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In this article, we used the data from the last three population censuses of China in 1982, 1990 and 2000, to study the dynamics of the sex ratio at birth and the infant mortality rate in China. In the late 1970s, China started its economic reform and implemented many family planning programs. Since then there has been great economic development and a dramatic decrease in fertility in most of its provinces. Along with these achievements, the sex ratio at birth of the Chinese population has increased to significantly more males to females, and in some provinces of China reached unprecedented levels. The ratio of infant mortality of the males to females for manyprovinces in China become extremely unbalanced with a much higher female infant mortality rate. In our study, we investigated the statistical relationship between the sex ratio at birth and the ratio of the infant mortality of males to female. Social and economic reasons for these unnatural trends are also discussed.  相似文献   

人口自然出生性别比是分析和评价人口出生性别比偏离的重要指标,中国对人口自然出生性别比的研究一直比较缺乏。人的出生性别比正常范围为102~107,国内一般都是以其上限作为标准判断人口出生性别比偏高的程度。但是这种做法是值得商榷的。利用第四次全国人口普查资料中的双生子信息探讨双生子出生性别比特征。研究表明,中国1989年双生子出生性别比为104.87,在女性主要生育年龄阶段生育的双生子出生性别比是相当稳定的,比较接近自然状态下的出生性别比。相比较而言,中国人口出生性别比不仅普遍偏高,而且随女性生育年龄变化的模式也不相同。  相似文献   

庄渝霞 《南方人口》2006,21(1):41-50
目前学术界对出生性别比偏高原因的争论主要集中在出生婴儿性别次序先后与下一孩次性别关系以及计划生育政策和女婴存在漏报、瞒报的影响等三个方面,本文在对三大传统观点提出质疑的基础上,先从生物学、计划生育政策、医学技术三个方面,而后从性别偏好,最后从女性地位低这三级递进的层次,推演和探析出生性别比偏高的原因,从而明晰出生性别比偏高的终极原因在于女性地位低这一事实。并努力从女性地位、男性偏好以及出生性别比三者关系上构造出一个新的分析框架。  相似文献   

We explore the demographic factors contributing to China's unbalanced sex ratio at marriagable ages. We develop a stable population model of the sex ratio at marriagable ages, and compare a series of population projections with alternative underlying assumptions about the key demographic inputs. The stable population model demonstrates that several demographic factors interact to influence the sex ratio at marriagable ages, including the sex ratio at birth, population growth, the age gap of marriage partners, and the sex ratio of survival from birth to marriageable age. The population projections further demonstrate that policies that seek to reduce the sex ratio at birth and the age gap at marriage and, to a lesser extent, increase fertility would be most effective at alleviating the problem. But no demographic changes are likely to occur quickly enough to balance the sex ratio at marriagable ages in the near future.  相似文献   

本文就我国城乡二元经济体制下,在农村劳动力相对过剩同资本严重稀缺并存的困境中,建立了一个资本与劳动力可以自由流动下的城乡一体化经济增长模型。并指出模型存在唯一最优增长路径。然后,以山东省沂水县经济发展为视角,找出其经济腾飞的原因,在此基础之上。提出几点可供借鉴的意见和建议。  相似文献   

中国人口出生性别比发展趋势的分形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂坚  孙克 《西北人口》2008,29(5):93-97
人口出生性别比是人口学的一个重要研究课题。文章采用非线性分形分析R/S法,对1950—2003年间中国人口出生性别比的发展演变特征进行实证分析。结果显示:中国人口出生性别比发展演变具有明显的分形特征;中国人口出生性别比的发展趋势存在很强的持续性,即出生性别比在未来的53年间持续偏高的概率将很大;中国人口出生性别比的发展演变可能存在一个大约27年的周期。  相似文献   

出生性别比是人口发展的"生态基础",而出生性别比失调问题是和谐人口生态关系的一个极不和谐的因素。已有的人口学研究一般从全国或区域的范围分析出生性别比问题,忽视了少数民族地区出生性别比失调自身的特点。基于人口生态视野分析贵州民族地区出生性别比失调的特征、成因和后果。男性偏好在该地区特定的人口生态制约下有着深刻的经济、文化、社会、性别根源。贵州民族地区综合治理出生性别比失调必须采取一系列措施,其中,提高贵州民族地区妇女社会地位具有根本性的意义。  相似文献   

