationship between health promoting practices and quality of life. A total of 941 community adults were recruited using a randomized household survey design. Results revealed that a large proportion of participants reported practicing various types of health promoting behavior related to healthy food choice, engaging in stress management strategies, and refraining from health compromising behavior such as smoking and drinking excessively. Female participants were more likely to choose healthy food, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol excessively, and take vitamin supplements, whereas male participants were more likely to exercise regularly. Both men and women with higher levels of education were more likely to report not smoking, not drinking alcohol excessively, and participating in social activities. Women with higher levels of education were also more likely to engage in relaxing activities but less likely to report exercising regularly and sleeping sufficiently. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that stress management and social relations significantly predicted better quality of life for both male and female participants, and types of preventive health behavior were significant predictors of quality of life for female participants only. Results highlighted the importance of advocating health promoting practices among the general public in Hong Kong. Implications for future practice were discussed.  相似文献   

文章采用2016年和2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)面板数据,讨论了睡眠质量对家庭持有风险性金融资产广度和深度的作用特征。研究发现,睡眠质量对家庭风险性金融资产选择的广度和深度产生了显著的正向影响。在对不同职业群体和2012年CFPS数据进行估计后,仍得到一致的结论。文章进一步对影响机制研究发现,睡眠质量会通过收入水平、健康状况与认知能力对家庭风险性金融资产配置产生影响。神经质人格与睡眠质量的交互作用和家庭风险性金融资产配置也显著相关。此外,睡眠质量对家庭风险性金融资产投资的影响存在异质性,这一影响在城市地区、女性为财务决策者和高受教育水平的家庭中更为显著。  相似文献   

乐章  秦习岗 《南方人口》2020,35(4):68-80
基于积极老龄化理论框架和“中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查”面板数据,文章从积极和消极两个维度对农村老年人老化态度问题进行实证考察。研究发现,两种老化态度均以2008年为重要转折点,女性老化态度比男性更具多样性和多变性。健康、社会参与和保障都能引起老化态度的积极变动,但社会适应、子女经济支持和社区照料三个因素对消极老化态度有正向影响,而生产活动降低了积极老化态度水平。从贡献率看,健康因素对老化态度差异贡献最大,其次是保障因素、社会参与因素,健康因素更能解释积极老化态度的变化,社会参与因素对消极老化态度的贡献率更高,二者分别在女性和男性老年人群体中表现得更为明显。贡献率排在前四位的因素是精神健康、子女经济支持、医疗可及性和身体健康。用积极老龄化的观点帮助庞大的农村老年人口建立正确的老化态度将有益于养老问题的解决。  相似文献   

退休是个体从过去工作生涯中抽身出来的转折点,退休后个人福利的变化是老龄化社会值得关注的问题。基于中国家庭追踪调查( CFPS)2012年数据,以男性为例采用模糊断点回归的方法识别退休对个体心理、生理健康的因果影响。结果显示,退休对个体的生理健康并没有显著影响,但对其心理健康有显著的正向效应。从影响渠道来看,退休后个体压力减少,认知功能、记忆力以及对生活满意程度提升是导致健康(尤其是心理健康)改善的主要原因。本文的研究为未来退休政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

杨雪  王瑜龙 《人口学刊》2020,42(3):66-77
人口老龄化已成为中国社会的常态,老年人口健康及其相关问题研究日益成为政府、社会和学者共同关注的焦点。本文基于中国健康与养老追踪调查2015年数据,针对老年人口社交活动难以量化的问题,构建"社交活跃度"指标,利用OLS回归和IV-regress二阶段回归模型分析社交活动对中国老年人口健康状况的影响。实证结果表明:第一,我国老年人社交活动水平整体呈现低活跃型特征,社交形式比较单一。第二,社交活动确实会对中国老年人口的健康状况产生影响,老年人健康状况在各影响因素不同水平下表现出显著差异,尤其受教育程度较高、经济状况较好以及较高的社交活跃度会对老年人健康产生积极正向影响。第三,老年人积极参与社交活动能够显著改善其健康状况,参与多项社交活动且参与活动频率高对老年人口健康状况的优化作用尤其明显。因此,我们应提升中国老年人口的社交活跃度。老年人应积极主动参与丰富多彩的社交活动,社区、基层政府及社会企业应构建并完善与老年人社交活动及健康保障相配套的产品和服务体系,国家层面则应更加积极地完善相关的老龄化政策、制度。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between work-related insecurity and health, with a focus on how this relationship is moderated by social location (gender, age and race). Drawing on longitudinal data from a Canadian labour market survey (1999–2004) the findings show that certain groups have a higher prevalence of exposure to certain types of work-related insecurity including (among others) low earnings, poor job mobility and the absence of union protection. Results from regression analyses indicate that the negative health impact of work-related insecurity is also unevenly distributed across different social locations. In some cases, older age and visible minority status significantly elevated the health risk posed by work-related insecurity. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of major shifts in the demographic composition of the labour market due to workforce ageing and the increased participation of women and visible minorities.  相似文献   

