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现代化城市的发展伴随着社会风险增长,而新冠肺炎疫情的发生使得社会风险研究重要性更加凸显,其中,社会风险感知对风险防范至关重要。运用SUNS数据分析都市青年对各类社会风险的感知状况,探讨社会经济地位在其中的作用。研究发现,青年对环境污染、食品安全和转基因食品风险感知程度位居前列,对于流行性疾病风险感知位列第四;社会经济地位对关注度高的风险类型呈现正效应,即社会经济地位水平越高越增加对环境污染、食品安全和转基因食品风险感知的程度;在媒介关注度高的社会风险类型中,高社会经济地位的群体风险感知度高。因此,都市青年对不同类型社会风险的感知呈现差异,社会经济地位的效应也有区别,但各阶层都不能降低对风险的合理感知度。  相似文献   

文中主要论述由于大众传播媒介的飞速发展,人们的信息化进程日益加快,以及其在青年社会化中发挥着重要作用,分析了大众传媒在青年社会化中的作用的特点,进而探讨如何借助大众传媒实现对青年社会化影响,这也是世界各国为之研究和发展的问题。因为世界上无论哪个国家,哪个民族,无不重视培养青年一代的问题。这是关系到自己国家、自己的民族的盛衰兴亡的大事。  相似文献   

返乡青年农民工的游民化风险   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
金融危机的发生加剧了返乡青年农民工在城市社会受到的被动排斥,而多年的城市打工生活已高度淡化了返乡青年农民工对乡村社会的认同与归属,返乡青年农民工往往会主动排斥乡村生活,在这种双重排斥的境况下,返乡青年农民工极易成为无“根”的游民,乡村认同与归属的缺失极大地增加了返乡青年农民工的游民化风险。因此,必须加快城镇化建设,加大城镇的吸纳能力,促进返乡青年农民向城镇分流,同时积极引导返乡青年农民工的价值观重塑,重构其乡村社会认同与归属,才能有效防范返乡青年农民.Y-的“游民化”风险。  相似文献   

当前的网络世界是链接交织的意义世界.随着智能手机、电脑、互联网等工具媒介不断便利,广大青年参与到网络社会的运行和发展中,一个为了达到自身目的,通过微信、微博、抖音等互联网媒介,制作、转载和评价链接的链接青年群体日渐形成.对此,有必要厘清链接青年的意涵和主要行为类型,反思如何避免链接青年受到不良链接内容的利诱和控制,形塑具有正能量的链接行为,强化新时代网络的社会治理.  相似文献   

道德是社会生活中人类行为规范的总和。在人类还投有进化到与动物具有明显的分野时,还没有产生人类社会文明的时候,是不存在道德与不道德的.类人猿的行为是没有任何社会约束的,他们除了比一般的动物聪明,更具有了人的特征以外,尚不知道德为何物。伴随人类文明的进步和人类思维的发  相似文献   

“街角青年”作为城市青年边缘群体的客观存在已经无可置疑,当前的任务不是去指责谁,而是要为“街角青年”的正常社会化与正常社会生活出计献策,帮助“街角青年”走出街角,参与到主流社会生活中去。  相似文献   

当前,中国年轻一代在社会化方面遇到很多的困惑,而从西方舶来的间隔年对于年轻人的生活观纠偏、世界观重塑、价值观内化、人生观培育、生命观感悟以及正能量传递等方面有潜移默化的影响和积极的促进作用,间隔年加速了中国青年社会化的进程。  相似文献   

青年大学生政治社会化是青年大学生社会化的核心内容。本文对近十年来国内有关青年大学生政治社会化研究的相关问题进行了概括总结,并进行了相关的分析与思考,以期能够对青年教育工作起到借鉴和参照价值。  相似文献   

在个人力量和社会体制的分离、冲突、牵制、依存以及共同发展的过程中,为了克服市场流动这一个人发展的最大障碍,青年必须通过职业培训等方式不断开拓和扩展自己的职业能力,进行能力储备以应对未来日益增多的不确定性和不可预测性风险,接受教育和主要通过教育途径获得的技能或执业资格已经成为个体化趋势下青年应对和规避社会风险的主要策略.也已经成为当代青年发展的基本样态或生活常态。  相似文献   

