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将河北省邻近京津的 2 2个县市划分为三类地区 ,利用河北省 5 0 5 6样本户调查资料对该地区农村劳动力外出就业的规模、流向以及不同类型地区社会经济发展对劳动力就业的影响进行了实证分析 ,提出了不同类型地区农村劳动力开拓就业渠道的构想。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移的健康选择机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于农业部农村固定观测点大规模的跟踪调查数据,本文检验了我国农村劳动力转移的健康选择机制。将滞后一期健康状况作为当期农村劳动力外出打工的初始影响因素,解决了健康与农村劳动力外出打工之间的内生性问题。分离了农村劳动力的前期迁移状态,有效区分了健康对农村劳动力迁移影响的健康移民效应和三文鱼偏误效应。研究发现,健康状况与中国农村劳动力外出打工迁移距离呈现正相关关系,身体健康状况较好的农村居民,外出打工迁移地点相距家乡较远。而对于已经外出打工的农村劳动力,一旦遭受健康冲击,则将发生回流的现象。健康对我国农村劳动力转移的影响,存在显著的健康移民效应和三文鱼偏误效应。  相似文献   

刘伟江  丁一 《西北人口》2015,(2):117-122
本文利用国家计生委2011年对吉林省中朝边境地区人口流动的抽样调查数据对我国延边朝鲜族地区的女性劳动力流动与留守问题进行分析。研究发现女性劳动的外流决定显著的受到家庭中学龄前儿童数量、婚姻状况及本地劳动力市场成熟程度的影响;对于本地非外出的女性劳动力其短期外出规划会受到家庭中是否已有劳动力外出等多个变量的影响,而长期外出规划则仅仅受到其当前劳动分工的影响;相对于非留守女性,留守妇女的家庭负担主要来自于抚育子女。  相似文献   

本文利用2010年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据并从家庭决策角度分析家庭禀赋对农村劳动力流动微观决策的影响,进一步探讨农村劳动力省内与跨省流动微观内在形成机制。结果表明,家庭人力资本中的家庭规模每增加一个单位,家庭成员外出务工概率将增加3.5倍,而人均受教育水平较高的家庭外出务工概率较低;家庭社会资本对农村劳动力流动产生负向影响,但在有成员外出家庭中,拥有丰富社会资本家庭的劳动力跨省流动概率较大;家庭经济资本的收入效应将大于替代效应,家庭经济资本越丰富,劳动力外出打工概率越低;家庭自然资本的替代效应将大于收入效应,丰富的家庭自然资本对劳动力流动具有促进效应;此外,农村劳动力流动还存在明显的同群效应。  相似文献   

中国农村地区的家庭禀赋与外出务工劳动力回流   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国农村地区家庭禀赋对个人的行为决策有着重要的影响,需要学术界予以更多的关注。为了考察外生性的家庭禀赋对劳动力就业流动的影响,文章通过构建新生代外出务工劳动力和户主子女的回流决策两个计量模型来进行经验论证。分析结果表明,农村劳动力的迁移选择是综合考虑家庭禀赋状况的理性决策,尤其是对于年轻一代的外出劳动力。家庭经济资本的增加会阻碍家庭外出务工成员的回流。外出劳动力回流的概率起初随着家庭人力资本和家庭自然资本的增长而上升,达到一定程度后开始下降。家庭成员只有拥有较为丰富的人力资本,外出务工劳动力才能对家庭社会资本加以充分利用。另外,分析显示年轻一代劳动力和第一代劳动力对家庭社会资本和自然资本的利用是有差异的。  相似文献   

农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素和回流效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任远  施闻 《人口研究》2017,(2):71-83
文章分析农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素.农村外出劳动力在城市就业、经济收入和社会保障的排斥影响他们的回流,同时回流迁移也受到家庭生活、家庭劳动力状况、家庭农业活动和农地状况等因素的影响.外出劳动力的回流迁移是“被动回流”和“主动回流”相结合的过程、是个体决策和家庭决策的综合过程.文章提出劳动力回流迁移具有“回流效应”,回流带来人力资本的补偿、促进流出地非农经济的发展和带来创业的增长.劳动力回流作为城镇化过程中内生的逆迁移流,构成乡城迁移和劳动力市场平衡的补充机制,与乡城迁移一起促进城镇化和城乡平衡发展.文章提出在城镇化过程中需要支持“迁移效应”和“回流效应”机制共同发挥作用.  相似文献   

农村劳动力外出务工是我国农业剩余劳动力转移的重要方式。现阶段,我国农业存在大量剩余劳动力,且农村劳动力外出务工的空间也在不断扩大。但是,从2004年开始我国却出现了"民工荒"现象,且愈演愈烈。这不仅阻碍了我国农村剩余劳动力的转移,也给城市劳动密集型产业带来巨大的冲击。通过对农村劳动力外出务工的动力进行测算和分析,得出现阶段我国农村劳动力外出务工的动力不足,是造成"民工荒"现象日益突出的根本原因。在此基础上,提出提高农村劳动力外出务工动力的对策。  相似文献   

