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一 “文化”通常指人类社会的全部活动方式(行为、行为方式、行为产物、观念和态度)。包括物质文化和精神文化。文化是一种社会现象,也是一种历史现象,每一个社会都有与其相适应的文化。一般来说,作为社会文化,都有其共同的特征:a.超自然性;b.超个人性;c.传承性;d.整合性;E.文化是以象征符号为基础的,并以此区别于动物。F.民族性;G.可变性。并在阶级社会里文化具有阶级性。  相似文献   

关于积分不等式的研究已有很多成果,并且其应用也相当广泛.本文改进推广了文献[1~5]的几类积分不等式,得到新的积分不等式.  相似文献   

佤语述补结构具有致使力。由致使者、被使者、致使力、致使结果四个要素组成,存在A:N1+使、叫、让+N2++VP(使令句)、B:N2+(VP/adj)+kah(于/被)+N1(被字句)、C:N1+V+t蘅m(得)+N2+VP(得字动结句)、D:S+V1V2+N四种结构框架,之间致使力的强弱存在差异。  相似文献   

"3+2"教学模式要求医学生前三年完成医学基础和临床基础科目后,进入临床医学院完成后两年的临床学习任务,包括理论和临床实践的学习.为顺应护理教学的新模式,作为高校附属医院需加强时临床护理教学的管理,以临床教学为切入点,改善理论教学和临床实践脱节的问题,着力提高学生理论联系实际的临床思维能力和动手能力,推进"3+2"模式下的护理教育.  相似文献   

水稻"浅、晒、浅湿"灌溉技术是通辽市水利技术推广站试验研究的水稻节水、增产灌溉技术.试验结果节水4500m3/hm2,节省电费375元/hm2,增产稻谷960kg/hm2.从1999年开始在全市大面积推广,到目前全市推广面积已达到3万hm2.收到了显著的经济、社会和生态效益.  相似文献   

一、译文前言这是陈那(Dinnaga,藏译为phyogs—kyi—glang—po;汉译亦有作“大域龙”者,据传为世亲弟子,约为公元五、六世纪时人,尤善因明。)的一部讲止观(定学)的论述,连同最后的一个祈愿偈才十个颂子,可惜只有颂文而无解释,只在藏文里有法自在(Chos—kyi—dbang—po)在本颂的首尾作了一些仪式上的传示。本颂只用卓尼版丹珠(Sems—tsamku、145a、6—146a 8、代号为C)和德格版(Sems tsam hi126b.1—127b.1,代号为D)作了校对,因文字不长,异同只有一条,而与《传示》  相似文献   

(根据1990年第4次人口普查数。本表不包括解放军及港、澳、台)┌───┬─────────┬────────┐│地区 │少数民族人口数(人)│占该地区总人口% │├───┼─────────┼────────┤│北京 │ 4 1 3816 │ 3 .83 ││天津 │ 200741 │ 2 .29 ││河北 │2400987 │ 3 .93 ││ 山西│ 8 1984 │ 0 .29 ││内蒙古│4 158076 │19.38 ││辽宁 │6 164661 │15.62 ││吉林 │2517b之4 │10.21 ││黑龙江│1990770 │ 5 .56 ││上海 │ 6 1588 │ 0 .46 ││江苏 │ 152790 │ 0 .23 ││浙江 │ 2 1 14…  相似文献   

依据"的"出于"者"及袁毓林"谓词隐含"等理论,求证了"NP+的"的渊源历程和结构理据"NP+的"来源于"NP+者","NP+的"中隐含了"作、当"一类动词,它是"作/当+NP+的"的紧缩形式,其中"的"提取"(作/当)NP"的主语,这种"的"跟"VP+的"中的"的"是同一个名词化标记.从汉语的发展趋势看,"NP+者"演变为"NP+的"后,最终的结果将是名词化标记"的"的脱落.  相似文献   

络合滴定法连续测定Fe3+、Zn2+含量微型实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用微型滴定法测定铁、锌混合液中的Fe3+、zn2+含量,并对微型滴定法与常量滴定法的平行测定结果进行了比较,结果无显著性差异,F检、T检结果均在允许范围内,相对标准偏差均小于1.0%,微型滴定法的精度达到常量滴定法测定水平,能满足化学分析的要求.  相似文献   

