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Informatics is an indispensable discipline for leaders and managers--of patients, facilities, and organizations--because the most important assets of those organizations are their information processing technologies, and the key skills are those that help them to manage information. Managers and executives will increasingly need to anticipate trends in information management technologies that could affect their business. In health care, computer-based patient records, integration engines, online analytical processing systems, telemedicine, expert systems, and the Internet have become vital to having the competitive advantage. Those who do not understand the promise and limitations of these technologies and the need for strong leadership to establish standards for data and transaction systems will not lead their organizations well.  相似文献   

Major changes in the health care financing and delivery system have usually been accompanied by an increase in demand within the health care field for consulting services. The passage of Medicare/Medicaid in 1965 is one example. The passage of the DRG-based prospective pricing system in 1983 is another. Both spawned a substantial amount of work, and income, for consulting firms. Now the health care field is engaged in nearly total transformation as the forces of health care reform at the national level are met with myriad adjustments at the local and regional levels. Managed care, already a byword, is being strengthened by a multitude of so-called integrated system initiatives. It is not easy to survive, and the call is out to consultants to save the day, or at least stave off disaster. In the following four articles, Marilyn Kennedy, a member of the ACPE faculty and a consultant herself, gives some advice on how to make the consulting arrangement successful; three physician executives provide a glimpse at consults that have worked, and some that did not work.  相似文献   

When physicians, hospitals, and allied health professionals bill for services they render, their information processing requirements are relatively simple, at least compared to those of capitated organizations. When payers (insurers or employers) accept financial risk for the health care services of beneficiaries, they have usually invested in claims processing, membership tracking, and, under managed care, utilization review and provider profiling systems. But payers, for the most part, have not invested in electronic collection of clinical information about beneficiaries, nor have they tended to keep all claims they have processed in electronic form for study after accounts are settled and payments disbursed. In this article, we will explore why informatics is so important to capitated organizations and why payers that have traditionally taken financial risk for insuring the health care costs of populations are also learning about the importance of informatics.  相似文献   

This article is intended to improve consultation practice by explaining the significance of models, heuristics, and diagnostic aids in organizational diagnosis. The role of diagnostic models in determining the consultant's frame of reference is explained. Evidence that organizational consultants consciously use diagnostic models is provided by citing two independent studies that revealed about 70% of the consultants reported that a diagnostic model was used. The availability, representativeness, and anchoring heuristics used by diagnosticians are summarized and examples of their use are cited. Readers are warned that bias occurs from misapplying the heuristics. However, guidance on correctly applying the heuristics is provided. The development and improvement of diagnostic expertise is explained from the perspective of learning through education as well as feedback received from clients, colleagues (as shadow consultants and as consulting team members), and self. Thus, written from the perspective of a consultant, the article provides a practical presentation on diagnostic bias, supported by theory and empirical research. It should appeal not only to a consulting constituency (i.e. practicing consultants, consultant trainers, and novice consultants), but also to the large number of potential clients (i.e. organizational decision-makers). Future research directions are discussed in terms of (1) the research that has identified relationships between consultant characteristics (e.g. Jungian constructs) and diagnostic information, and (2) the potential of expert systems in organizational diagnosis.  相似文献   

The increasing need for business to monitor the social dimensions of its environment and, hopefully make some forecasts of future trends has met with some constructive response from academics and consultants although not as yet on a very liberal scale. The published literature does not indicate to what extent companies in general attemp social forecasting and, where they do, the degree of integration which exists within their corporate planning systems. The authors, therefore, decided to survey a sample of British organizations to see if they could shed some light on these issues and thereby add some information to the excellent accounts of individual cases of social forecasting in, they suspect, the more advanced and atypical companies. The survey suggests a general picture of: awareness of the value of social forecasting; fairly widespread ignorance of the techniques which do exist, primitive though these may largely be; successful integration of social forecasting into the corporate planning systems of a substantial number of organizations but not in the majority.  相似文献   

Without question, the most important processes occurring in managed care that can be expected to affect quality are accreditation and the effort to obtain and compare uniform information on quality of care across health care organizations, in short, to create "report cards." For both processes, 1993 was an extremely productive year, and 1994 promises to be even more so. These two processes fit hand-in-glove--one is designed to determine that managed care organizations are equipped to serve the public and to implement better health care programs, while the other is designed to help them understand and improve their own performance. Although, in the short run, managed care organizations may view both these efforts as additional costs, in the long run, both should lead to a better industry and to better care for the public.  相似文献   

