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黑社会性质组织"保护伞"之惩治具有根源性的治黑价值,能有效破除黑社会性质组织犯罪的屡治不绝。然而,刑法对黑社会性质组织犯罪及其"保护伞"的规范惩治并不能实现两者的一体化治理,"保护伞"的规制反而成为一种涉黑犯罪治理中的概率性事实,这使得上述治黑价值的实践意义大打折扣。因此,在"保护伞"惩治模式上有必要完成由"功能性评价转向合作性评价"、"妨害社会管理秩序型评价转向渎职性评价"、"重视包庇型‘保护伞’转向凸显纵容型‘保护伞’"、"分离型量刑转向对照型量刑"的调试,实现黑社会性质组织与其"保护伞"惩治上的有机联结,进而促成涉黑犯罪与腐败犯罪的一体化治理。  相似文献   

黑社会性质组织认定若干疑难问题研析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对社会形成非法控制作为黑社会性质组织的本质特征,是其区别于一般犯罪集团的最显著的特征;黑社会性质组织的组织性特征的认定要求其已形成较为稳定的犯罪结合体,人数较多,有明确的组织者、领导者,骨干成员基本固定;经济实力特征的认定要求该犯罪结合体将其获得的经济利益用于支持该组织的活动,至于这些经济利益通过何种途径获取的,在所不问;黑社会性质组织的手段特征不仅要求所实施的违法犯罪活动是有组织地进行的,而且还要求违法犯罪活动具有多次性;在一定区域或者行业内形成非法控制或者重大影响是认定黑社会性质组织成立的关键;在司法机关与立法机关先后对黑社会性质组织的认定作出不同解释的情况下,对立法解释通过之前发生的行为而于该解释通过之后才审理的,应当适用立法解释.  相似文献   

吴健勇 《社科纵横》2004,19(1):65-66
黑社会性质有组织犯罪在我国有发展和蔓延的趋势 ,具有严重的社会危害性 ,若疏于防范必将后患无穷。本文试图从其概念界定产生的原因着手 ,寻求防控对策。  相似文献   

姚华 《社科纵横》2004,19(3):62-63
恐怖主义犯罪是采取暴力、胁迫或其他手段 ,对公众产生恐惧和威吓 ,以达到其政治或其他社会目的的行为。恐怖活动组织是恐怖主义犯罪活动的主要载体和表现形式 ,它与犯罪集团、黑社会及黑社会性质的组织有严格的区别。  相似文献   

黑社会犯罪的社会基础与防范对策陈有西(浙江省社会科学院法学研究所副所长)(一)黑社会犯罪值得注意。黑社会犯罪是有组织的、有明确目的的、有较定型的犯罪手段的性质恶劣的集团型犯罪。中国历史上就有黑社会,改革开放后开始重新出现黑社会萌芽,现已成为影响中国治...  相似文献   

青少年黑社会性质犯罪发展趋势及其预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈世伟  李旭东 《社会》2001,(10):56-58
(一)“黑社会”的英文术语为under -worldsociety。它是指“从各个方面与主导的、正常的社会形态相对立、相对抗的非法组织”。(赵秉志 ,1999 :312)黑社会组织犯罪是有组织犯罪的最高形式 ,对整个正常的人类社会危害极大 ,引起了世界各国政府的关注与重视。就我国目前而言 ,“明显的、典型的黑社会犯罪还没有出现 ,但带黑社会性质的犯罪集团已经出现。”(王汉斌 ,《关于〈中华人民共和国刑法(修订草案)》的说明 )所谓黑社会性质组织犯罪就是指以暴力、威胁或其他手段 ,有组织地进行违法犯罪活动 ,称霸一方 ,…  相似文献   

“黑社会”是一种让人担优的存在,但是“黑社会”话题却是—个令人兴奋的话题。什么是“黑社会”?中国大陆有黑社会吗?答案是:没有。在这里,只育“黑社会性质的组织”。但这些组织的确喜欢且容易控制某些产业,比如运输、建筑,商品批发、娱乐业、餐饮业,以及矿产业。大陆的涉黑组织有多少人?有人说是100万人,但最高院先前的数据是,也就一万多人。  相似文献   

