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刘玉照 《科学发展》2011,(3):108-114
为深入了解上海社区建设现状,进一步提高上海社区建设水平,上海社会调查研究中心上海大学分中心在全市范围内开展了社区建设问卷调研,结果显示,上海社区建设目前总体状况较好,市民认同感较高,但也存在一些突出问题。据此,对于如何进一步加强上海社区建设,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

上海推进社区共治和居民自治,在创新社会管理、优化公共服务、激发社会活力、重构社会秩序等方面取得了明显成效。但从与上海转型发展和现阶段社会发育格局的适应性,与社会管理体制创新和基层民主政治建设的新要求相比,还存在着不少差距,一些瓶颈问题急需破解,一些影响社区共治和居民自治深入推进的体制性、机制性障碍尚需突破。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单元,其现状和变动对社会经济发展会产生直接而深远的影响。近20年来,上海的家庭代际结构发生了诸多变化。其表现在户均人口数持续缩小、空巢老人家庭数量增多、家庭代际关系发生变化、家庭模式呈现多样化等方面,这些都对上海的社会公共服务提出了新的需求和挑战。上海应在"政府支持引导、社区积极参与、供给主体多元、引入市场竞争"的总体思路下构建上海社会公共服务新体系;要优化社区养老模式,大力发展养老服务产业,培育公益性的社区公共服务组织,推进养老服务专业化队伍建设,发展幼托照护及教育事业。  相似文献   

社区服务的发展对建立和完善城市社会保障体系,推进社会互助,增强凝聚力,促进经济发展和社会稳定,实现安居乐业和公共福利社会化等方面有着十分重要的意义。大力发展社区服务,促进社区建设与社区发展,将是上海城市建设和社会事业发展的一项重要任务。为此,采取一系列的政策与措施来保证上海社区服务的健康、有序发展,是十分重要和现实的。一、*制上海币社区限分发展规划,列人上海币九五计划和2010$发展规划z中。上海的社区服务发展要按照需求与实际相结合的原则,确定今后5年至15年的总体发展目标,力因经过十几年的不懈努力,建…  相似文献   

包蕾萍  吴岩 《科学发展》2013,(12):97-102
上海推进的公共租赁住房建设,是上海"十二五"期间住房保障体系的重要组成部分,符合深化住房制度改革和加快完善住房保障体系的总体要求,同时也与上海推进新型城镇化建设相呼应。新型城镇化的核心是"人的城镇化",人的安居乐业是新型城镇化的关键所在。上海公租房政策对推动"人的城镇化",具有极为重要的引导作用:强化了对非沪籍居民和中等收入阶层居住权的保障;有助于对工作者居住权利的保障;有助于带动整个区域的和谐、均衡发展。政府在推动公共租赁住房建设的过程中,还须适度扩大规模,改变产权式保障的传统思路;从严实行进出筛选机制,鼓励向上流动;坚持运作市场化、社区社会化、政策政府化;关注产业布局,突出其人才属性。  相似文献   

大型居住社区居民社区满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用2014年上海大型居住社区居民生活调查数据,文章采用多类别对数比率回归模型探讨影响大型居住社区居民社区满意度的重要因素。研究发现,职住距离、居住时间、受教育程度与居民社区满意度存在负相关关系;年龄、住房产权、住房类型对社区满意度具有显著影响。  相似文献   

交通港航建设大发展对上海水运工程建设市场诚信体系建设和管理提出了更高的要求。该文通过对上海水运工程建设市场诚信体系建设进行深入思考,指出了“十二五”时期上海水运工程安全质量监督诚信建设的总体框架、工作重点和主要措施。  相似文献   

徐国祥  王芳 《科学发展》2011,(5):101-107
通过对上海市民地铁安全意识与安全评价快速调查发现,上海市民地铁安全意识良好,对地铁安全评价较高,但也存在一定的安全意识欠缺,同时地铁运营机构在安全维护与隐患防范方面也存在管理漏洞。要维护好上海市地铁的安全运行,需要乘客和地铁运营方的互相配合。为此,必须从提高市民地铁安全意识和提高地铁运营方自身安全防范能力两方面着手,并加强相关配套机制建设,强化地铁安全隐患的共同应对和整治。  相似文献   

近年来,上海通过系列探索实践,符合现代化方向和要求的社会治理体制初具雏形。但多年来,"政府负责"强而不优,基层党建、社会发育、基层自治和法治保障等方面,与整体推进社会治理能力现代化不相匹配的问题依然比较突出。上海应打破现行体制"行政主导、内部循环"的逻辑惯性,按照体系建设与分类治理相结合的总体思路,重点实施"政、社"关系调整、"社区中间层建设"、法治保障创新等基础性工程,加快基层社会治理体制从纵向垂直化的行政管理模式向横向网络化的多元治理模式转变。  相似文献   

2009年1O月至2010年1月,上海社科院社会学研究所进行了一项题为《2009年上海市区居民民生状况及社会意愿》的大型调查。调查涉及衣食住行等八个方面。调查数据显示,上海居民对居委会选举不如业委会选举参与热情高,对社区环境总体满意,但在宠物管理、流浪猫管理、停车管理和整治群租等方面普遍存在困扰。  相似文献   