The following study used the Student Quality of Lifeand Satisfaction (SQOLAS) instrument and 467University of Rhode Island undergraduate and graduatestudents as participants in order to examinerelationships among functioning and performancevariables, student concern and importance areas, andmeasures of socio-personal satisfaction andwell-being. Canonical correlational analysis revealedtwo statistically significant canonical correlationsbetween a student functioning/performance variable setand a concern/importance area variable set. A set ofvariables related to increased concern and importanceratings of socio-sexual behavior, and decreasedratings of crime, violence, multicultural, and genderissues was significantly associated with a second setof variables: increased levels of alcohol use andassociated negative consequences, younger age,increased mental health concerns, men more than women,decreased class year, and less positive ratings towarddirection in life. Standard multiple regressionanalysis produced a statistically significant modelwhere positive attitude towards direction in life canbe predicted by higher levels of socio-personalsatisfaction and deep metacognitive processing, andlower levels of alcohol use and associated negativeconsequences, and fewer mental health concerns.Implications of the results are discussed in relationto theories of cognitive behavior, phenomenologicalfunctioning, life meaning, and well-being.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore comparatively personality variables, subjective well-being variables, and participation in daily life activities in 150 women aged 50 to 82 years with different employment status. Moreover, we also analyzed the extent to which personality and participation in daily life activities accounted for life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect. Results from analyses of variance showed that there were significant differences between women with different working status. Multiple regression analyses revealed that self-esteem, optimism, and social activities accounted for a significant amount of variance in predicting life satisfaction and positive affect.  相似文献   

This study examines the mental health status of Israeli homosexuals in adolescence and early adulthood in comparison to heterosexual controls. We compared 219 homosexuals (136 gay men and 83 lesbian women) with 219 individually matched heterosexuals on indices of depression and subjective well being. In line with the study hypothesis, the results indicated that the homosexual participants reported more depressive symptoms and more negative affect than matched heterosexuals. However, the homosexuals were also found to report a higher level of positive affect. This study suggests that co-activated systems of negative and positive emotions facilitate adaptation among young homosexuals.  相似文献   

In an increasingly knowledge-based globalized world, higher education, advanced training and skill development are critical priorities for Vietnam. This paper aims to estimate the participation in higher education and its regional distribution in Vietnam, and to identify its determinants at the individual and contextual levels. Data used were from Vietnam Population and Housing Census 2009 linked with Vietnam living standard survey 2009. The participation rate overall in the colleges/universities among 19–22 year olds in Vietnam was 16.3%, but this rate varied significantly across the provinces. Household socioeconomic status, gender, ethnic group, migrant status, and urban/rural residence were significant individual level predictors of participation while indicator of fertility stabilization, income distribution, and average education level were significant predictors at the contextual (provincial) level. The results show that individual, social and regional inequalities are important impediments to higher education participation among the Vietnam youth. The government needs to pay more attention to promoting higher education and training in order to position Vietnam in the global economy.  相似文献   

为了促进各地区流动人口社会保险参与状况平衡发展,本文运用国家人口计生委于2011年7月在全国32个省级单位开展的流动人口问卷调查数据,对流动人口的社会保险参与状况进行地区归类和差异分析。结果显示,32个地区流动人口的社会保险可归结为高参与、中参与、低参与三种类别。低参与地区涵盖了大部分西部和中部省份,中参与地区涵盖了一半的东部省份和1/3的中部省份,而高参与地区涵盖了另一半较为发达的东部省份和2个条件较好的西部省份。结合地区差异分析结果可知,相较而言,东部地区的社会保险参与状况较好,其次为中部,而西部较差。进一步从流动人口的相关特征来看,社会保险参与状况的地区差异与各类地区流动人口的社会基本情况、流动过程、家庭状况和就业特征等方面存在依存关系。  相似文献   

流动人口在城市劳动力市场中的地位:三群体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于流动人口在城市劳动力市场中的地位问题,过去已有大量文献,但研究重点是农民工。这里把外来市民纳入观察视野,利用2008年"迁移和流动劳动力与中国大城市发展"调查数据,分析工资收入和社会保险参与的影响因素。主要研究发现:在工资收入上,不同户籍身份劳动者之间没有净差异;在养老保险和工伤保险参与上,本市居民、外来市民和农民工参与的可能性依次递减。这意味着,工资收入已经基本上由劳动力市场决定,而社会保险参与依然与户籍身份有关。不过,这种关联方式已经从过去的城乡户籍身份歧视转向本地/非本地权益差异。  相似文献   

