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法律语言学研究综观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一门新兴学科,法律语言学研究已经取得了令世人瞩目的成就.我们首先概述法律语言学的兴起,总结出国内外界定法律语言学研究对象的三种学术观点(即法律属性、语言和法律的关系、法律语言的研究素材三个不同的研究立足点),综述法律语言学不同的研究方法和多元的学术视角即综合运用修辞学、逻辑学和心理学等学科的研究成果与方法,厘清国内外法律语言学在研究内容、研究方法、研究语料和研究条件等方面的差异.最后,从法律语言学的理论建构、研究方法、实践与应用等方面展望中国法律语言学未来的发展趋势.法律语言学综观研究旨在帮助国内法律语言研究者和语言学学者了解法律语言的研究状况,借鉴和吸收国内外法律语言研究的最新成果,加速我国法律语言学研究的步伐.  相似文献   

近年来,随着语言学领域“社会文化”理论的转向,语言学研究焦点由原来的关注句法结构特点和认知特点转移到了交际的社会、文化和语用能力方面.伯恩斯坦对传统意义上的“语言能力”和“语言运用”及其与社会的关系这一核心问题的观点的质疑和社会学意义上的修正与批判,表明其所研究的领域已从语言学范畴的“语言能力”转向社会学意义上的语言使用的“合法能力”.这一转向揭示了伯恩斯坦独到的社会文化语言观,及其对语言本质与社会文化、语言习得、语言教育等相互关系的影响.对伯恩斯坦语言能力观的解读对我国当下研究教育公平具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

任海棠 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):158-160
近年来语言学被直接运用于服务经济发展与商业传播,语言学人力资源在该产业中发挥着巨大的作用,但是展示语言新产业———品牌命名,我国语言学研究与应用还存在不足。呼吁国内语言与语言学专家、学者对此给予关注、参与,把语言学理论及其研究成果应用到产品命名中,用语言学理论解决与语言有关的实际问题,让语言学研究为我国的经济建设做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

最近一二十年来,越来越多的国内外学者对公化语言及认知语言学角度下概念隐喻给予了不断关注,使之成为一大研究热点。本文借助概念隐喻理论,分析公式化语言意义的形成与理解上的认知机制。这一探讨对于更好地促进公式化语言的研究与习得以及二语习得教学的发展具有一定的指导意义和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

基于社会语言学视角的导游语言研究展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对导游语言的研究作了一个回顾,分析了当前研究的不足之处,并提出了基于社会语言学理论的研究视角,主张从社会角度看导游语言和从导游语言角度看社会,前者涉及导游语言的本质、主体、选择研究等,后者涉及导游语言的语码转换、评价标准、社会因素引起的变化研究等.  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着中日两国各领域交往的不断扩大 ,人们希望了解日本语言的热情不断高涨 ,国内研究日本语言的图书也相继问世。但在这些介绍日本语言的图书中 ,除少量面向专家、学者的学术专著外 ,绝大部分为翻译、编译国外的有关图书 ,缺少具有中国学者独到见解并针对中国大学日语相关专业本科生和研究生系统了解日本语言的较好教材 ,对于一般社会读者来说也缺少一部概括了解日本语言的入门书。为了填补国内上述空白 ,北京日本学研究中心副主任、语言学博士徐一平教授在多年学习、研究和总结国内外最新研究成果的基础上撰写了《日本语言》一书。…  相似文献   

日本很晚才使用社会语言学这一名称,据我了解,1973年野元菊雄和江川清在《国立国语研究所的道路——社会语言学》的报告中最早使用了这一名称。社会语言学是研究什么的,根据杉户清树对社会语言学的基本态度和看法可以概括为两点:(一)从使用语言的人和集团与社会的联系上来研究语言;(二)从更大的范围对某语言社会以及个人使用的语言进行研究。索绪尔曾把对语言体系本身进行考察的学问叫“内部语言学”;把和语言体系没有直接关系,对地域广阔的、和社会性用法有关系的语言进行考察的学问叫“外部语言学”。社会语言学重  相似文献   