根据我校临床本科生实行3+2人才培养模式,结合儿科的临床特点,采取理论与实践紧密结合的临床教学形式,加强学生临床技能的培养和临床思维能力的培养,规范日常教学,取得良好的实习效果。探讨提高医学本科生在3+2教学模式下儿科带教质量的方法。  相似文献   

一、民族问题与民族关系研究部分地区民族干部民族意识调查报告/沈桂萍∥中央民族大学学报.-2 0 0 4,⑴.-79~83城市社区建设中的民族问题/周光大,周劲松∥广西民族研究.-2 0 0 4,⑴.-1 0~1 4从多元磨合到整合一体:以广西贺州民族关系为例/徐杰舜,徐桂兰∥学术论坛.-2 0 0 4,⑴.-1 2 5~1 3 0当代美国社会对华人及亚裔的歧视/万晓宏∥世界民族.-2 0 0 4,⑴.-46~5 2各民族共同缔造祖国凝聚力作用论:中国民族团结原因分析之一/徐杰舜∥西南民族大学学报.-2 0 0 4,⑴.-6~1 1关于我国少数民族选举制度的几个问题/敖俊德∥民族研究.-2 0 0 4,…  相似文献   

王健  李子卿  孙慧  杨子 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):15-20,101-102
In the first century of Anthropology (1870-1970), almost all social sciences studies focused on“objective”,“rational”,“collective”, and “universal” socio-cultural facts. This orien-tation excluded and marginalized those “subjec-tive”,“individual” and “non-rational” fields in the discourse system of the discipline. “Sense”was such a field, refused by the gatekeepers of tra-ditional anthropology. Since 1980s, more and more anthropologists have paid attention to the study of sense. laying the foundations for an “anthropology of the sen-ses”. With the gradual influence of Western An-thropology of the senses, “sense of place” is be-coming a current academic phrase in Chinese An-thropology. Meanwhile, a fundamental question has to be asked:how is sense of place possible? In order to explore this question, we must go back to Yi-Fu Tuan, a renowned humanistic geographer and his master work, Space and Place. Space and Place contains a total of fourteen chapters and can be divided into three parts. The first part, chapters 1 to 3, discusses three key words:experience, space, and place. Meanwhile, this part identifies the fundamental question of the book:how do human beings understand and expe-rience the world? The second part, ranging from chapters 4 to 9 , and introduces the relationship be-tween sense and space. The third part,chapters 10 to 14 , interprets the relationship between place and sense. Although the latter two parts introduce
the relationship between the “Sense and Space”and “Place and Sense”, the interrelation of space-sense-place runs through the whole book. The three key words ( experience, space and place ) are fully reflected in the title of the book ( Space and Place—the Perspective of Experience. What, then, is the nature of experience? Tuan holds that the essentiality of experience is how a person knows and constructs reality, ran-ging from inchoate feelings to explicit conceptions. Essentially,experience equals feeling plus thought. It is generally argued that feeling and thought are opposites. Feeling is subjective and non-rational. Thought is objective and rational. Tuan however argues that both of them belong to different poles of an experiential continuum and are ways of knowing the world. Through a new understanding of experi-ence, Tuan puts feelings to the study of “space-place”. Tuan considers space as a geometrical unit ( area or volume ) , it is a measurable and unam-biguous quantity. More loosely speaking, space means “room”; Space “is given by the ability to move”. However, sense is the sense of a lived body or man, and the relationship between sense and space is the relationship between a body and space, or essentially, the world. When a man ( or lived body ) moves in the world or space, the movement in turn gives him a sense of space. Place, in Tuan’s view, is a type of object,an object in which one can dwell (p. 12),a stable ob-
ject that catches our attention ( p. 161 );a focus of value, of nurture and support (p. 29). If we have a sense of space because we can move, then we have a sense of place because of a pause in move-ment. The pause makes it possible for a locality to become a center of felt value ( p. 138 ) . Sense of place is mind at work ( p. 198 ) , while sense of space is body at work. The most typical sense of place is topophilia, which is the feeling-link be-tween person and place ( Tuan, 1974 ) , and be-comes mixed with the sense of cultural identity a-mong certain peoples and a love of certain aspects of such a place. Actually, place has a lot of similarities with the character of space. For example, one place in-cludes several spaces while it contains another lar-ger space. Nevertheless, the difference between the two is also obvious. Tuan argues that“Place is security, space is freedom” ( p. 3 ) , and Space lies open as a common symbol of freedom in the Western world. On the negative side, space and freedom are a threat. A root meaning of the word“bad” is“open”. To be open and free is to be ex-posed and vulnerable. Compared to space, place is a calm center of established values ( p. 54 ) . While space and place is not a duality, according to Tuan, space can transform into place. In a word, the key factor of the transformation is culture,or more concretely, human experience. Based on this, we further propose that space and place is a continuum, just like Tuan’s understand-ing of experience as a continuum, and sense is a significant link to it. To summarize, Yi-Fu Tuan argues that ex-perience is a compound of feeling and thought in Space and Place:The Perspective of Experience. Tu-
an focuses on feeling and sense, which is the con-junction of space and place. We believe that Tuan’s research is based on a set of views: People have a sense of space from the body, as well as a sense of place from the function of the mind. From sense of space to sense of place, space and place become a continuum for the sake of sense. Nowa-days, historical anthropology still has problems in dealing with the relationship between space and place, so Tuan’s research, which has already bro-ken boundaries between the disciplines of geogra-phy and anthropology, is worthy of closer atten-tion.  相似文献   

