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教育公平是社会公平价值在教育领域的延伸和体现。维护教育公平和提供均衡的入学机会是政府重要职责之一。文章从政府责任视角来深入考察高等教育入学机会城乡不均衡发展的深层次原因,并从财政投入,招生和收费等各项制度出发,提出具体举措,以期能够为推动我国高等教育公平的实现提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育规模的不断扩展,不同家庭阶层、经济、文化、居住地背景的社会成员是否享有均等的高等教育机会成为社会各界关注的焦点。对云南省13所高校1590名彝族大学生的调查发现,彝族各阶层子女接受高等教育机会的总量及入读学校的层次、类型均有显著差异,但在高职高专院校中,各阶层之间的入学机会差异最小;当彝族父母有本科及以上教育背景时,其子女就读重点高校的机会大幅增加;高职高专院校为低收入家庭子女提供了相对多的入学机会;伴随着高收入家庭子女争取更高层次和质量的教育机会的同时,彝族中低收入家庭子女接受高等教育的层次有逐步上移的态势。  相似文献   

十一届三中全会以来,随着家庭联产承包责任制的推行和乡镇企业的崛起,农民队伍发生了较大的分化。总的来看,分化循着两个方向同时进行:一是结构性的水平分化或职业分化,农民群体已从过去单一内涵的种养业劳动者分化为企业工人、个体工商劳动者、乡镇企业管理者等不同职业群体;二是地位性的垂直分化或利益分化。随着农民队伍分化为不同的职业群体,各群体在经济收入、职业地位、社会声望、政治地位、福利待遇、生活条件、文化参与机会等方面逐渐出现差异,正在形成具有不同特点和要求的各种利益阶层。人们对利益分化结果产生的心理反应和行为选择不仅影响到农村的社会分化和社会稳定,而且也成为评价现阶段农村经济与社会协调发展水平的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

农村教育一直以来都是社会各界关注的焦点和热点,目前我国农村教育依然存在着许多不容忽视的问题。造成城乡间教育水平存在较大差距的原因之一就是农村学生受教育水平和接受教育的机会明显落后于城镇学生,城乡间教育资源分布不均。因此,政府应从教育机会均等的角度出发,大力发展农村教育事业,改革农村教育体制,采取强有力的措施逐步缩小差距,促进城乡间教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

从城乡分化的新格局看中国社会的结构性变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国城乡二元性特征出现了新的变化,城乡间的同质性及城乡内部的异质性都在增大,从而导致了社会成员分化程度加剧。新的城乡格局不可能再回到旧框架中去,但亦非向西方式的阶层化社会结构发展。目前我国社会的分化属于集团性分化,城乡分化被封闭在两个不同的领域内。城市间的差距拉大,出现了城市地方化倾向,城市内出现了组织分化及主要由组织分化造成的个人分化。农村社会的分化可分为高集体化低工业化、低集体化低工业化、高工业化低集体化及高工业化高集体化四种类型。作者认为深化改革就要从调整工农剪刀差入手,逐步取消国家财政对城市的补贴,要容纳农村新生结构要素,给农民以相对平等的机会和权利。  相似文献   

社会正义是对一定社会结构、社会制度、社会关系、社会现象的一致伦理认定和评价,具体表现为对一定社会的性质、制度和相应的法律、法规、章程、惯例等的合理性和合理成分的要求和判断,以及对稳定、优化社会秩序,促进社会发展的适应性和有效性。城乡二元结构导致了教育投资的城乡差异、教师配置的城乡差异、学校分布的城乡差异和学校物质条件的城乡差异。因此,在解决城乡教育差异的问题上,必须坚持社会公平正义,即提升教育改革过程中坚持教育公平正义的意识,建立公共教育资源公平分配的制度保障,建立推动城乡教育均衡发展的管理机制。进而统筹城乡教育发展,实现城乡资源共享,相互协调、共同发展,落实二元结构下城乡教育改革过程中的公平正义。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的不断发展,人们对城乡音乐教育的关注度也越来越高。特别是教育科目——音乐。音乐是存在于人们生活中的精神财富。一方面,它对于培养学生的创造能力具有较强的提高作用。另一方面,在学生们的紧张和压抑的学习氛围之下,有利于缓解他们的学习压力。从而让音乐走进学生们的心灵,达到劳逸结合的功效。由于我国社会、政治、经济文化等各种不同因素,造成了城市和农村的音乐教育发展及其不平衡。音乐教育在农村受到了很大的阻碍。如:设备不齐全、师资力量不完善等,从而导致农村学生无法享受到美的教育。因此,农村和城市的音乐教育得不到同步发展,这样就大大降低了全民的音乐素养。本文针对音乐教学在城乡发展中的不同差异,谈谈怎样减小城乡中小学音乐教育的差距,做出以下几点看法及对策。  相似文献   