生态语言学属于一门文理综合的学科,也是新时代背景下的研究热点及新方向。英语是一门语言课程,若能基于生态语言学背景来优化教学,则能使高校英语语言学教学走出困境,使学生在课堂上掌握英语知识、获得英语学习能力的提升。高校英语语言学教学存在较为明显的教学困境,具体表现为过分侧重理论教学、忽视学生个体差异、忽视学生兴趣、师资力量不足等方面,而为了有效解决上述问题,该文就生态语言学背景下的高校英语语言学教学困境开展了分析。  相似文献   

闫文培 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):107-112
随着时代的变迁和语言的发展,现代俚语的概念和构成已发生迁延和扩展,绝大多数社会流行语已成为现代俚语的重要组成部分。从语用学、认知语言学和社会心理学等多个视角考察俚语的形成机理可见,关联理论、认知语境、模因论以及逆反心理是现代俚语得以形成的基本原理、必要条件、重要途径和心理学基础。  相似文献   

MSW学位教育的推广表明我国社会工作专业教育取得了较大发展.不过在具体教学中,社会性别主流化这一重要的理论分析视角尚未受到相应的重视.我国MSW教学实践中有必要将社会性别视角引入,培养有社会性别意识和理论素养的社会工作者,在具体教学中探索赋权增能方向的社会工作介入方式,进而提升社会工作专业学位的培养效果.  相似文献   

The current study seeks to understand the nature of gender relations within a post‐Soviet welfare model in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia. On the basis of the analysis of key labour market indicators, parental leave, and childcare policies, it finds that the welfare models in the three countries are hybrid, and neither authoritarianism in Kazakhstan and Russia nor democracy in Mongolia lead to substantive gender equality outcomes. Persistent gender inequality in these countries is underpinned by the neo‐liberal approach to welfare provision, conservative social norms, and limited agency of civil society to influence the policy agenda. Nonetheless, these states have distributed to the population with an emphasis on working mothers, and this policy choice has been driven by economic, demographic, and political considerations, which ultimately serve to support, rather than transform, the patriarchal power structure in these societies.  相似文献   

The issues of race, color, ethnicity, and class present many challenges for goup workers leading adolescent counseling groups in culturally muted urban areas. These issues are examined in detail in the context of a school-based group work program for middle school teenagers. The role of the group leader in working with this population is discussed, and guidelines are offered for developing biculturalism in group members and for addressing race, color, ethnicity, and class as they arise in bicultural group processes.  相似文献   

The largest, the cruelest empire in the history of mankind is rapidly disintegrating. But we must not be deluded. The ruins of great empires do not yet mean the emergence of a new, happier, and wiser society. The empire has not yet disintegrated entirely. But even when it does, this will not mean that the people inhabiting one-sixth of the earth's surface will live better, that life will become happy, and that our countrymen will be freer, richer, healthier, better educated, and more humane. Even the cessation of the activity of the CPSU does not mean that the destructive force of lawlessness, militarism, the suppression of human dignity, stagnation, conservatism, the terrible discomfort of everyday life, unprecedented exploitation, general incompetence, parasitism, and technological backwardness is a museum relic forever consigned to the past.  相似文献   

Links between religion and prejudice have been interpreted to suggest that religion can both reduce and exacerbate prejudice. Here, the analysis of religion as a meaning system illuminates how religion can affect intergroup attitudes. Traditional psychological perspectives on religion and prejudice are summarized, followed by a discussion of religion and prejudice in cross-cultural and cross-religious contexts, involving varying target groups. Next, we explore possible explanatory mechanisms by proposing how four levels of meaning associated with religion—cognitive, motivational, societal, and intergroup—may both promote and attenuate prejudice. Finally, additional factors that might facilitate the paradoxical coexistence of religious egalitarian intentions with prejudiced attitudes are considered, and we speculate about the potential for religious groups to reduce prejudice within their adherents.  相似文献   

Group-based power is generally associated with three types of group distinctions: adult-child, gender, and ethnicity. We argue that gender-based power is not comparable to ethnic-based power, in part because the forms and degree of institutional discrimination experienced by men and women of subordinate ethnic groups are not similar to one another, and in part because stereotypes and categorization processes pertaining to gender are not comparable across ethnic groups. Finally, in experiments using college students as participants, we show that whether applicants are placed into occupations that would enhance or attenuate group-based inequality depends jointly on job applicants' ethnicity and gender. Implications for theories of inequality based on gender and ethnicity and the relationship of gendered power to other group-based forms of power are discussed.  相似文献   

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