劳动力外出就业与农村计划生育□龚维斌安徽省无为县自80年代初以来农村劳动力大量外出就业,最初是一些女孩子出去做小保姆,后来在小保姆的带动下,外出务工经商的人员越来越多。到1996年底,全县65万农村劳动力中有25万多人在外地从事二三产业。与其他地方农...  相似文献   

家庭迁移决策分析——基于中国农村的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用中国健康与营养状况调查数据,以家庭为单位分析了农村劳动力迁移的影响因素。结果表明,有无子女、子女年龄是影响家庭迁移的重要因素。与无子女的家庭相比,有子女家庭中夫妻二人至少一人外出打工的概率会大大降低,且子女年龄越小,影响越大。老人健康因素对一个家庭中夫妻二人是否至少有一人外出打工的影响不大,但家中男性老人健康较差会大大减少已婚子女夫妻共同外出打工的概率。  相似文献   

农民工汇款与家庭收入不平等:基于反事实收入的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用来自于农村劳动力输出大省湖北省的调研数据来考察农民工汇款对输出地家庭收入不平等的影响。研究结果表明,当我们简单将农民工汇款看成外生的转移收入时,农民工汇款能改善农村家庭的收入不平等状况。不过,当考虑到农村劳动力外出务工的选择性,并通过引入工具变量来构建那些外出劳动力户的反事实收入时,我们会得到相反的结论:由于那些外出务工劳动力往往来自于经济状况较好的家庭,农民工汇款扩大了农村家庭的收入不平等状况,家庭人均收入的基尼系数从反事实收入情形下的0.3551上升至实际收入情形下的0.3774。  相似文献   

The decisions of farmers to work on or off the farm depend in part on household composition and the participation patterns of other family members. This is because of the differential income effects resulting from the household's joint budget constraint and the time and money costs imposed by different household members, and because of the substitutability or complementarity between the farm labor inputs of different household members. This paper demonstrates this point by estimating a joint labor participation model of farm operators and their spouses, in which participation decisions are conditioned on household composition. The model is estimated as a multivariate probit model with fixed effects, by quasi maximum likelihood methods. The results are consistent with the hypotheses that the time costs imposed on the household by small children are larger than the money costs; that the relative importance of time costs is decreasing as children grow up; and that the farm labor inputs of older children are complements to the couple's farm labor inputs but those of prime-age adults are substitutes. JEL classification: J22, J43An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1994 meeting of the European Society for Population Economics, Tilburg, The Netherlands. This research relies in part on my Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Chicago. I am grateful to Gary Becker, Joe Hotz, Yair Mundlak, Kevin Murphy, and Yoram Weiss for their useful suggestions and guidance. The research was completed while I was visiting at the University of Maryland. I thank the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station for financial support. Specific constructive comments were also made by Paul Schultz, John Ermisch, and anonymous referees. Finally, I express my gratitude to the staff of the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel, especially Haim Regev and Meir Rothchild, for providing the data used here. Responsibility for the contents of this paper remains exclusively mine.Responsible editor: John F. Ermisch  相似文献   

农村转移劳动力价格扭曲的宏观因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,农村剩余劳动力开始流向大城市,但是,城市管理制度仍然沿袭传统的二元户籍和二元劳动力市场制度,扭曲了农村转移劳动力价格,大量农业剩余劳动力通过被扭曲价格流入相关城市部门。本文通过收集1980年至2011年的数据并进行处理,构建了价格扭曲的宏观因素计量模型,运用VECM模型实证研究得出:农民实际人均收入是农村转移劳动力价格扭曲的首要因素;城镇居民实际工资是农村转移劳动力价格扭曲的次要因素;劳动力总量供给过剩对农村转移劳动力价格扭曲有重要影响。运用变系数半参数方法分析数据显示,工资扭曲对城镇部门收入的影响具有流变性。  相似文献   

李翠锦 《西北人口》2014,(1):34-38,44
本文基于新疆30个贫困县、3000个农户、2008-2010年的微观面板数据,在控制了家庭规模、劳动力数量等家庭特征变量和粮食播种面积等村庄特征变量的前提下.运用固定效应法与工具变量法分别考察了劳动力迁移规模、迁移方式与迁移区位对家庭收入的影响.并进一步分析了劳动力迁移对贫困的缓解效应。回归结果表明:劳动力迁移规模虽然对农户农业收入有负向影响.但显著提高了农户人均收入与利他性收入:自发性迁移与政府组织性迁移方式均能显著提高农户收入,且自发性迁移的作用更强;省内县外迁移对农户收入的提高最为显著,其次为县内乡外迁移.省外迁移不影响农户收入:劳动力迁移规模提高了中等收入农户的收入水平。但对贫困户的贫困无缓解效应.也不影响富裕户的收入水平。  相似文献   

