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In the nation of Uganda, the cumulative total cases of clinical AIDS is 15,569, but out of the 13,984 adult AIDS cases, 6,394 are women aged 13–49 years. AIDS has been reported in all districts of Uganda ranging from 4 cases in Kapchorwa district to 2,808 and 4,232 cases in Masaka and Kampala districts, respectively (AIDS Control Program Report 1990). The age distribution is: 0 – 5 years = 10% 6 – 15 years = 0% 16 – 40 years = 80% 40 + years = 10%Heterosexual contact accounts for over 90% of the transmission. Evidence suggests that prior exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis enhances susceptibility to transmission. Blood transmission and mother-to-newborn transmission cases account for about 1% and 10%, respectively. The majority of the cases are in the productive and reproductive age group. Men dominate in the 30–34 age group. Most women affected are in the childbearing range of 15–49 years. The peak incidence of AIDS is among 20–29 year-old women. The women affected are 5 years younger than the men. The average age of the affected is 27 years for women compared with 32 years for men.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(8):1082-1103

There exists a paucity of research on the psychosocial risk factors of HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in settings where they are stigmatized or face prosecution. The present study investigates discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV), internalized homophobia, HIV/AIDS personal responsibility beliefs and HIV knowledge in a purposive sample of 106 self-identified MSM obtained through a web-based survey disseminated by two voluntary welfare organizations. Results indicate that internalized homophobia is positively associated with discrimination against PLHIV. Internalized homophobia also substantially mediates the effect of HIV/AIDS personal responsibility beliefs on discrimination against PLHIV, highlighting the confounded nature of HIV/AIDS and homosexual stigma in a setting where stigma is deep-rooted and institutionalized. Internalized homophobia may thus serve as a barrier to the effectiveness of HIV prevention efforts among MSM in Singapore.  相似文献   

After the starting line: Blacks and women in an uphill race   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Reynolds Farley 《Demography》1988,25(4):477-495

Within the space of a decade, the level of HIV infection in Thailand has grown to epidemic proportions. With regard to children, 16,000 had been born with HIV by the end of 1994, while tens of thousands of child prostitutes and street children are at risk of infection. By the year 2000, more than one million Thai children will have at least one HIV-infected parent. Many of these children will therefore become either orphans or abandoned by their infected parents. The magnitude of these problems over the course of the lives of HIV-affected children depends heavily upon actions taken now. This paper summarizes the joint report of the Thai Red Cross Society and the East-West Center's Program on Population on the impact of HIV on children in Thailand. The current situation, projected impacts, and policy recommendations are described. No other country has had as complete a monitoring system or as early a warning of the problems ahead. Some recommended approaches are familiar and simply need to be strengthened and expanded to the regional or national level, while others require field testing. The authors stress the need for shared commitment, ideas, resources, and efforts of all sectors of society to plan for the future needs of children affected by HIV, to protect them from infection, and to provide them with the social and economic support, medical treatment, and legal protection they need.  相似文献   

The task of those who seek to encourage and offer social support has become more difficult as the majority of social institutions, and the state have established, over time, stronger and more pervasive modes of communication. The intricacies of gay identity have been articulated largely by forces outside of the gay movement, with the inevitable result that GSOs and ASOs have occupied less space in the consciousness of gay men. Additionally, I hypothesize that men who are HIV-positive are engaging in fewer sexual contacts than men who are HIV-negative, and consequently lessening their attendance at venues where cruising is the main event. Financially and structurally, I shall demonstrate the disparity between GSOs and ASOs, and suggest that there is a natural intersection wherein the two SMOs could, and ought to cooperate, especially in the areas of fund-raising, joint program development, recruitment and political lobbying. However, their ideological bases appear to be sufficiently different to preclude such affiliations. These disparate ideologies are amplified by the mass media, and are consequently internalized by the members of the gay community. In the longer term, the divisiveness that manifests itself in the proliferation of numerous collectivities within the gay movement will contribute to the further isolation of gays from each other, and thwart any future attempts at coalition building, which could obviate the continued existence of a gay movement. Some writers suggest that the gay movement is going through a phase in an inevitable process of paradigm shifting, and in the end, the community will come back together-stronger and more unified than it was previously. However, if this is a phase it is clear that the gay movement is in the 'dark before the dawn' initial phase of this paradigmatic shift, and subsequent phases are by no means guaranteed. As AIDS spreads beyond marginalized groups, and infiltrates the social majority, it is possible that much of the discrimination that has positioned gay men as 'other' will be abandoned in favour of a more enlightened, pluralistic conviction of the humanity of gays as full-fledged members of a mosaic-type community structure. On the other hand, it is also possible that as AIDS spreads into mainstream Western communities, gays will be further vilified and scapegoated as the perpetrators of this deadly disease. Preventative action is required to offset this possibility-preventative action can be affected by building a strong and unified gay community ready to withstand the onslaught of the mainstream enmity. This action would frame AIDS and gayness such that this type of situation would not come about. What is required is a new mode of co-operation among ASOs and GSOs, a model which firstly puts the gay house in order, and is then suitably structured to be more inclusive of all gay men's needs, and positioned to assist in the second wave of HIV infection-the general public.  相似文献   

