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这段时间,田晓鹏和他的团队异常忙碌,他们创立的国内第一家专业化定制面试辅导机构大醍醐网站在2009年12月10日正式上线.在非洲打工的中国小伙田晓鹏,这个先后毕业于中国人民大学、英国度伦大学的高材生,在事业光环正绚烂之时却选择了到非洲安哥拉工作,这个决定让周围的亲朋好友们备感意外.按常理,在大都市读书多年的人毕业后肯定会留在熟悉的城市工作,但是这个身材魁梧、气质非凡的大男孩却选择到非洲工作,就像在工作了几年后毅然决定创业一样,他的决定总是出人意料.  相似文献   

提到贞操,如果你还以为这只是针对女性而言,那你就OUT了.在情感生活多元化的今天,女人对男人也有了强烈的贞操要求.用处女膜衡量女人的贞操已是陈瘸,同样,女人对男人的贞操要求也并非是没有任何生理考证的处男,而是同现代女性的贞操观相同,即都是珍爱第一次,并看重对恋人或配偶的忠贞.可喜的是,充分享受性自由的男人们也开始反省,并逐渐认同了这个观点.  相似文献   

段思思,网名流氓兔,2006年以一曲武汉话版的《卖豆皮》恶搞周杰伦的《双截棍》,迅速窜红成为新网络红人,最近更以一首《信了你的  相似文献   

1、自驾车进藏的车辆选择自驾车进藏的朋友们,并不是任何品牌的越野车都能非常适应当地的环境,那些近年流行的“都市吉普车”就不见得可以在那里纵横自如。一般来说,首先应该是真正的四驱越野车。  相似文献   

德国是再生能源发展相当成功的国家,在太阳能热力技术领域处于世界领导地位。弗莱堡,位于德国西南境黑森林所在的巴登符腾堡州境内,有着欧洲太阳能之都与欧洲环境之都的美誉,也是世界上率先落实永续发展概念的城市之一。城市里有著名的研发单位、太阳能工厂以及落实永续发展与再生能源运用的建筑及社区。本文将以笔者游览德国弗莱堡之见闻,与大家分享德国的绿色建筑科技。  相似文献   

前些日子,一位颇有名气的作家先生在电视屏幕上露面,但他不是谈他的创作感受,而是谈他的经商经历。这是一位仅以37万元稿费起家,通过股票投资,再做全国商品流通“总调度”而成功的懦商。他说:“如今做生意,已不是那种以拥有厂房、商店等固定资产为自豪的时代,在信息时代,手提一个笔记本电脑,以一个旅游者的身份,怀着一颗游山玩水轻松愉快的心情,就可以充当全国商品流通的‘总调度’而且这样的收益要比拥有厂房、商店快捷得多实惠得多。”他还不无调侃地说:“把精力用在建造高大的厂房、豪华的商店的商人是傻瓜蛋。”这位作家…  相似文献   

"一位年轻漂亮的女白领,在恋爱失败后,为了在情感上得到补偿,把目标盯在了网站领养"宠物情人"上。而那些应征做"宠物情人"的男人大都是无业或者低收入者,不仅不符合她谈婚论嫁的标准,更难以成为同路人。"  相似文献   

亚欧国家企图通过一次仓促的高层论坛就能在治理金融危机上取得立竿见影的效果几乎没有任何可能。但是,危难时期亚欧领导人能够坐在一起就当前金融风暴的危害以及应对战略和政策交换意见,这本身就是全球应对金融危机的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

长庚老年公寓是天津长庚老年产业投资有限公司与天津老年基金会共同筹建的专为老年人量身定制的住房产品,也是天津第一家产权式老年公寓。该公寓坐落于天津市南开  相似文献   

有一种说法:天气越热,人的“性观念”就越开放。这话虽然没有考证,但今夏T型台上的女模们可是最大程度地张扬放纵了自己一回:柔和的灯光下,云一般的纱裙里那浑圆的双乳若隐若现樱桃似的乳头像是在微风中摇曳。女模们当然顾不上想她带给异性的撩拨与躁动,但看看那些放着后排舒适座位不坐,却拥挤在前排台阶上的异性和他们那灼热的目光就够了。T型台上的女模们的确美仑美奂,那T型台之下呢?还有那美丽外壳包裹之中的一定是美丽的灵魂吗?  相似文献   

一、嘉陵江自然地理状况 嘉陵江发源于秦岭南坡的凉水沟源,流经秦岭山地和四川盆地,于重庆市朝天门汇入长江,全长1119公里,为长江第二大支流,仅次于汉江,流域面积16万平方公里,年径流量670亿立方米.嘉陵江流域地势是西、北、东3面高而南东低,干流北跨秦巴山地,南延至四川盆地腹部.四川省广元市元坝区昭化镇以上为上游,长357公里.  相似文献   