张雷 《社科纵横》2007,(10):70-73
全球经济一体化渐行渐近,跨国有组织犯罪也日渐猖獗,对世界的危害日益严重。跨国有组织犯罪的主要形式有:走私毒品、有组织非法移民和贩卖人口、走私烟草、洗钱、恋童癖、网络犯罪等。近年来,英国与欧盟、联合国等国际组织紧密合作,通过加大内部执法力度、加强外部国际合作等措施沉重地打击了跨国有组织犯罪,成效显著。  相似文献   

高琴 《社科纵横》2007,22(1):29-30
挪用公款罪是我国刑法规定的职务犯罪。近几年随着我国司法机关对职务犯罪加大打击力度,挪用公款罪也成为高发犯罪。但是,如何区分挪用公款与公款借贷,是确定罪与非罪的关键。文章针对具体案件进行分析,指出挪用公款罪与公款借贷的不同之处,为正确理解法律规定提供一定的法理依据。  相似文献   

挪用公款罪是司法实践中多发的犯罪。它不仅侵犯国家工作人员的职务廉洁性 ,而且也侵犯公共财产的占有权、使用权、收益权。正确认定挪用公款罪的犯罪客体和犯罪对象、犯罪主体、犯罪客观要件以及共同犯罪等问题 ,可以准确区分挪用公款罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限 ,更好地运用刑事法律打击挪用公款犯罪 ,保护国有财产不受非法侵犯。  相似文献   

金融诈骗罪破坏国家金融管理秩序,侵犯财产所有权。其犯罪构成与刑法规定的其他犯罪一样,必须同时具备犯罪客体、客观、主体、主观四个要件。金融诈骗罪的行为人主观上是否必须具备“非法占有目的”以及金融诈骗罪的主观罪过形式是认定此类犯罪必须正确把握的问题。“非法占有目的”是所有金融诈骗罪必备的主观要件,而不是选择要件。金融诈骗罪行为人的主观罪过形式只能是直接故意,不能是过失,也不能是间接故意。  相似文献   

Punitive penal policies are often justified on the assumption that members of the public demand punitive responses to crime. The current study employed a contingent valuation survey design to assess the extent to which this is true in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The survey investigated public willingness to pursue crime control policies that rehabilitate offenders versus those that punish. Using a quota‐based telephone survey, 1885 taxpaying residents in the state of New South Wales, Australia, were asked how much additional tax they would be willing to pay to produce a 10 per cent reduction in serious crime. A 2times2 randomised factorial design was employed, with one factor being the means offered to reduce crime (rehabilitation versus imprisonment) and the other factor being the population under study (adults versus juveniles). There were no significant differences in willingness to pay for crime reduction across any of the four resulting groups. The findings suggest that the NSW public are equally disposed to reducing crime by rehabilitating offenders as they are to imprisoning them for longer. There would therefore seem every reason to pursue rehabilitation with greater vigour, especially in light of the relative cost‐effectiveness of rehabilitation programs over incarceration.  相似文献   

章平  许哲玮 《社会》2022,42(5):181-206
在快速城市化过程中,由人口流动带来的区域文化碰撞在推动经济增长的同时,也深刻影响着社会融合。基于中国裁判文书网、《汉语方言大词典》、2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查的数据,本文以广州、深圳、东莞三大人口超千万的人口净流入城市为例进行实证分析,以方言距离为文化差异的代理变量,研究其如何影响城市流动人口的同乡团伙犯罪行为。研究表明,方言距离与流动人口同乡团伙犯罪显著正相关,同群效应是文化差异增加流动人口同乡团伙犯罪率的主要途径之一。本文从方言距离视角解读城市化过程中文化隔阂对城市社会和谐稳定的影响,丰富了文化影响移民犯罪及治理的理论探索,对推进以人为本的新型城镇化具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Objective. This study assesses the effect of political corruption on state environmental policy. Method. OLS regression analyses are used to determine if political corruption affects the strength of state environmental programs. Results. The results suggest that political corruption serves to systematically weaken state environmental programs. The effect of corruption is similar in magnitude to conventional explanations of environmental program strength, such as public environmentalism and state wealth. Its impact is particularly pronounced in states with strong organized manufacturing interests. Conclusion. Political corruption may systematically bias the substance of public policy.  相似文献   

