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“未获被害人同意”是强奸罪最基本的构成要件要素。暴力、胁迫等手段是被害人不同意的外在表征。被告人排除成立强奸罪要求被害人存在同意且同意有效,同意有效首先要求判定被害人具有同意能力,然后结合暴力、胁迫等手段的强弱具体分析。据此,轻微暴力或胁迫通常不能使同意无效。  相似文献   

婚姻家庭关系是所有社会关系的起点,作为人类生存与发展的前提条件,是最早形成的社会关系。婚姻家庭制度是社会制度的重要组成部分。马克思、恩格斯运用唯物史观理论系统研究了婚姻家庭现象,认为婚姻家庭关系是建立在两性和血缘关系基础上的一种特殊的社会关系,是社会关系不可分割的一部分,是实现人类自身繁衍的社会形式,揭示了人类婚姻家庭制度嬗变的内在规律,建立起了科学的婚姻家庭理论。婚姻家庭是变化着的历史范畴,婚姻制度的进步和社会文明发展是同步的。作为唯物史观理论体系的重要组成部分,学术界理当对马克思主义婚姻家庭理论进行系统梳理。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated 21-equation model of how marriage, family, and population conditions, as indexed by macro social indicators, affect each other and are affected by other social, demographic, and economic forces. An opportunity structures theoretical paradigm is applied to the specification of dynamic structural equations for determining changes (both trends and cyclical fluctuations) in marriage formation and dissolution, family and household composition, fertility, mortality, population growth, and population distribution. The equations are estimated on annual national data for the United States during the post-World War II years 1947 to 1972, and then they are used to make conditional forecasts of the values of some of the endogenous variables for 1973 and 1974. It is found that the equations fit the observed data well, lack demonstrable autocorrelation of disturbances, and forecast the 1973 and 1974 values usually with less than 2% error. Strategies are sketched for further refining some of the equations, and it is suggested that this model should be integrated into a larger societal model in order to estimate some of the effects of changes in demographic phenomena on other social conditions.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for a sample of 6570 women and men observed between 1969 and 1993 are used to examine historical changes and life-course variation in the effects of family background characteristics on the timing of first marriage. Discrete-time event history analyses reveal that the inverse effect of parental resources (family income and mother's education) on the timing of first marriage has both declined over time and weakens as children age. Historical declines in the effect of parental resources on first marriage timing appear to explain the divergence between Black and White marriage patterns over this period. In contrast, the inverse effect of experiencing a nonintact family structure during childhood on the timing of first marriage remains constant over both historical time and the life course. The implications of these findings for theories of demographic individuation and life-course perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

改革开放以来。人口流动的规模越来越大,范围越来越广,大量流动人口的婚姻家庭状况随之改变,婚姻家庭权利保障问题日渐突出。对东莞外来流动人口的实证调查发现:流动人口的择偶途径多样化,但没有在实质上扩展择偶对象的范围;结婚动机以爱情为主,但具有复杂性;结婚的形式要件落实较好,但部分人还存在认识误区;家庭模式复杂多样,但也具有一些共同特征;夫妻感情沟通方式较为单一;家庭暴力存在但不普遍;留守妇女儿童权益保护亟待引起重视:父母赡养、子女抚养的实现困难较大;夫妻财产地位较为平等;流动人口对婚姻家庭法律的认知度不高;流动人口的婚姻家庭满意度较高,但难以与流入地社会相互认同和融合。  相似文献   

由于登记婚姻制的强制性,非婚同居与事实婚姻是两个存在交集的概念,两者的法律后果部分重叠。非婚同居有别于婚姻,不能直接适用有关婚姻的规定,但又要给予适当的法律保护使得其合理的诉求不至于被法院拒绝。有些关系则可以类推适用婚姻关系的规定如家庭暴力、姓名权、人身自由权等,应适当限制非婚同居者之间的权利,以维护婚姻正常的家庭职能。  相似文献   

Using the example of the German General Social Survey, this study describes how measures of gender role attitudes can be revised. To date measures have focused on the traditional male breadwinner model. However, social developments in female labor force participation, education, and family structure suggest that a revision and adjustment of existing measures are required. First, these measures need to be supplemented with items that represent more egalitarian models of division of labor and the role of the father in the family. Second, the phrasing of existing items needs to be revised. The results of this study indicate that especially regarding the amount of working hours and the age of children, a specification is needed. This study presents a revised measure, to facilitate analyses over time. This revised measure represents two factors: one referring to traditional and one to modern gender role attitudes.  相似文献   

