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9月9日上午,国家卫生计生委主任李斌在京会见了南非卫生部部长阿隆·奠索阿勒迪(Pakishe Aaron Motsaledi),双方就深化两国卫生与医学科学合作交换了意见。 9月12日,2014年预防出生缺陷主题宣传活动在京举行。国家卫生计生委副主任王国强、中国残联副理事长贾勇出席活动并讲话。  相似文献   

中日两国人口老龄化之比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中日两国地处东亚 ,“一衣带水” ,同属儒教文化圈。本文试图通过考察比较 ,探讨在此背景下中日两国人口转变所带来的人口年龄结构变动及高龄化是否表现出某种比较相似的“东亚模式” ,存在哪些差异 ,并由此总结作为发达国家的日本的经验及其对中国的启示。  相似文献   

本文是中国辽宁师范大学与日本福冈教育大学合作研究项目的成果。研究者运用社会学的基本方法 ,以中日两国近千名大学生为对象 ,调查“中日老龄化社会现状” ,从制度、经济、文化三个层面 ,进行中日比较与归因分析 ,以此为依据提出中国面对老龄化社会严峻挑战的教育对策。  相似文献   

中日两国人口老龄化再比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘长茂 《南方人口》2003,18(2):24-29
中日两国不仅人口年龄结构发展变化趋势基本相同,而且影响年龄结构发展变化的社会经济因素非常相似。因此,日本经历过的人口老龄化挑战,将在中国陆续出现,日本当年采取的应付老龄化对策,将对中国有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

保持和扩大韩国旅华客源市场思路与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2005年起,韩国超过日本成为我国最大的旅游资源国,韩国旅华游客当中以观光休闲和商务会议为目的的游客占有较大比重,而老人和女性游客所占的比重较低,为保持韩国旅华市场的优势地位,不仅需要改善接待环境,完善相关配套的基础设施,而且还要加强两国商务文化交流,并对客源市场进行深层次开发,提供丰富的适应不同层次潜在游客需求的旅游产品。  相似文献   

<正> 中印两国是世界上人口最多、同属亚洲且地理上毗邻的两个发展中国家。两国在自然、历史等方面都很近似。自50年代以来,两国都面临着因人口规模大且增长速度快而引起的一系列的社会经济问题。为此,两国政府都先后采取了人口控制政策,以期解决由人口增长过快而带来的各种问题。但由于社会经济制度不同,两国所经历的道路不一样,因此两国在人口与经济的发展方面又存在着很大的差异。把中印两国人口与经济的发展作一比较分析是很有意义的。‖一‖自50年代以来,中印两国都经历了迅速的人口增长过程,印度则更快一些。1951——1987年间,中国人口由5.63亿增加到10.92亿,36年人口净增加94.0%;  相似文献   

在经历着物质文明急剧变化的同时,中、日两国家都先后经历了一场深刻的人口革命。勿庸置疑,在人口革命的背后,必须存在着导致这种变革的多重因素。本文试图比较和讨论两国生育率下降过程,导致这种下降的原因;日本低生育率下的人口发展对策;中国低生育率问题及可借鉴的对策。  相似文献   

日本失去的二十年——基于中日人口红利比较的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"人口红利"是人口因素与经济增长关系研究的深入和发展。亚洲地区经济高速增长和工业化国家人口老龄化条件下经济增长,分别对应第一次"人口红利"和第二次"人口红利"。中国与日本相比,无论是经济增长模式还是人口转变模式,都有着极为相似之处,本文旨在通过对比分析中日两国人口发展与经济发展之间的变化,借鉴日本人口红利期的经验和教训,为中国充分实现第一次人口红利、创造第二次人口红利提供参考。  相似文献   

研究发达国家的人口死亡,有助于正确认识我国人口的死亡现状和为今后我国人口死亡变化的估测提供线索。本文对中日两国人口的死亡作了较为详细的比较,同时还分析了两国人口死亡形态上的差别。  相似文献   