Five hundred seventy-eight community college and four-year state university students responded to questionnaires designed to assess judgments regarding O. J. Simpson's guilt, beliefs surrounding the case, general attitudes, and background information. Although African Americans were more likely to perceive Simpson as innocent than non–African Americans, correlation analyses revealed that, for the most part, the same predictors explained African Americans' and non–African American's judgments of guilt. Finally, set-wise hierarchical regression analyses indicated that case-related beliefs that Simpson abused Nicole Brown Simpson and that the system was biased against him accounted for more significant incremental variance than did demographic variables such as age and ethnicity, personal experiences, and general attitudes. The results suggested that the racial polarization emphasized in public polls does not reflect the diversity of beliefs that existed within both African American and European American populations.  相似文献   

During the week of April 9, 1995, 125 male participants completed a questionnaire assessing attitudes toward the O. J. Simpson trial. Specifically, participants reported their belief in the defendant's guilt or innocence, stated how fair they perceived the trial to be, and recommended a sentence should the defendant be found guilty of the crime. Additionally, participants completed Kassin and Wrightsman's Juror Bias Scale and the revised California F scale. Overall, results showed that participants' scores on both scales were positively correlated with their beliefs in the defendant's guilt, perceived trial fairness, and more severe sentence recommendations.  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪成为继环境污染、毒品泛滥之后的第三大社会公害,引起世界各国的广泛关注。目前,社区矫正逐渐成为处理未成年人犯罪的有效途径。未成年犯罪社区矫正工作既要注重从人类行为和社会环境关系、系统理论视角去分析其犯罪诱因,也要将众多社会工作理论模式寓于社区矫正过程中,增强未成年人与其社会环境之间关系的适应性。未成年犯罪社区矫正注重未成年人自身适应能力增强、家庭系统功能完善,更关注社区矫正的预防、治疗及矫正康复整体功能的实现。未成年犯罪社区矫正工作,不能单从处理未成年犯罪问题这个单一角度和层次去理解,而应该全面、多层次地去工作,建构一个令未成年人在各方面都可以得到支援的社会环境,最终能够有效地实现预防和减少未成年犯罪问题的目标。  相似文献   

陈建旭 《求是学刊》2007,34(1):81-87
由于内幕交易行为在外观上与一般的证券买卖交易并无不同,但刑法上却将内幕交易行为当作犯罪来处罚,所以对于其刑事规范理论的依据何在值得探讨。但是因为内幕交易具有内部性,对于内幕人员获知与利用内幕信息的内幕交易行为,在区别究竟属于合法的证券投资与违法的内幕交易时就产生了难点。因此有必要借鉴美、日与中国台湾地区等关于内幕交易罪的刑事规制经验,从立法与司法实践方面来探讨内幕交易罪的刑事规范理论基础,以澄清内幕人员与内幕信息的规制范围与犯罪构成特征。  相似文献   

As federal, state and local governments continue to allocate a significant share of their resources to law enforcement and correctional spending, concerns have risen that spending in education and welfare is declining. With fiscal pressure in the United States mounting, it is important to determine the effectiveness of public spending in deterring crime. This paper compares the effectiveness of the impact of government spending on welfare and education with that of law enforcement and correction on crime. Using panel data from 50 U.S. states over a time period of 1994–2014, results of linear regression with panel corrected standard errors as well as GMM estimation reveals that public welfare and education spending can potentially lower violent and property crime rates but law enforcement spending can only deter property crime. However, correctional spending can exacerbate both types of crimes. There is little to no evidence of the presence of crowding out of one category of spending by another. This results in the policy implication that more resources be allocated towards welfare and education programs.  相似文献   

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