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Sex hormones and human behavior: a critique of the linear model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behaviors in which human males and females differ are frequently attributed to fetal gonadal hormone exposures. Much current thinking on this topic relies on a model of explanation the authors call linear-analytic. This model emerges from studies of hormone-behavior relationships in nonhuman animals. Examining three areas of hormone-behavior research in humans, the authors argue that the form of explanation is inappropriate to the behavioral phenomena being explained. They urge the adoption of a more complex neurobiological approach that emphasizes the role of the cerebral cortex and correlatively minimizes the role of fetal hormones.  相似文献   

本文首先对性文化作了诠释,指出性文化是不断创造不断进化的过程,随着经济的发展,性文化应该日趋健康,日趋完善,后从性教育入手,指出为了在全社会形成健康、文明的性文化,必须抓好性教育,特别是青春期性教育,形成一种良好的性氛围,弘扬中国优良的性伦理道德。  相似文献   

性别偏好、性别选择与出生性别比   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:57  
文章的目的是要探讨中国出生婴儿性别比偏高的间接和直接原因。其定量分析使用国家计划生育委员会于1997年11月中旬组织的全国人口与生殖健康调查中第二期育龄妇女生殖健康调查数据。从理想的孩子性别看,城市存在选择女孩的现象,而农村存在明显的选择男孩的现象。分析发现,只有女孩的妇女再次怀孕的比例明显高于至少有一个男孩而再次怀孕妇女的比例;同时前者实行人工流产的比例要明显低于后者。以往所生孩子的数量和性别是惟一决定下一个孩子分孩次性别比升高的原因,它与年龄、民族、受教育状况和婚姻状况无关。中国的出生性别比偏高主要是由选择性人工流产导致的。  相似文献   

Sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality were examined using Glass's d as an estimator of effect size. There was a small mean effect (d = .207) indicating that males have more negative attitudes than females toward homosexuals. However, this effect was found to decrease in magnitude when sample size was controlled for, with larger studies being less likely to have a sex difference. Year of publication was also found to be related to the effect sizes with more recent studies tending to show a larger effect size. Sex of target is also discussed as a potentially important variable.  相似文献   

The many factors--social, cultural, psychological--that shape homosexual sexual expression render purely behavioral sex therapy models one-dimensional and ineffective for lesbian clients with sexual presenting problems. Though a behavioral approach may be useful later in the treatment of such problems, the effective clinician must first address the inimical social and cultural contexts that frame lesbian sexual impasses. This paper offers specific techniques, both direct and indirect, designed to illuminate and neutralize these contexts. Additionally, the author presents a sequence of sensate focus exercises tailored to the particular needs of lesbian couples.  相似文献   

现有子女的孩次性别结构是影响女性再生育的重要因素。使用中国2000年人口普查数据和时期孩次性别递进生育指标对女性生育水平进行了测算。结果显示,女性普遍生育但终身只生育一个孩子的比例很大,基于孩次性别结构的生育行为体现了男孩偏好;城市和镇在生育第一孩时就存在性别选择;第一个孩子是女孩的女性生育二孩的可能性较大,且二孩是男孩的比例显著大于是女孩的比例;第一个孩子是男孩的城市和镇的女性大部分不再生育,而农村女性有很大比例会生育二孩,但几乎不存在性别选择。采用某地区2019年的数据进行补充验证,同样发现:只有一个女孩的女性相比较只有一个男孩的女性生育者生第二孩的可能性要高很多,以上研究发现对当前二孩生育行为具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the video games in the popular Diner Dash franchise, paying specific attention to the games' protagonist Flo. While on its surface, the series appears to be a number of simple games about a waitress, they reflect more complex themes about gender, empowerment, work, and play. Ultimately, I argue that the game series can be seen as an open-ended (producerly) text that invites several possible interpretations (and negotiations) of femininity. By understanding the games in this open-ended manner, we are able to see how different meanings can potentially reinforce beliefs about feminism and femininity with women players—rather than advocating specific kinds of feminisms, means to empowerment, or lifestyles. All of these issues coexist simultaneously within the Dash games, creating a rich potential for media studies analysis, and a better understanding of women's leisure.  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - Modern fertility techniques allow parents to carry out preimplantation sex selection. Sex selection for non-medical purposes is legal in many high-income...  相似文献   

Getting the offer: Sex discrimination in hiring   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hiring process is currently the least understood aspect of the employment relationship. It may be the most important for understanding the broad processes of stratification with allocation of demographic groups to jobs and firms. The lack of knowledge is due to difficulty of assembling data on the processes that occur at the point of hire. Against this background we analyze data on all applicants to positions in one of the largest Scandinavian banks in 1997–1998, providing what we believe to be the first study using applicant pool data and information about extended offers in a private-sector European firm, adding to the record of about half a dozen such U.S. studies. The hiring agents in the organization are fully conscious and concerned about the nonconscious biases and gender schemas they carry when making hiring decisions. Their effects on hiring are considered to be beyond dispute: women are at a clear disadvantage. For actual hiring practices we found that the opposite is true: women are not at a disadvantage and may even be at an advantage in getting offers. Two organizational practices may lead to female advantage. The hiring agents had been educated about the role of nonconscious biases, which perhaps mitigated their effects. But they had also been instructed to search actively for qualified females in the applicant pool. With no qualified females in the first pass, they go through the pool a second and third time hoping to find one. We discuss reasons why the interpretations and meanings the hiring agents attribute to the hiring process are at odds with what actually occurs.  相似文献   