柳建平  张永丽 《西北人口》2008,29(3):91-94,100
本文利用对甘肃省国家扶贫开发重点县六个样本村的调查资料。在总结贫困地区致贫基本原因的基础上,运用Probit模型,研究了劳动力流动及其相关因素对缓解农村贫困的作用。研究结果表明,家庭劳动力数量、外出劳动力数量、流动者年龄及受教育程度、流动时间的长短、流动的稳定性、流动区域等因素对缓解家庭贫困具有十分积极的作用,外出打工已成为农村缓解贫困的主要途径。  相似文献   

Seasonal migration of rural labor in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of seasonal migration has been overlooked by students of migration. A unique data set collected in Dungarpur – one of the less developed districts of India – allows us to closely examine both the determinants and impact of seasonal migration. Detailed information was gathered from all members of 624 households, thus enabling analyses at both individual and household levels. The findings indicate that seasonal migration among rural laborers is wide-spread. Rural households in India use migrant labor offered by their members to improve their well-being by both reducing the impacts of inferior conditions and by raising household's income levels. Migrant labor is a compensating mechanism used by households to reduce their disadvantageous position. Migrant households are characterized by lower education levels, lower levels of income from agriculture, and by an inferior geographical location. However, those households sending migrant labor are found to have higher income levels than those not sending migrant labor. Income from migrant labor accounts for almost 60% of total annual income of households sending at least one migrant laborer. Such findings are in accordance with explanations derived from the `new economics of migration'. We can thus learn that migration-related decisions should not evaluated only on the basis of utility maximization of individual migrants, but also on the basis of risk reducing by households.  相似文献   

An assumption of the unitary model of household decision-making is that household members maximize one household utility function. This assumption implies that households pool their income and, therefore, the ownership of nonwage income has no effect on household demand. In this paper, this implication is tested by estimating multi-sector labor supply equations for men and women in Brazil. The results indicate that the unitary model is rejected in the informal and self-employment sectors for men and the formal and informal sectors for women; in these cases own nonwage income has a significantly negative effect on labor supply while spousal nonwage income has no significant effect. Received: 29 December 1997/Accepted: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

经济发达农村地区外来劳动力的性别差异研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文考察了苏南农村发达地区外来劳动力在个人特征、工作条件及收入等方面的性别差异 ,分析了女性在就业和工作中面临的不同于男性外来劳动力的待遇及其原因。主要结论有 :发达地区男女外来劳动力收入存在着较大差异 ,除了受教育程度 ,地区差异外 ,性别歧视也是一个重要原因。经济发达农村地区应当进一步规范就业制度 ,尽快消除各种限制劳动力自由流动的市场障碍 ,加强对外来劳动力的综合管理和服务 ,为劳动力的充分自由流动创造条件  相似文献   

当前我国农村劳动力转移面临的问题及对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
侯力 《人口学刊》2004,(6):30-34
促进农村劳动力转移是我国实现农业和农村经济发展、不断增加农民收入的重要途径。当前,我国农村劳动力已实现了大规模的转移,且具有逐年增加、以青壮年劳动力为主、向沿海地区集中的特点,但劳动力市场制度分割、户籍制度与农地经营政策、劳动力素质偏低且劳动力合法权益得不到有效保护等因素影响着农村劳动力转移的进程,为此,应采取积极措施,走新型工业化道路,加快城市化步伐,推动城乡劳动力市场一体化和信息服务体系建设,并加大教育和培训投资力度,加快农村劳动力转移的速度,提高转移质量。  相似文献   

Child labor versus educational attainment: some evidence from Latin America   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper addresses the issue of child labor in relation to the educational attainment of working children. The empirical analysis is based on household surveys in Bolivia and Venezuela. It was found that labor force participation is non-trivial among those below the legal working age or supposed to be in school. Working children contribute significantly to total household income. The fact that a child is working reduces his or her educational attainment by about 2 years of schooling relative to the control group of non-working children. Grade repetition, a common phenomenon in Latin America, is closely associated with child labor. JEL classification: J13, J21, I21 Received May 2, 1996/Accepted August 14, 1996  相似文献   

Do married couples make joint labor supply decisions in response to each other’s wage shocks? The study on this question aids in understanding the link between the rising income instability and household insurance. Existing studies on household insurance either focus on consumption smoothing and take labor supply as a given, or only focus on wife’s labor responses to husband’s unemployment shocks. This article develops an intra-household insurance model that allows for insurance against permanent and transitory wage shocks from both partners. Estimation using the Survey of Income and Program Participation shows that wife increases labor supply in response to husband’s adverse wage shocks when both of them are working, and wife gets more nonlabor income when she is out of work. This intra-household insurance reduces earnings instability by about 2 to 9 %. These results suggest that joint labor supply decisions provide an extra smoothing effect on income instability.  相似文献   

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