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Working mothers who simultaneously manage a job, raise children, and maintain a home may find the endeavor to be physically and emotionally challenging. By means of a case study, this paper explores the impact of work-related injury on one mother's ability to meet the physical demands of childcare and homemaking tasks without jeopardizing her physical recovery or job security. Following a musculoskeletal injury at work, the subject received traditional occupational therapy intervention as well as specific education regarding ergonomic childcare techniques. Her ability to perform routine homemaking and childcare tasks was assessed prior to and following treatment using the ErgoMomics MOMS (Measure of Musculoskeletal Symptoms) survey. The case study suggests that educating mothers in ergonomic techniques related to vocational as well as avocational tasks may be beneficial in helping them manage the dual demands of family life and career. Additional informal interviews were conducted with twelve mothers, ages thirty-five to sixty-eight, in order to frame the case study within a wider historical perspective concerning the role of work in women's lives.  相似文献   

Sociologists of mental health and illness have traditionally used outcome measures that they have obtained from other disciplines, especially psychiatry and psychology. These include official statistics, symptom scales, and diagnostic measures. Answers to the central sociological question of how social arrangements affect mental health might require the development of explicitly sociological outcome measures. This introduction provides an overview of several issues that arise in grappling with this question. These include whether symptom scales or diagnoses best capture the mental health consequences of social arrangements; when single or multiple outcomes are necessary to compare the consequences of social arrangements across different groups; if sociologists should explore the positive as well as the negative consequences of social forces; and when sociological attention should be directed toward social-level as well as individual-level outcomes. The papers in this symposium that follow provide more detailed analyses of each of these issues.  相似文献   

骆潇 《职业》2004,(10)
近日,东华新一代人力资源管理系统DHC i HR产品在北京友谊宾馆发布。 据东华软件产品事业部总经理刘岩松介绍.此次发布的东华新一代人力资源管理系统(DHC i HR),基于完全B/s开发模式,以机关、事业、企业等不同客户的实际业务需求为导向,系统设计时贯穿了以客户的管理模式为重点、以核心业务为核心功能、以业务流程为系统操作流程的原则,并以开发操作简便、灵活实现业务的软件作为研发要求,把解决客户选购软件的困惑作为软件服务的原则,将百分百客户满意度作为软件服务目标。 这套人力资源软件系统以人事管理为基础,以绩效、薪酬为核心,集组织机构管理、人事管理、考勤管理、薪资管理、绩效管理、招聘管理、合同管理、培训管理、事务提醒、员工自  相似文献   

Women's priorities have often been ignored in the design of human settlements, the location of housing, and the provision of urban services. New forms of urban partnership are needed to develop participatory processes which include women and men at all stages of urban development. Participation is most commonly associated with political participation or activity. The author gives an overview of the "gendered city", then looks at how men and women benefit and contribute to urban life, through examples of opportunities for making a living and for using urban resources and services. She then moves away from participation as entitlement to consider participation as empowerment, looking at some problems faced by women in public office and grassroots organizations. The paper concludes in arguing that a gender perspective will not inform urban policy and planning processes automatically. Sections discuss gender and poverty in the city, making a living in the city, urban planning as a gender issue, getting around the city, access to resources and services, violence in the city, women's participation in urban governance, women's representation in public office, community organization and advocacy, men and gender issues, and forging linkages through participation.  相似文献   

Recent coverage in higher education newspapers and social media platforms implies that chronic conditions, illnesses and disabilities are becoming more prominent amongst academics. Changes to funding structures, increased globalisation, marketisation and bureaucratisation of higher education have resulted in a performance-driven working environment where teaching workload and pressures to publish are further intensified due to excellence exercises in teaching and research. The result is low morale and an ever-rising number of reported mental health issues, burnout and stress-related illnesses within academia. This article explores some of these issues in the context of higher education institutions in the United Kingdom. We draw on our research and our experiences as speakers regarding ableism in academia to provide food for thought, stimulate a debate and raise awareness of those academics experiencing chronic illness, disability or neurodiversity, whose voices are not heard.  相似文献   

Jewish Themes in Contemporary Hungarian Literature

Avraham Bogatir. Napja (Seven Days in the‐ Life of Abraham Bogatir), by György G. Kardos. Budapest, Magvetö, 1968 and 1969. 427 pp. Ft. 1950.

Hova Tuntek a Katonak? (Where Did All the Soldiers Go?), by György G. Kardos. Budapest, Magvetö, 1971. 282 pp. Ft. 15.00.

Varakozok Lakomaja (The Banquet of Those that Wait), by Imre Keszi. Budapest, Magvetö, 1969. 214 pp. Ft. 17.50.

Soviet Yiddish Book on the Kaunas Ghetto

Zeyere. Blikn Hobn Zikh Bagegnt (Their Eyes Met), by Meyer Yelin.1 Moscow, Sovetsky Pisatel, 1972. 382 pp.

An Opportunity Missed

The Jews of Poland, by Bernard D. Weinryb. Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1973. xvi, (2) 424 pp. $10.00.

A Source of Holocaust History

Wicher Wolnosci. Dziennik Powstanca, by Waclaw Zagorski, London 1957 (English edition, Seventy Days, translated by D. J. Welsh, London 1957, 2nd ed. 1959). 391 pp.

Wolnosc W Niewoli (Freedom in Captivity), isdem, London 1971. 543 pp.

Useful Compendia on Communism

Biographical Dictionary of the Comintern, by Branko Lazitch in collaboration with Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Stanford, California, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1973. xxxxii, 458 pp. $15.00.