中国是世界上第一大人口大国,1989年4月,总人口已达11亿之众。据美国人口普查局公布,截至1988年1月1日,美国人口总数为244百万。中美两国总人口占世界总人口的1/4以上,对世界人口发展起着举足轻重的作用。但中美两国社会制度不同,意识形态各异,分属东方和西方两大文化体系,经济发展水平差距显著。政治、经济、文化、道德、宗教等的区别,使中美人口呈现不同的发展特点。比较研究中美育龄妇女婚姻状况的历史演变及其特点,对于我们把握人口发展规律和我国控制人口,无疑具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

经济转轨以前俄罗斯人口贫困状况及原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口贫困是一个内涵十分广泛和深刻的社会历史范畴,究其实质而言,这是一种能力贫困。中国和俄罗斯等转轨国家在改革前存在许多共同的特征,更为重要的是,社会主义制度不是建立在高度发达的资本主义社会基础之上,这就注定了贫困与反贫困问题必然要成为这些国家面临的共同课题。所不同的是,苏联和当代俄罗斯的人口贫困主要表现为收入贫困,中国则主要是知识贫困。苏联时期人口贫困的主要原因有经济绩效的递减趋势、国家经济发展战略的错误、所有制结构的单一、收入分配机制中的平均主义。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between different aspects of human development and Hofstede’s six dimensions of national culture. Using multivariate regression and canonical correlation analysis, we show that all the dimensions of national culture except masculinity have a significant impact on human development, and that the overall strength of the association between the two groups of variables is a high positive one. In general, the direction of the influence of the national culture variables on economic growth differs from the manner they influence other variables, which reinforces the fact that economic growth does not always translate into true people-centred development. Furthermore, the national culture dimensions do not explain much of the variation in a number of health indicators.  相似文献   

In forty countries, happiness was correlated with national economic and cultural living conditions. Both characteristics correlated strongly and positively with happiness. Need theory predicts this observed pattern quite well. However, when exploring the independent influence on happiness of either predictors, only economic prosperity persistently correlated with happiness. The relation between culture and happiness proved to be spurious. When subgroups of countries were studied, within the group of rich countries a positive first order correlation was found between happiness and culture, whereas in the group of free countries a positive correlation between happiness and economic prosperity was found, when controlling for culture. Especially the study of countries in transition is helpful in discovering causal relations between economic prosperity, culture and happiness.  相似文献   

Highly differentiated educational systems constitute a common organizational form of schooling in which youth are sorted into secondary schools that stress either vocational or academic training and between which movement is rare. With standardized data from five countries, we illuminate two important stratification processes in these systems: (1) social origins strongly influence students’ placement into different types of schools with high SES students most likely to attend academically oriented schools that provide a direct pathway to the university. (2) The types of schools students attend largely determine their educational and occupational expectations and impart a strong dose of realism in these expectations. Thus, the institutional arrangements of highly differentiated educational systems perpetuate socioeconomic inequalities quite early in the life course, well before students complete their education and enter the labor force.  相似文献   

This paper explores factors affecting individual goal satisfaction in Bangladesh and Thailand. Analysing the determinants of goal satisfaction in two countries at different levels of development enables the paper to address the broader question of whether the common practice of classifying goals as ‘universal’ (e.g. health) or ‘local’ (e.g. community relationships) has any empirical support. The study uses data from communities in Thailand and Bangladesh that were researched from 2002 to 2007 by the Economic and Social Research Council’s Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Group at the University of Bath. Results from the study based on regression analysis show that universal and local goals have the same determinants, supporting the view that they are interdependent. The implications of this finding are that both types of goals should be given equal priority and need to be taken into account to better understand people’s wellbeing. This finding is, however, moderated by the second finding of the paper, which is that socio-economic variables and the extent of need satisfaction play different roles in explaining goal satisfaction in countries at different stages of development. For example, whilst in Bangladesh wealth only contributes to goal satisfaction if it increases needs satisfaction, in Thailand it has an independent effect. The implications of both findings for global frameworks such as the Millennium Development Goals are addressed in the conclusions.  相似文献   


