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We utilize and apply visual design theory to experimentallytest ways to improve the likelihood that web respondents reportdate answers in a particular format desired by the researcher,thus reducing possible deleterious effects of error messagesor requests for corrections. These experiments were embeddedin a series of web surveys of random samples of university students.We seek to examine the sequential and cumulative effects ofvisually manipulating the size and proximity of the answer spaces,the use of symbols instead of words, the verbal language ofthe question stem, and the graphical location of the symbolicinstruction. Our results show that the successive series ofvisual language manipulations improve respondents’ useof the desired format (two digits for the month and four digitsfor the year) from 45 percent to 96 percent. These results suggestthat writing effective questions for web surveys may dependas much or more on the presentation of the answer categories/spacesas the question wording itself.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of the age at first marriage among women using an integrated approach incorporating social, familial, and economic factors. Hazard analysis was applied to an original data set for Hong Kong containing 1,024 observations compiled on the basis of a household survey with respondents selected by random sampling. Our findings support the human capital hypothesis, which predicts that women with higher educational attainment and stronger career commitment tend to marry later. In addition, we find that social and family background characteristics are also important determinants of the age at first marriage, including how strongly traditional values and ties to the natal family are held by the women. This research was funded by grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and the Faculty Research Committee of the Hong Kong Baptist University, respectively. I would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers of this journal for their valuable comments.  相似文献   


Most studies of Hmong Americans focus on the cultural adjustment of refugees who arrived in the United States immediately after the Vietnam War. Few studies have examined the cultural adjustment of the children of these refugees, who have been raised primarily in the United States. This study explored whether American-born [ABH] and overseas-born [OBH] Hmong young adults differed in levels, models, and meanings of cultural orientation. Fourteen ABH and 32 OBH college students were asked what “being Hmong” and “being American” meant to them and complete were asked to the General Ethnicity Questionnaire (American and Hmong versions). Both groups reported being more oriented to American culture than Hmong culture. Despite similarities in mean levels of orientation to Hmong and American cultures and in the meanings of “being Hmong” and “being American,” ABH and OBH differed in their underlying models of cultural orientation. For ABH, “being Hmong” and “being Americank” were unrelated constructs, whereas for OBH, they were negatively correlated constructs.  相似文献   

This study used a mixed-method approach to examine the past and present cultural life experiences of Korean adult adoptees. Open-ended responses across four developmental periods (childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and adulthood) were qualitatively analyzed and categorized into seven categories of cultural activities. We then quantitatively investigated the relationship between these domains and ethnic identity. Ethnic identity was positively correlated with only cultural experiences from young adulthood. The practical relevance of the research findings to adopted adults and adoptive families is discussed.  相似文献   

Even if the FDI is important for all host countries, for those in the process of transition to a market economy the FDI presence is critical under many respects. Not all transition countries benefited from the very beginning from the FDI presence. Several determinant factors explain the differences. Romania was lagging behind regarding the interest of foreign investors during the first 9–10 years of transition. The situation has improved greatly. The aim of this paper is to identify the main factors determining the evolution in the FDI/GDP (%) as proxy for the FDI evolution. To this end, we used the method of factors analyses. The four resulted determinant factors are: Market size and potential, Reform progress, Business liberalization, and Labor cost. A linear regression model expresses the connections between dependent variable and the four determinant factors. The paper concludes with certain policy implications.
Anuţa BuigaEmail:

This article examines theoretical thoughts of social learning theory and behavioral therapy and their influences on human behavior within a social and cultural context. The article utilizes two case illustrations with applications for consumers. It points out the abundance of research studies concerning the effectiveness of social learning theory and the paucity of research studies regarding effectiveness and evidence-based practices with diverse groups. Providing a social and cultural context in working with diverse groups with reference to social learning theory adds to the literature for more cultural considerations in adapting the theory to women, African Americans, and diverse groups.  相似文献   

