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Evidence suggests that people can manipulate their vocal intonations to convey a host of emotional, trait, and situational images. We asked 40 participants (20 men and 20 women) to intentionally manipulate the sound of their voices in order to portray four traits: attractiveness, confidence, dominance, and intelligence to compare these samples to their normal speech. We then asked independent raters of the same- and opposite-sex to assess the degree to which each voice sample projected the given trait. Women’s manipulated voices were judged as sounding more attractive than their normal voices, but this was not the case for men. In contrast, men’s manipulated voices were rated by women as sounding more confident than their normal speech, but this did not hold true for women’s voices. Further, women were able to manipulate their voices to sound just as dominant as the men’s manipulated voices, and both sexes were able to modify their voices to sound more intelligent than their normal voice. We also assessed all voice samples objectively using spectrogram analyses and several vocal patterns emerged for each trait; among them we found that when trying to sound sexy/attractive, both sexes slowed their speech and women lowered their pitch and had greater vocal hoarseness. Both sexes raised their pitch and spoke louder to sound dominant and women had less vocal hoarseness. These findings are discussed using an evolutionary perspective and implicate voice modification as an important, deliberate aspect of communication, especially in the realm of mate selection and competition.  相似文献   

Two studies examined vocal affect in medical providers’ and patients’ content-filtered (CF) speech. A digital methodology for content-filtering and a set of reliable global affect rating scales for CF voice were developed. In Study 1, ratings of affect in physicians’ CF voice correlated with patients’ satisfaction, perceptions of choice/control, medication adherence, mental and physical health, and physicians’ satisfaction. In Study 2, ratings of affect in the CF voices of physicians and nurses correlated with their patients’ satisfaction, and the CF voices of nurses and patients reflected their satisfaction. Voice tone ratings of providers and patients were intercorrelated, suggesting reciprocity in their vocal affective communication.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that more attractive voices are associated with more favorable personality impressions. The present study examined which acoustic characteristics make a voice attractive. Segments of recorded voices were rated on various dimensions of voice quality, attractiveness, and personality impressions. Objective measures of voice quality were obtained from spectrogram analysis. Overall, the subjective ratings of voice quality predicted vocal attractiveness better than the objective measures. When vocal attractiveness was regressed onto both subjective and objective measures, the final regression equation included 8 subjective measures, which together accounted for 74% of the variance of the attractiveness scores. It also was found that the measures of voice quality accounted for variance in favorableness of personality impressions above and beyond the contribution of vocal attractiveness. Thus, attractiveness captures an important dimension of the voice but does not cover all aspects of voice quality.This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH40498.  相似文献   

Men's and women's voices differ acoustically, and sex-stereotyped attributions are formed based on gender of voice. Recently it has been reported that men's voices are less nasal than women's voices, and that nasality of voice is inversely related to perceptions of persuasiveness. The present study was designed to determine whether nasality of voice affected sex-stereotyped perceptions. Audio tapes were created which contained the voices of 3 men and 3 women each speaking the same sentence at counterbalanced and comparable low, medium, and high levels of nasality as measured by nasalance scores. The voices were rated on 16 randomly presented adjectives by 30 male and 30 female listeners. The adjectives represented positive and negative female and male stereotypes. Ratings did not differ based on gender of listener. Nasality of voice contributed solely and interactively to sex-stereotyped perceptions.  相似文献   

We study the correlation of choice under risk in Holt–Laury lotteries for gains and losses with gender, the use of hormonal contraceptives, menstrual cycle information, salivary testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and cortisol as well as the digit ratio (2D:4D; length of the index finger to the ring finger of the right hand) in more than 200 subjects (45% females). In males, salivary testosterone is negatively correlated with risk aversion for gains only. In females, salivary cortisol is positively correlated with risk aversion for gains only. No other significant correlations between risk preferences and salivary hormones are observed. No significant correlations between risk preferences and the menstrual cycle are observed in naturally cycling females. No significant correlations between risk preferences and the digit ratio are observed in either gender and/or race.  相似文献   

