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Travel, indeed, struck him as being a waste of time, since he believed that the imagination could provide a more-than-adequate substitute for the vulgar reality of actual experience (Huysmans 1959[1888]).  相似文献   

… what does education do, what does it have to offer, when deprived of its necessary partner, the future …? Graham Swift, Waterland (1992: 154) Myths are things that never occurred but always are. Sallustius … we should certainly pay far more attention to the biological theory of domination-subordinance. This theory has sprung from the study of non-human primates like gorillas ans chimpanzees. It has been discovered that their relative domination over or subordinance to one another depends largely on size and (outside the periods when females are on heat) non-sexual factors akin to human self-confidence. Thus a large female and a small male in the same cage will be respectively the dominator and the subordinate; the male will ‘present’ (adopt female copulatory positions) as a sign of submission. We must realise that all humans adopt (or veer between) one or other of these roles irrespective of sex . But of course human beings are not caged and live in far more complex situations; and it is the chainreaction aspect of this realtionship need that is the most dangerous for society. John Fowles, The Aristos (1968: 177–8).  相似文献   

Learning is essential not only for students to develop the basic employability skills required for the school-to-work transition, but also for the development of work habits, beliefs, interests, and values. Career development counselors can apply a learning perspective to (a) use assessment instruments for stimulating new learning, not merely for matching existing characteristics to current environments, (b) achieve emotional and performance outcomes as well as cognitive outcomes, and (c) measure success by the extent to which clients continue to be engaged in learning activities leading to the creation of satisfying lives for themselves, not merely by measures of decisiveness and congruence.  相似文献   

Self-awareness is a necessary foundation for those seeking to develop emotional intelligence (EI). Yet, the process of developing self-awareness can be deeply disturbing, creating inner turmoil and chaos which EI trainers need to take into consideration and manage in the learning environment. This article describes the nature of this chaos and proposes a learning environment model to assist EI trainers in the design of their EI training programmes, helping trainers to create safe learning environments in which learners can pursue EI training, thereby leading to transformational change. A review of the literature defines EI, constructivism, and chaos theory, as well as exploring elements of a safe learning environment. The literature is considered along with data gathered from a recent study of twenty-one EI trainers in New Zealand, in an effort to identify key characteristics of a safe learning environment, and positive and negative qualities of the trainer and learners which can contribute to creating a safe learning environment. Based on these findings the Emotional Intelligence Learning Environment Model was developed. The article discusses the implications of the model and concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This article discusses how to analyze educational reforms in which information and communications technology (ICT) is used as a central catalyst to change practises. We explore the relationship between theoretical conceptualizations and empirical findings drawing on the work of Larry Cuban and Yrjö Engeström. We claim that reform research has traditionally been too preoccupied with looking for the intended changes. One problem with this “top-down” approach is that it conceals changes that happen at the microlevel. As a result, we are left with little understanding of how educational practises change in relation to ICT reform interventions at the interactional level. As an illustrative case, we draw on the analysis of a reform program that focused on the use of ICT in teacher education and show how this reform took place and examine what was interactionally accomplished across the institutions that took part.  相似文献   

Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture. R. S. Lynd & H. M. Lynd. Predicting Success or Failure in Marriage. E. W. Burgess & L. S. Cottrell, Jr. Family, Socialization and Interaction Process. T. Parsons & R. F. Bales. The Social Psychology of Groups. J. W. Thibaut & H. H. Kelley. Husbands and Wives. Dynamics of Married Living. R. O. Blood & D. M. Wolfe. World Revolution and Family Patterns. W. J. Goode. Blue‐Collar Marriage. M. Komarovsky. Emerging Conceptual Frameworks in Family Analysis. F. I. Nye & F. M. Berardo (Eds.). Family and Social Network(2nd ed.). E. Bott. The Future of Marriage. J. S. Bernard. All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community. C. B. Stack. Children of the Great Depression. G. H. Elder. Inside the Family: Toward a Theory of Family Process. D. Kantor & W. Lehr. A Treatise on the Family. G. S. Becker.  相似文献   

