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This article adopts a processual and relational approach to study food remembrance and investigates how different ways of appropriating food reveal the politics of identities in Hong Kong. It examines how food memories reveal relationships between the past and the present, reflect epochal transformation, and mark changing identities of various groups of people through new ways of appropriations. It takes the case study of pancai, a special banquet food for the villagers in the New Territories of Hong Kong, to examine the relationships between food and identities. This article investigates how pancai is remembered, popularized, and reinvented with different variations and embodies shifting meanings for the New Territories inhabitants as well as other Hong Kong people in changing socioeconomic and political environments. Pancai has been imbued with multiple layers of significance, involving linkages between local and national, emigration and Chineseness, urbanization and rural heritage, as well as decolonization and identity politics. As identities are by nature negotiable, situational, and fluidic, pancai's multiple layers of meanings correspond to different levels of identities—identities of the New Territories inhabitants, the rest of the Hong Kong people, and the mainland Chinese.  相似文献   

Using data from four focus groups, this paper examines the ways in which Hong Kong Sindhis and Sikhs talk about ethnic identities and their relationships to culture and language. It finds that in all the groups, a range of different ‘cultural models’ (Gee, 1999 Gee, James Paul. 1999. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method, London: Routledge.  [Google Scholar]) of ethnicity, culture and language are drawn upon, with the same participants sometimes using several different models as they position themselves within the group discussions. However, the data also suggest that there may be a tendency for the two communities to foreground different models of ethnicity. Specifically, Sikh participants tend to draw more on an essentialist model of ethnicity than do the Sindhis, while the Sindhis seem to be more prepared to draw on more flexible models of the relationships between identity, culture and language.  相似文献   

开埠之初就被定位为“自由港”的香港,是“以港兴市”的典型例子,港口的发展为香港经济的起飞和就业作出了巨大的贡献;而香港的产业发展以及与内地的区域合作,又促进了港口的繁荣,并使得香港成为国际航运中心。但目前,在金融海啸、珠三角产业转型、内地港口蓬勃发展等因素的影响下,香港港口的发展前景不容乐观。本文在回顾香港港口与城市发展关系的基础上,深入探讨了香港港口业务增长放缓的原因,并提出着力发展航运服务业,是香港航运中心转型升级、提高香港城市竞争力的重要方向。  相似文献   

In 1997, Hong Kong changes from a British colony to a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China. While officially it has been agreed that the status change should not alter the economic or social conditions in the territory substantially, many people believe that residents' lives will be considerably affected. Hong Kong society has always been highly mobile and fluid in terms of migration, and it is only very recently that over half of the population have been born in the tenitory Many elderly people in Hong Kong were bom elsewhere and many Hong Kong families are fragmented, with members living in China, elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, North America, Australia, and Britain. The potential impact of 1997 on the lives and conditions of elderly residents is only now forming a focus of concern. This article considers what may happen in the closing years of this century and early next when the SAR emerges. There is already growing popular belief that, for financial and social reasons, some elderly people are going back to China for their retirement. However, evidence from a survey of 419 noninstitutionalized respondents found relatively few expressing a desire or willingness to retire to China. This article concludes with a discussion of why this may be so. A major reason may be that, with the increasing ease of visits between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong elderly people might feel more comfortable with alternately living in China and Hong Kong instead of taking the bold decision of permanently living in China.  相似文献   

Chongqing became the first city in China to provide subsidies to leaders of villagelevel women's organizations.  相似文献   

香港高等教育理念及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育理念是当前社会与教育界热点话题。随着经济全球一体化进程的不断深入,各国高等教育也正努力走国际化发展道路。香港地区高等教育的成功发展道路.为推进内地高等教育国际化发展道路提供了一个观察的视角,也引发了内地高等教育发展借鉴世界先进教育理念,走中国特色发展道路的思考。  相似文献   

Definitions of child abuse are culturally driven. Hong Kong, with a predominantly Chinese population, has managed to eradicate much of the societal abuse that children suffer elsewhere in Asia. Professional and government attention has now shifted to child abuse and neglect within the family. The paper, based on interviews with key professionals. analysis of policy documents and practice records examines traditional Chinese parent-child relationships. the status of parental authority and corporal punishment and changes in contemporary Hong Kong family life. It goes on to outline the development of responses to child abuse in Hong Kong, some of the dilemmas that professionals face in defining abuse and areas for future research.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study set out to replicate and extend studies done on attributions for affluence in Western, industrialized countries to a country famous for its wealth and economic growth. Over 100 subjects in Hong Kong rated explanations for wealth according to importance. Results showed that overall the subjects tended to endorse individualistic explanations for wealth while negating the relative importance of societal or fatalistic factors. There were few sex or income effects no doubt due to the sample tested. A factor analysis revealed two clear factors: internal-external (individualistic-collectivistic). The results are discussed in terms of the unique position of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

香港与新加坡及相关区域经济整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放30年来,随着广东经济层次的提高和对外经贸合作的升级,粤港、粤新之间传统的经贸合作模式难以继续维系。基于全球化和区域经济整合理论,本文在剖析粤、港、新经济发展和格局演变的基础上,提出了新时期粤港、粤新差异化经济整合模式、整合机制及主体内容,并进一步阐述广东在粤港新经贸合作中的优势及发展策略。  相似文献   