Our study investigates the relationship between technology innovation and human development in technologically advanced countries using data from quarterly observations from the last decade of the twentieth century to the first two decades of the twenty-first century. This objective of this study is to implement Quantile-on-Quantile regression (QQ) technique that as formulated by Sim and Zhou (J Bank Finance 55:1–8, 2015) and the renowned Granger-causality in quantiles as proposed by Troster (Econom Rev 37(8):850–866, 2018) examine the basic relationship between the given quantiles of technology innovation and their effects on the quantiles of human development. Therefore, the outcomes of this study explain the overall interdependence of technology innovation and affect the overall human development index. It is enumerated that the empirical results indicate that a significant positive relationship exists between technology innovation and human development in all selected technologically advanced countries, predominantly in both low and high tails. Moreover, the outcomes of Granger causality quantiles indicate a bi-directional fundamental relationship between these two variables in the dataset of all countries. The outcomes of the observations are extended to the recent findings on these two variables’ nexus and imply a differential impact on the technologically advanced countries. This causality guides us to offer some specific policy recommendations to each group of countries.


The increased reliance on volunteers in all industrialized democracies has been parallelled by growing fiscal crises in most states, widespread criticism of welfare, and increased demand for social services. While volunteer work is presumed to be an alternative to public services, its feasibility is not yet clear. We suggest that a cross-national comparison of two significantly different countries would provide more information about volunteerism as a partial substitute for public services. We compared the United States where volunteerism is a widespread tradition and Italy where there has been a “rediscovery” of volunteerism since the 1980s. Differences between the two countries in the practice of volunteerism are examined from several perspectives. They include the relationships between volunteers and the statutory sector, the professionalization of volunteer activity, the role of citizen participation in a capitalistic society, and the Lockean principle of limited government. Finally, we conclude that while there are many differences in welfare provision between the United States and Italy, they do have a common element: increased reliance on volunteers for every aspect of day-to-day life; however, this reliance is mostly ideologically-based and may prove unfounded and costly.  相似文献   

Recent projects on international instrument development have produced a wide array of health indicators that may be used for cross-cultural field-testing, however more information on their cross-cultural performance in relation to health determinants is necessary. The current study approaches one step for international conceptual validation by analysing the association between various health determinants and different types of health outcomes (mental health, quality of life) across a range of countries or geographical areas. The current study is based on the EUROHIS project that has been conducted in a sample of 4849 adults across 10 European countries. Results highlight that interactions between health determinants with subjective mental health, general health and quality of life (QoL) differ between Western European countries, Eastern European countries and the Newly Associated States as well as Israel. Using a MIMIC model approach, we were able to show that the impact of each of the sociodemographic variables cannot be interpreted on the basis of its single loading but only seeing the interacting with other indicators. Future studies should include sociodemographics in MIMIC models in each latent factor before carrying out regressions on a larger scale. Future investigations will require larger and representative samples to (a) test models on latent factors of mental health and QoL and (b) on the basis of these findings test overall structural models across countries.  相似文献   

国外人口政策法规概观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1974— 1 994年的近 2 0年间 ,约有 50个国家明确制订了人口政策 ,有 1 0多个国家将有关人口与计划生育政策的条文写入了宪法。各国人口政策的基本框架大都相同 ,都包含了政策的理论基础、政策目标等。各国政府对人口问题的态度不一 ,关心的焦点也不尽相同。而我国必须加强人口与计划生育工作的法制建设 ,为实现可持续发展的目标创造良好的环境  相似文献   

Human life expectancy has risen in most developed countries over the last century, causing the observed demographic shifts. Babel, Bomsdorf and Schmidt (forthcoming) introduce a stochastic mortality model using panel data procedures which distinguishes between a common time effect and a common age effect of mortality evolvement. Using this mortality model, the present paper provides forecasts of future life expectancy for 17 countries divided into 12 regions: Australia, Alps, Bene, Canada, England and Wales, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Scandinavia and the United States of America. We consider (traditional) period life expectancies as well as cohort life expectancies, the latter being a more realistic approach but less common. It turns out that a continuing increase of life expectancy is expected in all considered countries. Further, we show that the probabilistic uncertainty of forecast life expectancies is different if either period life expectancies or cohort life expectancies are considered and, moreover, the uncertainty increases substantially if the error of parameter estimation is included.  相似文献   

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