The analysis reported in this article is grounded in the practice of classroom-based developmental or transformational research and focuses on the distributed views of intelligence developed by Pea (1993) and by Hutchins (1995). The general areas of agreement with this theoretical perspective include both the nondualist orientation and the critical role attributed to tool use. Against this background, I focus on two aspects of the distributed view that I and my colleagues have found necessary to modify for out purposes. The first concerns the legitimacy of taking the individual as the unit of analysis, and here 1 argue that the distributed view implicitly accepts key tenets of mainstream American psychology's characterization of the individual even as it explicitly rejects it. The second modification concerns distributed intelligence's characterization of tool use. Drawing on a distinction made by Dewey, I argue that it is more useful for the purposes of instructional design to focus on activity that involves using the tool as an instrument, rather than focusing on the tool itself.  相似文献   

Symbolic interactionists have developed a rich literature on emotion that has advanced our understanding of the socially constructed nature of emotions and has provided a wealth of understanding about emotions and emotional life. Left unexplored, however, has been the temporal nature of emotion. Similarly, interactionists' renewed interest in time and temporality has not focused on emotion. In this article I describe the implicit leads in these two literatures that need to be pulled together to make the linkage clear. Drawing on the work defining emotions as social objects and on George Herbert Mead's theory of the past, I describe how emotional pasts are used as foundations for situated actions. I also explain how we use the emotional pasts in four areas: the individual level, individuals in interaction, collective behavior, and the social structural level. This linkage provides insights for understanding how we use emotional pasts when we construct and enact behavior. I argue that emotional pasts are important tools used in the interpretation and construction of present emotions, to situate selves and others, and to construct the social order.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代在中国大地上兴起的青年志愿者行动与60年代兴起的学雷锋活动有着内在的联系,青年志愿者行动在宗旨、精神、内容、原则等方面与学雷锋活动一脉相承.但青年志愿者行动相比学雷锋活动有着鲜明的时代特征,它是实行社会主义市场经济、加强精神文明建设、弘扬民族传统文化和加强国际交流背景下展开的.同时青年志愿者行动超越了学雷锋活动,它具有更强的生存力量、更大的活动空间、更有效的运作机制和更广泛的群众基础.  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional development of Jewish museums in Prague, Budapest, and Bratislava from 1989 to the present, with special reference to their role as agents of cultural memory. I consider how these museums contribute to the formation of Jewish identities in post-communist societies, which are themselves struggling to form collective identities. After analyzing the institutional structures and exhibition concepts of these museums in relation to shifts in the politics of representation, I propose a core area on which each museum could base its future development.  相似文献   

The symposium International Perspectives on Career Development included a plenary session that addressed career counseling in a world of limited resources. Panelists representing diverse areas of the world shared their perspectives on career counseling in their countries and the specific problems they faced. They identified common concerns and prospects for the future of cross‐national career counseling in 3 domains: (a) counselor training and human resources, (b) career service delivery practices, and (c) resources and sources of support. Harnessing the energy and capital of the global career counseling community will better equip career development professionals to deal with existing limitations and realize the common goal of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance and the National Career Development Association to internationalize career counseling.  相似文献   

Contrary to most slave revolts, the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) has left a rich archival record that includes documents written by the dominant classes as well as by the people of African descent. Of these, the most notable author was Toussaint Louverture, who during the 1790s wrote hundreds of letters, pamphlets, and proclamations (a few of them in his own hand) in an effort to shape official and public opinion in France and Saint-Domingue (Haiti). Particularly worthy of note is a 21-page memoir that Louverture wrote shortly before his death and that defended his public record as governor of Saint-Domingue.  相似文献   


It is easy to blame the dysfunction of a family member on his or her behavioral patterns. I use the title, “It's the Relationship, Stupid!” not to talk down to family therapists, but to remind myself that the source of dysfunction is usually family relationships, especially the marriage relationship. This article gives several case studies for practical application of therapy techniques that focus on developing the “WE” of the family unit. One practical technique that I developed is a communication typology. The married couple (and family members) are divided into “Painters” and “Pointers.” This typology explains much of the conflict and mis-communication that leads to the breakdown of the “WE.” This article also presents dysfunction within the individual as a relationship problem and introduces the concept of the “spirit” of the individual as expressing the relationship the person has with self.  相似文献   

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