率孩%多自然增长率计划生育率 %12。64叮‘内O八甘几jOJ OJ CO工匕 .…OU八b OUg︼Q‘,︸9自Q自O口八匕OJ nUnU八乙nU CUO口 :。:八0 OJ八6月任尸0nb八b tl左盖八O 尸ao自八U nU编.2…8 J口︸一﹄口,l厅才16。8817。18Q口八Qn甘,J八匕八b月任月任 .…,.﹃尸0 001卜」,自Q山9自月叹一﹄‘二一勺nJ,︺一匕QU co .…八匕月‘八b月任J性︸匕斤了,上一﹄JO口二d no乃J工从dl卜dt口‘ .…民d刀任O以no11 11曰.1‘.上年末总人口 (万人) 2094 4088 10576 3127 3594 212 2136 434 445 1426古西川州南藏肃海夏疆蒙内广四贵云西甘青宁…  相似文献   

一、民族问题与民族关系研究 构建社会主义和谐社会与民族关系/郝时远∥民族研究.-2005,(3).-1~13 关于中国民族理论创新与发展的思考/金炳镐,熊坤新,彭谦∥青海民族研究.-2005,(2).-1~8 近代广西瑶汉民族关系管窥:从<两广山调查>说起/秦海燕∥广西右江民族师专学报.-2005,(2).-23~27 论当代世界民族问题热点对世界和平的影响/乌小花∥黑龙江民族丛刊.-2005,(2).-13~18 论冷战后民族主义的新发展/雷勇,刘忠山∥贵州民族研究.-2005,(2).-5~9 论全球化背景下的民族主义社会动员/陈露,刘秦民∥贵州民族研究.-2005,(2).-1~4 民族工作缺失与民族工作过度:城市化进程中需要关注的若干民族问题/沈林∥广西民族学院学报.-2005,(2).-84~86  相似文献   

I=F%热情,欢快地垒0:坚盟盟业l垡2 2 2 2 2 7 0 l l l….=一I—一—1 1—1—7 7—6—6 1、2."T--'---~kTI业盟 ll 3 3 3 3 3 3 3=一1—●一——'==一一一2 2 2 2 2 7 O l I l 1 1 I 7 7 6 0 I 6 3 2 3 l 2 7 l l 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 3”—●I——==一一—产_『1.-一I■■一一~气一l—f●—■了—,●—fT二=====:=:: f/气 ll 、 1 I 3 3 6 6 3 3"6 7 1 2 3 4\2 1。3——————l 3 7 6 7 5 6 4 5·-·--·—一—--———-…I●.·-----… 】 l-·----_…·__·_--一】.逞堕盟阳光照大2.我们的目标全都一地,样,3.各族人民心遵 心,各族人民…  相似文献   