Starting with a folk story, this paper offers an interpretation of many pieces of Vietnamese folklore in the light of theoretical approaches to maladaptive behaviour. Two perspectives on conduct disorder, namely the learning and community perspectives, which are commonly identifiable among older Vietnamese, are illustrated and some implications of these perspectives for intervention are presented. The paper concludes with a hopeful view that the ingredients for positive change in behaviour are readily available.  相似文献   

Studies on family violence toward wives and children in Hong Kong, although limited, are consistent with the ecological model that explains this violence as the interaction of a confluence of factors that are at work at different levels. In this paper, four clinical cases are selected to demonstrate the applicability of the model in Hong Kong. The immigration background of the family, low socio-economic status, perceived lack of support, and Chinese values on obedience to authority stand out as contributory factors to violent acts. A multi-faceted and multi-leveled prevention program to achieve zero tolerance of violence is proposed that prescribes caution as to the possible double victimization of individuals and families by the larger social system.  相似文献   

The conservation value of urban parks for butterfly communities remains poorly understood, particularly for tropical butterflies in Asia. We conducted point count and route transect butterfly surveys, and used them to sample four habitats located within 13 urban parks across Hong Kong. We found 1054 individuals and 58 species of butterflies recorded in 60 survey hours over 6 months. This represents approximately one quarter of the entire known Hong Kong butterfly species list. Over 30 % of the individuals counted were Catospilia sp. but six of the species identified are classified locally as rare or very rare. Tree-covered habitats and grasslands showed higher butterfly diversity than open areas. The most common butterfly behavior was “directed flight,” which we also found to be habitat-dependent and most common in ponds and open areas. We additionally observed the use of vegetation in urban parks, which included 40 species of nectar plant and four records of butterfly oviposition. The high butterfly diversity, presence of rare species and usage of vegetation (especially as a nectar resource) we documented in this study suggests that urban parks have some conservation value for Hong Kong. However, the use of pesticides and heavy vegetation clearing may limit significant butterfly reproduction and population growth. Altogether these results emphasize the diversity of uses of urban parks for butterflies in Hong Kong while also providing possible directions for improvement in habitat and vegetation management that could increase urban park value for biodiversity.  相似文献   

Review article on: Made by Hong Kong. Edited by Suzanne Berger and Richard K. Lester The Hong Kong Advantage. By Michael T. enright, Edit E. Scott and David Dodwell  相似文献   

Resources such as education and social networks are likely to contribute to migrants' upward mobility in the class hierarchy. Moreover, according to structural fit theory, the contribution tends to be contingent on age and social network size. The contingency is the major concern of the present study of mainland Chinese migrants in Hong Kong, which is somewhat different from the Chinese mainland economically, politically and even culturally. In this study, we show that the conditions for upward mobility are some human and social resources and their various combinations. Notably, schooling after arrival in Hong Kong contributed more to the upward mobility of the migrant who was younger or had a larger social network at the time of arrival in Hong Kong. Purportedly, promoting the migrant's integration with the school and local social network would prepare the migrant for upward mobility.  相似文献   

This paper intends to provoke thoughts into intergenerational relations and future policies that can strengthen solidarity within families and community in order to face the challenges of aging population. It first provides an overview of intergenerational relations and the efforts to promote intergenerational programs in the specific context of contemporary Hong Kong. Through a sociological lens, it draws on a theoretical framework that explains how intergenerational relations are constructed. It also sets out the factors leading to cohesive or conflicting relations at the individual, family and community levels. The paper concludes by applying this framework to inform intergenerational programming, and to suggest ways to promote IP and to take intergenerational perspective into policy design towards a healthy and intergenerational cohesive community.  相似文献   

This paper describes the re-migration and adjustment of Indonesian Chinese to living in Hong Kong and their cultural belonging to Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Known in China as guiqiao or ‘Returned Overseas Chinese’, these were Chinese who re-migrated from Indonesia to mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. By the early 1970s, many were allowed to migrate to Hong Kong. Although arriving with very little money, many have succeeded in establishing a fairly good life in Hong Kong, although there are also many who survive on low incomes. This paper discusses the experiences of the Indonesian Chinese in relation to local and transnational belonging, the perception of homelands, and the re-establishment of a Southeast Asian lifestyle in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the residential mobility patterns among Hong Kong’s various ethnic groups, grounded on the Spatial Assimilation Theory. The results first show that immigrants in general have contributed the most to the residential movement of Hong Kong’s populace. Nonetheless, disparities in residential mobility patterns have been observed among these immigrants. Wealthier immigrants, for instance westerners, by relocating to non-new town areas of the New Territories, show no signs of acculturation to local Hong Kong community. Also, while public rental housing has managed to relocate and gather ethnical groups, such as new arrivals from the Chinese Mainland and South Asians with permanent residence status, to new town areas in the New Territories (N.T.), the out-migration of private-sector residents from new towns to the outskirt areas of the N.T. has turned these new towns to multiethnic enclaves. For South Asians whom have yet to obtain permanent residence, they appear to have segregated themselves from the locals in urban areas and formed their own ethnic concentrations (i.e. Chungking Mansions in Kowloon). Lastly, the home-moving pattern of long-term Chinese immigrants is very similar to that of local Hong Kong residents, which can be regarded as a sign of assimilation. Policy implications derived from these findings are then discussed.  相似文献   

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