对2000年人口普查出生性别比的分层模型分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
郭志刚 《人口研究》2007,31(3):20-31
本文对以往出生性别比研究中的若干观点进行了学术评论,并讨论了个别经验统计分析中的方法问题。在此基础上,本文应用非线性分层模型将2000年全国人口普查1‰数据和1999年的地区级生育政策数据结合起来对出生性别比失调的影响因素进行了初步分析。结果表明,育龄妇女现有子女数量及性别和一些社会特征对出生性别比存在单独的影响,并且肯定了生育政策既存在对出生性别比的直接影响,也通过其与妇女以往生育结果以及其他社会特征之间的交互效应来影响出生性别比。  相似文献   

Previous studies show that sex ratio at birth in China's urban areas is usually higher than that of rural areas. The higher proportion of 1st births in urban areas was once taken to explain the cause for the higher sex ratio. The data of the 1982 fertility sampling survey show that the sex ratio at birth during the period from 1964 to 1981 remains higher in the urban areas (108.0) than in the rural areas (107.8). Further studies are yet needed on the differentials in sex ratios at birth between urban and rural areas and on their causes. The sex ratio in 1981 of the 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China's mainland was 108.5, somewhat higher than that of most countries in the world. 2 things account for the occurrence. 1 is that, biologically, certain particularities may exist in the sex ratio at birth of China's population, for the ratio varies with ethnic groups, nationalities and regions. The other is that, sociologically, female infants may be underreported in some areas and the phenomenon of infanticide left over by history still exists in some isolated cases. These surveys suggest that a certain specific characteristic does exist in the sex ratio at birth of China's urban areas, but they also contribute to the explanation of the higher sex ratio at birth of the total population of the country.  相似文献   

中国出生性别比偏高及未来女性赤字预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1980年代以来,中国人口出生性别比开始偏高且持续增高,2000年出生性别比已经达到116.9。出生性别比偏高不仅表现在分孩次的差异上,而且还表现出了明显的地区分布特征。本文利用“五普”数据资料为基期,对1980年后出生、并受出生性别比持续升高影响的人口进行预测,分析30年间的分城乡、分年龄的女性赤字规模及其变化趋势。  相似文献   

S Liu 《人口研究》1988,(3):33-36
The sex ratio at birth in China is analyzed using data from the 1982 census. The focus is on geographic differentials in sex distribution and the impact of population density on those differentials. Findings indicate that the sex ratio at birth was lower in urban populations than in rural populations.  相似文献   

Although substantial research has explored the causes of India’s excessively masculine population sex ratio, few studies have examined the consequences of this surplus of males. We merge individual-level data from the 2004–2005 India Human Development Survey with data from the 2001 India population census to examine the association between the district-level male-to-female sex ratio at ages 15 to 39 and self-reports of victimization by theft, breaking and entering, and assault. Multilevel logistic regression analyses reveal positive and statistically significant albeit substantively modest effects of the district-level sex ratio on all three victimization risks. We also find that higher male-to-female sex ratios are associated with the perception that young unmarried women in the local community are frequently harassed. Household-level indicators of family structure, socioeconomic status, and caste, as well as areal indicators of women’s empowerment and collective efficacy, also emerge as significant predictors of self-reported criminal victimization and the perceived harassment of young women. The implications of these findings for India’s growing sex ratio imbalance are discussed.  相似文献   

陈德祥 《西北人口》2007,28(5):93-96
本文以"四普"、"五普"数据为基础,结合近年来湘西州出生人口性别比调查数据,对湘西州少数民族人口出生性别比状况进行分析,提出治理民族地区出生人口性别比失衡的对策,为民族地区人口与经济社会的和谐发展做出思考。  相似文献   