一、民族问题与民族关系研究对民族地区社会稳定的思考 /高永久∥兰州大学学报 -2 0 0 3 ,⑶ -45~ 5 0发展和谐的民族关系是中国特色民族理论的核心 /何永红∥广西民族学院学报 -2 0 0 3 ,⑵ -1 0 9~ 1 1 1加入WTO对民族理论政策的影响及应对措施 /金炳镐 ,熊坤新∥广西民族研究 -2 0 0 3 ,⑵ -1~ 6论贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想与民族理论研究与时俱进 /何晓芳∥黑龙江民族丛刊 -2 0 0 3 ,⑵ -2 9~ 3 4论南诏的民族政策 /方铁∥思想战线 -2 0 0 3 ,⑶ -3 5~ 3 9论清朝民族关系格局的特点 /余梓东∥内蒙古社会科学 -2 0…  相似文献   

马淑萍 《回族研究》2004,(3):116-120
一、回族历史《中国回回民族史》题记 /白寿彝 / /回族研究 ,第 2期12— 13页《葡萄牙人在华见闻录》中的穆斯林 /盖双 / /回族研究 ,第 2期 79— 82页对元代色目人家族的考察———以乌伯都剌家族为例 /马娟 / /回族研究 ,第 3期 37— 4 1页齐鲁大地伊斯兰教第一碑 /马明 / /回族研究 ,第 3期4 2— 4 3页入附明朝的撒马儿罕回回 /张文德 / /西北民族研究 ,第 3期 4 8— 5 6页从回族伊斯兰译著序跋看历史上回汉文化交流心态及其原因 /汪平秀 / /嘉应大学学报 ,第 1期 94— 98页近代回族知识分子的历史选择 /杨志娟 / /贵州民族研究 ,第 2期 …  相似文献   