The first article in this series describes a research project--a survey of more than 300 physician executives. Asked to share their personal experiences of unsuccessful consultations, our correspondents painted a picture of what can go wrong when organizational consultants enter health care systems, and described the lasting destructive sequelae to failed consultations. The two issues responsible for most failed consultations were the intrusion of internal politics into the consultation process and the failure to clearly establish and maintain consensual goals. Part 2 of this series will explore the consultation process from a different perspective, examining the issues that often trigger requests for consultation services and the dynamics that can foreshadow success or failure before consultants are even engaged.  相似文献   

Why is medical informatics important to health care leaders? As an emerging science, informatics focuses on applying computing and communication technology to decision making for clinicians and managers. It enhances the understanding of how information and communication systems can impact the work health care managers must accomplish. As the cost of technology for digital information management continues to decline, organizations and individuals will look for ways to offset the human costs of managing and conveying information. The way of the paper medical record is being replaced by the less expensive and more efficient digital information systems. Leaders of health care organizations need to look for every opportunity to deploy networks and computers to reduce the labor costs of data collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis.  相似文献   

Part I of this series described a research project--a survey of more than 300 physician executives. Asked to share their personal experiences of unsuccessful consultations, our correspondents painted a clear picture of what can go wrong when organizational consultants enter health care systems, and described the lasting destructive sequelae to failed consultations. The two issues responsible for most failed consultations were the intrusion of internal politics into the process and the failure to clearly establish and maintain consensual goals. In Part 2, the consultation process is explored from a very different perspective. What are the issues that often trigger requests for consultation services, as well as the dynamics that can foreshadow success or failure before consultants are even engaged? What are the pitfalls and pointers for the successful use of consultation services?  相似文献   

To improve their strategy decision-making, managers have sought the assistance of strategy consultants. Strategy consultants differ in the degree to which they focus on content or process, the degree to which they are transactive or participative in their consulting approach and their level of specific expertise. Research on the benefits of strategy consulting is limited and inconclusive. While individual firms show concern about monitoring effectiveness, their approach is rarely comprehensive and often ignores measurement of company benefits. Recommendations for both clients and the profession are set out to improve the benefits of strategy consulting assignments.  相似文献   

很多企业或组织利用移动社交媒体服务平台(如微信公众号)发布内容来吸引用户参与互动(点赞、评论等)以达到宣传和营销目的,而用户不同互动行为的影响机制及其差异尚无明确结论.基于精细加工可能性模型和用户互动参与的相关理论文献,本文以医疗健康类企业微信公众号为研究情景,从中心路径(信息质量)和边缘路径(来源可信度和情绪因素)出发,探究用户对健康信息点赞和评论互动行为意向的影响机制及其差异.为了验证所提模型和假设,本文采用大规模在线情景问卷调研方法收集数据并进行实证检验,结果显示:1)信息质量、来源可信度对用户点赞意向的影响显著强于评论意向;2)信息负情绪性对评论意向影响不显著而对点赞意向的影响负向显著;3)信息正情绪性与来源可信度对两种用户互动行为意向的影响均显著强于信息质量.研究结论丰富了在线信息互动行为的相关理论,为移动社交媒体运营商在发布信息方面提供实践指导.  相似文献   

It is trite to say health care is experiencing an era of unprecedented change. However, with the preoccupation with reimbursement and economic reform, it is easy to focus on this single dimension and lose sight of the pervasiveness of the need for continuous change throughout the entire health care organization. Health care organizations that will emerge as leaders within the industry will have incorporated not only radical changes to deal with new patterns of reimbursement, but also simultaneous changes in core medical services--changes that not only incorporate new technology, but also push down costs. They will also have to cope with radical changes in information and quality systems. Physical facilities will look less like citadels, and new flexible architectures will emerge. Coping with transportation logistics and remote site service provision will be part of the new industry. Patients will become full partners in ?health,? requiring very different approaches to patient education and involvement in prevention, not simply treatment. Indeed, without belaboring the almost endless list, it is impossible to think of a single dimension of health care that will be untouched.  相似文献   

