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文章在MSE准则下对半参数模型中的参数的两步估计和最小二乘估计进行了比较,给出了参数的两步估计优于最小二乘估计的充分条件。  相似文献   

张军 《统计与决策》2007,(18):137-139
线性结构关系(Linear Structural Relationships)和偏最小二乘(Partial Least Square)路径分析是构建结构方程模型主要的两类技术。本文在阐述线性结构关系和偏最小二乘算法的基础上,比较分析了它们的差异,给出了各自的适用条件,指出了偏最小二乘路径分析技术的特点及其在社会科学领域逐渐受到重视的原因。  相似文献   

在异方差线性回归模型中,当模型误差项的协方差阵未知时,对异方差模型进行估计目前还没有比较好的方法。基于此,提出一种异方差模型的两阶段估计—基于异方差一致协方差阵估计,该方法将异方差一致协方差阵估计HC5m和广义最小二乘估计法结合起来,综合使用全部样本的信息,并对异方差模型进行估计。通过大量的蒙特卡洛数值模拟和实证分析,结果表明该方法具有一定的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

空间回归模型由于引入了空间地理信息而使得其参数估计变得复杂,因为主要采用最大似然法,致使一般人认为在空间回归模型参数估计中不存在最小二乘法。通过分析空间回归模型的参数估计技术,研究发现,最小二乘法和最大似然法分别用于估计空间回归模型的不同的参数,只有将两者结合起来才能快速有效地完成全部的参数估计。数理论证结果表明,空间回归模型参数最小二乘估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量。空间回归模型的回归参数可以在估计量为正态性的条件下而实施显著性检验,而空间效应参数则不可以用此方法进行检验。  相似文献   

文章讨论了当线性模型有一定的附加信息时,回归系数的混合估计与最小二乘估计的相对效率问题;在误差矩阵为正定矩阵时,给出了一种新的相对效率,并导出了它的上界.  相似文献   

本文首先讨论了纵向数据部分线性模型yij=xijβ+g(tij)+eij的可行广义最小二乘估计方法及其估计的渐近性质,然后通过统计模拟研究表明我们的估计方法在有限样本情形也有良好的效果.由该方法获得的估计量具有显示解,计算简便,便于实际应用.  相似文献   

IV估计框架下模型设定检验问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 IV估计框架下各种统计量的良好性质依赖于相应的模型设定,如果这些模型设定未能得到数据的支持,其统计推断结论将是不可靠的。如判定计量经济模型是否存在内生性的Hausman检验,实证研究中同一问题的检验结果可能大相径庭。如何通过合理的模型设定检验程序来获得模型参数科学、可靠的估计结果和检验结论呢?本文讨论了工具变量估计框架下的各种模型设定检验问题,明确了各个检验统计量的适用条件及其逻辑联系,给出了工具变量估计框架下模型设定检验的一般步骤。  相似文献   

为研究单病种成本影响因素间的因果路径关系,文章构建了基于偏最小二乘方法的单病种成本影响因素结构方程模型(SEM),以急性阑尾炎病种为例,进行实证分析.在对指标体系进行信度和效度检验基础上,验证了成本影响因素相互间的结构关系.  相似文献   

CSI模型样本量的Monte Carlo研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从实际应用的角度对满意度模型进行了分析,并通过前人的研究对两种估计方法进行了多方面的比较;运用Monte Carlo模拟对CSI实用中样本量问题进行了探讨:应用proactive Monte Carlo证明PLS在小样本下估计效果比LISREL更具稳健性,又应用reactive Monte Carlo模拟证明PLS对样本量也有要求,并非任何小样本都适用。  相似文献   

文章主要研究了线性回归模型在因变量缺失下的约束估计,基于完整数据方法和单点插补方法,我们给出了模型系数的两种约束估计,并研究了估计量的渐近正态性.最后,我们通过数值模拟验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Modelling the tails of a multivariate distribution can be reasonably done by multivariate generalized Pareto distributions (GPDs). We present several methods of parametric estimation in these models, which use decompositions of the corresponding random vectors with the help of different versions of Pickands coordinates. The estimators are compared to each other with simulated data sets. To show the practical value of the methods, they are applied to a real hydrological data set.  相似文献   

For the model considered by Chaturvedi, Pandey and Gupta (1991), two classes of sequential procedures are developed to construct confidence regions (which may be interval, ellipsoidal or spherical) of ‘pre-assigned width and coverage probability’ for the parameters of interest and for the minimum risk point estimation (taking loss to be quadratic plus linear cost of sampling) of the nuisance parameter. Second-Order approximations are derived for the expected sample size, coverage probability and ‘regret’ associated with the two classes of sequential procedures. A simple and direct method of obtaining the asymptotic distribution of the stopping time is provided. By means of examples, it is illustrated that several estimation problems can be tackled with the help of proposed classes of sequential procedures.  相似文献   

This article considers identification and estimation of social network models in a system of simultaneous equations. We show that, with or without row-normalization of the social adjacency matrix, the network model has different equilibrium implications, needs different identification conditions, and requires different estimation strategies. When the adjacency matrix is not row-normalized, the variation in the Bonacich centrality across nodes in a network can be used as an IV to identify social interaction effects and improve estimation efficiency. The number of such IVs depends on the number of networks. When there are many networks in the data, the proposed estimators may have an asymptotic bias due to the presence of many IVs. We propose a bias-correction procedure for the many-instrument bias. Simulation experiments show that the bias-corrected estimators perform well in finite samples. We also provide an empirical example to illustrate the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

