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(1) Comparison of patients with a national sample reveals no difference in income (adjusted for inflation), marital status and education level but patients, who are typically older, are more often retired or disabled. (2) Overall, perceived quality of life is nearly the same for patients and national sample; apparent differences can be readily explained by factors other than cancer or its treatment. (3) While some minor differences among patients were found as a function of their site of cancer, treatment modality, or health status, no evidence was found of significant detrimental effects due to radiation therapy or perceived quality of life. (4) Contrary to expectations of deteriorated quality of life, compared to the national baselines the patients are actually more satisfied with their lives as a whole.  相似文献   

The general thesis from which this paper derived is that objective conditions are related to perceptions and evaluations of those conditions, but that such relationships are mediated by personal characteristics such as expectation and aspiration levels, and other motivational factors. The specific relationship examined is that between work status and overall life satisfaction among women. Although there is little difference in average levels of life satisfaction expressed by housewives and by women working outside the home, substantial differences emerge when women are distinguished by their motivation with respect to paid work: among women who want jobs, working women are more satisfied with their lives than are housewives; while among those who would prefer not to work, housewives are more satisfied. Evidence is also found in support of a hypothesis that work tends to be less central to the overall quality of women's lives than is true for men.  相似文献   

Replicating a survey of 875 people 55 years old or more undertaken in September 1999 throughout the former Northern Interior Health Region (NIHR) of British Columbia, in September 2005 a sample of 656 people completed a 22-page questionnaire. The average age of the respondents was 68, with a range running from 55 to 96 years, and 64% were women. Responses to the SF-36 questionnaire indicated that for male respondents aged 55–64, the mean score for the 8 dimensions was 76.1. This mean was a bit higher than the 74.4 mean of 1999. For male respondents aged 65 and older the mean was 69.0, which was also higher than the 68.3 mean of 1999. For females aged 55–64, the mean score for 8 dimensions was 73.1, versus 73.0 in 1999. For female respondents aged 65 and older, the mean score was 67.0, versus 65.4 in 1999. Based on these mean scores for the 8 dimensions, then, it is fair to say that the overall health status of males and females aged 55 years and older in the region in 2005 was at least as good as (i.e., the same as or better than) that in 1999. Comparing 28 average figures for the 2005 respondents on satisfaction with specific domains of life (e.g., financial security, health, sense of meaning) and three global indicators (satisfaction with life as a whole and with the overall quality of life, and happiness) with those of the 1999 respondents, we found that the scores for the 2005 sample were at least as high as those of the other sample. Thus, it seems fair to say that the perceived quality of life of older people in the former NIHR so far as it is revealed in domain and global satisfaction and happiness scores, is at least as good as the perceived quality of life of a similar sample in 1999. Although a large majority perceived increases in crime in the 2 year periods prior to both surveys, smaller percentages of the 2005 sample than of the 1999 sample thought that crime had increased over the past two years, avoided going out at night, feared for their safety, had crime-related worries, engaged in crime-related defensive behaviours and were actually the victims of any crimes. Therefore, it seems fair to say that, so far as crime-related issues are concerned for the two samples of seniors responding to our surveys, there is more evidence of improvement than of deterioration. Applying stepwise multiple regression, each of the eight dependent variables was explained on the basis of four clusters of predictors separately and then a final regression was run using only the statistically significant predictors from the four clusters. Broadly speaking, 7 SF-36 health status scales explained from 28% to 45% of the variance in the 8 dependent variables, running from satisfaction with the overall quality of life (28%) to the single item measure of general health (45%). The seven predictors in the Social Relations cluster explained from 7% of the variance in the SF-36 General Health scale scores to 57% of the variance in the Life Satisfaction scores. The four predictors in the Problems cluster explained from 10% of the variance in the SF-36 General Health scale scores to 24% of the variance in the SWLS scores. The 11 predictors in the Domain Satisfaction cluster explained from 14% of the variance in the SF-36 General Health scale scores to 64% of the variance in the SWB scores. Putting all the significant predictors together for each dependent variable, in the weakest case, 4 of 11 potential predictors explained 33% of the variance in the SF-36 General Health scale scores and in the strongest case, 9 of 15 potential predictors explained 70% of the variance in Life Satisfaction scores. Among other things, these results clearly show that respondents’ ideas about a generally healthy life are different from, but not independent of, their ideas about a happy, satisfying or contented life, or about the perceived quality of their lives or their subjective wellbeing. Finally, the 7 core discrepancy predictors of MDT plus incomes were used to explain the eight dependent variables. From 13% of the variance in the SF-36 General Health scale scores to 57% of the variance in SWLS scores was explained using those predictors. Based on an examination of the Total Effects scores for the predictors of the 8 dependent variables, the most influential predictors were Self-Wants, followed by Self-Others and then Self-Best. In other words, the most influential discrepancy predictors of respondents’ overall life assessments were those between what respondents have versus what they want, followed by what they have versus what others of the same age and sex have, and then by what they have versus the best they ever had in the past. We would like to thank the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for support of this research with funds granted to Alex C. Michalos through the Gold Medal Award in 2004.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a long term project on the quality of life in Australia and presents some initial survey data. The long term project is intended (1) to find which domains of life most affect the perceived well-being of Australians and the values/satisfactions people wish to achieve in these domains (2) to propose policy programs designed to enhance satisfaction with particular domains and (3) to assess the political feasibility of proposed programs. Policy programs intended to enhance satisfaction are termed positive welfare programs to distinguish them from conventional compensatory welfare programs. The survey data analysed here (national sample, N=679) deal with the satisfactions and dissatisfactions of Australians, the correlates of perceived well-being and the links between domains and values. Perceived well-being is measured by Andrews and Withey's Life-as-a-whole index and Bradburn's Affect Balance scale. Satisfactions are measured on a 9 point modified version of Andrews and Withey's delighted-terrible scale. Readers familiar with American, British and Canadian findings will find the results reported here broadly similar. However, the linkage between people's sociological characteristics and their satisfaction levels appears to be exceptionally weak in Australia, which tends to confirm the view that Australia is a comparatively unstratified society.  相似文献   

