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郞咸平 《经理人》2008,(1):62-62
以往时装界一般是走高端路线如LV、GUCCI或低端路线如堡狮龙、佐丹奴。但现在有两个品牌集合了平价、时尚奢华设计于一身,她们是近年崛起、席卷全球的欧洲时装品牌—ZARA,H&M。  相似文献   

<正> 郑裕彤一年亏掉75亿 10月16日,郑裕彤麾下3家香港上市公司新世界基建、新世界中国公司和新世界发展公布了过去一个财年近75亿港元的亏损业绩。其中,新世界基建亏损9.59亿港元,新世界中国公司亏损17亿港元。新世界发展亏损48亿港元。  相似文献   

苏龙飞 《经理人》2009,(8):86-87
随着全球第三、亚洲最大的铝型材生产商——中国忠旺(HK1333)于今年5月在香港上市,国内又冒出一位神秘“新首富”——忠旺董事长刘忠田。以2009年7月10日的收盘价及个人持股量计算,刘忠田这位辽宁汉子的个人财富已达373.33亿港元。  相似文献   

据联合国粮农组织最新发布的《粮食展望》报告预测,2009年全球谷物总产量将达到22.19亿吨.比上年的22.87亿吨减少3%。2009年全球小麦总用量预计为6.55亿吨,高于上年用量6.447亿吨。小麦期末库存预计为1.924亿吨,高于上年库存1.913亿吨。2009年全球小麦产量为6.558亿吨,低于上年的6.846亿吨。2009年全球玉米用量预计为8.076亿吨,高于上年的7.947亿吨。玉米期末库存预计为1.546亿吨,低于上年的1.668亿吨。2009年全球玉米产量为7.918亿吨.低于上年的玉米产量8.198亿吨。  相似文献   

2009年,嘉德春拍和秋拍总成交额为20.4亿元。到了2010年,总成交额已猛增至63亿元,2011年,嘉德仅一次春拍的总成交额,已达到53.23亿元,我们不难看出,拍卖行的成交额在成倍增长  相似文献   

按照国际方法折算.2009年中国能源消费折合成标准油为21.46亿吨.人均消费能源1.61吨标准油。而2009年美国能源消费总量23.82亿吨标准油.根据中美官方公布的数据.2009年中国能源消费总量比美国少2亿多吨标准油.人均消费约为美国的五分之一.  相似文献   

贺海峰 《决策》2010,(4):68-69
站在天象龙盟环保纸业刚刚落成的一期4万平米厂房前,杜集区委常委、段园镇党委书记许成一派豪情:“这是淮北乃至整个安徽引进的单体项目最大、后续项目最多、技术含量最高的台资项目。计划总投资3.6亿美元,年产值将超过100亿元。”2009年,这家石头造纸企业在淮北选址时,到这里仅看了五六分钟,便当场拍板:“就选段园!”理由很简单:区位优势独一无二。  相似文献   

周建华 《经理人》2006,(9):32-33
在香港上市融到10.26亿港元巨资的永乐家电(以下简称“永乐”),没到1年即自己委身国美电器(以下简称“国美”),其层次原因何在?并购整合,黄光裕陈晓有什么利害选择?4方各打算盘2006年7月25日,国美宣布采现金加换股的方式,以约52.68亿港元并购永乐,陈晓出任新公司CEO。永乐被收购,直接原因源于一个“对赌协议”:2005年10月,永乐在香港联交所上市。永乐管理层与财务顾问摩根斯坦利签订“对赌协议”:如果永乐2007年(可延至2008或2009年)的净利润高于7.5亿元,外资股东将向永乐管理层转让4697.38万股永乐股份;如果净利润相等或低于6.75亿元,永…  相似文献   

国资委日前发布《央企2009年度分户国有资产运营情况表》,披露了129家央企中108家央企2009年经营情况,其中,营业总收入126271.6亿元,实际上交税金总额11474.8亿元.国有资产总量62931.7亿元,国有资产保值增值率109.3%。  相似文献   

7月27日,新闻出版总署根据首次新闻出版产业调查和2009年统计年报的数据。对外公布了(2009年新闻出版产业分析报告》。数据显示,2009年,新闻出版业全行业总产出为10668.9亿元;实现增加值3099.7亿元,占同期国内生产总值(GDP)的0.9%。从产业类别来看,印刷复制、出版物发行和数字出版分居前三位,三者合计分别占到全行业总产出的87.2%、增加值的82.0%、营业收入的87.2%和利润(结余)总额的81.6%。  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic review of recent academic literature analysing the role, organization and management of marketing activities in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). To this end, 310 articles published between 2006 and 2015 in 69 main journals devoted to small firms/entrepreneurship and management/marketing fields were analysed. This review shows that SMEs’ marketing has received great attention in both management and marketing literature in recent years. Findings reveal, on the one hand, the emerging role of networks and information and communication technologies in marketing behaviour by SMEs, and on the other hand a research gap in terms of specific marketing practices. Entrepreneurial marketing has been used as the main conceptual framework in reviewed studies, even if findings overall still point out a distance between the theoretical bases of reviewed contributions and the study of SMEs’ marketing behaviour and practices. Therefore, future research on the role of resources, relationships and networks could benefit from the combination of theories developed within the field of entrepreneurship with other approaches such as the resource‐based view, the dynamic capabilities theory and the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) framework.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(4):10-20
This article places emphasis on relationships and interaction in marketing, an emphasis which has developed out of new theories of services marketing and industrial marketing and also out of practical experience. Building and maintaining relationships have significant long-term implications and therefore affect the strategic and long-range planning of the firm's marketing. In the author's view, the present Marketing Concept, as it appears in research, textbooks and seminars, is unrealistic and needs to be replaced. One reason is its inability to absorb new developments in marketing and its rigid attachment to traditional consumer goods marketing. The conclusions can be seen as part of a progress report from an ongoing research project which aims at developing a New Marketing Concept, that draws both on theory and on the views of practitioners.  相似文献   

