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ONLY children have become a common concern of society since China adopted its family planning policy 20 years ago. A report titled "Little Emperors in China," published several years ago, delineated the real living conditions of only children in contemporary Chinese cities. Almost all of these children were found to dominate their families. They were called the "little suns" of the family. There were never parents in Chinese history like oday's parents who shed their hearts' blood for and expected so much from their  相似文献   

IN April, the Beijing Education Commission, Beijing Women's Federation and the China Institute of Family Education jointly decided the theme of China's family education for 1997: Learn to care and teach good behavior. This theme reminds us of the requirement of young generations in many other countries: Learn to survive, learn to care. It reveals that learning to care about others is not only a problem faced by Chinese children, most of whom grow up as an only child, but is a common problem in children's education  相似文献   

ETHNIC women have always been a concern of Women of China. The column, "Ethnic Women," has been developed to look at the lives, employment, education of ethnic women, and to introduce their local customs and practices to our readers. Since the establishment of New China in 1949, China's 55 ethnic groups have witnessed significant progress in political rights, social status, employment, education, marriage and family, maternity and child health care. However, ethnic regions situated in remote areas still lag behind developed regions in eastern China in terms of economic development, with 257 of China's 592 poverty-stricken counties inhabited by ethnic groups. Concerned with problems ethnic women face, the Editorial Department of Women of China recently organized a meeting of experts and scholars to discuss the present situation and future development for ethnic women.  相似文献   

THE term "home computer" became commonplace amongst Chinese citizens only a few years ago. Today, however, an untold number of Chinese women, representing thousands upon thousands of Chinese families, have joined in the home computer craze sweeping the nation. China is home to well over 300 million families, including 74 million families in cities and towns, with the latter figure representing a population greater than that of the United States. The estimated computer market for China stands at 100 million units. While one out of every thousand Chinese families currently owns a computer, the annual increase is rising at the phenomenal rate of 20 percent. Women usually control the purse stringsin Chinese families, especially in cities and  相似文献   

China has more than 60 million disabled people-nearly five percent of the country's total population. That means that in every six families, there is a family with a disabled member. The Chinese Government is devoting great effort to improving the lives of disabled people and is taking various measures to solve the difficulties faced by them, in education and employment for example. However, protecting disabled people from poverty and discrimination still calls for long-term mechanisms to be in place, a sound social welfare system and awareness of the general public to disability issues. On May 15, 1991, China's Law on the Protection of the Disabled Person came into effect, stipulating the third Sunday of May every year as the National Day for Helping the Disabled, which calls on the public to show their concern. Many kind-hearted people have reached out to help the disabled. Yang Jinhua, Director of Huanggang Social Welfare House in Hubei Province is one such person. She has been honored this year as on  相似文献   

EVER since there have been families in China, it has been traditional for the elderly to spend their later years living at home with their children; if the children have married and presented their parents with grandchildren, the household may consist of a large extended family in which three to four generations live under one roof. Nowadays, many elderly Chinese still fit into this mold. According to a sampling survey taken in 1995, among households with older members, 67.64 million seniors—or 74.73 percent of the total—lived with their adult children. Though some older people live apart  相似文献   

my mather     
Ji Xianlin is a well-Known writer and scholar in China.My Mother reflects not only his attachment to his mother,but also depicts various aspects of the traditional Chinese family in the 1920s.My Mother gives insight into such aspects as Chinese family structure,economic conditions and women's status within the family.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago,a wedding in China was a simple ceremony. The couple wore their ordinary clothes and posed for a single keepsake photo.Today,a young couple is more likely to plan a lavish banquet and costumed photo shoot.But a wedding is not the only part of marriage that has changed radically in past decades.Young people approach the institution itself with views completely different from those of their parents' generation:Many modern couples split the housework, keep their own social lives and delay starting a family.In honor of Valentine's Day,Women of China has prepared three articles that look at marriage in China—from planning a wedding,to living as a couple, to aettina alona with in-laws. 20年前,中国人的婚礼仪式通常简单,新人们拍结婚纪念照也大多穿日常衣服;今天的年轻人则流行办奢华的婚宴,拍昂贵的婚纱照。然而,20年来发生巨变的不仅是婚礼的形式,年轻人对待婚姻的态度也与父母辈截然不同:他们分担家务、保持自己的社交圈,甚至不急于结婚。在情人节来临之际,我们为您呈现一组中国人的婚姻故事——从婚礼策划,到夫妻相处,再到婆媳关系。  相似文献   