In this note we develop a new quantile function estimator called the tail extrapolation quantile function estimator. The estimator behaves asymptotically exactly the same as the standard linear interpolation estimator. For finite samples there is small correction towards estimating the extreme quantiles. We illustrate that by employing this new estimator we can greatly improve the coverage probabilities of the standard bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. The method does not reqiure complicated calculations and hence it should appeal to the statistical practitioner.  相似文献   


In a quantitative linear model with errors following a stationary Gaussian, first-order autoregressive or AR(1) process, Generalized Least Squares (GLS) on raw data and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) on prewhitened data are efficient methods of estimation of the slope parameters when the autocorrelation parameter of the error AR(1) process, ρ, is known. In practice, ρ is generally unknown. In the so-called two-stage estimation procedures, ρ is then estimated first before using the estimate of ρ to transform the data and estimate the slope parameters by OLS on the transformed data. Different estimators of ρ have been considered in previous studies. In this article, we study nine two-stage estimation procedures for their efficiency in estimating the slope parameters. Six of them (i.e., three noniterative, three iterative) are based on three estimators of ρ that have been considered previously. Two more (i.e., one noniterative, one iterative) are based on a new estimator of ρ that we propose: it is provided by the sample autocorrelation coefficient of the OLS residuals at lag 1, denoted r(1). Lastly, REstricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) represents a different type of two-stage estimation procedure whose efficiency has not been compared to the others yet. We also study the validity of the testing procedures derived from GLS and the nine two-stage estimation procedures. Efficiency and validity are analyzed in a Monte Carlo study. Three types of explanatory variable x in a simple quantitative linear model with AR(1) errors are considered in the time domain: Case 1, x is fixed; Case 2, x is purely random; and Case 3, x follows an AR(1) process with the same autocorrelation parameter value as the error AR(1) process. In a preliminary step, the number of inadmissible estimates and the efficiency of the different estimators of ρ are compared empirically, whereas their approximate expected value in finite samples and their asymptotic variance are derived theoretically. Thereafter, the efficiency of the estimation procedures and the validity of the derived testing procedures are discussed in terms of the sample size and the magnitude and sign of ρ. The noniterative two-stage estimation procedure based on the new estimator of ρ is shown to be more efficient for moderate values of ρ at small sample sizes. With the exception of small sample sizes, REML and its derived F-test perform the best overall. The asymptotic equivalence of two-stage estimation procedures, besides REML, is observed empirically. Differences related to the nature, fixed or random (uncorrelated or autocorrelated), of the explanatory variable are also discussed.  相似文献   

More flexible semiparametric linear‐index regression models are proposed to describe the conditional distribution. Such a model formulation captures varying effects of covariates over the support of a response variable in distribution, offers an alternative perspective on dimension reduction and covers a lot of widely used parametric and semiparameteric regression models. A feasible pseudo likelihood approach, accompanied with a simple and easily implemented algorithm, is further developed for the mixed case with both varying and invariant coefficients. By justifying some theoretical properties on Banach spaces, the uniform consistency and asymptotic Gaussian process of the proposed estimator are also established in this article. In addition, under the monotonicity of distribution in linear‐index, we develop an alternative approach based on maximizing a varying accuracy measure. By virtue of the asymptotic recursion relation for the estimators, some of the achievements in this direction include showing the convergence of the iterative computation procedure and establishing the large sample properties of the resulting estimator. It is noticeable that our theoretical framework is very helpful in constructing confidence bands for the parameters of interest and tests for the hypotheses of various qualitative structures in distribution. Generally, the developed estimation and inference procedures perform quite satisfactorily in the conducted simulations and are demonstrated to be useful in reanalysing data from the Boston house price study and the World Values Survey.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider N independent stochastic processes (X i (t), t ∈ [0,T i ]), i=1,…, N, defined by a stochastic differential equation with drift term depending on a random variable φ i . The distribution of the random effect φ i depends on unknown parameters which are to be estimated from the continuous observation of the processes Xi. We give the expression of the exact likelihood. When the drift term depends linearly on the random effect φ i and φ i has Gaussian distribution, an explicit formula for the likelihood is obtained. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent and asymptotically Gaussian, when T i =T for all i and N tends to infinity. We discuss the case of discrete observations. Estimators are computed on simulated data for several models and show good performances even when the length time interval of observations is not very large.  相似文献   

In this article, we employ a regression formulation to estimate the high-dimensional covariance matrix for a given network structure. Using prior information contained in the network relationships, we model the covariance as a polynomial function of the symmetric adjacency matrix. Accordingly, the problem of estimating a high-dimensional covariance matrix is converted to one of estimating low dimensional coefficients of the polynomial regression function, which we can accomplish using ordinary least squares or maximum likelihood. The resulting covariance matrix estimator based on the maximum likelihood approach is guaranteed to be positive definite even in finite samples. Under mild conditions, we obtain the theoretical properties of the resulting estimators. A Bayesian information criterion is also developed to select the order of the polynomial function. Simulation studies and empirical examples illustrate the usefulness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the performance of two estimators namely, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and Whittle's Estimator (WE), through a simulation study for the Generalised Autoregressive (GAR) model.

As expected, it is found that for the parameters α and σ2, the MLE and WE have a better performance than Method of Moments (MOM) estimator. For the parameter δ, MOM sometimes appears to have a slightly better performance than MLE and WE, possibly due to truncation approximations associated with the hypergeometric functions for calculating the autocorrelation function. However, the MLE and WE can be used in practice without loss of efficiency.  相似文献   

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