随着我国经济文化的发展,国民整体素质的提高,我国很多高等院校在发展中不断扩招,相对来说放宽了录取的政策,以前很多无法踏入大学校门,或者入学较为困难的学生,都有机会接受更加高等的教育。但是这些学生的入学也为我国高校的体育教学带来了新的问题与困难。面临新时期我国高校的发展任务,各个高校在充分重视学生的基础上,应该更加关爱弱势群体的学生,他们也有着与普通学生一样的受教育的权利。所以,综上所述,笔者拟定以"高校体育弱势群体的成因与教学策略"为研究对象,进行深入的探索与挖掘,进一步为我国高校体育弱势群体的教学提供相应的参考意见。  相似文献   

民族院校作为我国高校重要组成部分,少数民族学生的培养同样离不开辅导员的引领和教育,做好少数民族学生培养和教育,不仅有利于民族区域经济文化协调发展,同时也有利于社会稳定和谐发展,因此落实辅导员队伍相关政策,提升辅导员自身效能感,加强辅导员专业知识技能和民族文化理论学习,构建一支年龄、学缘结构合理、思想理论扎实的辅导员队伍等是推进辅导员职业化发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

李海明 《现代妇女》2014,(9):310-311
本文主要就近些年我国文化建设的现状进行探讨,对出现的问题进行分析,通过对东、中、西、东北地区的文化建设投入对比以及城乡消费对比等发现我国文化建设中的地区差异和城乡差异,通过对文化建设的机制分析,找出其中出现的一些问题,进而提出一些相应的对策。  相似文献   

学校教育制度应该促进农村学生的向上社会流动,然而在我国社会转型过程中的教育制度以城市教育为中心,优先发展城市教育,以"市场能力"和学业成绩作为学校选拔规则,以及重点学校制度对农村学生获得高一级教育机会的制约,导致了对农村学生的"教育排斥"。教育制度的城市化、市场化、精英化取向是转型期农村教育社会分层功能弱化的制度性原因。将现阶段农村教育主要功能定位于促进农村学生城市化和社会地位升迁,确立教育制度的正义原则,实现对农村学生的"差异补偿"是解决这一问题的主要思路。  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study is to examine female labor force participation and its determinants in rural and urban China. The sociological literature has demonstrated that participation tends to increase in urban and industrialized places where women have higher levels of education and fewer children, where more workers are engaged in service pursuits, and where family structure is less traditional. With the use of data on counties and cities (N = 2,377) from the I-percent sample of the 1982 census of the People's Republic of China, it was found that female labor force participation is likely to rise in areas with increased agricultural employment, educational levels, proportion of female-headed households, and higher male-to-female sex ratios. Both the size of the service sector and the fertility rate had negligible effects on female labor force participation. Although, on average, rural places have slightly higher levels of female labor force participation, when other variables are controlled, urban places have a higher rate of female participation. In addition, the findings suggest that market factors (i.e., education) are more likely to determine the rate of female labor force participation in urban areas; whereas demographic and social factors (i.e., sex ratio and household structure) play a more important role in explaining the female labor force participation in rural counties.  相似文献   

This study examines women's educational achievements in the Sudan. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Education on students who took the Sudanese Secondary Certificate Examination in 1991. Findings indicate that 9% of female students compared to 8% of male students took the exam and entered secondary schools. Females constituted a greater percentage in urban and rural areas; however, females were more likely to be admitted into higher education in urban areas. In 1991, 9% of urban girls and only 6% of rural girls were admitted into higher education. The poorer performance is attributed to more negative attitudes toward women's education in rural areas, which results in less time spent studying and poorer quality of rural education. In 1989, only 24.5% of students at Khartoum University were students from rural areas; in 1990, 27% came from rural areas. It is stated that educational policy and practices should be amended to account for the rural inequalities. Continuation of imbalances is likely to lead to unbalanced socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(2):247-258
This study examines the digital divide in rural Jiangsu, one of the most developed areas in China. First, it reveals that only a small portion of rural enterprises have access to the Internet, and the penetration rate of the Internet in rural enterprises of China is much lower than that in urban enterprises revealed by previous studies. Second, a significant digital divide exists between Southern Jiangsu on the one hand and Middle and Northern Jiangsu on the other hand. Indeed, the Internet penetration rate in Zhangjiagang is very close to that in urban enterprises. Thirdly, this study finds that large and old enterprises are more likely to have access to the Internet. Fourthly, Internet access demonstrates very strong and positive relationships with enterprises’ economic and innovative performance, though it is not clear whether or not the better performance at rural enterprises with Internet access comes from their usage of the Internet. The implication of the study is that governments should promote Internet usage among rural enterprises.  相似文献   