The study presented here is an exploration of the implications of patterns of sexual behaviour for the spread of HIV in China, using a bio-behavioural macrosimulation model. To reflect the uncertainty surrounding key parameters, analyses of varied scenarios are used to show a range of possible outcomes consistent with variations in selected biological and behavioural inputs. The latter are estimated from a nationwide survey of sexual behaviour recently conducted in China, a country with an emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic, where it is feared that HIV/AIDS will spread to the general population via heterosexual transmission. The results highlight the primacy of the levels and distribution of sexual activity in the population. They offer some guidelines for understanding and interpreting the potential implications of current and prospective changes in sexual behaviour for the spread of HIV/AIDS in the world's largest population, and also highlight the need to collect better data on sexual behaviour for the estimation of key model inputs.  相似文献   

From olden times in Norway, as also in Sweden and Denmark, the church official in each parish has kept the official registers of marriages, births and deaths, and has produced the records which form the basis of Norwegian vital statistics.  相似文献   

In 2007, UNAIDS corrected estimates of global HIV prevalence downward from 40 million to 33 million based on a methodological shift from sentinel surveillance to population-based surveys. Since then, population-based surveys are considered the gold standard for estimating HIV prevalence. However, prevalence rates based on representative surveys may be biased because of nonresponse. This article investigates one potential source of nonresponse bias: refusal to participate in the HIV test. We use the identity of randomly assigned interviewers to identify the participation effect and estimate HIV prevalence rates corrected for unobservable characteristics with a Heckman selection model. The analysis is based on a survey of 1,992 individuals in urban Namibia, which included an HIV test. We find that the bias resulting from refusal is not significant for the overall sample. However, a detailed analysis using kernel density estimates shows that the bias is substantial for the younger and the poorer population. Nonparticipants in these subsamples are estimated to be three times more likely to be HIV-positive than participants. The difference is particularly pronounced for women. Prevalence rates that ignore this selection effect may be seriously biased for specific target groups, leading to misallocation of resources for prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

We evaluate the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the reproductive behaviour for all women in Malawi, HIV-negative and HIV-positive alike, allowing for heterogeneous response depending on age and prior number of births. HIV/AIDS increases the probability that a young woman gives birth to her first child, while it decreases the probability to give birth of older women and of women who have already given birth. The resulting change in the distribution of fertility across age groups is likely to be more demographically and economically important than changes in the total number of children a woman gives birth to.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(12):1685-1697

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been introduced as another biomedical tool in HIV prevention. Whereas other such tools—including post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and interruption of perinatal transmission—have been embraced by those impacted by HIV, PrEP has been met with more conflict, especially within the gay community and HIV organizations. The “PrEP whore” has come to designate the social value and personal practices of those taking PrEP. This study examines the “PrEP whore” discourse by using queer theory and quare theory. Within these theoretical vantage points, the study explicates four discursive areas: slut shaming, dirty/clean binaries, mourning the loss of condoms, and reclaiming the inner whore. The study illuminates possible discursive strategies that lie outside of the domains of public health and within the individual and community.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on how adverse health conditions affect the transfer of human capital from one generation to the next. We explore the differential exposure to HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa as a substantial health shock to both household and community environment. We utilize the recent rounds of the Demographic and Health Surveys for 11 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. First, we find that an additional year of maternal education leads to a 0.37-year increase in children’s years of schooling in the developing economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Second, our results show that mother’s HIV status has substantial detrimental effects on inheritability of human capital. We find that the association between infected mothers’ and their children’s human capital is 30 % less than the general population. Finally, focusing only on noninfected mothers and their children, we show that HIV prevalence in the community also impairs the intergenerational human capital transfers even if mother is HIV negative. The findings of this paper are particularly distressing for these already poor, HIV-torn countries as in the future they will have even lower overall level of human capital due to the epidemic.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn Canadian provinces with opt-out policies for maternal HIV screening, pregnant women are told HIV screening is routine and are provided with the opportunity to refuse. In Newfoundland and Labrador an opt-out screening policy has been in place since 1997.PurposeThis research study aimed to (1) obtain an increased understanding of the information women receive about HIV/AIDS during the opt-out screening process and (2) to advance the policy related dialogue around best practices in HIV screening within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.MethodsTwelve women who were between 14 and 35 weeks gestation participated. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and a thematic analysis was carried out.FindingsThe major themes are that women have difficulty obtaining clear information about maternal HIV screening, are often not told they have the right to refuse maternal screening, and experience paternalism from physicians.ConclusionWe recommend that physicians and other health care providers in be reminded that that current opt-out testing requires women's consent and that women must be given the option to refuse the test.  相似文献   

