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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article:
JOHN HOGARTH, Sentencing as a Human Process.
Maurice Pinard, The Rise of a Third Party: A Study in Crisis Politics.
Warren E. Kalbach and Wayne W. Mcvey, The Demographic Bases of Canadian Society.
Robert Paine (ed.), Patrons and Brokers in the East Arctic.
Louis J. Chiaramonte, Craftsman-Client Contracts, Interpersonal Relations in a Newfoundland Fishing Community.
W. E. Mann (ed.), Social and Cultural Change in Canada
James E. Gallagher and Ronald D. Lambert (eds.), Social Process and Institution: The Canadian Case.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: M. PATRICIA MARCHAK, Ideological Perspectives on Canada. IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century ALAN F. BLUM, Theorizing. Sociologie et Sociétés J. HENRIPIN et E. LAPIERRE-ADAMCYK, La fin de la revanche des berceaux: qu'en pensent les Québécoises ? JANICE ACTON, PENNY GOLDSMITH, and BONNIE SHEPARD (eds.), Women at Work: Ontario 1850–1930. LUCE IRIGARAY, Spéculum de l'autre femme C. CARISSE et J. DUMAZEDIER, Les femmes innovatrices: problèmes post-industriels d'une Amérique francophone, le Québec. DAVID R. HUGHES and EVELYN KALLEN, The Anatomy of Racism: Canadian Dimensions. H.F. MCGEE, The Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada: A Reader in Regional Ethnic Relations. THOMAS ABLER, DOUGLAS SANDERS, SALLY WEAVER, et al., A Canadian Indian Bibliography: 1960–1970. BERNARD ASSINIWI, Histoire des Indiens du Hunt et du Bas Canada. PETER R. SINCLAIR and KENNETH WESTHUES, Village in Crisis. WILLIAM SHAFFIR, Life in a Religious Community: The Lubavitcher Chassidim in Montreal. ROBERT PRESTHUS, Elites in the Policy Process. MICHAEL BLISS, A Living Profit: Studies in the Social History of Canadian Business, 1883–1911. DANIEL KUBAT and DAVID THORNTON, A Statistical Profile of Canadian Society. JAMES and ROBERT SIMMONS, Urban Canada D.J. BAUM, The Final Plateau: The Betrayal of Our Older Citizens. BENJAMIN SCHLESINGER(ed.), Family Planning in Canada: A Source Book.  相似文献   

Lisa Gilad, Ginger and Salt: Yemeni Jewish Women in an Israeli Town. Boulder D.W. Attwood and B.S. Baviskar (eds.), Who Shares? Co-operatives and Rural Development Francis Robinson (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and The Maldives Richard C. Davis (ed.), Rupert's Land: A Cultural Tapestry Tom Bottomore and Robert J. Brym (eds.), The Capitalist Class: An International Study Raymond Murphy, Social Closure: A theory of Monopolization and Exclusion Richard Flacks, Making History. Kevin D. Carriere and Richard V. Ericson, Crime Stoppers: A Study in the Organization of Community Policing. Dany Lacombe, Ideology and Public Policy: The Case Against Pornography Robert J. Brym with Bonnie J. Fox, From Culture to Power: The Sociology of English Canada. Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz (eds.), Social Structures: a network approach John Van Willigen, Barbara Rylko-Bauer, and Ann Mcelroy (eds.), Making Our Research Useful Grahame Clark, Prehistory at Cambridge and beyond Theresa R. Richardson, The Century of the Child: The Mental Hygiene Movement and Social Policy in the United States and Canada Anne Edwards, Regulation and Repression: The Study of Social Control Michael V. Angrosino, Documents of Interaction: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History in Social Science Perspective Michael Hechter, Principles of Group Solidarity Partrick Kierans, Glenn Drover and David Williams, Welfare and Worker Participation Mary Mccannery Gergen (ed.), Feminist Thought and the Structure of Knowledge Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek and Janet B.L. Chan, Visualizing Deviance: A Study of New Organizations Sheila Allen and Carol Wolkowitz, Homeworking: Myths and Realities Calvin W. Redekop and Samuel J. Steiner (eds.), Mennonite Identity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Robert A. Stebbins, Canadian Football: The View From The Helmet Anne Innis Dagg and Patricia J. Thompson, MisEducation: Women & Canadian Universities Cyril H. Levitt and William Shaffir, The Riots at Christie Pits  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
ANNE-MARIE HENSHEL, Se Structure. Don Mills: Longman, 1973
EDMUND w. BRADWIN, The Bunkhouse Man.