刘天 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):85-89,121-123
In 2012 , State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission of the People’ s Republic of China( hereaf-ter SEAC ) announced an outline concerning the protection and development of‘ethnic minority vil-lages with special characteristics ’ . The develop-ment of such villages is one of the important tasks of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission:this devel-opment aims to foster the conservation of ethnic culture and to accelerate the development of the ethnic areas in which these villages lie. On Sep-tember 23 , 2014 , the State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission announced guanyu minming shoupi zhong-guo shaoshu minzu tese chunzhai de tongzhi ( No-tice on the Naming of the First Group of China ’ s Ethnic Minority Villages with Special Characteris-tics):340 villages in total were inscribed into the list of this so-called ‘First Batch ’ , among which four villages of Sichuan province were included:( i) Jiefang village of Haqu in Leshan, ( ii) Mutuo Village of Maoxian in Aba, ( iii) Shangmo Village of Songfan in Aba, and ( iv) Guza Village of Seda in Ganzi. With the support of the so-called‘Poverty Al-leviation Policy’ , tourism in ethnic minority villa-ges has been booming; however, this has also re-sulted in a new series of related problems that need to be addressed. Tourism development obviously had reduced regional poverty. Since the 1980s, the promotion of economic development through tourism in the ethnic areas ( with a corresponding improvement of people ’ s living conditions ) has been widely accepted by society. Also in the prov-ince of Sichuan the ‘poverty alleviation through tourism’ policy has led to economic growth and has reduced the poverty of the people in the ethnic mi-nority areas. From 2011 to 2014, the SEAC has invested 57. 8 million Yuan in the development of ethnic minority villages in Sichuan province. This has led to the implementation of 73 projects and has benefited around 100,000 people, 7 indige-nous ethnic groups, and 11 prefectures and munic-ipalities in Sichuan. It seems that this‘poverty al-leviation through tourism ’ ( hereafter PATT ) has resulted in good economic and social effects. Ethnic minority villages in Sichuan share sim-ilar challenges: ( i) a low level of production and productivity,economic backwardness, simplistic e-conomic infrastructure, cultural narrow-minded-ness, a low level of education and personal devel-opment, and a fragile condition of local nature and cultural surroundings. Moreover, tourism has since deeply altered previous development models for these regions: this has also brought many new problems, like e. g. how to correctly distribute the newly acquired economic benefits and profits, as well as cultural and environmental protection is-sues. Many of these problems seem to be only tran-sitional;however, these challenges do ask for the necessary tweaks of the PATT policies. This article thus tries to review the model of PATT as imple-mented in the ethnic villages of Sichuan. The arti-cle explores its different stages/aspects:( i) adap-tation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the gov-ernment, ( iii) an evolving profit model for local people, and ( iv ) evolving local talent discovery and activation. The first aspect of PATT is the change of the development goals. At first, the priority is to get rid of poverty through tourism. To initially boost local tourism, the government must make major in-vestments: enhancement of the basic infrastruc-ture, creation of a touristic brand and initial adver-tising for the ethnic villages. However, when the PATT has been effectively implemented, and reached a mature stage of development, i. e. the village has become relatively popular and annual numbers of tourists have reached a stable good lev-el, the goals must be adapted: economic develop-ment should change to sustainable development. The new goals would be a combination of local tourism and local related industries, such as handi-craft products, catering and other hospitality busi-nesses etc. When all of this takes place, the eth-nic villages and areas seem to be able to arrive at a green and sustainable development path. The second stage is the change of the role of government. As said, in the beginning large in-vestments in infrastructure, tourism marketing and publicity are needed. In this start-up stage, the village needs quite a lot of human and material re-sources. Without the financial and human aid of the government, it’ s very hard to change a local ethnic minority village into a tourist destination. Hence, the government should play a supportive role during the initial stages of tourism develop-ment, while taking the local villagers ’ will and ethnic culture into consideration: the government should consult with the villagers and encourage the villagers’ participation in the whole development process. When indeed the PATT reaches a mature phase, the local people can take over. By then the locals have gained much experience;their attitudes and business skills have sufficiently improved so the government can take a step back, leaving the villagers to further develop the villages by them-selves. The third aspect is an ‘evolving profit model for local people ’ . During the initial stages of PATT, it’ s all about developing basic tourism pro-jects: at this moment, the main profit models for businesses rely on ( a) ethnic culture projects with distinct characteristics, ( b ) establishing high quality modes of the tourists route, and ( c) pro-moting the unique name and fame of the villages. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the villagers themselves must further develop and maintain their unique brand and fame. As said, the government takes a step back while local peo-ple are to develop new related sustainable profit models. The fourth issue is the further evolution of‘local talent discovery and activation ’ or‘talent mechanisms’ . Before the initial stages of PATT in Sichuan, the local villagers of the ethnic minorities had been engaged in traditional agriculture for many years;hence it was difficult for them to tran-sition into modern industries such as tourism and hospitality. Moreover, there were very few locals who had any knowledge of this tourism/hospitality industry. E. g. only some elderly people conducted simplistic tour guide practices for tourists: they were unable to provide any in-depth explanations of the traditional ethnic customs and culture due to language barriers. Thus, outsiders ( including gov-ernment staff and tourism professionals ) had to come in and provide advanced concepts, methods, and training. More importantly, a new ‘local tal-ent team’ had to discover and activate local people with tourism talents/abilities. This allowed for a genuine local tourism industry to come into exist-ence and further evolve. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the government should re-turn the economic benefits back to the local people and give them the dominant right to further self-de-velopment. A newly developed professional middle class will then allow the local people to further de-cide on the future of the ethnic villages. After the initial ‘local talent discovery and activation ’ , a more mature ‘talent mechanism ’ should be formed. Led by the best local talents, people from all circles should be encouraged to take part in the further development of the local villages and areas:this allows for greater stability and continuity, while new talents can develop more. This article has analyzed the implementation and adaptation of PATT in the province of Si-chuan, including the ( i) adaptation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the government, ( iii) an evol-ving profit model for local people, and ( iv) evol-ving local talent discovery and activation. Howev-er, the development of ethnic minority villages still seems to face many difficulties and challenges, and need to be studied and discussed more.  相似文献   

(本栏目特邀中央民族大学图书馆满达日花主持 )一、民族问题与民族关系研究车臣民族问题论析 /丁佩华∥世界民族 -2 0 0 2 ,⑹ -3 0~ 3 6列宁的民族关系理论是解决当代民族关系问题的指南 /潘光辉∥世界民族 -2 0 0 2 ,⑸ -1~ 8论后金政权民族政策的形成 /余梓东∥满族研究 -2 0 0 2 ,⑶ -18~ 2 5论我国的邓小平民族理论研究 /金炳镐∥中南民族大学学报 -2 0 0 2 ,⑹ -3 1~ 3 5论中国民族区域自治制度的作用和特色 /宋才发∥广西民族研究 -2 0 0 2 ,⑷ -1~ 6美国肯定性行动计划 :发展·争论·未来走向 /刘宝存∥新疆大学学报…  相似文献   

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