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语言是文化的重要载体,是个体进行学习交流的工具,双语教育是两种或多种不同文化之间进行交流的桥梁,是不同民族学生之间沟通和学习的基本前提。近十年来国内学界对新疆少数民族双语教育问题展开了多种方法、多角度、多方面的研究,无论是理论研究的广度和深度,研究的手段与方法的科学性、合理性等方面都取得了良好的成绩。但是仍然有一些问题亟待解决,例如充分地调动双语教学一线工作者在双语教育研究中的积极性,拓宽新疆少数民族双语教育研究者的研究视野,提高双语教育信息化建设的研究等。  相似文献   

完善的双语教学评价有利于双语教学的有效开展。通过文献法对民汉双语教学评价进行综述,发现学术界关于民汉双语教学评价的研究逐渐形成了相对固定的研究主题,集中在民汉双语教学评价的内涵、指标、原则、意义和现状等几个方面。通过对已有研究文献的进一步反思,可知民汉双语教学评价研究存在实证调查研究不足、研究主题局限、评价指标可行性不强及缺乏特色的问题,进而提出加强民汉双语教学评价的实证研究、拓展民汉双语教学评价的研究主题、强化民汉双语教学评价指标可行性的研究、健全民汉双语教学评价内容及体现双语特色的研究趋势。  相似文献   

新疆双语教育实践是新形势下兴疆稳疆的必然要求,熟练掌握国家通用语言文字不仅仅是学会一门语言,更是对学生的求职、发展以及增强各民族的交流,增强民族的凝聚力、向心力有很大意义。随着社会的不断发展,双语教育取得了极大的成效,但要达到民汉兼通人才培养目标,需要进一步加大双语教育政策的保证力度,同时双语教育师资的双量达标是关键,课程和教材建设仍需不断加强。  相似文献   

张建娣 《职业》2012,(12):29-30
一、国外研究综述在职业生涯规划教育研究方面,国外已有十分成熟的理论成果。弗兰克?帕森斯(Frank Parsons)在其《选择一个职业》(1909年)一书中,在世界范围内第一次运用了"职业指导",书中提出了人—职匹配理论,开启了职业指导理论的先河,建构了帮助青年学生了解自己、了解职业,使人的特点与职业要求相匹配的职业指导模式。但这种职业指导模式过分重视职业信息的作用,以求职者了解职业信息资料为主导,却忽视了对求职者内在心理分析的研究。  相似文献   

加拿大浸入式双语教育,起源于20世纪60年代,作为一种典型的双语教育模式,一度引起世界范围内的广泛关注。围绕当前困扰少数民族地区幼儿双语教育的诸多难题,如多语种相互干扰,导致幼儿语言学习困难,语言环境的缺乏及硬件条件的匮乏,教学媒介语选择困难等。加拿大浸入式双语教育的概述及其在少数民族地区学前双语教育中的优势和价值,为少数民族地区学前双语教育引入浸入式双语教育模式,对我国双语教育的发展,提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

在科技创新的作用下,教育现代化已成为当今社会教育发展的潮流。尤其是人工智能的出现,更是为幼儿双语教育的可持续发展提供了强大的支持。幼儿双语教育经过教学方式方法、教学内容、教学模式改革,逐渐进入更高的层次,即"科技+教育"。在此过程中,人工智能作为当今时代最具瞩目的技术,凭借其强大的技术功能优势,得到了教育界人士的广泛关注与认可,并围绕智慧教育展开了深入的实践与探索。  相似文献   

祝拥军  尤凤翔 《职业时空》2012,(8):42-44,47
中国不同层次的教育一般都会依据本层次教育实施双语教育的目的、教育的对象,教师的专业素养、双语教育的内容、双语教育的政策法规等构建有本层次教育特色的双语教学模式或策略。文章拟对不同教育层次的人才培养目标进行分类,对国外双语教育的主要模式进行分析述评,进而在剖析国外双语教育模式的特征与交通运输类职业院校实施双语教育模式的利弊和实施条件的基础上,提出构建具有交通运输类职业院校特色的双语教学策略。  相似文献   

双语教育是加拿大教育中的一个重要特征,尤其是沉浸式双语教学。加拿大被认为是最早推行多元政策的国家,又因为双语教育是多元文化教育的根基、延伸和必要的补充,所以双语教学在加拿大得到政府的极大支持和高度重视。加拿大的"双语教育"得到多元文化的认同,双语教育的机会平等,其目的是提高语言水平。本文将从加拿大双语教育的形成,双语教育(尤其是沉浸式教学)的定义、理念、分类和双语教学取得的成绩等方面来分析加拿大的双语教育,并从加拿大双语教育与我国的双语教学等方面思考加拿大双语教育对中国现行双语教学的启示。  相似文献   

