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This paper deals with the relations between the polyhedron described by the inequalities of a block structured problem and the polyhedra described by the inequalities of the single blocks. In particular, classes of block structured problems are described for which zero-lifting of facet inducing inequalities of a single block yields facet inducing inequalities for the whole problem. Some applications are discussed.  相似文献   

In morphological image processing and analysis, a template or structuringelement is applied to an image. Often savings in computation time and abetter fit to the given computer architecture can be achieved by using thetechnique of template decomposition. Researchers have written a multitude ofpapers on finding such decompositions for special classes of templates.Justifying recent integer programming approaches to the morphologicaltemplate decomposition problem in its general form, this paper proves theNP-completeness of this problem.  相似文献   

The problems dealt with in this paper are generalizations of the set cover problem, min{cx | Ax b, x {0,1}n}, where c Q+n, A {0,1}m × n, b 1. The covering 0-1 integer program is the one, in this formulation, with arbitrary nonnegative entries of A and b, while the partial set cover problem requires only mK constrains (or more) in Ax b to be satisfied when integer K is additionall specified. While many approximation algorithms have been recently developed for these problems and their special cases, using computationally rather expensive (albeit polynomial) LP-rounding (or SDP-rounding), we present a more efficient purely combinatorial algorithm and investigate its approximation capability for them. It will be shown that, when compared with the best performance known today and obtained by rounding methods, although its performance comes short in some special cases, it is at least equally good in general, extends for partial vertex cover, and improves for weighted multicover, partial set cover, and further generalizations.  相似文献   

运用混合整数规划法构建企业信用风险评估模型,并将其应用于我国商业银行信用风险评估中。该模型具有非参数检验特性,不需要样本数据服从正态分布和等协方差,并通过两阶段的分类过程对企业信用状况进行判别。研究结果表明,混合整数规划法有较强的预测贷款企业信用风险的能力。  相似文献   

资源受限项目调度问题(简称RCPSP)是最具代表性的项目调度问题之一,调度过程可理解为,将受资源约束的平行工序调整为顺序工序。本文针对实际中广泛存在的资源局域、而非全局受限的情况,研究局域性RCPSP,并重点考虑一类问题:项目某环节的一系列平行工序,可用资源量只有一半,各资源可重复利用且具有相应多功能,但最多能承担2个工序,需将这些工序两两排列成对,实现项目工期最短。本文首先探索问题“局域性”特征,量化局域调度对项目工期的影响;基于此,构建只涵盖“局域调度工序”的0-1规划模型;再者,发展整数规划强对偶理论,结合Dangzig-Wolfe分解等方法,提出多项式时间的精确算法;最后通过算例测试,验证算法优势,例如,计算大规模算例的最优解,运用该算法比常规精确方法可快数万倍以上。  相似文献   

This paper investigates an integrated production and transportation scheduling problem in an MTO supply chain. A harmony search-based memetic optimization model is developed to handle this problem, in which certain heuristic procedures are proposed to convert the investigated problem into an order assignment problem. A novel improvisation process is also proposed to improve the optimum-seeking performance. The effectiveness of the proposed model is validated by numerical experiments. The experimental results show that (1) the proposed model can solve the investigated problem effectively and that (2) the proposed memetic optimization process exhibits better optimum-seeking performance than genetic algorithm-based and traditional memetic optimization processes.  相似文献   

A discrete location problem is formulated for the design of a postal service network. The cost objective of this problem includes a nonlinear concave component. A parametric integer programming algorithm is developed to find an approximate solution to the problem. The algorithm reduces the problem into a sequence of p-median problems and deals with the nonlinear cost by a node-replacement scheme. Preliminary computational results are presented.  相似文献   

冯锋  刘建华  周英 《管理学报》2010,7(4):537-541
通过调研建立一个比较全面的裁员标准体系,用来计算企业中每个员工对企业的贡献价值,再把这个过程抽象为一个带约束条件的最优化的数学模型,用遗传算法对其求解,进而确定裁减的人员。这样就解决了企业在裁减人员过程中主观地决定裁减人数的问题。该模型能够给管理者提供一个使企业整体利益最大化的精确裁减人数以及被裁的人员清单,提高了决策的科学性,也为管理人员使用计算机提高决策的正确性和高效性提供了参考。  相似文献   

国内中小呼叫中心制定坐席人员月度排班表时,通常考虑劳动法规合同约束和体现企业自身用工管理诉求。构建坐席人员月度排班优化问题的二次整数规划模型。鉴于问题模型难解性,依据调研企业需求和模型逻辑结构分析,把问题分解成三个子问题。通过构建整数规划模型和提出启发式算法来求出子问题解,从而生成排班问题优化解。问题实例计算表明,模型算法能够有效控制人力成本和兼顾员工同班次管理目标。与周排班方法比较,该方法能够充分体现月度排班人力灵活性来实现人力优化配置。  相似文献   