We present resource‐based and capability‐based arguments of marketing investment intensity to offer a strategic view of marketing as an investment in shareholder value. We find that marketing investment intensity has a U‐shaped quadratic effect on shareholder value creation (Tobin's q) that calls for marketing investment to be protected and increased, not surrendered. We show how marketing investments interact with investments in R&D, human capital and operations to reveal how strategic co‐investments can alter the shareholder value of marketing. Finally, we show how competitive intensity and failings in the firm's investment productivity (its ability to convert investment expenditure into sales) point to malaise in the firm's own strategic architecture as a fault for perceived poor returns from marketing investments. Our findings suggest that marketing investment should not be scapegoated when its contributions to shareholder value are not as expected. When invested in strategically and in combination with other investments, marketing can unlock exciting improvements in shareholder value.  相似文献   

The product life cycle (PLC) has represented a central element of marketing theory for four decades. Following its development in the 1950s, and its subsequent popularization in the 1960s, it has remained a stable feature of marketing teaching; despite evidence of its limited applicability and the growing awareness, amongst leading academics at least, of its flawed nature. This paper critically re-examines its practical value in the light of the 20-year history of 929 brands spread across 150 fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) markets in the UK. The main conclusion is that the ‘life cycle’ of the brand leaders is indeed more stable, and much longer, than some of the previous work might have suggested; and that the PLC would have predicted. As a credible aid to marketing decisions the brand life cycle is, therefore, of little value in the majority of FMCG markets - and cannot justify its long-held position as a theory that has general practical applicability across the whole field of marketing.  相似文献   

Even if marketing in the entrepreneurial context has been regarded as a central issue, knowledge about the characteristics of marketing in venture and growth phases of firms is still scarce in both the entrepreneurship and the marketing literature. With regard to current research results on market uncertainty in the entrepreneurial context, this article proposes a characteriziation of entrepreneurial marketing as a management function that has the task of coping with and thereby controlling uncertainty in entrepreneurial situations. To this end the discussion draws on the cognition-based concept of effectuation in order to show how this control-based logic adds value in coping with liabilities of new firms as opposed to its complement, prediction-based causal logic.  相似文献   

This paper explores distinctive marketing knowledge of subsidiaries as an important resource contributing to the performance of the multinational corporation (MNC). Two different paths are analyzed. The first is the direct effect of the usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge on the perceived performance of other MNC units. The second is the indirect effect in which an MNC's usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge affects its performance via capability development in technology and market expansion within the MNC. Using data on 237 MNC subsidiaries in Sweden, six hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model. The results indicate that an MNC's usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge directly affects its performance. Additionally, the results reveal a strong relation between subsidiary marketing knowledge and the subsidiary's impact on development of the capabilities of other MNC units' technology and their expansion on the market, which in turn, positively impacts the performance of the MNC.  相似文献   

针对灰色营销进行道德培训的实验效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以道德培训为操纵变量,以工商管理专业的大学生为实验对象,研究了灰色营销的道德培训对人们灰色营销道德判断和行为倾向的影响.结果发现:第一,针对灰色营销的短期道德培训能够显著改进被培训者针对灰色营销的道义论评价和目的论评价,但是不能降低其灰色营销行为倾向;第二,尽管针对灰色营销的短期道德培训能够改进人们针对灰色营销的道义论评价和目的论评价,并且后者对人们的灰色营销行为倾向也有显著影响,但是它们不能中介短期道德培训对灰色营销行为倾向的影响.本文最后讨论了研究结果的理论贡献与实际应用.  相似文献   

Motion picture performance: A review and research agenda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of empirical studies of motion picture performance published from 1977 to 2006 inclusive in the following five disciplines of the social sciences: strategy, organization theory, marketing, cultural economics and sociology. It introduces a novel framework which organizes the various dimensions and explanatory factors of movie performance into five distinct categories and underscores their relationships. The paper, which uses this model as a roadmap for discussions of film success, serves two complementary purposes. First, it clarifies the current state of the literature, stresses core contributions and exposes limitations in existing research by emphasizing hitherto neglected independent explanatory factors, dependent dimensions and correlations between them. Second, it introduces five conceptual, methodological and empirical suggestions for further cinema performance research aimed at addressing these limitations and, accordingly, at providing better accounts of motion picture performance in view of the fast-changing conditions of cinema production, marketing and consumption.  相似文献   

互联网的经济效果与对营销学的冲击   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过回顾新的信息基础即互联网的发展进程及其对电子商务的意义,从经济学方面探讨互联网的经济效果,包括代理成本、交易成本、网络外部性三部分的分析阐述了互联网对于市场、营销体制和营销实践的冲击.提出,电子商务仍是一种不确定的商务模式,需要着眼于消费者及营销体制,对市场变化的结果进行营销学领域的系统性研究.  相似文献   

基于营销渠道行为理论和关系营销理论,通过假设检验,本文探讨了在中国的营销渠道中关系营销导向对企业营销渠道控制行为的影响.研究结果显示,第一,关系营销导向对企业使用非强制性权力进行控制有正向的影响,对企业权力与企业使用强制性权力进行控制之间的正相关关系有负向的调节作用;第二,关系营销导向对企业通过与其渠道伙伴共同解决问题而进行控制有直接且正向的影响.此外,我们还发现企业营销渠道控制方法之间存在着交互影响.文章最后对研究结果进行了讨论,并指出了研究结果理论贡献与实际应用.  相似文献   

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