In 1903, Underwood & Underwood published Italy through the Stereoscope: Journeys in and about Italian cities, a multimodal set that provided an immersive travel experience by combining the use of a visual device (the stereoscope and stereoviews), localisation tools (the maps), and a written commentary on each view. The paper argues that this ‘medium’, which was introduced as a realistic and immersive visual reproduction of the world, was an innovative forerunner of modern virtualreality technologies. The visual three-dimensional effect obtained by the stereoviews is just one of the characteristics meant to enhance the ‘virtual’ experience of the viewer. The author analyses the rhetorical means, strictly intertwined with the photographic representations, to reinforce the impression and emotion and to replace the physical experience of a tour with that of an armchair traveller. The framing of the picture, the choice of the points of view, and the style of staging and posing the people reveal an international standard. In spite of their claim of realistic representation, this vision is not ideologically neutral, and the analysis of this set reveals the biases and prejudices towards not only strangers but also the ‘old’ technology of 2D photography. For social and economic reasons, the ancient practice of taking the grand tour faded, but the conspicuous consumption of this medium allowed the middle class to gain cultural capital with a 3D visual tour in order to claim refinement.  相似文献   

The population of Germany is becoming progressively more elderly, and this article focuses on the causes and implications of that trend. We discuss the demographic processes that occurred in Germany in the second half of the 20th century and describe the developments that the population of Germany will undergo in the next 50 years, which promise to exert a profound influence on the economic and social future of the country.  相似文献   

Theory and Society -  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how companies manage relationships with publics on social media. Based on the concepts of functional and contingency interactivity, the study examines the long-term implementation of three interactive strategies derived from research on organization-public relationships: dialogic communication, transparent communication, and informal communication. The study sheds further light on relational outputs and outcomes. The results of content analyses of leading German companies’ Facebook pages in 2012, 2015, and 2018 indicate the growing importance of dialogic communication and informal communication. There is a constant relation between dialogic communication and the extent of user interaction, with the analysis suggesting that dialogic communication is used to manage critical user comments. Hence, the long-term study contributes to a deeper understanding of professionalization in corporate social media communication. It provides evidence for PR scholars and professionals that there are effective features on Facebook for managing sustainable relationships.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new examination of the gender pay gap for Germany based on a family of distribution-sensitive indicators. Wage distributions for men and women do not only differ by a fixed constant; differences are more complex. We show that focusing on the bottom of the wage distribution reveals a larger gender gap. Our distribution-sensitive analysis can also be used to study whether the statistical disadvantage of women in average pay might be ‘offset’ by lower inequality. Over a broad range of plausible preferences over inequality, we show however that ‘inequality-adjusted’ estimates of the gap can be up to three times higher than standard inequality-neutral measures in Eastern Germany and up to fifty percent higher in Western Germany. Using preference parameters elicited from a hypothetical risky investment question in our sample, inequality-adjusted gender gap measures turn out to be close to those upper bounds.  相似文献   

In the civil construction industry sector, it has been observed that the increasing use of machines has made tasks noisier and consequently caused hearing loss and had other adverse effects on workers. The objective of this study was to identify and assess the physical risks of noise present in activities undertaken in a construction company in order to propose control measures which will contribute to the management of health and safety within the company's organization. The methodology applied was based on verifying the characteristics of exposure to noise on construction sites, from an observation of sources which generated noise and making measurements of sound pressure levels emitted by these sources. The data was then analyzed and compared with the recommended performance levels established in control measures. As a result, it was found that some machines and equipment used in civil construction often generate noise above the acceptable levels and as such, in these cases, various control measures have been proposed. It is believed that the use of management techniques is the most effective way to assess risk and to implement the preventive and corrective actions proposed, and allows for the analysis of sound pressure levels on an ongoing basis.  相似文献   

刘鸿尧 《城市》2008,(1):77-79
作为天津市委、市政府“三步走”战略的五大战略举措之首.海河综合开发项目开展已有三年。随着海河两岸基础设施工程的推进。旧建筑的整修工作也在同步跟进。从天津的发祥地三岔河口至海河中游的起点光华桥是这次环境综合整治的重点区段。海河在这一段流经市中心区12公里.这12公里沿岸的综合开发区域可以说是整个天津市区的缩影。两岸建筑也相应折射了天津市建筑文化的发展史,镌刻着天津城市发展的年轮。  相似文献   

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