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对不起,我要下车! Duibuqi,wo yao xia che! Excuse me,I want off.你能帮我一个忙吗? Ni nenng bang wo yi ge mang ma? Can you do me a favor?麻烦你帮帮我吧! Matan ni bangbang wo ba! Could you help me?  相似文献   

Why Didn't You Say So Earlier/in the First Place?你怎么不早说呀? This sentence is often used when someone complains about another person who gives advice after the fact, at which point it is too late to be useful. In fact, the speaker tries to shift the blame to the other person. Example例句: 1. A: Could you help me get two tickets for Swan Lake? B: Why didn't you say so earlier? I had 10! A:帮我搞两张“天鹅湖”的票好吗? B:你怎么不早说呀!刚才我手里还有10张!  相似文献   

Are You Kidding?你不是开玩笑吧? Nǐbúshìkāi wán xiào ba? This sentence can be used in two different situations:Either when one thinks something is too good to be true,or when he/ she can hardly believe bad news. Example例句:1.A:Tomorrow,I'll give you 10,000 yuan to buy clothes. B:Are you kidding me? A:明天我给你一万块钱买衣服!  相似文献   

Do you want your wedding to be special?If your answer is yes,look no further than Lan Feng.如果你想要一个特别的婚礼,那么就去找蓝枫吧!  相似文献   

瞿嵘聋黔霓黔麦耀鬓夔 1 .you looK greattoday. 你今天看上去很棒。「每天都可以用!」 2 .you did a good iob. ‘你干得马啼好。、「国际最通用的表扬!」“ 3 .We,re6oProudof_yo自, 我们十分为你骄傲。!最高级的表扬!J 4 .1,m veryPleased with your work. 一我对你的工作非常满意了」‘~L 「正式、真诚的赞扬!J 5 .th万5 15 rea}!y a niee Plaee. 这真是个好地方妇r随口就访、但效某根好时表 扬!上- 6 .you’re looki门9 sharP! 你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。「与众不同的表 色德蕊蕊舔介一 8 .niee going!“you did a good iob.…  相似文献   

Eating Out     
Hi, my friends! How do you like Chinese food? When you eat out in a restaurant in China, have you ever had any problems because of the language barrier? If so, do not worry. The following words, phrases and dialogues can be of help to you.  相似文献   

A.请问,有空房间吗?QYng wen, you kong fangjian ma? May I ask, are any rooms available?B.有,你要几间?You, ni yao ji jian?Yes, how many rooms do you want?A.我要一间。Wo yao yi jian. I want one room.B.单人房间还是双人房间?Dan ren fangjian haishi shuang ren fangjian? Do you want a single room or a double room?  相似文献   

I WANT TO LEARN CHINESE我想学中文A:你会说中文吗?Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma?Do you know how to speak Chinese?B:我会一点儿。Wo hui yidianr.I know a little bit.A:你能看中文书吗?B:是,我学过中文。Shi,wo xue guo Zhongwen.Yes,I have learned Chinese.A:你喜欢学习中文吗?Ni xihuan xuexi Zhongwen ma?Do you like studying Chinese?B:我很喜欢学习中文。  相似文献   

Dear readers:Have you ever been moved by thestories of ordinary Chinese women?Have you ever been inspired by thespirit of successful Chinese women?Have you ever been fascinated bythe gifts of talented Chinese women?And you still want to know moreabout Chinese women?Here is your opportunity!Our Women Figures page strives togive readers a full view of Chinesewomen from all walks of life by tellingstories about them. It is subject driven.Organized into 10 main subjects, anumber of articles a…  相似文献   

DO YOU LIKE MUSIC?你喜欢音乐吗?A:你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?B:我很喜欢音乐。I like music very much.A:你喜欢哪种音乐?古典音乐还是流行音乐?  相似文献   

对话场景美国加州的资讯王达康办公室 Zina:How do you get paid? If you don't mind my asking.吉娜:你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。 Dave:Not cash. But if our launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.  相似文献   

