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The Impact of Paternity Leave on Fathers’ Future Earnings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using Norwegian registry data, we investigate the effect of paternity leave on fathers’ long-term earnings. If the paternity leave increased long-term father involvement, then we should expect a reduction in fathers’ long-term earnings as they shift time and effort from market to home production. For identification, we use the Norwegian introduction of a paternity-leave quota in 1993, reserving four weeks of the total of 42 weeks of paid parental leave exclusively for the father. The introduction of the paternity-leave quota led to a sharp increase in rates of leave-taking for fathers. We estimate a difference-in-differences model that exploits differences in fathers’ exposure to the paternity-leave quota by the child’s age and year of observation. Our analysis suggests that four weeks of paternity leave during the child’s first year decreases fathers’ future earnings, an effect that persists through our last point of observation, when the child is 5 years old. A battery of robustness tests supports our results.  相似文献   

Exploiting unique German administrative data, we estimate the association between an expansion in maternity leave duration from two to six months in 1979 and mothers’ postbirth long-term sickness absence over a period of three decades after childbirth. Adopting a difference-in-difference approach, we first assess the reform’s labor market effects and, subsequently, prebirth and postbirth maternal long-term sickness absence, accounting for the potential role of the reform in mothers’ selection into employment. Consistent with previous research, our estimates show that the leave extension caused mothers to significantly delay their return to work within the first year after childbirth. We then provide difference-in-difference estimates for the number and length of spells of long-term sickness absence among returned mothers. Our findings suggest that among those returned, mothers subject to the leave extension exhibit a higher incidence of long-term sickness absence compared with mothers who gave birth before the reform. This also holds true after we control for observable differences in prebirth illness histories. At the same time, we find no pronounced effects on mothers’ medium-run labor market attachment following the short-run delay in return to work, which might rationalize a negative causal health effect. Breaking down the results by mothers’ prebirth health status suggests that the higher incidence of long-term sickness absence among mothers subject to the reform may be explained by the fact that the reform facilitated the reentry of a negative health selection into the labor market.  相似文献   

Anational debate has been raging on over whether women should work periodically or even go home to take care of the family. The debate was touched off in October 2000, when a government document, called 揜ecommendations of the Chinese Communist Party on the Formulation of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, mentioned 搕he creation of a mechanism for periodic employment? The All-China Women抯 Federation, the country抯 chief watchdog for women抯 rights, h…  相似文献   

China is a transitional and developing country with the largest population and number of farmers in the world, and shows a striking feature of urban-rural dual structure. The major content in China's rising modernization is the process of urbanization transformation, urbanization of small and middle-sized city in China should become the basic path selection. Which involves three important issues: concept, people, and institution. Only based on the modernization of concept, people and institution, there will automatically generate the modernization of industry, agriculture, technology and national defense, and thus consistently developing prosperous of both the country and the citizens.  相似文献   

SummaryoftheBulletinontheStateoftheEnvironmentofChinain1993¥//PollutionincertainareasofChinahasbeenbasicallybroughtundercontr...  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - People’s perception of insecurity is linked to a wide range of factors and up-to-date sources stress the impact of socially constructed concerns on feelings of...  相似文献   

AvailabilityofContraceptivesThesystemfordistributingcontraceptivesfreeofchargetouserscoversalmostallurbanandruralareasoftheco...  相似文献   

Background■Basic data of population in China in 2000:Population is 1.266 billion; Growth rate is 8.77? Total fertility rate is below than 2; Average life expectancy is 69.36 years for male and 73.11 years for female.■ The family planning network has covered 95% of China's population in China. There is a MCH system undertaken by the Ministry of Health in China, but majority of its exists only in the cities' areas. There are 4,000,000 family planning cadres and full-time workers in the n…  相似文献   

Findingsfromasamplingsurveyof67,000farminghouseholdsin31provinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalitiesinChinaindicatethatcashincomefortheagriculturalpopulationinthefirsthalfof1998wasbasicallyashighasthatinthefirsthalfof1997,butwithaslightdeclineinspending.I.Percapitacashincomeoftheagriculturalpopulationinthefirsthalfof1998wasbasicallykeptatthesamelevelasinthefirsthalfof1997.Therewasinfactaninsignificantdeclinefrom980yuanto977yuanintheperiod.Followingarethemajorindicatorsf1)Anotabledeclineincash…  相似文献   

TrainingofTrainers"AtfirstIthoughtadaptingtrainingmaterialsforthelocalsituationwastoomuchwork.Now,Icanseetheresults.Thepartic...  相似文献   

In accordance with the Regulations on National Population Census and the Circular of the State Council on the Conduct of the 6th National Population Census,China carried out its 6th national population census with zero hour of November~1,2010 as the reference time~2.The field enumeration of the census has been successfully completed through the leadership of the State Council and governments at all levels,the support and cooperation from people of various nationalities, and the painstaking efforts and hard work of nearly 10 million census workers. Results on major figures obtained through advance tabulation are released as follows:  相似文献   

