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Quantitative decision models are used only if managers’ implementation conditions are met. Decision makers want tools that offer a set of good solutions so that they can evaluate different solutions according to various objectives without being forced to make their trade-offs explicit in a functional form. This also allows taking into account strategic aspects that cannot be modeled otherwise. In such situations, heuristics are needed which derive solutions from the structure and not so much from the mathematical properties. We present such a decision support tool for the problem of determining a menu of optional tariffs for checking accounts. The heuristic is based on the idea that for reasonably separable preferences across segments it is the best to offer for each segment the most preferred product. We use latent class choice-based conjoint analysis to estimate customer preferences and develop a customized choice-based conjoint design to take differences in individual demand into account. The proposed heuristic was used to support an actual decision problem for which the profit contribution has been increased substantially without having faced a considerable loss of customers.  相似文献   

Dreams in Coaching. A case study and a guide for dialogues on dreamsAn approach to dreams is offered, that invites consultant into working with dreams even if they are not trained as psychologists. Through an intuitive and creative dialogue with images the consultant as well as the client come into a dialogue with their unconscious perceptions of the development. While discussing the process of a specific case it will be shown how working with dreams helps to understand, to shape, and to control. Hereby it will be illustrated how the consultant can do it and how things relate to each other. Finally an guide for dialogues on dreams describes useful attitudes, questions and experiments in working with dreams.  相似文献   

The costs of hospitals. Developments of the German hospital sector evaluated in the case of Berlin This article illustrates the development of the German hospital sector evaluated in the case of the capital Berlin. Due to the difficult economic situation of the hospital sector after the reunification major reforms became unavoidable. Especially a reduction of the average days of stay per case created overcapacities of personell. But all the reforms which have been taken during the last years had to consider the major role of the hospital sector for the labour market of the city. On the one hand the article shows, that the reforms of the nineties have been successful also with regard to the important role for the labour market. On the other hand the restructuring of the hospital sector is not finished yet, there is still a need for further reforms.  相似文献   

This practice report describes coachings for junior faculty members at LMU Munich. First, we describe the challenges junior faculty members are faced with at German universities and the HR development undertaken at LMU to help junior faculty cope with these challenges. In particular, we elaborate on coachings, i. e. we describe the process and topics most frequently mentioned therein. These include the sandwich position junior faculty members find themselves in, the oftentimes informal nature of their leadership position, and the requirement to react to conflicts. Finally, we present the various ways of responding to these challenges developed within the coaching process.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence shows that personnel selection methods positively contribute to the quality of the personnel selection process, which is one of the main fields of activity of personnel consultants. Unfortunately it is repeatedly mentioned in literature that selection methods could be implemented more efficiently. Personnel-consulting agencies and self-employed consultants bear a lot of responsibility regarding these aspects: they should recommend proven selection methods to their clients. In this article it is discussed how the selection process can achieve consistent quality.  相似文献   

Feedback-Center for identification of junior managers — an instrument between development and selection As an alternative to the classical Assessment-Center this article introduces the Feedback-Center as an instrument for diagnosis and support. The theoretical explanation of a project that was carried out in the course of an organizational development program in a middle-sized company is discussed. By social feedback, the participants of the Feedback-Center (in the case presented: the complete management of the company) get the chance to gain experience about themselves, to sort these different experiences and to plan and initiate steps to their own development, supported by their superiors as well as by the internal personnel manager and by the external consultants. The article describes the basic concept, the composition of the team of consultants and the practical realization of the Feedback-Center.  相似文献   

Contradictions and ambivalences are some of the phenomena that accompany change processes but are exhausting for those who experience them and have to deal with them. Drawing on surveys held during workshops, this article summarizes which contradictions are typical of change processes. As a possibility for effectively countering such contradictions, the two-stage concept from Müller-Christ and Weßling for tolerating contradictions is introduced based on this. Finally, information and ideas for conducting workshops on the topic of contradiction tolerance are presented.  相似文献   