Lee  Orville 《Sociological Forum》1999,14(4):547-581
This essay proposes that sociology can learn from social theory developed in the humanities. In the face of recent challenges to sociological explanations of social outcomes (from rational choice and economic theory, cognitive psychological theories of intelligence, and communitarian social philosophy), social theory should specify the constitutive force of social signification. After identifying a key weakness in theoretical approaches currently available in sociology, the inadequacy of various conceptions of the social, I analyze three significant new works in cultural studies in order to sketch out alternative ways of defining and measuring the force of social signification. The essay concludes with an attempt to establish the basis of a dialogue between cultural studies and sociology.  相似文献   

This article is an empirical investigation into the recent demands made by ethnic groups for recognition as scheduled tribes (ST) in Darjeeling. These demands emerged in the early 1990s after the publication of the Mandal Commission Report and escalated in subsequent years. During the course of this study in 2014 there were 10 ethnic groups demanding recognition as ST. In recent years the developmental strategy adopted by the state government through the constitution of development boards for groups such as Lepcha, Tamang, Sherpa, and Bhutia has caused further escalation of these demands. Discussing these multifarious issues in Darjeeling, this article traces the historical legacy of these demands and discusses in detail formation of ethnic associations and their claims in recent time. Examining the interactions between ethnic associations and government agencies, this article will provide an empirical account of ethnic politics in Darjeeling and the response of the state in containing such demands made by ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the sociocultural influences on risk of first sex among a representative sample of Hispanic (primarily of Mexican origin) teens living in Los Angeles County. Teen acculturation (measured as language of interview) moderates the effects of gender on risk of sex, with less acculturated teens exhibiting the greatest gender difference. Teens living with both biological parents have significantly lower risk of sex and the effect of family acculturation (measured as generational status) operates through teens' language of interview. Neither measure of parent‐youth relationship (socioemotional support, parental control) is significant. Hispanic teens living in low‐density Hispanic neighborhoods have significantly higher risk of sex than do teens living in neighborhoods with higher levels of ambient hazards. The results highlight the importance of characterizing sociocultural influences at multiple levels of aggregation.  相似文献   

Legal changes and increasing research surrounding the positive influence of lesbian parenting have spurred a resulting increase in lesbian couples pursuing parenting through various fertility measures. Increasing counselors' multicultural competence regarding the experiences unique to the lesbian population with fertility will strengthen the counseling process when working with lesbian couples interested in adding children to their family. Through the lens of relational cultural theory, this article uses the constructs of mutuality, empathy, and reciprocity to provide counseling implications for work with lesbian couples during the decision making and stressful process of fertility treatment, while focusing on strengthening the relationship.  相似文献   

This study considers why second-generation Filipino-Americans (SGFAs) may experience unique challenges regarding family socialization, ethnic identity formation, and a history of colonial mentality. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with 30 SGFA emerging adults. An indigenous perspective and life story interview was used to underscore social, political, and historical contexts of participants. Despite experiencing colonial mentality, assimilation, and constrained enculturation, SGFAs displayed areas of resilience through cultural portals, or access points to their own heritage and culture, which allowed them to explore and develop their own ethnic identity in a transformative way.  相似文献   

本文从建设国家中心城市的视角,就广州发展文化创意产业的必要性进行了理论探讨,对广州发展文化创意产业的基础条件进行了实证分析,并提出广州大力发展文化创意产业关键在于解放与发展文化创意产业领域的生产力。  相似文献   

The results of Cohen and Lowenberg's 1990meta-analysis of 50 studies that empirically testBecker's (1960) side-bet model provide little empiricalsupport for his theory of commitment. They conclude that severe limitations of past research, both interms of measuring commitment and the strategies used totest the side-bet model, may be responsible for the lackof empirical support. Alternatively, they submit that if these methodological problems are notat fault, we should consider abandoning the side-bettheory. Three limitations of past side-bet research areaddressed in this study. The results of this study suggest that it is time to resurrect Becker'sside-bet theory of commitment. In doing so, we shouldsubject his theory to tests that employ more valid anddirect measures of the side-bet variables, that use measures of continuance commitment ratherthan affective commitment, and that apply to bothorganizational and occupational commitment.  相似文献   