JOHN MACDOUGALL, Rural Life in Canada: Its Trend and Tasks.
LEE GUEMPLE (ed.), Alliance in Eskimo Society , Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, 1971
S. CRYSDALE and C. BEATTIE, Sociology Canada: An Introductory Te t.
PIERRE MARANDA, Introduction to Anthropology: A Self-Guide.
HILARY STEWART, Artifacts of the Northwest Coast Indians
JOHN O'NEILL, Sociology as a Skin Trade.
DIMITRIOS i. ROUSSOPOULOS (ed.), The Political Economy of the State: Canada/Quebec/U.S.A.
ANTHONY H. RICHMOND, assisted by MICHAEL LYON and SYLVIA HALE, Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study in Bristol
R. FULFORD, D. GODFREY, and A. ROTSTEIN, Read Canadian: A Book About Canadian Books.
R. CHODOS and N. AUF DER MAUR (eds.), Quebec: A Chronicle 1968–1972.
M. STAROWICZ and R. MURPHY (eds.), Corporate Canada: 14 Probes into the Workings of a Branch-Plant Economy.
K. CAMERON et al., She Named It Canada.
j. LORIMER, A Citizen's Guide to City Politics.
GEORGES EDOUARD BOURGOIGNIE, Les Hommes de I'eau: ethno-ecologie du Dahomey lacustre.
GILLES PAQUET et JEAN-PIERRE WALLOT, Patronage et pouvoir dans le Bas-Canada (1794–1812).
YVES LAMARCHE, MARCEL RIOU, ROBERT SEVIGNY, Alienation et ideologic dans la vie quotidienne des Montrealais francophones.
MICHEL VERDON, Anthropologic de la colonisation au Quebec: Le dilemme d'un village du Lac Saint-Jean.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T.N. GUINSBURG and G.L. REUBER (ed.), Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Canada .
S. PARVEZ WAKIL (ed.), Marriage, Family and Society: Canadian Perspectives
K. ISHWARAN (ed.), The Canadian Family
LYLE E. LARSON. The Canadian Family in Comparative Perspective .
JACQUES LAZURE, Le jeune couple non marié .
SEENA B. KOHL, Working Together: Women and Family in Southwestern Saskatchewan
FREDERICK C. ENGELMANN and MILDRED A. Schwartz Canadian Political Parties: Origin, Character, Impact .
D. LATOUCHE, G. LORD, J. G. VAILLANCOURT (sous la direction de), Le Processus électorale au Québec: les élections provinciales de 1970 et 1973 .
IVAN AVAKUMOVIC, The Communist Party in Canada .
DENNIS FORCESE, The Canadian Class Structure .
RICHARD L. HENSHEL and ROBERT A. SILVERMAN (eds.), Perception in Criminology
JAMES L. WILKINS, Legal Aid in the Criminal Courts .
WILLIAM KELLY and NORA KELLY, Policing in Canada .
WILLIAM SKIDMORE, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology .
La sociolinguistique au Québec, en collaboration, Cahier de linguistique, No 6 .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: JEAN STOCKARD and MARIAN M. JOHNSON, Sex Roles: Sex Inequality and Sex Role Development. MARGRIT EICHLER, The Double Standard: A Feminist Critique of Feminist Social Science. ALICE M. YOHALEM, The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. MARTIN KING WHYTE, The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies JACQUES DONZELOT, The Policing of Families. Toronto: Random House of Canada SHANKAR A. YELAJA (ed.), Canadian Social Policy. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier GAYLENE BECKER, Growing Old in Silence. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London ELLIOTT A. KRAUSE. Power and Illness. The Political Sociology of Health and Medical THEDA SKOCPOL, States and Social Revolutions, NY: Cambridge VINCENT WRIGHT, The Government and Politics of France. London JOHN McCALLUM, Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario Until 1870. Toronto DOUG OWRAM, Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West, 1856–1900. Toronto J. RICK PONTING and ROGER GIBBINS, Out of Irrelevance: A Socio-Political Introduction to Indian Affairs in Canada. Toronto ROBERT A. SCOTT and ARNOLD R. SHORE, Why Sociology Does Not Apply: A Study of the Use of Sociology in Public Policy. WILLIAM SKIDMORE, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge JAMES A. SCHELLENBERG, Masters of Social Psychology. New York GREGORY BAUM (ed) Sociology and Human Destiny: Essays on Sociology, Religion and Society. New York EDWARD A. MAZIARZ (ed.), Value and Values in Evolution. New York BRYAN R. WILSON, The Noble Savages: The Primitive Origins of Charisma and its Contemporary Survival. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London ARON HOROWTIZ, Striking Roots: Reflections on Five Decades of Jewish Life. Oakville PIERRE CLICHE, Espace Social et Mobilité Residentielle. Québec: Les Presses de ?  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
LUC RACINE et GUY SARRAZIN. Pour changer la vie.
PIERRE NA.VILLE, Temps et Technique: Les structures de la vie de travail.
WILLIAM A. and MARGARET W. WESTLEY, The Emerging Worker: Equality and Conflict in the Mass Consumption Society.
JAMES W. FERNANDEZ, Microcosmogony and Modernization in African Religious Movements. Occasional Paper Series, no. 3.
J.W. BERRY and G.J.s. WILDE (eds.), Social Psychology: The Canadian Context.
T.F. CARNEY, Content Analysis.
K.J. CROWE, A Cultural Geography of Northern Foxe Basin, N.W.T.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: DAVID C. PITT (ed.). Development From Below: Anthropologists and Development Situations WILLIAMC. MCCORMACK and STEPHEN A. WURM (eds.). Language and Man: Anthropological Issues. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences WILLIAM H. NEWELL (ed.) Ancestors MICHAEL W. EVERETT, JACK O. WADDELL, and DWIGHT B. HEATH (eds.)- Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. ESTELLE FUCHS (ed.). Youth in a Changing World: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of he Extra-Human: Ideas and Actions. SPENCER. ROBERT F. and JESSE D. JENNINGS, et al. The Native Americans. ARTHUR J. RAY. Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands southwest of Hudson Bay 1660–1870. WSEVOLOD ISAJIW (ed.). Identities: The Impact of Ethnicity on Canadian Society. BAN SENG HOE. Structural Changes of Two Chinese Communities in Alberta, Canada. ANNE T. BRODZKY, ROSE DANESEWICH. and NICK JOHNSON, (eds.), Stones, Bone and Skin. C.J. RICHARDSON. Contemporary Social Mobility. STEWART CRYSDALE and LES WHEATCROFT (eds.) Religion in Canadian Society. JOHN HAGAN. The Disreputable Pleasures. gary d. bouma and wilma J. bouma. Fertility Control: Canada's Lively Social Problem. rémi savard. Le Rire Précolombien dans le Québec D'Anjourd hui. Les Cahiers du CRSR. No. 1. Québec: Centre de Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse, Univer-sité Laval, 1977, 183 pages MARIE-ODILE MÉTRAL. Le mariage: Les hésitations de l'Occident. Préface de Philippe Ariès. Collection Présence et Pensée. CHABOT, RICHARD. Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38. Cahiers du Québec. marc adélard tremblay (sous la direction de) Les facettes de l'identité amérindienne I The Patterns of “Amerindian” Identity. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1976, 316 pages FRANÇOIS-MARC GAGNON. La Conversion par l'Image: Un Aspect de la Mission des Jésuites auprès des Indiens du Canada an XVII siècle. PIERRE BEAUCAGE, JACQUES GOMILA. et Lionel vallée. Testes présentés par jacqueline fry. L'Expérience anthropologique. Série Collections et archives de l'Université de Montréal.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
JOHN O'NEILL, Five Bodies: The Human Shape of Modern Society.