幼儿教师反思性教学实践探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李瑞瑾 《职业时空》2009,5(10):137-138
反思性教学因具有将“学会教学”与“学会学习”结合起来的实践合理性而迅速影响到世界各国,成为一种强劲的教学思潮。本研究采用个案研究法,界定了幼儿教师反思性教学的概念,探讨了反思性教学的过程,分析了幼儿教师反思性教学实践过程的主要环节,在此基础上提出了提高幼儿教师反思性教学实践活动的途径,以期为幼儿教师反思性教学实践活动提供建设性的建议。  相似文献   

While homeless youth are characterized by their risky behaviours we know little about how they conceptualize and manage risk in their everyday lives. This article will flesh out one aspect of a doctoral study that explored homeless youth’s conceptualizations of risk, by unearthing their self-regulation practices. Deploying an ethnographic lens, 18 youth were followed over a 1–4 year period to capture their risk perception and practices as they unfolded. The findings question the relevancy of the prominence of expert discourses in theories of risk. The study’s empirical findings run counter to the thesis that expert systems predominate in practices of self-regulation. In contrast, practices of self-regulation were not so much in response to expert discourses or social norms but were balanced by personal experience, intuition, and situated knowledges. Results provide valuable insights into the interplay of lay and expert knowledges in the construction of risk among an identified risky and at-risk group. Lessons can also be drawn for clinical practice and the relevancy of the expert role that social workers play in the lives of homeless youth.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between several pre-examined risk factors for youth problem gambling, a number of potential protective factors for youth problem gambling, and the development of adolescent problem gambling. The sample consisted of 2179 students, ages 11–19. The results of analyses of variance revealed that lower family and school connectedness are associated with adolescent problem gambling. Further, an examination of the effect of potential protective factors on a set of risk factors predictive of adolescent problem gambling suggests that lack of family cohesion plays a role in predicting at-risk and problem gamblers. The results are framed in terms of a general model of risky behaviour and implications for prevention are outlined.  相似文献   

Using data from Wave 1 (n = 5,070) and Wave 2 (n = 4,404) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we examined the relationship between cumulative risk exposure and youth problem behavior. Cross‐sectional analyses revealed a positive, linear association between cumulative risk and problem behaviors. The association between cumulative risk and externalizing problems was stronger for White youth than for Black youth. The association between cumulative risk and internalizing problems was stronger for girls than for boys, and stronger for White youth than for Black and Hispanic youth. Cumulative risk predicted change over time in internalizing problems. Findings support the theoretical notion that adolescents experience diminished psychological comfort when risk factors are present across several social domains.  相似文献   

新中国成立到改革开放前,我国曾经轰轰烈烈地开展过一场知识青年上山下乡运动,在我国历史长河中形成了一道独特的风景,被载入了史册。知青问题的延续,产生许多有趣的现象和精神,从我国改革开放的国情和当前大学生就业的实际出发,值得我们加以研究和思考。  相似文献   

青年文化塑造青年价值观,青年文化变迁必定会在青年价值观中得到反映,最终带动青年价值观的改变。青年价值观演变的总体态势和青年价值观当下的总体特征表明,逐渐被物化的时代背景并没有削弱主流价值观的影响力。但不同程度的价值观偏离正影响着部分青年群体。要以社会主义核心价值观为“魂”,融汇中西文化优秀成分,关注文化微观视域,大力推进青年文化建设。  相似文献   

Drug Trafficking and Urban African American Youth: Risk Factors for PTSD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines how African American youths (ages 12–17) who are raised in neighborhoods that are centers for illegal drug trade and drug dealing (trafficking, running) cope with violent events such as shooting, stabbings and other intentional injuries. Using qualitative research methods, the study explores urban youths' perceptions of drug trafficking and related activities in their neighborhoods. The study then explores issues of personal encounters with traumatic events related to drug trafficking activities (shootings, stabbings, deaths, other violence) in their community. Finally, the study discusses implications of findings for risk and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) among these youths.  相似文献   

Alcohol is a huge challenge for youth and therefore for the field of social work. The confluence of biopsychosocial factors place youth at risk. Early initiation to alcohol use is a serious risk factor for depression, anxiety, and suicide. The focus of this article is on the collaborative use of resources and evidence-based practices and innovative mechanisms for shifting youth mores around alcohol and providing alternative peer groups, especially in abstinence-hostile settings, such as high schools and college campuses. Recovery schools are drawing national attention and becoming a part of the fabric of the advancing recovery movement for youth. This article discusses the Recovery School movement; its impact on youth, families, and communities; and the impact it can have on the Social Work Grand Challenges. It culminates with a case study of a university community that demonstrates how lives and norms around alcohol can shift for youth and young adults.  相似文献   

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