ProblemComplex physiological processes are often difficult for midwifery students to comprehend when using traditional teaching and learning approaches. Online resources for midwifery education are limited.BackgroundFace to face instructional workshops using simulation have had some impact on improving understanding. However, in the 21st century new technologies offer the opportunity to provide alternative learning approaches. Virtual and artificial realities have been shown to increase confidence in decision making during clinical practice.AimExplore the impact of using three-dimensional (3D) visualisation in midwifery education, on student’s application, when educating women about the birth of the placenta, and membranes.MethodsFace to face individual interviews were performed, to collect deep, meaningful experiences of students, learning about the third stage of labour.FindingsPrior clinical experiences impacted on student’s ability to articulate how they would discuss birth of the placenta and membranes, and the process of haemostasis with women.DiscussionThe narrative findings of this pilot study identified ways that students traditionally learn midwifery, through theory, and clinical practice. Interview narratives illustrated how midwifery students who had previous experiences of witnessing birth, had superior ability to discuss the third stage of labour with women. While students with limited birth experiences, found the 3DMVR assisted them in their understanding of the physiology of the third stage of labour.ConclusionIn an environment of increasing technological advances, clinical placements remain an essential component of midwifery education.  相似文献   

Notes: 1.All figures in the Communique are preliminary results. 2.Resident population of a given town/street include: people living in the current town/street where their household registration is located or with their household registration to be settled;people living in the current town/street and leaving the town/street of their household registration for over 6 months;people leaving the town/street of their household registration for less than 6 months or working or studying overseas,with their household registration located in the current town/ street. 3.National total in this table do not include po- pulation of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan Area. 4.Refers to the proportion of resident population of all provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities to the national total(including servicemen and population with permanent residence difficult to define).  相似文献   

Withthepopulationincreasinglyaging,theUnitedNationshasdesignated1999astheinternationalYearforOldPeople.Toincreasepeople'sawarenessofagingandtheneedtoshowmorecarefortheelderly,asurveyonthegeneralconditionsoftheoldpeoplebytheSocialSurveyinstituteofChinawasconducted.Atotalof1,756oldpeoplefromBeding,Shanghai,Qingdao,Wuhan,ChongqingandGuangzhouwereinterviewedbytelephone.Theresultsareasfollows:FamilyrelationshipThesurveyshowsthatthemajorityoftheoldpeopleleadahappyandharmoniousfamilylife.77.4%o…  相似文献   

BackgroundIn the Roman period, midwives continued to play an important role in female health care primarily in the attendance of women birth. In the second century AD, midwives’ education received a significant boost thanks to the distinguished physician Soranus of Ephesus.AimTo reveal the work and important contribution of Soranus of Ephesus in the practice of midwifery.MethodsThe main bibliographic sources concerning Soranus’ work on midwifery have been investigated and analysed.FindingsIn his work, Soranus described the main characteristics and skills of a midwife. In the practice of obstetrics, he performed the manoeuvre which was later called “turning the foot” and introduced the birth chair. His contribution in neonatology is also of a great importance as he provided the earliest newborn assessment.ConclusionSoranus’ work contributed in the education of midwives and influenced the practice of obstetrics till the Middle Ages.  相似文献   

Demography Volume of the UNESCO-EOLSS (Chinese version) took place on May 19, 2010 during the International Seminar on the Frontiers and Prospects of Demographic Researches in Beijing. It was unveiled by Dr. Zhao Baige, Vice Minister of the National Population and Family Planning commission(NPFPC), Dr. Vladislav Kotchetkov, member of UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee, Prof. ZengYi, theme editor of the English version from Peking University and Madam Ma El, chief editor of the Chinese version.  相似文献   

AnAnalysisoftheStatusofOut-of-SchoolChildreninChina¥YangShuzhang(YangShuzhangisaseniorresearcherfromtheChinaPopulationInforma...  相似文献   

By the end of 1949,the total population in China (Taiwan Province,Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR not included) was 541.67 million,with a birth rate of 36‰,a death rate of 20‰,a natural growth rate of 16‰ and a total fertility rate of 6.14.  相似文献   

Greatertoleranceofpremaritalsexandimprovedhealthcareandnutritionhaveledtodrasticincreasesinpremaritalsex,pregnanciesandinducedabortions.Thishasarousedconcernforthereproductivehealthofyouthsanditsimpactonthefamilyplanningprogram.AdvancedmaturitySurveysoverthelasttwodecadesconsistentlydemonstratethatnationwide,Chineseadolescentsaresexuallymaturingatanearlieragethanpreviousgenerations.A1988two-per-thousandnationalsamplingsurveyoffertilityandbirthcontrolshowedthattheaveragefirst-menstruationagewa…  相似文献   

TheDepartmentofSocialDevelopmentoftheStatePlanningCommission¥//TheStatePlanningCommissionisagovernmentagencyforthecomprehensi...  相似文献   

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