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试论无罪推定原则在我国法律中的确立及完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仲丽娜 《学术交流》2006,16(10):61-63
无罪推定原则即任何人在未经国家审判机关依法宣告有罪以前被推定或认为其无罪,它有利于准确惩治犯罪,切实保障人权,是刑事诉讼制度走向民主化、科学化的重要标志。我国确立了无罪推定原则的一些合理内涵,如起诉方负证明责任、取消免予起诉制度、疑罪作无罪判决等,但并不全面,需要进一步更新观念、确立其宪法地位、规定沉默权、排除非法证据、完善刑法相关规定,使无罪推定原则真正成为我国刑事诉讼的基本原则。  相似文献   

和谐社会并不是没有矛盾纠纷,其存在的意义在于能够及时化解矛盾纠纷.当前,我国已经进入高风险的时期,社会利益和冲突的多元化、社会主体关系的多元化、价值观与文化传统的多元化必然要求纠纷解决手段的多样化.因此,加快构建多元化家事纠纷解决机制,为社会主体和纠纷当事人提供符合他们利益和偏好、可选择的纠纷解决途径,既有利于缓解司法途径解决纠纷的压力,也有利于及时有效地解决社会纠纷."司法和谐"理念强调了对婚姻、家庭、邻里纠纷等家事案件的处理要注意充分运用调解机制,发挥人民调解、仲裁调解、行政部门调解等矛盾调处机制的作用,扩大了家事矛盾非诉讼机制的适用范围,从而真正探寻出适合我国国情的解决问题路径.  相似文献   

高校学生伤害事故责任纠纷案件上诉和申请再审比例居高不下,当事人上诉和申请再审的根本原因在于对责任的认定与划分有异议。通过分析侵权责任法在救济功能上的局限性和运用社会保障机制进行功能替代的合理性,得出如下结论,即要将高校学生伤害事故从侵权责任中分离出来,建立从私法体系转向公法体系的赔偿机制。本文旨在研究破解高校学生伤害事故责任案件审判困境的改革思路,在完善高校学生伤害事故私法体系赔偿机制的基础上,徐图缓进,逐步建立公平、高效的高校学生伤害事故社会保障机制。  相似文献   

李静 《求是学刊》2006,33(4):93-98
文章试图从司法裁判过程的不同阶段,说明在证明案件事实、明确规范事实、得出个案法律结论的活动中,实体正义的困难和不确定性,得出实现实体正义的科学研究的理论前提;并指出实体正义与程序正义的一般关系和强化程序正义的必要性。  相似文献   

国际私法的核心在于法律选择或法律适用,国际私法的正义就是涉外民商事案件法律适用上的正义,在国际私法尤其是18世纪中期以来的历史演进中,体现为冲突正义和实质正义的此消彼长和相互依存关系。萨维尼所架构的多边主义的法律选择学说主张涉外民商事案件应适用空间上最适合的法律,是为冲突正义;美国冲突法革命中诞生的若干理论强调适用案件处理结果上最适当的法律,是为实质正义。囿于各自的缺陷,冲突正义和实质正义皆不足以单独实现对当今涉外民商事纷争的合理调整,二者的和合共生才是涉外民商事案件解决的最佳之道。从经济学的角度而言,实质正义是极点,冲突正义是均衡,二者共存的途径是将实质正义的精神内蕴至冲突正义的外化规则中,经由冲突正义达至实质正义。  相似文献   

文章从“首例机动车员全责案件”中机动车驾驶员的赔偿问题出发,分析了我国新《道路交通安全法》的漏洞,并根据亚里士多德的关于法治的定义,对我国已经制定的法律的内在质量进行反思,认为不具有可预期性、明确性、可循性、稳定性、无内在矛盾性、同一性等,可能是我国现行法律在不同程度上面临的风险。  相似文献   

行政法上的行政侵权赔偿与行政补偿在产生原因、承担责任、救济方式、目的和法律规定形式上都不同,其赔偿责任是由行政侵权行为引起的,责任性质属于行政法律责任,而责任的主体只能是行政机关本身。我国行政赔偿立法应确立违法与严重不当的归责原则。赔偿范围包括物质、人身和精神的损害赔偿;主要以支付货币的形式履行,还有其他的赔偿方式;对财产权的赔偿数额应以当事人的实际财产损害为标准,而具体行政行为被法律确认为侵权性质的时间应是合理评估损害物价值的有效时间。行政赔偿诉讼可以同其他行政诉讼一并提起,也可以在某些必要情况下由受侵权损害人单独提起,可以适用调解。行政侵权赔偿还涉及行政机关内部行使追偿权的内部行政程序。  相似文献   