Recruiting and retaining direct support professionals (DSPs) remains essential to the full inclusion for persons with disabilities. Using a mixed-evaluation model, we measured DSPs' views versus those of their supervisors. DSPs expressed lower perceptions concerning their supervisors, satisfaction with their work situation, and environmental and safety factors. Focus groups provided insights into resolving issues related to compensation, work environment, and recruiting and retaining future DSPs. Motivating factors included wanting to be part of a helping community where all are valued. To improve their performance, DSPs stated their desire to understand the roles of managers and of the consumer. DSPs indicated that having career paths that provided advancement opportunities and direct contact with persons with disabilities were primary motivators.  相似文献   


In an era of low crime rates and high imprisonment rates, the role of communities in producing safety and justice is open for critical reexamination. This article suggests that community resiliency is an unexplored factor in the recent drop in violent crime rates, and that community capacity is adversely affected by imprisonment policies, creating critical questions about the ability of community organizations to engage in partnerships on crime and justice topics. Drawing lessons from several community policing experiments, this article outlines a possible role for community engagement in reducing the current reliance on incarceration as a response to crime.  相似文献   

Be calm and decisive in all your actions. Threats are meant to intimidate and instill fear. Do not assume someone else will handle the situation. Report the threat immediately to your supervisors. Make a crime report to campus public safety officers and law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdiction. Follow up to determine the status of the investigation. Refer the student to campus and/or community mental health services. Document the student's behavior and threats. Don't spend time alone with students who exhibit warning signs that could result in violence. Arrange your office so you have easy access to an exit. Be sure that the desk and chair are not between you and the door. Save all written and electronic threats and provide them to law enforcement officials. There is a mechanism for determining the origin of e-mail threats. Obtain a restraining order if necessary.  相似文献   

陈朋 《科学发展》2014,(7):86-91
民主决策、民主管理和民主监督都是社区治理的重要内容。当前,上海城市社区建设总体情况良好,但依旧存在选举后的治理难题。要针对社区治理难题,提升社区治理绩效,必须构建民主合作型社区治理体制,还应健全社区内部治理、拓展社区外部环境、充分发挥政府的主导作用、优化公共服务体制等,重视理顺政社关系,合理架构社区内部的组织关系。  相似文献   

谢辉 《职业时空》2013,(9):47-48
城镇化发展是“新四化”的关键一环,在城镇化快速发展的背景下,结合河北省新市民社区教育的实际情况,探讨高校参与社区教育的途径与对策,从而为解决新市民的教育问题提供一个切实可行的方案。  相似文献   

Compulsive hoarding is a debilitating disorder that is only recently becoming understood. Hoarding has been studied primarily in the general population, with only a few researchers focusing on hoarding in older adults, even though the prevalence and severity of the disorder appears to increase with aging. Hoarding seriously affects the quality of one's life and can also cause safety and health problems for individuals and the community. Established treatments for hoarding are relatively new and often need to be extended over a long period of time. Nurses can play an important role in helping identify the problem of hoarding in older adults, determining the types of safety and health hazards that need to be addressed, and contacting the appropriate community agencies.  相似文献   

随着上海城市化进程和大型居住区建设的快速推进,大量中心城区人口向郊区迁移,同时外来人口聚集于郊区,这导致郊区常住人口在短时间内快速膨胀,其社会结构发生深刻的变化,这对新型城市社区管理和公共服务提出了巨大的挑战。"镇管社区"正是适应郊区快速城市化发展而形成的一种社会管理创新机制。上海实行"镇管社区"的镇域根据自身的实际情况进行实践创新,其结果表明:"镇管社区"模式基本适应快速城市化进程中社会管理与服务的现实需求,有利于推动社区"管理"向社区"治理"转变。  相似文献   

Workplace safety and prevention of on-the-job illness and injury is an area of concern to all workers and their families. Effective practice with individuals, families, groups and community organizations must integrate an awareness of the historical, social and political dimensions of the field of occupational health and safety with assessment and treatment of psychosocial problems emanating from hazardous workplace and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This essay is an attempt to explore the dynamics of Tibetan nationalism in diaspora. I do this from three perspectives. First, I examine the techniques of contemporary nationalist uprisings among displaced communities, and I argue that the nature and character of the nationalism-in-exile is determined to a great extent by the cooperation between the community within Tibet and those outside it. Secondly, I analyse the situation where a displaced community keeps the nationalism agenda alive in isolation. Specifically, I argue that beyond whatever situation may be present in the territory with a contested sovereignty, those in the diaspora always pursue a policy to establish links and ties--both clandestine and open--with their counterparts and work in tandem in order to facilitate their cause. Thirdly, I argue that fears of persecution cannot be a basis to non-engagement with those living in the contested territory: nationalist struggle is very much like a war, and it cannot be fought effectively from outside. In addition, the aspirations of the community concerned is likely to be compromised if those in the diaspora are overwhelmingly concentrated in one host country. Further, although traditional-legal or charismatic leadership is a great uniting factor and crucial to the vision of the diasporic community, excessive dependence on it can significantly alter the course of the nationalist aspiration.  相似文献   

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