L. PANITCH and D. SWARTZ, From Consent to Coercion.
B. WHITE, Law, Capitalism and the Right to Work.
MILDA DANYS, Lithuanian Immigration to Canada After the Second World War.
FRED INGLIS, The Management of Ignorance: A political theory of the Curriculum.
AUGUSTINE BRANNIGAN and SHELDON GOLDENBERG (eds.), Social Responses to Technological Change.
GRAHAM s. LOWE and HERBERT c. NORTHCOTT, Under Pressure: A Study of Job Stress.
BRIAN HEAD (ed.), The Politics of Development in Australia.
J.D. HOUSE, The Challenge of Oil: Newfoundland's Quest for Controlled Development.
SEYMOUR MARTIN UPSET, Consensus and Conflict: Essays in Political Sociology.
WILLIAM H. VANDERBURG, The Growth of Minds and Cultures. A United Theory of the Structure of Human Experience.
GABRIEL WEIMANN and CONRAD WINN, Hate on Trial: The Zundel Affair, The Media, and Public Opinion in Canada.
JOHN DE VRIES, Towards a Sociology of Languages in Canada.
RICHARD Y. BOURHIS (ed.), Conflict and Language Planning in Quebec.
SUSAN A. MCDANIEL, Canada's Aging Population.
VICTOR w. MARSHALL (ed.), Later Life: The Social Psychology of Aging.
RANDALL COLLINS, Weberian sociological theory.
ROBERT A. SILVERMAN and JAMES J. TEEVAN, Jr. (eds.), Crime in Canadian Society
KAYLEEN M. HAZELHURST (ed.), justice Programs for Aboriginal and Other Indigenous Communities.
NOEL DYCK (ed.), Indigenous Peoples and the Nation State: 'Fourth World' Politics in Canada, Australia and Norway.
GEORGE p. CASTILE (ed.), The Indians of Puget Sound: the Notebooks of Myron Eells.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
MICHAEL B. KATZ, MICHAEL J. DOUCET AND MARK J. STERN, The Social Organization of Early Industrial Capitalism.
JOY PARR (ed.), Childhood and Family in Canadian History.
JAMES S. FRIDERES, Native People in Canada: Contemporary Conflicts.
PETER S. LI AND B. SINGH BOLARIA, Racial Minorities in Multicultural Canada.
DENISE LEMIEUX ET LUCIE MERCIER, La Reherche sur les femmes au Québec: bilan et bibliographie.
LESLIE W. KENNEDY, The Urban Kaleidoscope: Canadian Perspectives.
RAJ S. GANDHI The University of Calgary
JOSEPH S. HIMES, Conflict and Conflict Management.
ALAN GILBERT AND JOSEF GUGLER, Cities, Poverty and Development: Urbanization in the Third World.
PAUL DRIBEN AND ROBERT S. TRUDEAU. When Freedom Is Lost: The Dark Side of the Relationship Between Government and the Fort Hope Band.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
SANDRA B. BURMAN and BARBARA HARRELL-BOND, (eds.), The Imposition of Law.
J. PAUL GRAYSON (ed.) Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada.
DAVID COBURN, CARL D'ARCY, PETER NEW and GEORGE TORRENCE (eds.), Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives.
S.E.D. SHORTT, (ed.), Medicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives.
CHARLES C. LEMERT (ed), French Sociology: Rupture and Renewal Since 1968.
DEREK L. PHILLIPS, Equality, Justice and Rectification: An Exploration in Normative Sociology.
WILLIAM H. DURHAM, Scarcity and Survival in Central America: Ecological Origins of the Soccer War.
RANDLE W. NELSEN and DAVID A. NOCK (eds.), Reading, Writing, and Riches: Education and the Socio-Economic Order in North America.