武汉市统筹城乡一体化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统筹城乡一体化发展是当前推动城乡经济社会发展的迫切任务。本文通过建立指标评估,发现武汉城乡一体化水平略高于城镇化水平;城乡人口、经济、生活和文化一体化进程中,城乡经济发展的差别最为明显,融合程度最低,而城乡居民生活方面则融合程度较高,人口与文化融合度持平。而城乡二元户籍制度、土地的合理开发利用及农民权益保障、农村公共服务投入不足、农村社会保障体系不完善是当前制约城乡一体化发展的重要瓶颈。文章从法律制度层面、财政层面及组织体制层面分析了破解城乡一体化发展瓶颈的重要举措。  相似文献   


Social work education has traditionally been taught in urban universities in on-campus programs. In the present paper, the author outlines the nature of social work education at Charles Sturt University, a regional Australian university. The author argues that social work education in a rural/regional university is shaped by rural social contextual issues, as well as by changes in the higher education sector. The author notes that social work education fills a significant gap in that it attracts students who are unable to access urban campuses, adds value to rural service delivery, supports rural/regional research, and highlights issues of rural disadvantage. Despite this, the paper argues that rural disadvantage and higher education sector pressures place the delivery of social work education shaped around and responsive to rural social justice issues in regional universities in jeopardy.  相似文献   

Based on data from a 2005 survey conducted in Shanghai, China, this research examines the role of social capital in income inequality between rural migrants and urbanites. We find strong income return on social capital, in particular on social capital from strong ties. We also observe a great disparity in social capital possession between rural migrants and urban local residents. Although social capital from strong ties seems to be more important for rural migrants than for urbanites, local ties and high-status ties do not seem to benefit rural migrants. Hence, migrants not only suffer severe social capital deficits but also capital return deficits. Given the strong income returns on social capital and the substantial differences in access to and return on social capital between migrants and urban residents, social capital is consequently found to explain a large part of the income inequality between the two groups. Overall, our findings reveal macro-structural effects on the role of social capital in labor market stratification. In China, the lack of formal labor market mechanisms continues to create both a strong need for and opportunities for economic actions to be organized around informal channels via social relations. Yet, the long-standing institutional exclusion of migrants caused by the household registration system has resulted in pervasive social exclusion and discrimination which have substantially limited rural migrants’ accumulation and mobilization of social capital. Under these conditions, social capital reinforces the economic inequality between migrants and urban residents in China. Such empirical evidence adds to our understanding of the role of social capital in the economic integration of migrants and in shaping intergroup inequality in general.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,上海城市建设的重心一直在中心城区。世博会后,城市建设的重心必将逐步转移至城郊地区。同时,上海已进入工业化后期阶段,只有统筹城郊发展,加快郊区建设步伐,才能在新起点上实现新飞跃。“十二五”时期上海城市建设方针应是“郊区为主,聚焦新城;生态优先,宜居为重;城乡统筹,协调发展”,聚焦综合性新城、农村基础设施等重点领域的投资建设。  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2010,(4):58-63
上海最有基础最有条件按照“两个趋向”的要求,在统筹城乡发展、破除城乡二元结构方面先行先试。本文结合上海实际,提出统筹城乡发展是加快上海经济发展方式转变的客观需要,加快新城和城镇化建设是统筹城乡发展的重要途径,推进农村集体建设用地有偿使用和流转是统筹城乡发展的突破口,着力破除城乡二元结构是统筹城乡发展的根本要求,加强党对“三农”工作的领导是统筹城乡发展的组织保障。  相似文献   

英国城乡统筹政策对我国城乡一体化战略的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命后,英国迅速开启了城市化进程,在经历了早期城市化带来的城乡失衡、城市居住环境恶化和生态系统破坏的教训后,英国政府开始了对城乡统筹政策的探索。在探索过程中形成的一系列理论和实践成果,为世界的城市化进程提供了宝贵经验。随着我国城镇化步伐的快速推进,城乡之间长期存在的二元结构矛盾逐渐凸显,这些矛盾的解决需要我们走出一条以城带乡、以乡促城、城乡统筹、联动发展的城乡一体化道路。当前处于工业化后期的中国,面临着与工业化时期的英国几乎相同的城市化问题,因此,有必要学习英国的城乡统筹经验,以为我国的城乡一体化战略服务。  相似文献   

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