杨红娟 《西北人口》2009,30(6):45-48
出生人口性别比失衡问题从上世纪80年代开始成为陕西人口发展中的一个实际存在的问题.地域差异是其中的一个重要表现。本文为了揭示陕西不同区域的社会环境差异对人口出生性别比失衡的影响.通过问卷抽样的方法,获取陕西关中、陕北、陕南三大区域公众的生育文化和观念差异的第一手资料。从导致出生人口性别比失衡的性别选择角度,根据社会环境-性别选择需要或动机-选择-目标,分析陕西三大地域生育文化的社会环境差异,揭示影响不同区域出生人口性别比作用机制。  相似文献   

本文以“四普”、“五普”数据为基础,采用人口间接估计技术对20世纪80年代以来我国少数民族人口的生育水平和出生人口性别比变化的历史过程进行回顾,探讨生育水平下降过程中,出生人口性别比的变化趋势,并以蒙古族、回族和维吾尔族为例进行对比分析,结果表明当生育水平下降到较低水平时与出生人口性别比之间有明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

韩国出生性别比失衡的公共治理及对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩国出生性别比呈现先上升后下降的态势,韩国出生性别比偏高的直接原因是性别选择流、引产,而传统文化是根源性的原因,韩国性别失衡带来一系列社会后果,影响了韩国的社会稳定;韩国政府出台了一系列旨在维护女童权益、反对歧视女性、提高女性地位的法律法规;韩国的公民社会也作出了许多有益的尝试,通过公共治理,出生性别比出现显著下降,而且女性地位得到较大提升;韩国性别比失衡问题的治理对中国解决相关人口问题有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"The main purpose of this study is to develop explanations for the pattern of recently changing trends and regional differences in the sex ratio at birth in Korea and for Koreans in Jilin Province and Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture, China.... The findings suggest that, since the mid-1980s, sex ratios at birth have risen remarkably in Korea.... This paper also highlights the recent increase in the sex ratio at birth for the Korean population in China, residing in urban areas densely populated with Koreans. As the key forces behind the regional differences in sex ratios at birth, the effects of son-selective reproductive behaviors, which in turn, are affected by the community characteristics, are stressed."  相似文献   

在观察数据基础上,描述出生人口性别比周期性波动现象,并对其内在机理做出解释。研究发现,出生人口性别比的周期性波动是一个普遍规律,其波动周期与生育间隔相关。正常情况下,周期成分对出生人口性别比的变化影响较小并且稳定。中国出生人口性别比的周期成分明显大于其他国家,这与中国强烈的性别偏好有关。周期成分不是影响中国出生人口性别比的主要因素,性别选择行为是出生人口性别比失衡的主要原因。在实际工作中应该尊重出生人口性别比周期性波动的客观规律,关注出生人口性别比的中长期变化趋势。中国出生人口性别比的"拐点"已经出现,在继续加强综合治理工作的条件下,出生人口性别比将进入下降过程。  相似文献   

生育政策与经济水平对出生性别比偏高的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以2005年全国1%人口抽样调查的出生性别比为基础数据,分析它和人口生育政策以及经济发展水平之间的关系。研究发现,我国人口生育政策以及经济发展水平与出生性别比偏高不是简单的负相关关系,而是三次曲线关系。  相似文献   

张震  马茜 《人口研究》2022,46(1):3-18
从1980年代开始,中国出生性别比失衡已经持续40余年,预计到2050年左右才能恢复正常。长达70年的出生性别比转变对中国人口和社会都产生深远的影响。以往研究主要集中探讨性别失衡问题,对出生性别比升高加剧人口老龄化的关注较少。为此,利用新近估计的中国出生性别比、生育率和死亡率数据,借助人口模拟预测和稳定人口比较分析的方法对中国出生性别比转变的人口老龄化后果进行深入考察。研究发现,出生性别比上升不仅会减少女婴出生数,还会减少男婴出生数,由此造成人口规模的下降并加剧了中国的人口老龄化。引导出生性别比尽快回归正常可以缓解人口老龄化,继续加强出生性别比治理可以在中国积极应对人口老龄化的过程中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

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