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利用极差标准化以及定量分析等方法对中国除台湾、香港、澳门以外的22个省、4个直辖市以及5个自治区的人口总和生育率的时空演变进行了研究分析.结果表明:(1)1982—2010年全国人口总和生育率总体呈下降趋势,城市、镇和乡村的总和生育率的变化趋势与全国相同;(2)各省市区人口总和生育率具有明显的时间差异且空间分布出现明显的集聚区;(3)人口总和生育率城乡差异较为显著,乡村的人口总和生育率远高于城市的总和生育率.  相似文献   

针对中国低生育率水平的现实,采用回归分析的方法,从政策性、婚姻结构性、经济和文化等影响低生育率水平的因素进行了分析,讨论了低生育率对中国人口规模、人口结构和人口质量造成的后果,提出提高离婚成本、健全社会保障制度、强化男女角色分工等建议。  相似文献   

<正>新中国成立后,在生育率持续保持高位的情况下,死亡率开始下降,这导致我国人口出现第一次快速增长。1953年第一次人口普查数据显示,1949年人口数为5.4亿,远多于原先估计的4.5亿,同时人口增长速度高达20‰,年净增人口超过1 200万。这个时期家庭的显著特征是子女多(平均生育6个左右孩子),而造成这种超高生育率的原因,一方面是受民间重男轻女和多子多福观念的影响,家庭习惯多生,另一方  相似文献   

计划生育政策降低了生育率,推动了人口的迅速转型,产生了巨大的人口红利,对中国经济增长产生了积极的影响.然而,低生育率造成的人口结构问题,正对中国经济产生消极影响.在这种背景下,对计划生育政策提出的背景和具体内容进行简要回顾,并总结和分析人口结构问题对我国经济的影响.最后,为使计划生育政策对经济产生积极作用,对计划生育政策的调整方向提出了相应建议.  相似文献   

1982年9月在中国28个省份进行了全国千分之一人口生育率抽样调查(不包括台湾和西藏)。1982年7月1日零点作为调查的时点。用全国千分之一人口调查获得的资料,对全国的生育率及其变化状况进行的定量分析,填补了长期来我国在生育率估计方面的空白。  相似文献   

近 30年来 ,中国人口出生率与总和生育率在波动中呈现出显著的下降趋势 ,并且随着时间的推移越来越向发达国家的生育水平接近。中国人口与计划生育政策的成功实施 ,为未来中国社会经济的可持续发展创造了较好的人口环境 ,也为减缓世界人口的增长态势作出了应有的贡献 ,对世界人口发展将产生深远的影响  相似文献   

中国的低生育率现状对未来经济和社会发展将产生负面的影响。在与其他国家和地区比较的基础上,认为中国的生育意愿处于极低的水平并简要分析了背后的原因。提出中国未来生育率的三重下行压力和导致生育率难以回升的三个恶性循环链条。最后比较了东亚各国和地区以及伊朗的人口形势变化、人口政策的改变轨迹和目前的鼓励措施。在此基础上,认为中国未来提升生育率,维持人口可持续发展的任务将极其艰巨。  相似文献   

1993年上海首次出现人口负增长以来,人口生育率连续保持负数,其人口绝对数增长主要缘于人口的机械增长。同时,北京、天津、沈阳等城市也陆续出现了人口生育率的急剧下降。而与此相对应的,是广东虽然自改革开放以来一直是经济发展的领先省份,深得市场经济风气之先,其人口控制却是老大难省份。通过两者对比,笔者认为,市场经济只有与城市化、现代化相结合,才能起到人口控制的作用。  相似文献   

<正>央行金融研究所所长姚余栋在一次活动上说,一线城市的高房价,会影响生育率。姚余栋说,我国目前的生育率大约是在1.28%。日本和韩国是生育率比较低的国家,日本的生育率是1.4%。我们比日本还要低。或许有人觉得奇怪,中国人口已超过14亿,生育率下降对控制人口增长不是有利吗?其实,我国人口的确不少,但存在着结构性问题:一方面是,国内年龄结构不合理。五六十年代鼓励生育政策,使很多家庭拥有  相似文献   

检验人口结构对经济增长的影响,预测人口总量及其结构的走势和老龄化的未来趋势,分析人口总量及其结构,尤其是老龄化趋势对经济增长的影响。研究发现:第一,劳动力数量和劳动力占比增加、人口抚养比下降会促进经济增长,在对经济增长的回归中人口结构的解释力不及劳动力数量,但在预测未来时人口结构变化的影响力更大。第二,总人口会在低方案情况下已步入下降通道,如果总和生育率不快速提升的话,中国的老龄化程度在近50年将持续加深。第三,延迟退休可以减少老龄化对经济增长的负面冲击;提高生育率可以减缓老龄化程度,但在短期会抑制经济增长。延迟退休方案增加劳动人口越多,越能促进经济增长,延迟退休实施的力度越大,法定退休年龄越大,对老龄化的缓冲程度越大。如果男女每年延迟退休递增1年,分别最终延迟到70岁和65岁,在一些年份甚至可以完全抵消老龄化的抑制作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a new projection of Jerusalem's population to the year 2020. Cultural, social and demographic trends within the city were analysed for eight main subpopulations featuring different ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic characteristics. Separate assumptions on mortality, fertility, and geographical mobility were developed and projected based on 1995 estimates of size and age-sex composition for each subpopulation. The selected results presented here focus on the balance of the Jewish versus the Arab and other population, and within the Jewish population, of the more religiously observant subpopulation versus the rest. The findings shed light on the critical importance of the mutual relationship between demography and socio-political developments. Implications of expected demographic trends for urban planning in a multicultural context are discussed within a broader evaluation of local and national policy options.  相似文献   