The quality of student life: Toward a coherent conceptualization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under various guises, the concept of the quality of student life (QSL) has received much attention in the higher education literature. Unfortunately, its various uses have in common that they all lack conceptual coherence. In an effort to remedy this situation, and render QSL useful for researchers, administrators and student services personnel, this paper does three things. First, a conceptual framework is used as a means of organizing a wide-ranging review of relevant literatures across several disciplines. Integration of the inferences derived yields a new formal definition of QSL. Next, building on a critique of four theoretical models of QSL, a new ecological formulation is advanced which stresses the need to consider various on- and off-campus contexts if efforts to assess student satisfaction and happiness are to be meaningful. Third, a number of salient methodological issues are examined in light of this formulation. To the extent that these approaches collectively yield a more coherent conceptualization of QSL, it is concluded that the idea of QSL deserves much greater prominence than it now enjoys.  相似文献   

The wealth of nations revisited: Income and quality of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does economic prosperity enhance the quality of human life? Across 101 nations, 32 indices were analyzed that reflect a representative sample of universal human values (e.g., happiness, social order, and social justice). Wealth correlated significantly with 26 of the 32 indices, indicating a higher QOL in wealthier nations. Only suicide and CO2 emissions were worse in wealthier societies. Basic physical needs were met early in economic development, whereas advanced scientific work occurred only when basic physical needs were fulfilled for almost all people in the society. Limitations of the conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of 23 Caribbean polities attempted to relate two types of measures of economic and political development to measures of the quality of life. On the one hand are two closely related concepts, the level of economic development and the political status of the polity (colony, internal self-government, or autonomy). On the other hand are two measures of the type of government and economic structure: plantation agriculture and repressive government. Measures of the quality of life included per capita income, health measures, educational measures, communication and transportation per capita. Plantation structure and political repression were found to be related to most of the measures of the quality of life, but measures of economic development and political status to practically none.  相似文献   