The determinants of and variations in processes of cultural valorization are of increasing interest to sociologists. In the case of high-culture literary texts, the central evaluation process takes place through canon formation. We explore the mechanisms of canon formation and of cultural valorization processes more generally by analyzing the critical history of Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. Published in 1937 to lukewarm reviews, the novel is currently considered a core canonical text. We specify three processes involved in the reconstruction of Hurston's novel and in the establishment of the African American literary canon: (1) the application of new evaluative criteria, (2) the reconstruction of textual meaning through newly available interpretative strategies, and (3) changes in the institutional and organizational environment that allowed new claims on high-status critical positions to be made by those previously outside the literary hierarchy. The implications of this study for theoretical models of cultural valorization in sociology are considered.  相似文献   

宋平 《城市观察》2014,(4):71-78
广州是海上丝绸之路的重要发祥地之一,具有两千多年的对外贸易交往史,被称为"永不闭关的贸易口岸"。海上丝绸之路是广州极为重要的文化名片。市委市政府在文化建设中注意保护相关的文物古迹和史迹遗存。目前,广州地区的博物馆对海上丝绸之路文物精品的展示十分重视,除了常设陈列的部分外,还举办了一系列相关的临时陈列。广州海事博物馆、十三行博物馆、华侨博物馆也在建设之中。文化古迹大部分已向公众开放,水上的展示也在探索之中。但是广州还有更深的潜力可挖,应主要从统一管理和对外宣传、增加休闲因素、增加"水"元素等方面来考虑。  相似文献   

Cultural capital in an understated nation: the case of Scotland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The concept of cultural capital is rarely used to explore specifically national cultural formations. This paper explores how Scotland, with its distinctive national identity, yet its constitutionally subordinate position within the UK offers an interesting case to explore the relationship between nationality and cultural capital. It examines how the concept can be used to unpick collective national identities, and how devolution might have changed its relationship to matters of identity and culture. It is especially concerned to show how Scotland's position within the UK leads to a form of cultural formation caught between two contradictory assumptions: that Scotland is 'culture-lite'--insufficiently different from the rest of the UK in terms of cultural markers such as language religion etc to be 'national'; and on the other hand that Scotland is 'culture-heavy' in so far as its cultural iconography is so hegemonic and distorted that it generates deformed narratives and discourses.  相似文献   

Since 2008 a profound crisis, not only economic but also political, has been affecting the EU. The Eurobarometers carried out by the European Commision show an increased percentage of people who see their country as not having benefitted from being an EU member. In addition, the presence of extreme‐right parties has grown recently in several democracies. These parties adopt not only an anti‐European but also an anti‐immigrant stance. It is precisely the growing strength and visibility of this link between anti‐Europeanism and anti‐immigration in ideological positions that has prompted our research. Using data from the Eurobarometer 71.3 (2009) for eleven countries, we confirm a correlation between intercultural dialogue – measured using a proxy variable: European identification – and tolerance. Results also corroborate group threat theory. However, the best model takes into account national contexts. These findings show the relevance of studying national historical and cultural traditions to understand how prejudices develop.  相似文献   

残疾文化胜任力是残疾研究领域的一项重要议题,为残疾研究开辟了全新的视野。残疾文化胜任力的嬗变过程经历了研究视角的转型、概念内涵的探明、实践目标的定型三个发展阶段。研究视角的转型包括从“同质化”向“文化多元化”的转型,以及从“文化胜任力”向“残疾文化胜任力”的转型。残疾文化胜任力的内涵包括意识胜任力、态度胜任力、知识胜任力和技能胜任力。残疾文化胜任力的实践目标包括观念性目标、机制性目标与能力性目标。残疾文化胜任力对我国残疾人事业高质量发展具有启示价值,并在残疾人工作研究、残疾人工作实务和残疾人工作策略方面具有视角创新、工具创新与思路创新的价值。  相似文献   

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