A:老王,你身体怎么样? Lao Wang, How is your health?B:我身体很好,什么病也没有。你呢? My health is very good. I'm not ill. what about you?A:我身体也不错。My health also is not bad.  相似文献   

拜访朋友、在家待客都是周末的好体闲。学几句地道的招待客人的英文表达,让你的朋友surprise一下! 1.You can come over and I'll buzz you in.你可以过来了,我会帮你开门.“帮你开门”这个动作许多人不经思考就会说“opon the door for you”。但严格说来,“open the door for you”指的是你亲自去把门打开。现在许多公寓通常都是对讲机的按钮一按外面的门就开了,而这个“开门让访客进来”的动作英文里就叫“buzz someone in”。为什么用“buzz”这个字呢?因  相似文献   

1. Excuses —Will you take me to task for failing to do a thing, sir? —Of course not. —Ok, I'd like to fail to do my homework.  相似文献   

DRINKING TEA 请朋友喝茶A:请喝茶! Please, have some tea!B:对不起,我不喜欢喝茶。 Sorry,I' do not like to drink tea.A:什么茶也不喜欢吗?A:你喝点什么? What would you like to drink?B:我喜欢喝茶。 I would like to drink tea.A:喝什么茶?红茶、绿茶还是花茶?  相似文献   

秋风 《公关世界》2010,(11):68-69
网络上流传着一个段子:12年前,《泰坦尼克号》里莱昂纳多对Rose说:If you jump,I jump!《盗梦空间》里莱昂纳多对Mayer说:If you jump,I will not jump With you!你看,男人成熟后,就不会再相信爱情这回事了。这个段子,也说明了盗梦空间有多么流行。  相似文献   

每邃佳节聚会,英美人常欢聚一堂,频频举杯,开怀畅饮。那么英美人是如何祝酒的呢? ★用(Here 1 s)to…表示 1 .Here’5 to yo盯health/success.为你的健康/成功千杯! our pr既zdellt! 朋友们.我给大家敬酒,为我们总统 2 .Here’5 to 3 .Here’5 to our rriendship!为我们的友谊干杯! Tom for垃5 new jobl为汤姆的新工作干杯! 杯! 2 .1 zlowl〕r。】)联at“ISt to tlle flicll〔l shiPI芜tween fricn由hip. our twol祀〔11)Ic ★用health,luek表示 1 .Yourh盼lth 为了你的健康 JOlm一May you have a sueo巴洛ful tilllC ,约翰,也…  相似文献   

Hello, every one!How are things with you? Last time we learned some useful Chinese for eating out. This time we will learn some Chinese slang. The story behind this particular slang is also based in a restaurant.  相似文献   

shòu huò yuán: nín xiang mai shén me? 售货员:您想买什么? Salesperson: What would you like to buy? gù kè: yǒu huā bù ma? 顾客:有花布吗? Customer: Do you have any printed cotton cloth? shòu huò yuán: yǒu! zhè kuài zěn me yàmg? 售货员:有!这块怎么样?  相似文献   

洛施 《伴侣(A版)》2015,(8):38-39
1 阿布是我所认识的人中唯一一个可以贩卖回忆,靠回忆过日子的人.初遇他是在欧洲的一个小镇上.他是我在那个寒冷小镇上遇到的唯一一张亚洲面孔.那时的他正蹲在一块大冰块前,确切说是半跪着.手中拿着刻刀和小榔头,神情专注地在敲打着. “Are you Chinese?”我有些迟疑地靠近他问. 他抬起头狐疑地打量了我一番:“你怎么不问我是不是日本人或者韩国人?” “真的是中国人!”我喜出望外,惊讶不已.在这个偏僻的小镇上能遇到中国人,对我来说比收到任何贵重礼物还要开心. “你叫什么名字?你来这多久了?” “你是干嘛的?学生吗?还是工作的?” “你是中国哪里的?我是南方人.我是来这儿的交换生.” 他的出现让我激动得有些失态.一连串的问题脱口而出,他却一个字都没有回答.我意识到自己太过聒噪,识相地禁了声.我裹紧自己的绿色风衣,蹲在他旁边,看着他专注地雕刻.  相似文献   

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