This study investigated rural women's perception of quality of life. The study attempted to determine (a) the extent to which rural women in Nigeria actually understand the term “quality of life’, (b) the components of a good quality of rural life in Nigeria and (c) to compare the present quality of life with that enjoyed by the last generation. Based on a sample survey of 308 rural women in eleven villages in Oyo State; the study found that the ability to have plenty of children, good health, wealth and good personality were highly perceived as measures of essential components of quality of life in rural areas. Overall, the women indicated that their present living conditions in rural areas were better than the conditions in which the last generation lived.  相似文献   

This paper describes an interdisciplinary research strategy designed to address gaps in research on the quality of life of older people. We propose that such gaps be addressed through small intensive studies, and that the limitations of such studies be addressed by combining them in phases with a panel approach in the form of “satellite” studies. The emphasis is on the intensive studies as an integral rather than a subsidiary part of the strategy, and on the panel as a vehicle for the satellite studies. As an illustration of the strategy, we describe a project in which the satellite studies focus on intensive examination of specific topics such as family relationships and the panel method employs interviews and questionnaires to collect baseline information and quality of life ratings. We then focus on methodological issues, such as participant selection and the sequencing of phases, and briefly compare the present strategy to other longitudinal approaches. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the methodological and substantive advantages of the strategy.  相似文献   

Attempts to evalute the quality of life in historical perspective have been hindered by the absence of data on the perceptions that people held about their well-being as well as by the absence of a broad base of social indicators concerning their physical environment. Given these constraints, in this paper we develop a framework for discussing the well-being of the inhabitants of Aix-en-Provence during the past three centuries. We discuss the quality of life implications of the historical changes in life styles as expressed in the socio-economic structure and in family and work arrangements as well as those based on a limited knowledge of their physical environment as measured by the Physical Quality of Life Index.We presented an earlier version of this paper in Bielefeld, Germany at the XIII World Congress of Sociology, July, 1994. Grand Valley State University provided financial support for research and travel. We thank the staffs of the various French archives who helped us locate historical documents. Bernard Bernos of the University of Provence suggested several historical works that provided us with useful insights about the evolution of human well-being in France. Our longtime colleague and mentor, Doh Shin, located references for us when we were far from an American library and contributed extensive intellectual counsel from which we benefitted enormously.  相似文献   

Effective social indicators must be stable when individual or societal characteristics are unchanged and dynamic when circumstances alter. Highly reliable measures may be poor indicators because they are insensitive to change. Little evidence is available on the sensitivity or validity of objective and subjective indicators. A lack of panel data has restricted the assessment of the stability of subjective measures. This paper examines longitudinal data on a representative sample of 2162 Canadians interviewed in 1977 and again in 1979. Test-retest correlations of approximately 0.50 were obtained for satisfaction and self-anchoring ladder measures among respondents who reported no significant changes in their lives during the past two years. Correlations were substantially lower, as expected, for those reporting life changes. Comparisons of the absolute values of these subjective indicators show that very little change in quality of life measures occurs when stable circumstances are reported but the indicators rise or fall significantly when situations change with downward adjustments being more dramatic than upward modifications. Positive and negative life events had little effect on overall evaluations of life quality. In general, these findings provide very strong evidence for the stability and validity of subjective indicators over time. These measures, with one exception, were constant in unchanging situations and sensitive to change when it occurred.  相似文献   

This paper develops, on the basis of explicit assumptions and axioms, a conceptual framework for observing the effectiveness of functioning of action systems, and, in particular of the human individual. The framework is used to construct a facet definition of human quality of life (QOL) which is claimed to be exclusive and exhaustive: The contents of the observational items it produces do not overlap and cover the entire QOL universe. A specification of two facets: the subsystem facet (personality, physical, social, cultural-value) and the functioning mode facet (expressive, adaptive, integrative, conservative) results in 16 content areas, each of which can be represented or covered by an observational item. The systemic QOL measuring represented or covered by an observational item. The systemic QOL measuring instrument is examined with respect to its reliability and validity. Structural hypotheses whose rationale is grounded in the elementary considerations that led to the systemic model of QOL are formulated, tested and are largely confirmed. Finally, the systemic QOL model is applied to the evaluation of life quality and environmental conditions in a neighborhood designated as “distress neighborhood” within national urban renewal project.  相似文献   