The historical pattern of the demographic transition suggests that fertility declines follow mortality declines, followed by a rise in human capital accumulation and economic growth. The HIV/AIDS epidemic threatens to reverse this path. We utilize recent rounds of the demographic and health surveys that link an individual woman’s fertility outcomes to her HIV status based on testing. The data allow us to distinguish the effect of own positive HIV status on fertility (which may be due to lower fecundity and other physiological reasons) from the behavioral response to higher mortality risk, as measured by the local community HIV prevalence. We show that although HIV-infected women have significantly lower fertility, local community HIV prevalence has no significant effect on noninfected women’s fertility.  相似文献   

A fundamental question about human behavior is whether fertility responds to disease risk. The standard economic theory of household fertility decision-making generates ambiguous predictions, and the response has large implications for human welfare. We examine the fertility response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic using national household survey data from 14 sub-Saharan African countries. Instrumental variable (IV) estimates using distance to the origin of the pandemic suggest that HIV/AIDS has increased the total fertility rate (TFR) and the number of surviving children. These results rekindle the debate about the fertility response to disease risk, particularly the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and highlight the question of whether the HIV/AIDS pandemic has reduced GDP per capita.  相似文献   

The causes of large variation in the sizes of HIV epidemics among countries in sub-Saharan Africa are not well understood. Here we assess the potential roles of late age at marriage and a long period of premarital sexual activity as population risk factors, using ecological data from 33 sub-Saharan African countries and with individual-level data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in Kenya and Ghana in 2003. The ecological analysis finds a significant positive correlation between HIV prevalence and median age at first marriage, and between HIV prevalence and interval between first sexual intercourse and first marriage. The individual-level analysis shows that HIV infection per year of exposure is higher before than after first marriage. These findings support the hypothesis of a link between a high average age at marriage and a long period of premarital intercourse during which partner changes are relatively common and facilitate the spread of HIV.  相似文献   

The spread of HIV from injection drug users and male homosexuals into the general US population is simulated, using survey data on sexual behavior. We estimate that approximately 150,000 persons are currently infected with HIV through heterosexual transmission, the majority of whom are female partners of drug-using or bisexual men. The estimated number of AIDS cases generated by the model is close to the CDC statistics for males, but much higher for females. We conclude that prevention efforts should be targeted towards these high risk groups rather than the general population.Abbreviations IDU injection drug users - NORC National Opinion Research Center; Chicago - STD sexually-transmitted disease  相似文献   

The gradient in sub-saharan Africa: Socioeconomic status and HIV/AIDS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fortson JG 《Demography》2008,45(2):303-322
Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for Burkina Faso (2003), Cameroon (2004), Ghana (2003), Kenya (2003), and Tanzania (2003), I investigate the cross-sectional relationship between HIV status and socioeconomic status. I find evidence of a robust positive education gradient in HIV infection, showing that, up to very high levels of education, better-educated respondents are more likely to be HIV-positive. Adults with six years of schooling are as much as three percentage points more likely to be infected with HIV than adults with no schooling. This gradient is not an artifact of age, sector of residence, or region of residence. With controls for sex, age, sector of residence, and region of residence, adults with six years of schooling are as much as 50% more likely to be infected with HIV than those with no schooling. Education is positively related to certain risk factors for HIV including the likelihood of having premarital sex. Estimates of the wealth gradient in HIV, by contrast, vary substantially across countries and are sensitive to the choice of measure of wealth.  相似文献   

Popular culture representations and negotiations of HIV/AIDS have fluctuated over the last several decades, and awareness of the illness and its causes has grown due to better education and extensive cultural dialogue. The following examines two contemporary HIV/AIDS public health campaigns in the New York City area. Although there have been limited improvements in the portrayals of HIV-positive individuals, advertising focused on HIV awareness still does not directly address prevention. These two campaigns encourage two distinct messages; one that reinforces the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and one that promises salvation.  相似文献   

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