JEFFREY G. REITZ, The Survival of Ethnic Groups.
HAROLD E. PEPINSKY, Crime Control Strategies: An Introduction to the Study of Crime.
MICHIEL HORN, The League for Social Reconstruction: Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada, 1930–1942.
ALVIN FINKEL, Business and Social Reform in the Thirties.
SUZANNE BERGER and MICHAEL J. PIORE, Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies.
PAUL I. AHMED and GEORGE V. COELHO (eds,), Toward a New Definition of Health, Psychosocial Dimension.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
VINCENT SACCO (ed.), Deviance: Conforrnzty and Control in Canadian Society.
R.S. RATNER and JOHN MCMULLAN (eds.), state Control: Criminal Justice Politics in Canada.
KWOK B. CHAN and DOREEN M. INDRA (eds.), Uprooting, Loss and Adaptation: The Resettlement of Indochinese Refugees in Canada.
MICHAEL D. BARBER, Social Typification and the Elusive Other.
DAVID A. NOCK, A Victorian Missionary & Canadian Indian Policy: Cultural Synthesis us. Cultural Replacement.
JEFFREY C. ALEXANDER, Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory Since World War II.
IAN A. GLOVER and MICHAEL P. KELLY, Engineers in Britain: A Sociological Study of the Engineering Dimension.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
GORDON F.N. FEARN, Canadian Social Organization
PAUL C. WHITEHEAD, CARL F. GRINDSTAFF, and CRAIG F. BOYDELL(eds), Alcohol and Other Drugs.
RICHARD A. PRESTON (ed.), The Influence of the United States on Canadian Development: Eleven Case Studies.
BRIGITTE NEUMANN, RICHARD MEZOFF, and ANTHONY H. RICHMOND, Immigrant Integration and Urban Renewal in Toronto.
SUZANNE ZIEGLER and ANTHONY H. RICHMOND, Characteristics of Italian Householders in Metropolitan Toronto.
GRACE ANDERSON, Networks of Contact: The Portuguese and Toronto.
ALAN POWELL (ed.), The City: Attacking Modern Myths.
JAMES L. HEAP(ed.), Everybody's Canada: The Vertical Mosaic Reviewed and Re-examined.
PIERRE MARANDA (ed.), Mythology.
HENRY ZENTNER, Profiles of the Supernatural: Inquiries Into the Socio-Psychological Foundations of Religious Behaviour.
BRYAN FINNIGAN and CY GONICK (eds.), Making It: The Canadian Dream.
GERALD L. GOLD and MARC-ADÉLARD TREM-BLAY (eds), Communities and Culture in French Canada.
PIERRE DESRUISSEAUX, Le livre des proverbes québécois.
JAQUES GRANDMAISON, Symboliques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.  相似文献   

ANNE-MARIE AMBERT, Divorce in Canada.
J. D. HOUSE, The Last of the Free Enterprisers: The Oilmen of Calgary.
VICTOR MARSHALL (ed.), Aging in Canada Social Perspectives.
PETER BURKE, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe.
ROBERT HAGEDORN, (ed.), Sociology.
PAUL RITTERBAND, Education, Employment, and Migration: Israel in Comparative Perspective,
WARREN E. KALBACH AND WAYNE W. MCVEY, The Demographic Bases of Canadian Society , 2nd ed. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979, pp. 402, $9.95 Johannes overbeek, Population and Canadian Society.
CAROLE E. JOFFE, Friendly Intruders: Childcare Professionals and Family Life.
JAMES LORIMER, The Developers.
PETER D. CHIMBOS, The Canadian Odyssey: The Greek Experience in Canada.
RAYMOND BRETON, JEFFREY G. REITZ, AND VICTOR VALENTINE, Cultural Boundaries and the Cohesion of Canada.