Adults rate vocalizing 3-month-old boys as more socially favorable (pleasant, friendly, fun, likeable, cuddly, cute) than girls when they are producing syllabic sounds. Is the preference due to gender bias or to actual sex differences in the acoustical quality of early vocalizations? In Experiment 1, 59 adults rated videotaped segments of 4 vocalizing boys and 4 vocalizing girls who were dressed identically in white gowns, and labelled with a name representing their sex or a name of the opposite sex. Two infants of each sex produced syllabic sounds, and 2 produced vocalic sounds. Adults rated boys producing syllabic sounds more favorably even when the boys were labelled with the names of girls. Therefore, the preference was not due to gender bias. In Experiment 2, 3 groups of adults (N = 50, 49, and 50, respectively) each viewed and rated 1 of 3 different sets of videotaped infants. The videotapes contained segments of 8 infants (4 boys, 4 girls, 2 of each producing syllabic sounds, and 2 producing vocalic sounds); infants appeared dressed in identical white gowns and were identified only by number, not by name or sex. In addition to the social favorability ratings, adults guessed the sex of the infant. Adults rated syllabic boys more favorably even though gender was disguised, and even though their guesses of gender were no better than chance. In Experiment 3, the vocalizations of the infants who were heard in the 3 videotapes were subjected to spectrographic acoustic analysis. The acoustic quality of boys' syllabic sounds differed from that of girls' only on the feature of nasality. As expected, syllabic, as compared with vocalic, sounds of both boys and girls were similarly longer in duration and differed in frequency characteristics, but these differences were related only to sound category and not to sex. The variance in adult social favorability ratings due to sex of infant was explained by the less nasal acoustic quality of the boys' voices. These results have implications for early socialization, because we know that mothers respond more to less nasal vocalizations. These results parallel the less nasal quality of men's voices as compared with women's voices, and suggest continuities from early vocalizations to speech.  相似文献   

Research indicates that men are more risk tolerant and make riskier financial decisions than women. To explain this, researchers have favored “essentialist” explanations that attribute differences to core biological mechanisms and have tended to neglect psychological mechanisms that reflect the influence of culture and socialization. To better understand gender differences in risk tolerance, we investigated the relative effects of multiple psychological dimensions of gender, including gender identification (i.e., identifying as one’s biological sex and viewing it as a positive part of the self), gender typicality (i.e., feeling like a typical member of one’s biological sex), and gender-stereotyped personality traits and social roles. We also measured 2D:4D digit ratios as an indicator of prenatal testosterone exposure. Stereotypically masculine or instrumental personality traits (e.g., strong, acts as a leader) were associated with more risk tolerance in both men and women but were relatively more important for understanding men’s risk tolerance. Stereotypically feminine or communal personality traits were associated with less risk tolerance in women. Women who identified more with other women, and men who identified less with other men showed greater risk tolerance. Digit ratio was not associated with risk tolerance. Further research focused on psychological gender and risk tolerance is emphasized.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effects of attractiveness of voice and physical appearance on impressions of personality. Subject-senders were videotaped as they read a standard-content text (Study 1) or randomly selected texts (Study 2). Judges rated the senders' vocal attractiveness from the auditory portion of the tape and their physical attractiveness from the visual portion of the tape. Other judges rated the senders' personality on the basis of their voice, face, or face plus voice. Senders with more attractive voices were rated more favorably in both the voice and face plus voice conditions; senders with more attractive faces were rated more favorably in both the face and face plus voice conditions. The effects of both vocal and physical attractiveness were more pronounced in the single channels (voice condition and face condition, respectively) than in the multiple channel (face plus voice condition). Possible antecedents and consequences of the vocal attractiveness stereotype are discussed. p]Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman.Shakespeare (King Lear, Act V, Sc. 3)This research was supported in part by National Institute Mental Health Grant RO1 MH40498-01A2. The authors would like to thank Thomas J. Hernandez, James R. Laguzza, Andrea Lurier, and Mary Elizabeth Sementilli for running the videotaping sessions in Study 1, and Craig B. Partyka, Kimberly A. Radoane, and Kelly B. Sanborn for running the videotaping sessions in Study 2. Grateful acknowledgment is extended to Kate Johnson and Michael Zygmuntowicz for running rating sessions in Study 2, to BiancaMaria Penati for running rating sessions and coding data in Study 2, and to Bradley C. Olson for his assistance with data analysis.  相似文献   

Interviewers' voice characteristics are related to refusal ratesin telephone interviews. Judges reliably rated vocal and personalcharacteristics of telephone interviewers from recordings ofthe first one-half minute of interview introductions. Interviewerswith low refusal rates were judged as having comparatively higherpitched voices, greater ranges of variation in pitch, greaterloudness, faster rates of speaking, and clearer and more distinctpronunciation. They also were judged as more competent and ashaving a more positive approach to the respondent and the interview.  相似文献   