疑罪不仅指罪与非罪之疑,而且包括情节轻重之疑、此罪与彼罪之疑以及一罪与数罪之疑。确立疑罪惟轻原则是坚持正义原则、统一司法规则和保护被害人合法权益的需要。疑罪惟轻原则适用的条件是认定有罪的事实清楚,证据确凿充分;认定此罪彼罪、罪行轻重、罪数的事实证据存在欠缺。其适用范围大致有三:一是在明确此罪与彼罪的定罪方面,二是同一罪名的罪行轻重方面,三是在一罪与数罪的认定上。  相似文献   

国家行政赔偿救济额度的立法完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱之岫 《求是学刊》2002,29(2):74-76
对国家行政赔偿救济额度 ,我国的国家赔偿立法采用了“半免责”的法律机制设置 ,而明显低于民事侵权赔偿救济 ,在某种程度上已限制了我国行政诉讼的发展并形成掣肘。文章认为 ,行政侵权赔偿 ,不仅应赔偿直接损害 ,而且对间接损害也应救济 ;不仅应赔偿客观的物质损害 ,对精神损害也应赔偿 ,考虑到行政侵权客观的表现形式 ,对于因限制人身自由的间接受害者的精神损害如已造成严重后果的 ,应考虑予以赔偿  相似文献   

作为行政主体的日本文官,在三权分立中,不但在行政方面,而且在司法、立法方面也处于举足轻重的地位。行政机构是指日本内阁及中央省厅。在这些机构中,除了一些政治家担任总理大臣和各中央省厅大臣、政务次官之外,它的主体是云聚在东京霞关(中央省厅所在地)的“国家公务员”——即日本国家文官。 司法机构是指日本各级法院,它独立于行政机构之外,但是与法院密切相关的警视厅、检察厅则属于行政范畴,而法院的判断在很大程度上取决于警视厅的拘留审查和检察厅的起诉。检察厅首先判断案件的当事人是否有罪,如果认为无罪,即免于起诉,反之则起诉。而法院对检察厅起诉的有罪案件中,据统计,判为有罪的约占受理案件的97%,其比例之高在其他西方国家是罕见的。因此,在日本,法院有检察厅的“橡皮图章”之喻。可见,日本文官在司法中起着相当大的作用。  相似文献   

During the week of April 9, 1995, 125 male participants completed a questionnaire assessing attitudes toward the O. J. Simpson trial. Specifically, participants reported their belief in the defendant's guilt or innocence, stated how fair they perceived the trial to be, and recommended a sentence should the defendant be found guilty of the crime. Additionally, participants completed Kassin and Wrightsman's Juror Bias Scale and the revised California F scale. Overall, results showed that participants' scores on both scales were positively correlated with their beliefs in the defendant's guilt, perceived trial fairness, and more severe sentence recommendations.  相似文献   

论包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪的认定和防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑社会组织犯罪是国际社会的公害。国家机关工作人员包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织犯罪 ,不仅严重危害社会治安 ,损害国家机关形象 ,而且也是黑社会性质组织犯罪滋生、蔓延的重要因素。认定包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪 ,应当正确把握其犯罪构成的客体、客观、主体和主观特征 ,准确区分罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪、一罪与数罪的界限。为了有效防范包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织犯罪 ,必须加大对黑社会性质组织犯罪的打击力度 ,加强廉政建设 ,提高国家机关工作人员的抗腐蚀能力 ,加强监督 ,加大对充当黑社会“保护伞”的腐败官员的惩处力度  相似文献   

胡建舫 《唐都学刊》2014,(2):120-123
《炸裂志》是阎连科在所其标举的神实主义道路上的又一次艺术实践.但结果依然差强人意,并没有很好解决史志求实与小说讲求虚构的内在矛盾,主人公性格的丰富性严重不足,人物形象缺少正面的精神引领作用.小说始终艰难地游走在神与实之间,导致了事实上的两厢掣肘,空灵因囿于写实记录而无法升腾,生活展现又因作者专注于所标举的神实主义实验而显遮蔽,无法实现神与实——文本的表与里的恰切同构.  相似文献   