ROGER GIBBINS, Prairie Politics and Society: Regionalism in Decline.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
JEAN LEONARD ELLIOTT (ed.), TWO Nations, Many Cultures: Ethnic Groups in Canada. Scarborough,
MICHAEL INBAR AND CHAIM ADLER, Ethnic Integration in Israel: A Comparative Case Study of Moroccan Brothers who settled in France and Israel
MIKLOS NARASZTI, A Worker in a Worker's State: Piece-Rates in Hungary
JOE SAWCHUK, The Metis of Manitoba; Reformulation of an Ethnic Identity
H. STRASSER, The Normative Structure of Sociology, Conservative and Emancipatory Themes in Social Thought
S.D. CLARK, Canadian Society In Historical Perspective
RALPH MATHEWS, 'There's No Better Place Than Here': Social Change in Three Newfoundland Communities
ROBERT CHODOS and RAE MURPHY (eds.), Let Us Prey
JOSEPH C. MOULEDOUX and ELIZABETH C. MOULEDOUX, Alienation: A Critical Evaluation of Selected Empirical Studies
JAMES W. RINEHART, The Tyranny of Work . Don Mills
ROBERT LAXER, Canada's Unions
HARRY H. HILLER, Canadian Society: A Sociological Analysis , Scarborough  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Wallace Clement. The Canadian Corporate Elite: An Analysis of Economic Power.
Dennis Forcese and Stephen Richer, Issues in Canadian Society: An Introduction to Sociology.
Elliott Leyton, Dying Hard: The Rnwges of industrial Crrrnnge.
James C. Hackler, Why Delinquency Prevention Programs in Canada Should Not be Evalyated.
Mark W. Novak, Living and Learning in the Free School.
Jean-Paul Hautecoeur, L'Acadie du discours.
Maria Campbell. Halfbreed.
Henry Zenter. The Indian Identity Crisis.
Louis-Edmond Hamelin. La Nordicité canadienne.
Joel S. Sawshinsky, The Trail of the Hare: Life and Stress in an Arctic Community.
Stewart Crysdai E and Jean-Paul Mont-Miny. Assisted by Henrique Urbano and Les Wheatcroft. La Religion Au Canada: Bi-bliographie annotée & (1945–1970)|Religion in Canada: Annotated Inventory (1945–1972).
John O' Neill. Making Sense Together: An Introduction to Wild Sociology.
Lloyd Axworthy and James M. Gillies (eds.), The City: Canada's Proapects, Canada's Problems.
Alan H. Portigal (ed.). Measuring the Quality of Working Life: A Symposium on Social Indicators of Working Life, Ottawa, March 19 und 20, 1973.
Jacques Grand'Maison, Des milieux de travail á réinventer.
Jacques Grand'Maison, Une tentative autogestion.
Jacques Grand'Maison, Le Prive et le Public.
David P. Shugarman (Ed.) Thinking about change.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: FRANCIS A. BEER, Peace Against War: The Ecology of International Violence. GEERT P. BRAAM, Influence of Business Firms on the Government. MICHAEL LAMBEK, Human Spirits: A Cultural Account of Trance in Mayotte. ROBERT J. BRYM, Intellectuals and Politics. FERNAND DUMONT, JEAN HAMELIN and JEAN-PAUL MONTMINY (eds.), Idéologies au Canada Francois: 1940–1976 Tomes I, II and III. VIVIAN DARROCH and RONALD J. SILVER (eds.), Interpretive Human Studies: an Introduction to Phenomenological Research. NIKLAS LUHMANN, The Differentiation of Society (trans. Stephen Holmes and Charles Larmore). KLAUS MÄKELÄ, et al., Alcohol, Society, and the State (vol. 1): A Comparative Study of Alcohol Control. ERIC SINGLE, et al. (eds.), Alcohol, Society, and the State (vol. 2): The Social History of Control Policy in Seven Countries. FRANK J. MIFFLEN and SYDNEY C. MIFFLEN, The Sociology of Education: Canada and Beyond. FERNAND OUELLET, Lower Canada, 1791–1840: Social Change and Nationalism. RON PARSLER (ed.), Capitalism, Class and Politics in Scotland. RON PARSLER and DAN SHAPIRO (eds.), The Social Impact of Oil in Scotland: A Contribution to the Sociology of Oil. R. COOPERSTOCK and J. HILL, The Effects of Tranquilization: Benzodiazepine Use in Canada. Papers, Revista de Sociologia  相似文献   

PAUL AUDLEV, Canada's Cultural Industries: Broadcasting, Publishing, Records and Film.