We are here trying to measure the impact of each element of the total fertility, mortality and migration history of the cohorts concerned on population structure change. Computations are done for both France and Italy on population ageing during the last 30 years as well as until the end of the official population projections around 2040. Though the ageing effect of fertility decrease is usually emphasized, we can see here that the consequences of mortality change are at least equally (and sometimes more) important. The case of the Italian projections is particularly fascinating. Even if the very low fertility level of 1.4 children per woman is maintained until the year 2040, more than half the increase in the proportion of the population aged 60 and over (from 21% to 43% for females) would be due to mortality change and slightly less to fertility change.  相似文献   

Demographic trends in Japan are producing a declining population that is rapidly growing older. With a total fertility rate of around 1.3 children per woman, the population has already begun to decline. This article examines the impact of these demographic trends on the level of employment and economic growth that Japan is projected to experience over the next 20 years. We explore the effect of changes in labor market policies on age-specific employment rates and assess whether innovative policies can moderate the decline in employment. Public policies encouraging increased employment of women and persons aged 60 and older could partially offset the anticipated decline in employment. The importance of the Japanese experience for European policy makers is discussed.  相似文献   

通过对我国近 5 0年人口出生率、死亡率、自然增长率统计数据的分析认为 ,我国已经完成了由传统的人口再生产类型向现代的人口再生产类型的人口转变过程。又通过对我国 5 0年来的人口转变模式的分析 ,探讨了其转变机制 ,指出社会经济发展和计划生育政策是人口转变的根本原因  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a comparative analysis of public opinion surveys held in Italy and the Netherlands. The analysis focuses on two relationships: between knowledge about population trends and the evaluation of these trends, and between individual perception of the causes of the fertility decline and acceptance of a government policy to influence current trends. The central hypothesis is that the mechanisms which underlie the evaluation of population trends and the opinions on what is desirable for the future are very much alike in both countries.  相似文献   

准确的生育水平数据是制定人口政策和发展战略的重要依据。在制定河南省人口发展战略的过程中,运用科学的方法,综合评估河南近期的妇女生育水平,分析河南省生育水平特点和面临的压力,提出稳定低生育水平的对策建议,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

This article has two objectives. First, it aims to complement and extend existing research on post-socialist demographic change, which has thus far tended to focus on Central and Eastern Europe. It does this by describing the nature of post-Soviet trends in nuptiality and fertility in Tajikistan, the republic with the highest rate of population growth during the Soviet period. It finds evidence for a decrease in period fertility after independence: initially, through a decline at higher orders; then, through a significant decrease in the rate of first births, associated with a dramatic decrease in the rate of first union formation since the mid-1990s. Second, it aims to contribute to the demography of conflict and of food crisis. Most clearly, it finds strong evidence for a decrease in nuptiality and fertility associated with the 1995 food crisis.  相似文献   

This paper sets the scene for the subsequent discussion by describing recent demographic trends in Europe, more particularly in the countries of the European Community. Special attention is paid to the generalized decline of fertility to levels well below those needed for replacement of the present population. The decline in fertility is linked to the emergence of new patterns of union and family formation, and the implications for the future are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

根据人口转变理论,后人口转变时期的人口负增长是超低生育率作用下人口再生产的特殊类型,是在无迁移人口条件下死亡人口超过出生人口,人口总量和增速、年龄结构和分布结构等快速变迁的现象。华盛顿大学2020年人口预测数据首次勾勒出21世纪世界人口负增长的基本趋势,对比联合国2019年人口预测数据,发现世界人口负增长在21世纪开启的作用机制在于低生育率水平预期。进一步展望世界人口负增长趋势,不难发现人口年龄结构加速老化、区域和国别人口发展不均衡、人口与经济发展关系差异化等特征与人口负增长伴随;通过减少劳动力资源、挤压技术进步空间、增加社会保障压力等方式与人口老龄化相伴生,在后人口转变阶段与低生育率陷阱相叠加,以及通过总体和个体视角与资源、环境相互作用。在适应人口发展规律的基础上,亟待从缓解老龄社会问题、分类实施家庭计划政策、推动可持续发展等视角积极应对人口负增长影响。  相似文献   

This special issue of the European Journal of Population focuses on possible economic consequences of low fertility in Europe. This introduction reviews the history of falling fertility in Europe and the literature that explores its causes, its potential implications, and possible policy responses. It also summarizes the evolution of thinking about the relationship between population growth and economic development, with attention to recent work on the mechanisms through which fertility decline can spur economic growth if the necessary supporting conditions are met. The introduction also identifies some of the challenges of population ageing that are associated with low fertility and suggests that there may be less reason for alarm than has been suggested by some observers. The articles that appear in this special issue are also summarized.  相似文献   

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