Lengthy legal proceedings are often required before an individual who has unjustly lost income is compensated. The utility loss while waiting in straitened circumstances exceeds the utility gain from later compensation if compensation is merely monies lost plus interest. The excess loss will be larger the more averse the individual is to intertemporal variation in consumption, the less complete and perfect the markets for borrowing and trading contingent claims, and the less the certainty about whether an award will be made. To make an injured individual whole, the focus should be on compensating not for loss of discounted income, but for loss of utility.  相似文献   

劳动合同经济补偿金具有制约功能、补充功能和补偿功能。就其性质而言,我国的劳动合同经济补偿金因其补偿项目的不同,分别具有补贴、制裁和法律制约的性质。补偿金存在两个方面的问题:一是没有考虑劳动合同是否有持续性;二是对劳动合同变更制度考虑不足。应根据合同的性质和时间确定无固定期限合同的要求;对解除或终止无固定期限合同给予经济补偿,对固定期限合同的终止则不予补偿;此外,还应赋予用人单位更大的用人安置权。  相似文献   

The conviction-prone behavior of death-qualified juries is a phenomenon that has been widely observed, but is not fully understood. This work presents a cognitive dissonance perspective as a possible mechanism that may be contributing to the high rate of conviction in death-qualified juries. This review contends that the selection procedures for death qualification may create juries with attitudes that are contrary to the fundamental assumption of innocence presupposed by the court. As a result of this conflict between juror attitudes and the assumption of innocence, dissonance will occur. One path to dissonance resolution may be the act of conviction. The empirical findings from juror studies support this dissonance interpretation of the conviction-prone status of death-qualified juries. This work also reviews the legal history of the death qualification process in Witherspoon v. Illinois (1968) and Hovey v. Superior Court (1980) and summarizes the social psychological criticism that process has received.  相似文献   

"实用主义真理观"辨析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张之沧 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):25-30
实用主义真理观作为对实证论、自明论、逻辑论、约定论、符合论等真理论的超越,并不是主张"有用即真理,强权即公道".相反,它是非常辩证的,既讲真理的真实性和真理符合论,也突出真理的实践性、有效性;主张理论、实践和效果三位一体;本质上是实践主义和科学主义的,具有积极探索和创新求实的性质;反对绝对真理,重视理论结合实际;提倡哲学关心人类生活,精心呵护生命,培养审美情趣,塑造完美人格,实现完整人性;完善真善美统一的真理观,建立创造性的方法论;立足时间论、生成论、协同论、身体主义和后现代主义,撞击语言牢笼,以挫败绝对理性和抽象无用的学院派哲学.  相似文献   

This article presents policy, practice and theory implications of a case study of a youth curfew. The original case study of the Northbridge Policy Project set out to document the purposes of the Northbridge Policy, how policy was implemented, and to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach as a generalised response to child welfare and youth crime. The study synthesised data from multiple sources. The original study concluded that although the project was well resourced, well managed and had improved greatly inter‐agency collaboration for child protection, these benefits could have been achieved without the curfew, which undermined some preventative aspects of the project. The evaluation also concluded that previously documented successes of the curfew for crime protection and child protection had been achieved through displacement of young people to other locations that neither reduced crime nor increase safety. After the project was suddenly curtailed, analysis used moral panic theory to examine the legacy of the Northbridge curfew in terms of discourse about young people and legitimation of subsequent practices in youth policing. The analysis found that the legacy had been unhelpful because it reinforced the erroneous beliefs that the curfew had been an effective and necessary component of strategy.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Ken Pease, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH Summary The occurrence of a crime may be regarded as a good predictorof where and when a further crime will occur. In consequence,a practical form of support for victims may well be the preventionof repeat victimization. To a variable and largely unknown extent,this approach is already being implemented by Victim Supportvolunteers. Making such practice routine might provide a worthwhilesupplement to the services which Victim Support already offers.Some ways are suggested in which this approach might be developed.The effectiveness of such an approach would be measured in termsof customer (victim) satisfaction and lower than expected ratesof swift repeat victimizations. It is stressed that Victim Supportmay turn out not to be a viable platform for the delivery ofcombined support—prevention services, although it shouldbe the agency first considered for this role. Possible experimentaltest-beds for such an approach are proposed.  相似文献   

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