World Communism: A Handbook 1918–1965, ed. by Witold S. Sworakowski, Stanford, California, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1973. xv, 576 pp. Appendix. Index of Persons. Index of Subjects. $25.00.

A Soviet Exposition of Extremist Views

Istochnik Opasnogo Krizisa (Rol Sionizma V Razzhiganii Konflikta Na Blizhnem Vostoke) — The Source of a Dangerous Crisis (The Role of Zionism in Unleashing the Middle East Conflict), by V. P. Ladeykin. Moscow, Izdatelstvo Politicheskoy Literatury, 1973. 296 pp. 1 r. 08 k.  相似文献   

To provide a context for understanding the evaluations discussed in this volume, this paper gives an overview of the federal TANF legislation and describes features of state TANF programs that are particularly relevant for appreciating the need for evaluation and for interpreting evaluations. These features include the states’ policies regarding work by applicants and recipients, policies to divert applicants from welfare, and rules designed to change individuals’ behavior regarding childbearing, childrearing, and marriage. Because the implementation of state policies depends on practices at the front lines of the welfare system, some features of the ‘culture’ of local welfare offices are also examined.  相似文献   

Mills' sociological imagination is used to look at relevant issues in the life of a lesbian academic couple in a distance relationship. Analysis includes concerns which are common to both lesbian and heterosexual couples in distance situations such as finding jobs, tenure, productivity, mentoring, managing two households, communication, community, and those items unique to lesbian couples-coming out to students, finding and maintaining a lesbian community, effects of hiring practices in academe. Based on the analysis, recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

Findings of the article in this two-volume series on stalking are reviewed. Building on the findings of the National Violence Against Women Survey (Tjaden & Thoennes, 1998), this series of studies adds to the literature in defining and measuring stalking behaviors. Repeated stalking victimization is reported by up to 62% of young adults, although frequencies depend on the sample and the precise definition used. Self-definitions of stalking victimization may be quite different from legal definitions. Although the majority of legally defined stalkers (where victim fear is a key component) are men stalking women, studies utilizing other definitions find many more women as stalkers, with no significant gender differences in many studies. In many cases, it does appear that stalking is one part of a larger pattern of relationship physical and psychological abuse. Data on emotional reactions and coping strategies of victims are also reviewed, along with findings on characteristics of stalkers.  相似文献   

一、Funac-0i系统是目前系统中实际应用最广泛的典型系统 1.彩了最新的硬件技术 其显示器前配置了一个PCMCIA接口,可以将存蓄上卡完全插入CNC控制装置进行DNC的运行.  相似文献   

医院工会社会工作需要应对和解决的问题主要是医护人员身心方面的诸多压力所造成的可能影响和谐稳定的因素,主要表现在:医疗行业责任的高风险造成的医护人员超高的精神压力;医疗技术快速发展造成的医护人员知识更新的学习压力;工作紧张、时间不固定影响家庭和谐造成的家庭压力等。对此,工会组织可以运用社会工作的个案工作方法和小组工作方法开展工作。  相似文献   

如果要求一名大学生15天内找到工作,很多人会觉得不可思议。可15名来自上海华东理工大学的学生,在北京进行了这样的尝试。华东理工大学举办的第五届生存模拟实践大赛要求,从7月11日起15天内。大学生们要在陌生的北京找到工作.养活自己,而每人除了150元的启动资金外,不得携带现金和银行卡。  相似文献   

This study examines how Dorothy Swaine Thomas’s connection to the well-known “Thomas Theorem” is documented in introductory sociology texts. W.I. Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas co-authoredThe Child in America (1928) in which the “theorem” first appears. However, it was not until the mid-1970s that Dorothy Swaine Thomas’s connection to these words begins to be cited in the books surveyed. The author suggests one reason for this pattern of neglect is a professional ideology that encouraged a process of genderization in sociology. It is only when women start to gain more visibility in the discipline that Dorothy Swain Thomas begins to be cited. The various ways the texts differ from the basic norms of citation are analyzed and discussed.

Many of the challenges that affect children living in poverty are directly related to the neighborhoods in which they live. Places that inhibit healthy living and those that expose children to environmental pollution tend to more heavily affect children in poverty. This environmental injustice is a natural concern of the fields of urban planning, geography, and children’s health. Yet many decisions that affect opportunities for healthy living are made without a full understanding of how neighborhood context influences such opportunities. In this brief, we paint inequalities in child health outcomes as a spatial problem, review some of the geospatial tools used by urban planners and geographers, discuss common reasons for misclassification or misrepresentation of spatially explicit problems, and propose more suitable methods for measuring opportunities and exposures germane to the field of child poverty. Throughout, we emphasize the need for evidence-driven, spatially grounded responses to child poverty issues with a spatial dimension.  相似文献   

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to understand the gaps in college students' knowledge regarding sexual health information. Participants: A sample of 242 participants enrolled in an introductory college course participated in this study in the Fall 2009 semester. Methods: Students participated in 1 of 2 brief interventions and wrote a response paper about their experience. The papers were analyzed using conventional content analysis for information that was new to participants by looking for key words that suggested learning took place. Results: The findings indicated that the majority of participants learned new information. Most learning occurred regarding sexually transmitted infections (ie, types, symptoms, prevalence, treatment, testing) and correct condom use. There were also demographic differences regarding reported new information. Conclusions: Findings can be used to develop future sex education programs for college students by providing college educators with an understanding of where students lack knowledge of sexual health.  相似文献   

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