所谓内涵性婚姻与功利性婚姻是根据个人的情感和社会经济背景所缔结的两种不同类型的婚姻。内涵性婚姻以爱情为基础,认为没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的;功利性婚姻以现实的需要或利益为选择,认为只有建立在实际需要上的婚姻才更具稳定性,也更具道德性。从理论上分析,二者各有所长亦各有所短,但舆论似乎更偏向内涵性婚姻,并对功利性婚姻持批判态度。但从伦理的角度重新审视婚姻问题,我们应当超越内涵性婚姻与功利性婚姻的对立,建构起一种新的以价值认同为基础的婚姻模式。  相似文献   

In many naturally occurring situations, actors (agents) use individual sanctions or collective sanctions or both to obtain compliance from members of a group. Individual sanctions are sanctions applied to each individual based on that individual’s perceived behavior; collective sanctions are sanctions to all group members based on perceived behavior by some group members. Often, there are constraints on the amount of sanctions an agent may use. I use Heckathorn’s (1990) sequential decision model of group-mediated social control to analyze the power of an agent concerning compliance by group members under such constraints. Results show that whether positive or negative sanctions are considered, the amount of group compliance is an increasing but non-linear step function of the looseness of the constraints. Moreover, it appears that the most cost-effective use of power entails using only collective sanctions when lower levels of compliance are sought, only individual sanctions when higher levels of compliance are sought, and never mixing the two.  相似文献   

在父权家法社会中,在男式的观念、思想、行为、伦理、价值霸权话语中,女性丧失了自己的身份。《金锁记》的女主人公曹七巧就是父权家法下的牺牲品。张爱玲以冷静和同情的笔调在她的代表作《金锁记》中深刻地剖析了主人公曹七巧的情爱欲、生存欲和财物欲被扭曲后所产生的破坏力,刻画了现代女性在旧式大家庭中痛苦挣扎过程以及沉沦的轨迹,塑造了一个性格乖戾的抗争女性形象。文章用女性主义的分析方法对曹七巧悲剧重新解读,指出曹七巧的悲剧是对封建婚姻制度和封建宗法父权的否定。  相似文献   

家庭暴力作为一个突出的社会问题,已经引起国际广泛的关注。为有效预防和制止家庭暴力的发生和蔓延,我国政府和各职能部门采取了一系列措施,但是,在反对家庭暴力的立法领域仍然存在着许多缺欠。明确家庭暴力的内涵,完善家庭暴力法律法规,建立多层次社会支持体系,将对预防和制止家庭暴力,构建和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We examine race differences in delinquency using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. We use a new method that permits an examination of offense specialization. We argue that an examination of offense patterns provides an opportunity for testing theoretical explanations of race effects. If race differences in violent crime reflect race differences in serious crime, then theories of crime can explain race effects. Otherwise, theories of violence are needed to explain the phenomenon. Our results suggest that black adolescents have higher rates of violence, particularly armed violence, but they do not have higher rates of serious (or minor) property or drug crime. Race differences in violence are generally stronger for adolescents who would otherwise be at lower risk: girls and adolescents from educated and intact families. Puerto Rican adolescents also have higher rates of violence than Anglos, but other Hispanic groups do not. We conclude with a discussion of the implication of the empirical literature (including our results) for various theoretical explanations of race differences in violence.  相似文献   

家庭的幸福度受一系列外在现实因素的影响,也受家庭内部成员间有效沟通时间的影响。家庭的持续经营需要利他主义者,家庭也存在一个最优的投资规模,家庭会面临"投资困境"的难题。城市和农村的分布格局及投资环境会影响城市和农村家庭的幸福度,家庭的幸福度也受收入分配是否公平的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the criminal justice system typically responds to incidents of violence between adult members of the same household and then using a three equation, nonrecursive time series model considers the impact of efforts in one locale to improve law enforcement practices. Three questions are addressed: (a) can the apparent underreporting of domestic violence by police be improved; (b) can the quality of information funneled from police to the District Attorney's office be enhanced; and (c) can the number of offenders held accountable for their actions be increased?  相似文献   