Gender differences have been observed in the way males and females process cognitive stimuli coming from exposure to works of art and participation in leisure activities. For this reason, we designed a project to assess this issue, with a cross-sectional study in Milan, on a sample of the population consisting in 1,000 inhabitants. Our objective was to assess how cultural participation affects subjective well-being, measured with the Psychological General Well-being Scale, which gives a global index of psychological well-being ranging from 0 (lowest level of well-being) to 110 (highest level of well-being). The survey was conducted with the assistance of Doxa, an Italian pollster company, through telephone interviews, according to the Computer Aided Telephone Interview system. A significant statistical difference in variable distribution between the two genders was found for civil status (more males resulted as being single and more women widowed), income (higher income in males), cultural participation (higher in males) and psychological well-being (higher in males). As expected, state of health has the maximum impact on the level of psychological well-being. The increase in the number of concomitant diseases is in fact linearly associated with a progressive increase in psychological distress with average scores of around 60 (very low level of well-being), in the presence of 5 or more concomitant diseases, in both males and females. The impact profile of nine major determinants on subjective well-being resulted to be clearly different in the two genders. Health status dominates in both, but its impact is higher in females than in males. The obtained results remained substantially unchanged also when the two gender groups were matched according to civil status and income level distribution. Leisure activities play an important role in females (second place after health status), while in males they result as being less important (fourth place after health status, civil status and occupation). Education is quite important for females (third place), while it is given the least importance in males. This different profile probably reflects different social and environmental influences on the two genders. The social and psychological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study estimates the effects of food hypersensitivity on individuals?? perceived welfare and well-being compared to non-food hypersensitive individuals. Study respondents were recruited in the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and UK. The difference in welfare between food hypersensitive respondents and those asymptomatic to foods was estimated using a subjective welfare approach, including income evaluation. Well-being was measured using the Cantril Ladder-of-Life Scale, and health status using the Self-Perceived Health Scale. The difference in well-being, welfare and health status between participant groups was explained further using a number of background variables. No significant within-country differences in welfare between food hypersensitive respondents and respondents asymptomatic to foods were found. In terms of well-being, adult food hypersensitive respondents and their spouses reported significantly less happiness than respondents and their spouses asymptomatic to foods in the Netherlands and Poland. In Spain, the spouses of the food hypersensitive respondents were significantly less happy than respondents aymptomatic to foods. The well-being of children did not significantly differ between groups. The degree of severity of food hypersensitivity was negatively related to overall health status. In Poland, food hypersensitive respondents reported worse health status compared to asymptomatic respondents. In Spain, the converse was true. Food hypersensitive respondents were generally less happy with their life as a whole than respondents asymptomatic to foods, presumably because they experienced more negative effects, which were not related to perceived health status.  相似文献   

基于2011年“中国健康与养老追踪调查”全国基线调查数据,研究城市老年人社会活动参与对其健康的影响。研究结果发现社会活动参与对老年人日常生活活动能力、抑郁情绪均有显著影响。社会活动参与越多的老年人,在日常生活活动能力方面表现得越好;抑郁情绪也越少。可见,社会活动参与能有效改善老年人的健康水平。本文的研究结论支持了活动理论的观点,即老年人参与社会活动,可以增进他们的身体和心理健康水平。此外,本文还发现性别、年龄、婚姻状况、医疗保险、吸烟、喝酒等变量均对老年人健康有显著影响。  相似文献   

The relationships between two personality characteristics (neuroticism, extraversion), three types of supportive transactions (emotional support, social companionship, instrumental support) and satisfaction with these transactions, and two aspects of mental health (feelings of anxiety and depressive mood) were studied among 280 patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Structural equation modeling of the relevant variables showed that people with a more neurotic personality profile showed more anxiety and depressed feelings. Extraversion had no direct effect on depression or anxiety. Companionship, both transactions and satisfaction, had an independent positive effect on depression but not on anxiety. The effect of emotional support ran via social companionship: more emotional support (both transactions and satisfaction) was expressed in companionship leading to a less depressed mood. Finally, more depressed people received more instrumental supportive transactions while more satisfaction with this type of supportive transactions was related to less anxiety.  Apart from the disturbing effect of a neurotic personality profile on mental health, the results once more underscore the importance of social companionship as a multi-functional activity for people’s mental health. Maintaining this type of relationships despite a disabling condition gives people the opportunity to derive rewards that otherwise could not or only with more difficulty be achieved.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(11):1609-1625

The correlation between current alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM) is well documented, but little is known about age of drinking onset and current risks among this population. Data from a 2008 Internet survey of 8,452 MSM in the United States were used to assess factors associated with age of onset of alcohol use. In a multivariable model, drinking onset before age 15 was significantly associated with a higher number of lifetime male anal sex partners and being behaviorally bisexual in the past 12 months. Men who reported depressive symptoms in the past two weeks or who screened positive for alcohol abuse in the past 60 days were more likely to have early age of drinking onset. Findings suggest the need for targeting younger adolescents for alcohol screening, particularly sexual minority youth, to prevent risk behaviors in adulthood.  相似文献   

This study investigated and compared the influence of selected factors on the affective aualities of mother-daughter and mother-in-lawldaughter-in-law relaAonships. The sample ionsisted of 229 nonorofessional and 250 orofessional women from two uni- - - - ~ . versity campuses; they were selected with a stratified, random sampling procedure. Filial responsibility attitudes, health of older dyad members, and social support influenced positive affect in both relationships. Contrary to expectations, geographic distance, adult women's age, race, nonprofessional/professional work status, and older dyad member's marital status were not predictors. Contact and health of the adult women were predictors of positive affect toward mothers but not mothers-in-law. This study underscores the importance of focusing on specific dyadic relationships when conducting intergenerational family research.  相似文献   

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