中国高龄老年人口性别比的社会经济差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈卫  杜江勤 《人口研究》2004,28(1):43-47
在从人生的起点到人生的终点之间的各年龄段上 ,人口性别比因自然的、行为的、经济的和社会的各种因素的影响而发生不同的变化。在人口研究中 ,对人口性别比的关注主要集中在出生婴儿性别比上。在中国尤其如此。在过去的 2 0年里 ,中国出生性别比的不断升高受到了广泛的关注。对中国出生性别比升高、偏高之原因与后果 ,及其与中国计划生育政策推行的关系 ,引起了大量的争论。然而 ,对最为异常的高龄老年人口性别比 ,则研究不多。这是因为人们一般认为 ,一方面它是自然规律的结果 ,另一方面它产生的社会经济后果较为微弱。中国的老年人口和高…  相似文献   

Sex Ratio and Community Size: Notes from the Northern Atlantic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In parts of the circumpolar North, smaller communities tend to have fewer young women than men. Among newcomer populations such as non-Natives in Alaska, this reflects disproportionate in-migration by young men seeking jobs on the frontier. Imbalances can also emerge, however, due to female outmigration from small villages—a pattern observed, for example, among the native populations of Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Several authors have linked female outmigration with socioeconomic change also in rural Finland, Norway and Ireland. This paper briefly examines plots of sex ratio versus community size in four northern Atlantic regions (Maine, Newfoundland, Iceland and Norway). We then look more closely at Norway, where the correlation between sex ratio and community size is strongest. Multiple regression suggests that economic factors, rather than community size as such, best explain this pattern. Specifically, the percent female among young adults tends to be lower in communities experiencing longterm population declines, dominated by fishing and other primary-industry employment, and having in consequence relatively few jobs for women. Further socioeconomic changes in many resource-dependent Atlantic communities seem inevitable as resources become depleted, and they also face the possibility of large-scale environmental change. When such changes occur, female outmigration could be an important component of the social response and individual-level adaption.  相似文献   

本研究以马-冯-陈模型为定性基础,认为一定人口的出生性别比并非固定不变,而是受到生育水平的影响。当无性别偏好时,生育水平主要通过改变不同孩次占出生人口比例的方式影响出生性别比;当有性别偏好时,生育水平既影响不同孩次占总出生人口的比例,又影响不同孩次的出生性别比,从而对总出生性别比产生影响。对于没有性别偏好和性别选择行为的人口,生育水平变化是引起出生性别比波动的主要原因。有性别选择行为时,生育水平变化对出生性别比的影响较小,性别选择行为是出生性别比异常的主要原因。监测以"曾生子女孩次和性别次序"为条件划分的人群,可以有效而便捷地判断出生性别比变化趋势。  相似文献   

Measures for Slianghai Residence PeiTnit (Hereinafter referred tO as  相似文献   

生育性别选择的新变化及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石人炳 《人口研究》2006,30(5):72-76
我国部分地区群众生育性别选择出现了一些新的变化,主要表现在由就地选择向异地选择变化,由“持证”后选择向“持证”前选择变化,由婚后选择向婚前选择变化,由产前选择向产后选择变化。文章分析了产生这些变化的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

The author argues that the effect of sex preference must be disentangled from the effect of number preference in Korea. This study tests--with hazard models--the effect of the number of previous children on the next birth according to the sex composition of previous children. Data were obtained from the 1974 Korean Fertility Survey. This paper also analyzes the timing of childbearing in recent periods in order to determine whether replacement-level fertility is temporary or permanent. The ideal number of children declined from 3.9 children in 1965 to 2.1 in 1991. The age-specific fertility rates for ages 20-24 years declined rapidly during the late 1980s. The fertility rates among women aged 25-29 years and 30-34 years increased during 1985-90. The proportion of fertility among women aged 20-29 years increased from 67.9% in 1975 to 86.6% in 1984. Women born in the late baby boom period of the late 1950s to mid-1960s reached prime reproductive age during the late 1980s and 1990s, but the crude birth rate remained about the same during 1985-92. A higher percentage of women (22.4%) born during 1955-59 remained single in 1990. During 1960-90, the percentage of women aged 20-24 years who were married declined. These trends indicate later age at childbearing and an explanation for the temporary nature of below-replacement fertility in the late 1980s. Korean women did not want to have more than 2 children, and the interval between first and second births increased since 1985. Among pregnancies of parity 2 conceived since 1985, over 90% of women with at least one son ended subsequent pregnancies by abortion compared to only 59% without sons. Hazard models of 1974 data reveal that son preference had an important effect on fertility. Fertility was higher among women with only daughters. Findings suggest that the value of sons must be measured at the societal and not at the individual level.  相似文献   

In this review, the author surveys the Report of the Royal Commission on Population, and assesses the significance of the Commission's findings in the field of demographic analysis and policy.  相似文献   

This article explores how gender bias in population policies interacts with local culture to reinforce distortions in sex ratios among infants and young children in rural China. It argues that population policies introduce new sources of inequality into local culture while, conversely, gender inequalities embedded in local culture influence formal population policy and practice. Applying an institutional approach to the study of an agricultural county in Jiangxi province, southeast China, the analysis identifies four ways in which an interplay between gender bias in policy and culture produces gendered fertility outcomes: (1) the creation of gendered official categories such as “daughter‐only households”; (2) a male bias embedded in local government; (3) the use of local gender norms in state pedagogy; and (4) the reworking or subverting of official norms in ways that reinforce gender inequalities in local reproductive culture. The article concludes that despite indications of contestation of village patriarchy, discrimination against daughters is likely to persist.  相似文献   

Using a macro-sociological model, this paper argues that the status of women is an important determinant of sex mortality differences. This is done first by examining data from India which is known to have an excessively high level of female mortality. The examination is further extended by a pooled cross-section and time series analysis of the excess of female life expectancy over male life expectancy for 83 countries.  相似文献   

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