论男女社会地位及婚姻家庭伦理变迁的经济根源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒙昧时代母权制的形成是自然的,群婚与对偶婚条件下的婚姻家庭伦理还没有被打上私有经济利益的烙印。野蛮时代生产力的发展和生产方式的改变,引起父权制代替母权制家庭革命,推动对偶婚制向一夫一妻专偶婚制转变。文明时代的小农生产方式决定了男权社会成为这一历史时期的基本特征。工业时代生产方式的革命带来了妇女解放的曙光,但男女完全平等与真正性爱实现的前提条件是对财产私有制的扬弃,这只有在未来的共产主义社会才能够实现。  相似文献   

桂宇 《学术探索》2014,(5):36-41
历史上的傈僳族女性,曾经是随夫同上战场的女英雄,是氏族械斗中的调停者,在生产生活中也承担着家庭食物供给的重要角色,但在传统社会中,女性仍被作为家族的财产在婚姻关系的缔结中从父家转移至夫家,其婚姻自主性和家庭中的自我意识并未得到社会相应的认同。如今,社会的发展使傈僳族的生活方式和传统婚姻市场发生了改变,女性在变迁中以主动顺应之态,积极利用自身在婚姻关系中"稀缺资源"的优势,获得了婚姻和个人发展的自主权。傈僳族女性的这一转变对整个族群的婚姻家庭观念产生了潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   

婚姻关系和契约关系之间同与异的辨析,对于昭示"婚姻不是买卖"的基本立场具有重要意义。从法理及例示法条出发,文章论证了当事人对婚姻应持有理性态度,避免信息不对称、有限理性、外部效应等对婚姻均衡性的破坏。基于此,我国现行婚姻制度应考虑做进一步改进,诸如完善双方协商机制,建立无过错离婚的补偿机制,体现保护未成年子女利益最大化原则等,以期使绝大多数当事人的婚姻更幸福、家庭更和谐。  相似文献   

公诉案件被害人权利保护的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公诉案件被害人权利保护问题日益引起人们的普遍关注,我国确立被害人当事人地位也日益显示出非现实性,本文就国家控诉权与被害人权利保护之间平衡的问题,从被害人参与刑事诉讼的目的出发就如何平复被害人的复仇情绪和满足其获得赔偿的愿望的问题进行了探讨。在此基础上,提出了犯罪活动具有社会危害性和私人侵权性的双重属性,并进一步从人权保障的理念角度提出私人侵权性先于社会危害性的理论。为被害人权利保障提供理论依据。进而就如何保障被害人充分的参与到刑事诉讼中来提出若干建议,并论证了建立国家补偿制度的必要性,以期对推进我国被害人权利保障制度的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

最优货币区和货币区的收益与成本分析是建立区域货币联盟可行性分析的两种理论。它们的内在联系是:如果一些国家或地区符合最优货币区理论的标准越多,则组成货币区的净收益就越大。东亚各国目前经济发展水平参差不齐,符合最优货币区标准的情况及货币合作的愿望与要求各相庭径,因而进行货币合作的成本与收益各不相同,目前尚不具备货币合作的条件。但是,东亚货币合作可以在目前已达成的货币互换协议的基础上,逐步建立亚洲货币合作基金,建立汇率稳定机制等,使东亚货币合作逐步迈向货币一体化。  相似文献   

有关婚姻的素材或事实是由婚姻观念的建构与分类来截获的。不同的婚姻理论对其所涵盖的不同内容的追逐与强调,使人们对婚姻本质的理解和理论阐述充满了歧义性。没有对婚姻本质的解答,不同的婚姻解说无论是“新”与“旧”,还是“对立”与“补充”,仍然不过是在旧有理论平台或框架内的形式变换而已。婚姻是立于生产的基点,对人类性行为的制度规范。婚姻的制度性规范的中心事实或核心指向,是“生育”这一“性”的基础性功能。基于此衍生出对“性”的文化附加,使性的功能不断地被建构出来,产生了联姻机制与性经验机制在重叠中的差异。“婚姻—家庭”这一连续性预设产生了对婚姻理论自身的遮蔽。  相似文献   

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