This study describes a series of evaluations of gender pairs of New Zealand English, Australian English, American English and RP-type English English voices by over 400 students in New Zealand, Australia and the U.S.A. Voices were chosen to represent the middle range of each accent, and balanced for paralinguistic features. Twenty-two personality and demographic traits were evaluated by Likert-scale questionnaires. Results indicated that the American female voice was rated most favourably on at least some traits by students of all three nationalities, followed by the American male. For most traits, Australian students generally ranked their own accents in third or fourth place, but New Zealanders put the female NZE voice in the mid-low range of all but solidarity-associated traits. All three groups disliked the NZE male. The RP voices did not receive the higher rankings in power/status variables we expected. The New Zealand evaluations downgrade their own accent vis-a`-vis the American and to some extent the RP voices. Overall, the American accent seems well on the way to equalling or even replacing RP as the prestige—or at least preferred—variety, not only in New Zealand but in Australia and some non-English-speaking nations as well. Preliminary analysis of data from Europe suggests this manifestation of linguistic hegemony as 'Pax Americana' seems to be prevalent over more than just the Anglophone nations.  相似文献   

Julia R. Irwin 《Infancy》2003,4(4):503-516
This study examined whether perceivers can detect infant distress in the visual and acoustic signals within the cry. Parent and nonparent perceivers rated distress in 3‐, 6‐, 8‐, and 12‐month‐old infants' cries that were manipulated to separate facial, vocal, and bodily action. Mean perceiver ratings differed for high‐ and low‐distress cries at each infant age on the basis of facial and vocal action, but not bodily movement. Perceivers rated the cry sound as more distressed and the cry face as less distressed with increasing infant age. Parents rated the cries as less distressed overall than did nonparents. The results suggest that information about distress is available for perceivers in the crying infant's face and voice.  相似文献   

Infants can make social judgments about characters by visually observing their interactions with others (e.g., Hamlin, Wynn & Bloom, Nature, 2007, 450, 557). Here, we ask whether infants can form similar judgments about potential social partners based solely on their tone of voice. In Experiment 1, we presented 10.5‐month‐olds with two visually neutral puppets. One puppet spoke in a positive affect and the other spoke in a negative affect. When the puppets were placed within reach of the infants, infants selected the formerly positive puppet. This preference disappeared when the voices were paired with nonsocial objects (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, 10.5‐month‐olds were once again exposed to the same emotionally negative and positive voices. However, no visual characters were present. At test, infants’ visual orientation controlled how long they heard the neutral versions of each voice. Here, infants listened longer to the neutral voice of the formerly positive speaker. That is, just as in Experiment 1, infants’ preferences for the emotionally neutral test stimuli were shaped by their earlier exposure to emotionally charged recordings of that voice. Our findings provide convergent evidence to suggest that infants possess sophisticated social evaluation abilities, preferring to interact with prosocial over antisocial others.  相似文献   

Surveys of psychological aggression have been plagued by a variety of conceptual and measurement problems. A new measure was devised to more systematically cover a full range of psychologically aggressive actions; to include items for each dimension/category at a milder, moderate, and severe level; to be applicable to dating as well as marital relationships; and to utilize items that were broader in nature to capture all instances of particular types of psychological aggression. Three hundred and eighty-three college students rated the 51 items as to their degree of "psychological abusiveness." The 17 categories were rated as mostly distinct from each other; almost every category had statistically distinct mild, moderate and severe items; the overall scale yielded basically normal psychometric properties; and the total score, as well as the scores for the mild, moderate, and severe items, all had very high internal consistency. Ratings of these items appear to be distinct from social desirability as well as from a number of attitudinal response sets, and only sex of the participant was significantly, although weakly, correlated with overall ratings of the psychological aggression items. This measure may provide for more systematic investigation into the concept of psychological aggression.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in multimodal technology-based warnings, namely those conveying speech-warning statements. This type of warning may be tailored to the situation as well as to the target user's characteristics. However, more information is needed on how to design these warnings in a way that ensures intelligibility, promotes compliance and reduces the potential for annoyance. In this context, this paper reports an exploratory study whose main purpose was to assist the selection of a synthesized voice for a subsequent compliance study with personalized (i.e., using the person's name) technology-based warnings using Virtual Reality. Participants were requested to listen to speech signals, gathered from a speech synthesizer and post-processed in order to change the pitch perception, and then these were evaluated by fulfilling the MOS-X questionnaire. After that, the participants ranked the voices according to their preference. The effects of the speaker's gender and voice pitch, on both ratings and ranking were assessed. The preference of the male and female listeners for a talker's voice gender was also investigated. The results show that participants mostly prefer as first choice the high-pitched female voice, which also gathered the highest overall score in the MOS-X questionnaire. No significant influence of the participants' gender was found on the assessed measures.  相似文献   