This article deals with perceived quality of life and its relationship to sociodemographic background variables in Norway. We try to answer two questions, viz (1) to what extent does the absolute level of quality of life as well as the relationships between quality of life and individual-level sociodemographic variables vary between Norwegian counties? and (2) are such variations related to specific characteristics of the various counties? Some between-county variation is found, but in most cases the pattern of variation is not replicated across surveys. For variation in the absolute level of QOL as well as in the relationship between an individual's education and QOL, however, there is a moderate degree of stability. Contextual analyses show that the relationship between education and QOL is positive and moderately strong in affluent counties, near zero or negative in economically more backward areas. The results are interpreted within the framework of a person-environment fit model.  相似文献   

Federal grants-in-aid have been a major device for stimulating new programs for improving the quality of life in the United States. This paper assesses the impact of one such grant-in-aid (Maternal and Child Health Services) on improvements in infant health in the American states in the 1950–1964 period. The analysis indicates that how much a state's Maternal and Child Health Services grant was increased or decreased had no systematic overal impact on later changes in that state's infant, neonatal, and fetal mortality indicators. In addition, such grant changes had no major systematic impact when controlling for per capita income, changes in per capita income, population, innovation tendencies, and administrative professionalism.  相似文献   

The main points made in the previous papers are summarized and integrated and the strategies that the authors have recommended for producing an improved QOL are discussed. QOL is also systematically reviewed in relation to matters of definition, assessment, applications, and directions for future research and practice.  相似文献   

The present study investigated a possible association between personality, mental absorption and quality of life (QOL) in a sample of young males (N=411). Mental absorption was assessed with Tellegen's Absorption Scale (ABS). Using a 6 dimensional QOL-scale we found the Millon Behavior Health Inventory (MBHI) dimensions Basic coping style, Psychogenic attitudes, Psychosomatic correlates and Prognosic indices, to be firmly related to QOL, explaining 44% of the variance of a QOL scale which was derived through factor analysis. Mental absortion was weakly related to QOL. The discussion revolves around the relationship between personality and perceptual style, health report behavior and personality as possible biasing factor in evaluative QOL-investigations.  相似文献   

A nation-wide survey (n=5587) was conducted in 1982/83 with a view to developing a reliable cross-cultural index of quality of life for South Africa. Findings confirmed the known under-privileged position of blacks relative to other groups in terms of some 60 objective and subjective indicators. Contrary to expectations the results of factor and regression analyses indicated that the linear additive model of quality of life-as-a-whole cannot account for its full complexity. The possibility is considered that more broadly symbolic factors related to relative deprivation may make an independent contribution to perceived overall well-being. In conclusion, a single cross-cultural albeit multi-item measure of South African quality of life is recommended.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘quality of life’ as a tool of comparative social indicators research is analyzed. Inter-city comparisons of objective and subjective measures of well being are presented and the distinctiveness of these two dimensions of the quality of life is documented. The paper concludes with some observations on the implications that this distinctiveness has for the use of the concept ‘quality of life’ in future social indicators research.  相似文献   

The properties of objective or subjective variables are commonly examined with reference to a set of mutually distinct but analogous social groups structured at a time point. The procedure fails to examine what is happening across the structured groups and therefore what is likely to be the role of the variables in differentiating or integrating the ordained set of social groups. A resolution of this issue is vital for the appraisal of a better quality of life because by definition it is always an ongoing phenomenon. The issue is examined with reference to its methodological implications and with respect to QOL data on India.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument for measuring the quality of life of university students, and to report its validity and reliability. The study used a representative sample of undergraduate and graduate students in the faculty of education at a major Canadian university. The construct validity of the scales was assessed by Piazza's technique for the analysis of attitude items. The findings supported conceptualizing the quality of life of university students in four dimensions including Positive Affect, Interaction with Students, Interaction with Professors, and Negative Affect. The alpha reliabilities of these scales ranged from 0.75 to 0.93. Some potential applications of this instrument for understanding educational attainment, as well as for the evaluation of university departments and faculties, are mentioned.  相似文献   

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