In much the same way that demands by managed care organizations are shaping the way physicians practice, health care purchasers impact how managed care organizations operate. Corporations purchase managed health care through their employee benefits programs, and understanding the language, objectives, and limitations of these purchasers is essential to grasping the forces influencing managed care organizations and the modern practice of medicine. The emergence of value-based purchasing as a strategic corporate approach to health benefits programs will dictate the forces on physicians, hospitals, and managed care organizations for years to come. These forces have already led to price reductions, health plan accreditation, employee-directed report cards, outcomes management, and organized systems of care, and they will determine the broad outlines of the emerging U.S. health care system.  相似文献   

Strategies of conflict management. Coaching, supervision and organisational development in comparisonHow do different kinds of professional consultants engage in conflict management and what do they concentrate on most in their consulting work? This article explores and compares the approaches of professional coaches, supervisors and organisational consultants, focussing on the central differences and commonalities of the consulting approaches that emerge from three case studies of conflict resolution. Whereas coaching, relying on the idea that conflicts in a business are best addressed by leaders and a top-down strategy, trains executives in conflict resolution, supervision and organisational consulting emphasize a participatory model that involves all the affected parties in conflict resolution. The author considers the various consequences these approaches have for those seeking help, as well as the substantive and methodological differences become evident in the course of consulting sessions.  相似文献   

Ruffin M 《Physician executive》1995,21(9):42-5concl
In this second part of a two-part column, Dr. Ruffin provides greater detail on seven key factors that he believes will govern the operations of integrated systems. Successful systems, he says, will be those that attract and retain physicians, have disciplined governance, integrate care through sharing of information among system elements, conserve capital, ensure strategic growth, control costs, and are proficient at processing information. It is important to understand, he says, that, in the movement from a fee-for-service payment mechanism, in which the various elements of the health care field bill for their services independently and according to rules designed for their benefit, to an integrated system, in which such independence can only lead to chaos, very substantial changes will be required in the governance of our health care institutions and organizations.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

Complexity theory offers a powerful model for effective mergers of health care organizations that differs substantially from customary approaches. Exploring how Deaconess Billings Clinic in Montana evolved from two separate and very different cultures provides insight into how organizations can apply a complex adaptive system (CAS) model of mergers to create more truly integrated health care systems. DBC's merger illustrates the phenomenon of emergence in complex systems, whereby structures arise that are not a synthesis of the pre-existing cultures or the result of a new culture being imposed. Instead, the merger is understood as an ongoing, self-organizing process appropriately characterized by fits and starts, feelings of uncertainty, and other natural challenges of change and growth. By squarely surfacing the distinct cultures of the organizations through abundant interaction, relationship building, and information flow, differences can be creatively transformed, resulting in deep-seated change and the emergence of a genuine, shared health care system culture.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, dynamic changes in the health care industry have created new organizations for physicians. The major change for physicians has not been the organization itself, but the principles by which it is governed. This fundamental shift is studied with its impact on physicians, by analogy, becoming more like serfs or more like citizens. A review of the general organizational direction and results of non-physician health care organizations is made followed by the statistical trends of physician groups. Historical comparisons of non-health care industries are made with current organizational choices of physicians and physician groups. Observations of physician decisions are made identifying the direction they send physician status along the continuum from serf to citizen. Physicians are unknowingly making decisions regarding the principles by which they will be governed in new organizations. The choices they are making give them less autonomy and less opportunity to make future choices. The seductive invitation to spend less time in administrative matters and more time practicing medicine is a siren's call that will diminish the status of physicians and the autonomy by which medicine is practiced.  相似文献   

Ruffin M 《Physician executive》1995,21(8):45-7 contd
In this first part of a two-part column, Dr. Ruffin introduces seven key factors that will govern the operations of integrated systems. It is important to understand, he says, that, in the movement from a fee-for-service payment mechanism, in which the various elements of the health care field bill for their services independently and according to rules designed for their benefit, to an intregrated system, in which such independence can only lead to confusion in information systems, very substantial changes will be required in the governance of our health care institutions and organizations. In the second part of the column, Dr. Ruffin will elaborate on the seven factors that must be considered in the transition.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the authors' thinking on value added in health care, and offers examples of the major strategies being implemented by integrated systems across the United States to increase their value and improve their competitive positioning. The research results are based on a review of published literature on 150 health care organizations in various stages of integration, and 20 in-depth case studies of integrating systems.  相似文献   

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