Ambiguity in the definitions of “parental incapability” and “child's best interests” in the Israeli law of adoption allows for different “voices” to determine their meaning. With regard to compulsory adoption, findings from texts of the judicial discourse in Israel portray the voice of the professional expert as hegemonic and that of the biological parents as unheard, revealing the nature of the practices that lead to the deligitimization of the parents’ voice. To bring about a balanced representation of the different voices, the article proposes a moralization of the legal procedure of adoption that stresses its rehabilitative rather than condemnatory character.  相似文献   

A total of 208 therapists and therapists‐in‐training were surveyed to better understand if clinical assessments and recommendations regarding “sex addiction” changed based upon a client's gender, relationship status, or exclusivity status. Using clinical vignettes, this study examined the clinical assessment and recommendations of licensed mental health providers (n = 92) and mental health providers in‐training (n = 116). Results indicated that professional ratings differed based on relationship exclusivity and gender; specifically, female nonmonogamous behavior was rated more negatively than male nonmonogamous behavior, while male monogamous behavior was rated more negatively than female monogamous behavior. Recommendations for treatment varied, with higher addiction ratings leading to greater odds of recommending individual, group, and community support over relational therapy. Clinical and training implications are discussed. Video abstract accessible by clicking here .  相似文献   

This paper is presented in three major parts. The Prelude serves as an introduction to the issue of researcher bias. To illustrate how my own personal experience with homelessness biases my place in the research of homeless youth, three voices are presented in the Interlude. My voice, the voices of homeless youth, and voices of authority are displayed in three columns. The closing part of this paper returns to the motif: issues of researcher bias. In the Postlude I discuss how I see my biases influencing my research with homeless youth.  相似文献   

Rochelle S. Newman 《Infancy》2011,16(5):447-470
Infants and toddlers are often spoken to in the presence of background sounds, including speech from other talkers. Prior work has suggested that infants 1 year of age and younger can only recognize speech when it is louder than any distracters in the environment. The present study tests 24‐month‐olds’ ability to understand speech in a multitalker environment. Children were presented with a preferential‐looking task in which a target voice told them to find one of two objects. At the same time, multitalker babble was presented as a distracter, at one of four signal‐to‐noise ratios. Children showed some ability to understand speech and look at the appropriate referent at signal‐to‐noise ratios as low as ?5 dB. These findings suggest that 24‐month‐olds are better able to selectively attend to an interesting voice in the context of competing distracter voices than are younger infants. There were significant correlations between individual children’s performance and their vocabulary size, but only at one of the four noise levels; thus, it does not appear that vocabulary size is the driving factor in children’s listening improvement, although it may be a contributing factor to performance in noisy environments.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(3):189-193

Objective: Lead exposure linked to osteoporosis in women. However, there is no direct evidence whether lead exposure has effects on bone metabolism in middle-aged male subjects. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between bone mineral densitometry measurements, bone markers, endocrine hormones and blood lead levels.

Material and methods: The present study included lead exposure patients (n: 30) and control subjects (n: 32). We recorded information on patient demographics and risk factors of osteoporosis. Blood lead levels were evaluated using Varian AA 240Z atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Bone mineral density measurements were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Results: Each lumbar T and Z scores in the lead exposure group were lower than the control group. There were no significant differences in femur neck and femur total T and Z scores between two groups. Blood lead levels were also negatively correlated with lumbar 2-4 T score, total lumbar T score, lumbar 2-4 Z score and total lumbar Z score. Urinary hydroxyproline and urinary deoxypyridinoline levels in the lead exposure group were significantly higher compared to controls. Blood lead levels were strong, positively correlated with urinary deoxypyridinoline. Endocrine hormone levels and 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 levels were comparable between lead exposure and control group.

Conclusion: Lead exposure in male workers is an important factor for deterioration in bone mineral density. We should be screening blood lead levels and history of lead exposure in male osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Previous acoustic analysis of fundamental frequencies from interview partners' voices revealed mutual accommodation of voice frequency and amplitude. These findings also showed partners' accommodation was associated with such attributes as social status. However, previous studies did not assess the function of partners' voice accommodation in extending general communication quality. The present study employs an experimental protocol wherein the fundamental frequency is included in some conversations and filtered from others to show, first, that partners do actively accommodate the fundamental frequency of their voices, and, second, that elimination of the fundamental frequency from conversation partners' voices profoundly alters perceived positive evaluations by judges overhearing the conversation. This experiment specifies an important auxiliary role for the fundamental frequency in nonverbal communication.  相似文献   

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