Executive coaching represents a significant tool of human resources development and is applied to strengthen leadership and management skills. Regardless of specific professional issues on and around the job itself, experience reveals that personal issues should also represent an integral constituent of executive coaching. Indeed, managers do not only encounter professional challenges, but are challenged in their whole personality. Hence, executive coaching expands to life coaching. Based on a specific case study regarding work life balance the following article illustrates how life coaching may successfully be applied in a systematic manner and how the aspects function and human being are mutually dependent.  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of how consumers cope with decision situations in which a compromise product exists. We examine how the compromise product's position influences choice probabilities. The products we test differ in price and overall quality rating. We present theories, which provide hypotheses on the influence of such types of compromise products and we conduct a new experiment to gain insights into the effects of a compromise product on choice probabilities. The results of the study show that even compromise products with a poor quality/price relation are frequently chosen. The loss in choice probability of the existing products depends on the price category the products belong to.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Beitrag diskutiert Tarif- und Zinseffekte anhand der begünstigten Besteuerung nicht entnommener Gewinne von Personengesellschaften, die 2008 in Deutschland eingeführt wurde. Bei Eigenfinanzierung und Betrachtung von Grenzsteuers?tzen zeigt der Beitrag, dass die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung stets nachteilig ist, wenn eine abgeltend besteuerte private Kapitalmarktanlage die Alternativanlage darstellt. Müssen Gewinne thesauriert werden, weil Mittel im Unternehmen ben?tigt werden, so entf?llt die private Alternativanlage und die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung kann bei hohen Zins- und Steuers?tzen vorteilhaft sein. Wird die Einkommensteuerprogression berücksichtigt, zeigt der Beitrag, dass bei schwankenden Gewinnen die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung oftmals vorteilhaft ist, auch gegenüber der Abgeltungsteuer. Bei fremdfinanzierten Investitionen kann die Inanspruchnahme der Thesaurierungsbegünstigung sehr vorteilhaft sein, da die geringere Steuerzahlung bei Gewinnanfall den Umfang des ben?tigten Fremdkapitals mindert. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass sich Reformen von Steuertarifen wesentlich st?rker auf die Vorteilhaftigkeit von Investitionen auswirken als Zinseffekte.
Tax reforms by tax rate effects or timing effects? An analysis based an the German tax privilege for retained earnings
Summary  This paper analyzes two typical effects of tax reforms, tax rate effects and timing effects. The example chosen for the analysis is the tax privilege for retained profits of partnerships and sole proprietorships, which was implemented in Germany in 2008. Taking equity-financing and top marginal tax rates into account, the so-called tax privilege turns out to be a disadvantage under most assumptions. If the alternative investment is private capital income taxed at a flat-rate tax, the tax privilege will always be disadvantageous. If profits have to be retained and business income is the alternative investment, then the tax privilege will be advantageous in case of high income tax rates and interest rates. Analyzing progressive tax rates instead of top marginal tax rates reveals favorable results in case of fluctuating profits if the tax privilege is claimed. The same is true if debtfinancing is taken into account. All in all, the paper shows that a reform of tax rates influences the attractiveness of investments much more compared to timing effects.

The importance of supervision in inpatient psychotherapy settings such as hospitals for behavioral medicineThis article deals with the organization of supervision in hospitals that offer intensive inpatient psychotherapy (hospitals for behavioral medicine). The ?integrative model“ for supervision proposed by A. Schreyögg (1991) constitutes the theoretical basis. The author discusses the qualification of supervisors as well as aspects of different approaches to supervision, such as the psychoanalytical and the cognitive-behavioral approach. In doing so, she puts primary importance on the reflection of issues on the systemic, i.e. organizational level. At the end, a model for the organization of qualified internal supervision is proposed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrags ist die Untersuchung der über 80 Jahre andauernden Flexibilit?tsdiskussion in der deutschen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Eine quantitative und qualitative Analyse dieser Diskussion macht deutlich, dass die Zeit (bzw. die im Zeitablauf feststellbaren Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse) sowie der Zeitgeist (als Gesamtheit der eine Epoche kennzeichnenden Auffassungen, Ideen und Lebensformen) erkl?rende Variablen einer wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und ihrer Ergebnisse sein k?nnen. Schon der relativ lange Zeitraum der wissenschaftlichen Behandlung l?sst das Flexibilit?tsthema als „L?ngsschnittstichprobe“ zur Prüfung der oben genannten Hypothese geeignet erscheinen. So wird gezeigt werden, dass die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion durch externe Ereignisse ausgel?st wurde und im Zeitablauf immer wieder „neu“ an Dynamik gewonnen und sich an jeweils vorherrschende Themen und Probleme — den „Zeitgeist“ — ausgerichtet hat. Am Ende der Untersuchung stehen die folgenden Erkenntnisse:
1.  Die Diskussion um die betriebliche Flexibilit?t ist nicht „irgendeine“ wissenschaftliche Debatte, sondern betrifft offensichtlich eines der ganz gro?en Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
2.  Flexibilit?t wird — dies hat die Diskussion der 50er Jahre gezeigt — auch bei vorhersehbaren, also „sicheren“ Entwicklungen ben?tigt.
3.  Dennoch scheint Flexibilit?t“ eher ein Thema der (wirtschaftlich) unsicheren und schlechten Zeiten zu sein — insbesondere dann, wenn Diskontinuit?ten auftreten. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Unternehmen und deren Flexibilit?tsbedarf zur Bew?ltigung der mit einer Krise bzw. einer Diskontinuit?t verknüpften Probleme, sondern — wie aufgezeigt wird — auch für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema.
4.  Komplexe Ph?nomene wie das der Flexibilit?t sind offensichtlich wissenschaftlich schwer „in den Griff zu kriegen“ und haben das Potenzial für eine lang anhaltende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung.
5.  Der „Zeitgeist“ sowie die in der Zeit lokalisierten „besonderen Ereignisse“ (Inflation, Weltwirtschaftskrise, Wirtschaftswunder, Rezessionen, ?lkrisen) haben der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion wiederholt neue Dynamik und neue Impulse gegeben.
6.  Zudem ist, wie ausführlich gezeigt wird, ein permanenter Erkenntnisfortschritt feststellbar. „Ausrichtung am Zeitgeist“ und „wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt“ müssen also keine Gegens?tze sein. Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre muss sich nicht in den Elfenbeinturm zurückziehen, um wissenschaftlich vorw?rts zu kommen.
7.  Die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion ist über die Zeit hinweg ein Spiegel der Entwicklung der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland insgesamt. Es scheint nicht übertrieben, zu folgern: Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist an und mit der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion gereift.