The production planning of a mine system associated with mining, processing and refining stages dictates to determine optimal system parameters such as optimal production rates, location of refining facility and the best reconstruction time of production rates. This paper proposes a combination of the chance constrained programming (CCP) and the genetic algorithms (GA) to find the optimal system parameters simultaneously. In generic form the problem is expressed as the maximization of net present value of future cash flows such that the capacity constraint and predefined specifications are satisfied. The blending requirements expressed in the CCP are transformed into deterministic equivalents. A new form of the problem is solved by the GA. The approach was demonstrated on extraction, processing and refining of four iron ore mines with varying reserves, ore qualities, geological and topographic conditions, four mineral processing units and one refining facility. The results showed that the proposed algorithm could be used to determine optimal production rates, the facility location and the best reconstruction time.  相似文献   

We study a problem faced by a secure‐logistics provider (SLP) of maximizing profit by jointly pricing the services of fit‐sorting and transporting cash along with the design of the supporting logistics network, in a market consisting of a population of Depository Institutions (DIs). The need to jointly price the services assumes significance because they are partial substitutes of one another. Our study finds that the influence of the logistics network on prices is especially strong when there are non‐linearities in the cost of provisioning the logistics services. Furthermore, the impact of logistics decisions on different types of pricing schemes (e.g., volume discount, bundled pricing) is different, both in its structure and extent. In present times, when the market for the fit‐sorting service is relatively immature, our findings have major implications to the way an SLP's business is managed.  相似文献   

For a basic version (i.e., maximizing the number of base-pairs) of the RNA secondary structure prediction problem and the construction of a parse tree for a stochastic context-free language, O(n3) time algorithms were known. For both problems, this paper shows slightly improved O(n3(log log n)1/2/(log n)1/2) time exact algorithms, which are obtained by combining Valiant's algorithm for context-free recognition with fast funny matrix multiplication. Moreover, this paper shows an O(n2.776 + (1/)O(1)) time approximation algorithm for the former problem and an O(n2.976 log n + (1/)O(1)) time approximation algorithm for the latter problem, each of which has a guaranteed approximation ratio 1 – for any positive constant , where the absolute value of the logarithm of the probability is considered as an objective value in the latter problem. The former algorithm is obtained from a non-trivial modification of the well-known O(n3) time dynamic programming algorithm, and the latter algorithm is obtained by combining Valiant's algorithm with approximate funny matrix multiplication. Several related results are shown too.  相似文献   

The significant increase in large-scale wildfire events in recent decades, caused primarily by climate change, has resulted in a growing number of aerial resources being used in suppression efforts. Present-day management lacks efficient and scalable algorithms for complex aerial resource allocation and scheduling for the extinction of such fires, which is crucial to ensuring safety while maximizing the efficiency of operations. In this work, we present a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) optimization model tailored to large-scale wildfires for the daily scheduling of aerial operations. The main objective is to achieve a prioritized target water flow over all areas of operation and all time periods. Minimal target completion across individual areas and time periods and total water output are also maximized as secondary and ternary objectives, respectively. An efficient and scalable multi-start heuristic, combining a randomized greedy approach with simulated annealing employing large neighborhood search techniques, is proposed for larger instances. A diverse set of problem instances is generated with varying sizes and extinction strategies to test the approaches. Results indicate that the heuristic can achieve (near)-optimal solutions for smaller instances solvable by the MILP, and gives solutions approaching target water flows for larger problem sizes. The algorithm is parallelizable and has been shown to give promising results in a small number of iterations, making it applicable for both night-before planning and, more time-sensitive, early-morning scheduling.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new decision-making problem of a fair optimization with respect to the two equally important conflicting objective functions: cost and customer service level, in the presence of supply chain disruption risks. Given a set of customer orders for products, the decision maker needs to select suppliers of parts required to complete the orders, allocate the demand for parts among the selected suppliers, and schedule the orders over the planning horizon, to equitably optimize expected cost and expected customer service level. The supplies of parts are subject to independent random local and regional disruptions. The fair decision-making aims at achieving the normalized expected cost and customer service level values as much close to each other as possible. The obtained combinatorial stochastic optimization problem is formulated as a stochastic mixed integer program with the ordered weighted averaging aggregation of the two conflicting objective functions. Numerical examples and computational results, in particular comparison with the weighted-sum aggregation of the two objective functions are presented and some managerial insights are reported. The findings indicate that for the minimum cost objective the cheapest supplier is usually selected, and for the maximum service level objective a subset of most reliable and most expensive suppliers is usually chosen, whereas the equitably efficient supply portfolio usually combines the most reliable and the cheapest suppliers. While the minimum cost objective function leads to the largest expected unfulfilled demand and the expected production schedule for the maximum service level follows the customer demand with the smallest expected unfulfilled demand, the equitably efficient solution ensures a reasonable value of expected unfulfilled demand.  相似文献   