MICHAEL W. YOUNG. Magicians of Manumanua: Living Myth in Kalauna.
MARY F. ROGERS, Sociology, ethnomethodology, and experience; A phenomenalogical critique.
THOMAS FLEMING and L.A. VISANO (eds.), Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada.
FRANCIS HENRY, Victims and Neighbours: A Small Town in Nazi Germany Remembered.
HELMUT R. WAGNER, Phenomenology of Consciousness and Sociology of the Life-World: An Introductory Study.
ALFRED SCHUTZ, An Intellectual Biography.
MICHAEL ASCH, Home and Native Land: Aboriginal Rights and the Canadian Constitution
MADELEINE BÉLAND, Chansons de voyageurs, coureurs de bois et forestiers.
DENISE RODRIGUE, Le Cycle de Pâques au Québec et dans l'Ouest de la France.
GARY CALDWELL et ERIC WADDELL (eds.), Les anglophones du Québec: de majoritaires à minoritaires.  相似文献   

JEAN ROUCH, La religion et la magie Songhay (Anthropologie sociale)
PAUL STOLLER, Fusion of the Worlds. An Ethnography of Possession among the Songhay of Niger
MARGARET M. CAFFREY, Ruth Benedict: Stranger In This Land.
FRANS J. SCHRYER, Ethnicity and Class Conflict in Rural Mexico
JOHN W. MURPHY, Postmodern Social Analysis and Criticism
WALLACE CLEMENT and GLEN WILLIAMS (eds.), The New Canadian Political Economy
ANTON L. ALLAHAR, Sociology and the Periphery: Theories and Issues
W. GORDON WEST Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto
FAYE D. GINSBURG, Contested Lives: The Abortion Debate in an American Community
ROBERT WUTHNOW, Communities of Discourse: Ideology and Social Structure in the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and European Socialism
SHEPARD KRECH III, A Victorian Earl in the Arctic: the Travels and Collections of the Fifth Earl of Lonsdale, 1888-89
JANICE BODDY, Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men and the ZaTr Cult in Northern Sudan.
FRANK MANNING and JEAN-MARC PHILIBERT (eds.), Customs in Conflict: The Anthropology of a Changing World
CHERYL KRASNICK WARSH, Moments of Unreason: The Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883–1923  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
STEVEN M. TIPTON, Getting Saved From the Sixties: Moral Meaning in Conversion and Cultural Change. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984, pp. 364 J. MILTON YINGER, Countercultures: The Promise and Peril of a World Turned Upside Down. New York: The Free Press, 1984, pp. 371
MARIE HAUG and BEBE LAVIN, Consumerism in Medicine: Challenging Physician Authority. Beverly Hills, ca : Sage Publications, 1983, pp. 239
MAUREEN BAKER (ed.), The Family: Changing Trends in Canada. Scarborough, Ont.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson
SUSAN A. MCDANIEL and BEN AGGER, Social Problems Through Conflict and Order. Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley Publishers
R. W. BIBBY, and D.C. POSTERSKI, The Emerging Generation, An Inside Look at Canada's Teenagers. Toronto: Irwin, 198
MICHAEL BRAKE, Comparative Youth Culture, The Sociology of Youth Cultures and Youth Subcultures in America, Britain and Canada. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985, pp. 228
EDWARD W. LAINE (ed.), Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Etudes Scandinaves au Canada. Ottawa: Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada, 1983, pp. 172
S.D. BERKOWITZ (ed.), Models and Myths in Canadian Sociology. Toronto: Butterworths
DAN ALBAS and CHERYL ALBAS, Student Life and Exams: Stresses and Coping Strategies. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1984, pp
Reply to G.L. WATSON concerning his review of Dialectic and Sociological Thought (November issue of CRSA  相似文献   

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