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THOSE who've seen the movie "Titanic" might think that they could never forget the soul-stirring catastrophe of the sinking of the "unsinkable" ship. However for the survivors of the Dashun their real life tragedy really will be etched in their memories for all time. November 24, 1999 was an inauspicious day for the passengers and crew aboard the Dashun. Leaving Yantai in East China's Shandong Province for Dalian, a port city in  相似文献   

No Wonder! 怪不得呢! Guai bu de ne! Sometimes, people want to find answers to the questions that puzzle them. If the truth turns out to prove their shrewd observations, they will be pleased. Example例句: 1. A:Hey, Lao Li was arrested for embezzlement! B: No wonder! I was curious where he got  相似文献   

THE rural market economy is becoming feminized because many male laborers are transferring to nonagricultural work. Women are now making a show of their decisive force in utilizing agricultural resources. As a result, agriculture's sustainable development will more and more depend on women's qualifications, including how well they will manage agricultural resources and how well they will master science and technology. In fact, rural women don't yet have full economic independence. Although they have involved themselves in economic activities and have played a  相似文献   

Many women dream that one day they will have a wedding ring slid onto their finger by someone they dearly love, and they will happily spend the rest of their days with that person. My wife was no exception. When wewere preparing for our marriage, I asked what she wanted most. "A ring, an exquisite ring, for sure," she said excitedly. Taking her into my arms I said, "You'Ⅱ have it." Unfortunately I failed to keep my word. When we were just about to get married, my father contracted lung cancer. I spent nearly all of my savings and got into debt because of the hospital bills. Ten days after my father's death, my wife brought her luggage to my room. We pasted the character “喜”(double happiness) at the bedside and in the living room. It was autumn. "Now let it be the time to harvest our four years'love. "said she. Without any ceremony or guests, we got married. Thinking that my wife couldn't get the ring she craved for filled me with regret. That evening I held her tight, gently stroking her delicate  相似文献   

Society expects children regardless of their gender -- to get married when they grow up. How, ever, for some people, marriage is not the ultimate goal, It is also not a safe haven, just because two people exchange vows, it certainly does not mean that they will be protected from problems, And there is no such thing as a smooth journey in marriage. Many couples end up filing for divorce, and those who manage to stay together until old age must all cope with friction and difficulties along the way.  相似文献   

Of all the interpersonal relationships a woman will have, the one with her best friend will be the most special friendship. The special friendship between two women who are best friends has oft been discussed and the center of attention in novels and films. In Chinese, a woman's closest friend is called guhni. Perhaps the writers and playwrights were inspired by their own or their friends' stories about guimi, and that prompted them to produce works that addressed the topic. Such works have reminded many people of their own friends. Guimi has become a popular term in recent years. If you search the term guimi on the lnternet, you will find countless entries, and you will notice that many websites and BBS (bulletin board system) include guimi in their names.  相似文献   

If parents are sober- minded,they should try to find the root causes of their children's indulgence in on-line games,rather than merely blaming it on us.Now that children are heavily burdened with all sorts of lessons,in addition to their schoolwork,most of them are attending various extra-curricular courses,such as…English, mathematics,piano and dance. As their schedules are arranged by their parents,they have little time to tend their own interests.  相似文献   

Beijingers' Fads     
THOSE who have recently returned from abroad or have come to Beijing from other parts of the country will find great changes have taken place in Beijing. Then they will see that Beijing's young women dressed in the latest fashions.  相似文献   

DURING the past 40 years, society considered that women earned honor when they gave birth to children while they suffered physical and mental agony. However, they did not receive any substantial respect or material compensation, nor did they have any say in choosing to have children. While seeking their own  相似文献   

When I read your opinion column, "Are All Parents Toublemakers?" it made me realize that I had similar problems with my daughter. I am always concerned about her success and if she will make it in the big, wide world. 1 think any parent feels the same about their child, no matter where they're from. Yet, there are times when I think, "Is this really what I want for my child? Is this really what my child wants for herself?"  相似文献   

"Millions of men and women in the world are living in a miserable abyss. They can hear sounds that others don't, see images that others cannot, and their minds are filled with eccentric ideas. Even as they smile, misery is gnawing at the heart; they may sit quietly, but it feels like hundreds of horses are stampeding inside their brains. They are overwhelmed by worry and fear. In this way, the serious person becomes silly, the energetic goes dull, the cheerful turns gloomy and the honest may cheat you.In other words, they have been plunged into uncontrollable fantasies that take them far away from reality. They are the mentally ill, and they are deeply unfortunate." Professor Xia Zhenyi, a well-known Chinese psychiatrist, offered this sympathetic view of his patients. He reminds us: "Mental patients are human beings too."  相似文献   

The phrase "iron girl" is symbolic of an era. Widely used in the 1960s and the early 1970s, it was a term that described women who, in the spirit of sexual equality, found in themselves a physical strength that surpassed their psychologi cal expectations. With their might and power, they proved to society that women could do everything that men could. The title of "iron girl" was their pride.The well-known writer Fan Xiaoqing, was one such iron girl. She says the "iron girls" were nothing less than a quest for perfection.  相似文献   

MOST modern women place a very high importance on earning the respect of society through the work that they do: they consider themselves very fortunate if they have a job which they are interested in. However, when been asked about what they regard as the most crucial thing in their working life they answered quite differently:- "I need to earn money for economic reasons"- "Earning money earns me respect from my family and society."- "Working is the focus and center of  相似文献   

As you may have noticed, Women of China has taken on a new look to start the New Year. We are more compact. The Feature will bring you more in-depth reports on Chinese women and the issues with which they areconcerned. The Column will provide you with more interesting and practical information about Chinese culture and Chinese life. We hope to give you a fresh start this year. On January 29, 2006, Chinese people throughout the world will celebrate their most important festival—Spring Fe…  相似文献   

THE five women shown here are doctors. Eighty-four years ago, they sat for this photographic portrait. The photo depicts the tasteful combination of East and West. While the photographic studio was decorated in the European style, the women doctors were dressed in traditional Chinese fashion with their hair coiled in Japanese style. We can also see that though the ladies were in vogue for their time, they still displayed shyness facing a male photographer, as most can be observed shifting their eyesight away from the lens.  相似文献   

Mother's Art was established by Sichuan Women's Federation in October. The Mother's Art project is intended to spur development of the craft industry in Sichuan Province. Under the project, the women's federation provides financial assistance to underprivileged women, so they can acquire the skills needed to make crafts and, in turn, make money to care for their families. The project benefits women and children. Each woman who works in the province's craft industry, and each business that sells crafts made by the province's women, will join the project.  相似文献   

"We should work out regulations that allow husbands to take leaves from work to care for their pregnant wives,as that will promote the nation's policy of gender equality.Nowadays, many employers are reluctant to recruit women,as women take  相似文献   

Mark May 14, 2006, on the calendar. It will be Mother's Day: the special day on which we thank all mothers for the love they give their children, and for the contributions they make to society. For generations, people have celebrated Mother's Day. Ancient Greeks held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of Mary,  相似文献   

Chinese students Edward Han and Liao Hongjing traveled to Edinburgh,Scotland,in September 2006. They both spent a year completing postgraduate studies there,and their experiences gave them memories they will never forget.两位在英国爱丁堡求学的中国学生与读者们分享他们在海外难忘的时刻……  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
As a mother, I am glad that many children orphaned by the Siehuan earthquake found their new families in the Ankang Home. My prayers go out to the recent earthquake victims in Yushu, may they find a way to rebuild their homes and lives.  相似文献   

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