大型供应链设计的基本数学模型与算法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
随着信息技术与全球经济一体化的发展,供应链管理成为全球管理科学的研究热点。本文在分析国内外各种关于供应链设计的数学模型与算法的基础上,提出了具有普遍性意义且简单易行的MIP供应链设计的数学模型以及求解供应链问题的有界变量广义上界算法。实例计算表明,提出的模型和方法是可靠实用的。  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved algorithm for solving the sum of linear fractional functions (SOLF) problem in 1-D and 2-D. A key subproblem to our solution is the off-line ratio query (OLRQ) problem, which asks to find the optimal values of a sequence of m linear fractional functions (called ratios), each ratio subject to a feasible domain defined by O(n) linear constraints. Based on some geometric properties and the parametric linear programming technique, we develop an algorithm that solves the OLRQ problem in O((m+n)log (m+n)) time. The OLRQ algorithm can be used to speed up every iteration of a known iterative SOLF algorithm, from O(m(m+n)) time to O((m+n)log (m+n)), in 1-D and 2-D. Implementation results of our improved 1-D and 2-D SOLF algorithm have shown that in most cases it outperforms the commonly-used approaches for the SOLF problem. We also apply our techniques to some problems in computational geometry and other areas, improving the previous results.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-9623585.The research of this author was supported in part by National Science Foundation under grant CCF-0430366.Grant-in-Aid of Ministry of Science, Culture and Education of Japan, No. 10780274.The research of this author was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Researchon Priority Areas  相似文献   

For nearly all call centers, agent schedules are typically created several days or weeks before the time that agents report to work. After schedules are created, call center resource managers receive additional information that can affect forecasted workload and resource availability. In particular, there is significant evidence, both among practitioners and in the research literature, suggesting that actual call arrival volumes early in a scheduling period (typically an individual day or week) can provide valuable information about the call arrival pattern later in the same scheduling period. In this paper, we develop a flexible and powerful heuristic framework for managers to make intra‐day resource adjustment decisions that take into account updated call forecasts, updated agent requirements, existing agent schedules, agents' schedule flexibility, and associated incremental labor costs. We demonstrate the value of this methodology in managing the trade‐off between labor costs and service levels to best meet variable rates of demand for service, using data from an actual call center.  相似文献   

Since its invention in 1958, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) has been widely used during the planning, design, and implementation of projects. Pert models the activities of a project as a single source-single sink directed acyclic graph where nodes represent events (end or beginning of activities) and arcs activities. The maximum amount by which an activity can be delayed without delaying the overall project is called the slack. Critical tasks have zero slack whereas all noncritical tasks have positive slacks. Pert is a valuable tool in the management of large projects since it allows to compute the slack of each activity of the project. Such information may be crucial in avoiding cost overruns that would be caused by delays to critical activities and/or excessive delays to noncritical activities. What Pert fails to provide is how one should go about distributing remaining slack on noncritical activities while taking into consideration properties of the activities as well as precedence relationships among them, so as to have reasonable upper bounds on duration of all activities, critical or noncritical. In this paper we propose several algorithms for the distribution of slack on non-critical activities. We show that if one desires to distribute the remaining slack proportionally to the initially assigned activity durations then the problem is in P, and propose an algorithm of linear time complexity. However if one desires to use distribution functions other than the initial durations of activities, then the problem of slack distribution becomes NP-complete. Finding the maximal bounds corresponding to zero-slack solution at the sink requires iterative application of exponential algorithm. For that case we introduce an approximation algorithm of linear time complexity on each iteration. The algorithm iteratively increases bounds on durations of activities and converges to the zero-slack solution on all paths from the source node to the sink node in the Pert-like graph. The algorithms described in this paper were successfully applied to solving timing bounds problems in VLSI design.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new nested algorithm (NPL) for the estimation of a class of discrete Markov decision models and studies its statistical and computational properties. Our method is based on a representation of the solution of the dynamic programming problem in the space of conditional choice probabilities. When the NPL algorithm is initialized with consistent nonparametric estimates of conditional choice probabilities, successive iterations return a sequence of estimators of the structural parameters which we call K–stage policy iteration estimators. We show that the sequence includes as extreme cases a Hotz–Miller estimator (for K=1) and Rust's nested fixed point estimator (in the limit when K→∞). Furthermore, the asymptotic distribution of all the estimators in the sequence is the same and equal to that of the maximum likelihood estimator. We illustrate the performance of our method with several examples based on Rust's bus replacement model. Monte Carlo experiments reveal a trade–off between finite sample precision and computational cost in the sequence of policy iteration estimators.  相似文献   

Improved Bounds on Relaxations of a Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs withrelease dates on m identical parallel machines to minimize the average completion time of the jobs. We prove that the ratio of the average completion time of the optimal nonpreemptive schedule to that of the optimal preemptive schedule is at most 7/3, improving a bound of Shmoys and Wein.  相似文献   

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