MOTHERS not only create families, but also create genius. World-famous mathematician Hua Luogeng (1910-1985) is one of the forefathers of China's modern mathematics research and pedagogy. Hua developed the study of the analytic theory of numbers and the typical matrix geometry in China. Hua Lianqing, 90, is three years older  相似文献   

This February is very special to all Chinese around the world, because the Chinese Spring Festival falls on the 9th day of the month. This most important Chinese festival is a time for family reunions andcelebration for a coming lunar new year.At such a festive time of family reunion, we won't forget those families who've lost their dear family members in the deadly earthquakes and tsunamis which occurred last December, devastating the coastal areas of many Asian  相似文献   

China Has Released a National Report on Child Development for 2003 to 2004 《中国儿童发展状况国家报告(2003-2004年)》公布China has released a national report on child development for 2003 to 2004 at the 7th East Asia and Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Children in Siemreab, Cambodia. The report, which was made public by the National Working Committee on Women and Children under the State Council, describes recent progress on child development and reaffirms China's pledge to embrace child development as a top priority. It also reveals that China has stuck to the principles stipulated in the Bali Consensus passed at the 6th ministerial meeting in Indonesia and made considerable achievements in strengthening children's protection, empowering their rights and improving their well-being.  相似文献   

Who Are They?Liang Caili,in her fifties,lives in Yangmei,a village in Jiangxi Town,which is administered by Jiangnan District,Nanning,capital of South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.She is the eighth child of her parents.Villagers in Yangmei like to call her"auntie eighth."Liang,with four generations of her family,has participated in the construction of Yangmei.  相似文献   

This October 11 marks China's Chongyang Festival, which is usually celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.It is a time for Chinese people to remember their family members,especially those who are outside their hometowns.In 1989,China started dedicating the Chongyang Festival to its elderly citizens,and called on  相似文献   

Reel Time     
Hong Kong director Peter Chan's latest film, Dearest, which is based on true stories of child abduction in China, is definitely a tearjerker. Set in Shenzhen, in southern China's Guangdong Province, Dearest follows a divorced couple, Tian Wenjun (played by Huang Bo) and Lu Xiaojuan (played by Hao Lei). Tian works at a small market stall while his ex-wife is married to a wealthy man. Pengpeng, Tian and Lu's son, is their only common concern. One day, Pengpeng plays with other children in the market. He is distracted by his mother's car, and he runs after her. Suddenly, he is taken away by a stranger, which leaves his parents feeling despair and desperation.  相似文献   

IN the hinterlands of the immense forest on the Greater and Lesser Xing'an Mountains in Northeast China, the brave Oroquen nationality have lived for generations. The Oroquen, one of China's great family of nationalities, has a small population. According to the fourth national population census in 1990, it has only 6,965 people, ranking the 51 st among  相似文献   

In the November 1993 issue of Woman of China, Chang Ying and Xiao Huan wrote a historical piece called "A Breakthrough in China's Feudal Tradition" translated by Liu Xiaohong. This was an excellent article. It is very important for women to know their history. The picture of the women students in France was wonderful: a picture is worth a thousand words: In two short pages I learned a great deal. But now there are many more things I want to know about the history of the education of women in China.  相似文献   

Enjoying New Year's Eve dinner with family and friends is the most important event for Chinese during the Lunar New Year holiday. It has become fashionable in recent years for families to enjoy their New Year's Eve meals in restaurants. Why not experience this rich, rewarding experience this year? Following is a list of great restaurants where you can enjoy a tremendous New Year's Eve meal.  相似文献   

Ma Chengpeng's family is from Wuwei,a city in East China's Anhui Province.Ma and his wife,Hu Aixiang,moved to Beijing in 2003.Since then,they have spent much of their spare time volunteering to help others.By doing so,they express gratitude to the residents of the Chinese capital,and especially for the help and support they have received since their relocation.  相似文献   

WITH the rise in the standard of living, the camera—like the television set, the video cassette recorder and the cassette player—has become another essential entertainment tool for families. If you ask young parents who is photographed most in the family, chances are they will readily tell you that the child is the focus.  相似文献   

Jingdezhen is one of the four most famous ancient towns in China. The chinaware made in its official kilns has made up a precious part of Chinese cultural relics. Jingdezhen is not only the name of a place but also the brand name of quality porcelain. A band of ceramic musical instruments created for the Jingdezhen Opera and Dance Theatre  相似文献   

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