何永贤 《现代妇女》2014,(9):204-205
本文重点分析了延边朝鲜族自治州少数民族学前双语教育对模式、环境以及对游戏活动的要求。针对双语教育存在的主要问题,结合延边地区的实际情况指出如何开展好双语教育的对策。  相似文献   

双语教育中语言的习得和运用都涉及语言关系。随着时代的发展和社会的进步,语言关系也呈现出新的变化。在进行少数民族双语教育时应以双语关系的模式、特点、类型等为依据,同时兼顾新情况的特点及原因。从民族地方政府入手采用多元化的方式平衡语言关系和双语教育之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

This study compared perceptions of school connectedness to traditional community schools and residential treatment center (RTC) schools for youths between the ages of 12 and 18 receiving treatment within two RTCs. The influence of gender, report card grades, and engagement in treatment were also examined in relation to school connectedness in the RTC schools. Findings indicated that youths reported greater connectedness to the residential schools and that engagement in treatment led to higher levels of school connectedness while in residence. Results are discussed in the context of practices that may increase school connectedness in community and RTC schools.  相似文献   


Although associations between developmental trauma, juvenile justice involvement and youth substance use have been previously reported in the published literature, the interconnection among these three factors has not been adequately studied. This article describes the interconnection among these three factors and calls for greater attention to the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the diagnosis and treatment of youth who present with histories of substance use and/or offending behavior. Pilot data are presented that show high rates of self-reported trauma exposure, substance use history, justice involvement, and mental health problems in a sample of adolescents in residential treatment. The data point to the need for residential treatment centers to consider trauma histories in developing treatment plans for youth with current and prior substance use and offending behavior.  相似文献   

Many studies of innovation adoption in health care organizations focus either on organizational characteristics or the institutional environment, but not both. Furthermore, these perspectives are rarely employed simultaneously in both public and private health care organizations. This research considers the public-private distinction, organizational compatibility, and interorganizational referral relationships in the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) by substance abuse treatment organizations. Using data from nationally representative samples of 363 publicly funded and 403 privately funded substance abuse treatment centers, a four-category typology of public and private organizations initially predicted variation in SSRI use. However some differences were no longer significant once organizational and environmental characteristics were added to the statistical model. These data support hypotheses about the associations between organizational characteristics and SSRI use as well as hypotheses regarding the external environment. Future research should continue to integrate both internal and external factors in theoretical explanations of innovation adoption.  相似文献   

马连勇  李继东 《城市》2011,(6):61-65
垃圾处理是生态环境建设的重要内容,是发展循环经济和再生资源的重要组成部分,也是保护环境、提高城市环境质量、改善居民生活质量的重要工作内容,对城市经济、社会可持续健康发展和人民群众健康安全具有重大意义。随着我国国民经济的快速发展,  相似文献   

With the decline of public trust in corporate America, organizations must consider ways to improve their relationships with key publics. One of the best strategies to build trust is through engaging in transparent communication (Rawlins, 2009). The increase in the popularity of social media has brought both challenges and opportunities for organizational transparency. This study used multiple methods to explore whether public relations professionals believe they are using social media to communicate transparently, to investigate how social media can be used to improve transparency along with its benefits and challenges, and to identify how transparency is used in social media campaigns.  相似文献   

This research was undertaken at a West Coast USA sheltered retirement community where fifteen able elder residents were interviewed about their personal relationships and communication with peers, family and younger people. This paper focuses on respondent's discursive constructions of their relationships with family—particularly adult grandchildren. The analysis shows how respondents' talk about family relationships is largely positive and discusses how respondents build an image of intergenerational solidarity through their accounts of frequency and quality of contact with grandchildren. Some of the ways that intergenerational solidarity is communicated in the context of the interview are: discounting of family problems; cataloguing achievements and talking about grandchildren with pride; demonstrating that they–the elder–are valued; and accounts of how problematic aspects of their relationships are avoided in intergenerational talk.  相似文献   

The Solon tribes, including the Oroqen, the Ewenk and the Daur, have lived in Heilongjiang (North Manchuria) for millennia. For centuries, the Solon led a hunting life in the mountains and along the rivers. Their constant migration earned them a reputation as nomads. Russian penetration into the region in the late nineteenth century Russified many of the Solon, which alarmed the Chinese government into action. The Chinese persistently embraced every opportunity to win them over. The principal policy adopted by both the Qing dynasty and the Chinese Republic was to turn Solon nomads into sedentary farmers. The government erected villages for the Solon, helped them to adapt to new life, and educated them to be Chinese citizens. These paternalistic yet preferential measures, however, rapidly Sinicized the Solon in just three decades.  相似文献   

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