Time and the spirit of the times in business administration — Shown at the example of the German flexibility discussion
Summary  This paper focuses on the phenomenon of flexibility which is discussed since more than 80 years in German economic journals. A quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that this discussion and its results are provoked and determined by certain events of contemporary history as well as by the “spirit of the times”. Moreover it is shown, that a continuous improvement of the level of knowledge has been achieved in the scientific field of “flexibility”. In conclusion it can be stated that a “zeitgeisty” discussion is not necessarily a contradiction to scientific progress.

This study analyses the impact of standardized quality information of complex services on decisions, exemplified for Germany’s hospital quality reports. The presumed impact of quality information on decisions is based on theoretical considerations and hypotheses are developed accordingly. Though results of two experiments show that simplified quality indicators used in the quality reports for hospitals basically lead to consistent decisions, results also show that the impact of standardized quality information on decisions is not stable. It is disturbed and superimposed by the effects of additionally presented quality information. Implications for competition on hospital markets and for the effectiveness of standardized quality information as they are used in the hospitals’ quality reports are discussed as well as general conclusions about standardized information of complex services are drawn.  相似文献   

E-Commerce sales have been constantly rising over the past years. Among the reasons for this trend are advantages such as reduced search costs and low transaction costs for the buyer. A disadvantage of online shopping is that customers cannot inspect the product they buy online. In Germany, customers are entitled to get full refund when withdrawing from any distance selling. Customers can withdraw from a contract within two weeks without any explanation. Many retailers in the USA do not refund the full price to the customer in case of product return and charge restocking fees. A reason for such a restrictive return policy is the reduction of opportunistic product returns. In this paper, the authors compare prices in online-shops for identical products in the USA and Germany. The comparison shows that the alleged consumer protection achieved by a legal prohibition of restocking fees leads to higher average prices for electronic products in Germany.  相似文献   

The paper presents general characteristics for pseudo-scientific theories and concepts. Quotes from the literature prove that Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a pseudo-scientific approach: (1) A scientific evaluation of the claimed exceptional effects is generally rejected by the NLP developers. (2) Technical quotations and terminology are associative, inaccurate and distort theories and methods of well-known scientists and can to a certain extent be regarded as constructed fake-knowledge. (3) Basic models such as the representation systems and especially the effectiveness of the methods cannot be confirmed by scientific studies and negative research results are concealed. Overall NLP can be regarded as a degenerative pseudo-scientific program. Doubts are appropriate whether it is possible to improve NLP in the future by methodically careful scientific research.  相似文献   

Implementation of coaching for principals and supervisory school authorityGerman schools will have to improve the quality of their work to be able to compete on an international level. School development is also personnel development. Establishing professionalism of school executives (among others by coaching) plays a major role in this matter. First of all the author describes the implementation process of internal coaching for principals and thereafter for officers of the supervisory school authority. In doing so, he also points out problems that can arise during such a project. The evaluations of surveys prove the acceptance and importance of coaching for this target group. Finally, possible future coaching offers for school executives are addressed.  相似文献   

Coaching and internet? Chances and limitations of the internet to coaches and clientsThis article describes potentials and limitations of Internet-based coaching and counseling. It focuses on the capabilities of the Internet as a medium of information and communication and its significance for coaches, clients and newbies. Some suggestions are given on how coaches and clients could use the Internet for working purposes. The necessity to analyze and integrate important medium-specific, individual-specific and interpersonal factors should be kept in mind. This follows the fact that they function together in a dynamic way, as the media-ecologic model of Döring (2003) postulates.  相似文献   

The relationship between individuals?? entrepreneurial behavior and objective situational characteristics of an entrepreneurial opportunity??individual-opportunity nexus??lies in the focus of entrepreneurship research. The role of subjective appraisals and affective influences in the pre-entrepreneurial process was neglected in this context so far. On the basis of a questionnaire experiment with two different samples of employees and entrepreneurs, our results confirm central assumptions of cognitive appraisal and emotion theories. The subjective appraisals of objective entrepreneurial opportunities better predict entrepreneurial evaluation and exploitation decisions than the objective characteristics of the entrepreneurial opportunity. Furthermore, the results show in addition to an inverse direct effect of negative affect that the relationship between the entrepreneurial evaluation and exploitation is negatively moderated by negative affect. Our analyses indicate that the two subsamples show differences in their cognitive processes, but that they are still generally comparable. The affective influences on the pre-entrepreneurial process, however, demonstrate no group specific differences. These results extend the individual-opportunity-nexus-paradigm that is based on objective characteristics by examining the meaning of subjective appraisals and affective reactions and therefore the intersection of individuals and entrepreneurial opportunities.  相似文献   

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