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刘波 《现代交际》2012,(8):208-209
现如今,人们在时代环境和社会环境下意识到家庭是个人成长发展的重要生活场所,家长就是孩子成长过程中的第一任老师.在一个家庭中,父母的世界观、价值观、文化知识水平、逻辑结构水平以及家庭中教育模式,在不同程度上影响着子女的身心健康以及处世的态度,尤其是对子女个体的学习、生活方式产生了重要的影响.这些因素可以统称为家庭因素,这些因素时时刻刻都在影响着学生的身心健康.  相似文献   

许丹红  桂勇 《社会学研究》2023,(5):157-179+229-230
选择什么样的家庭教养方式才能“助子成龙”?对这一问题的学术讨论可分为文化再生产与文化流动两种不同理论视角。本研究利用2017年中国大学生社会心态调查数据,在实证层面分析了家庭教养方式对子女获得优质高等教育的影响。研究结果显示:家庭教养方式既作为家庭社会经济地位的中间机制对子女获得优质高等教育发挥作用,同时也对子女获得优质高等教育具有独立的影响力;对比各种家庭教养方式,宽容型家庭教养方式更有助于子女进入精英高校。  相似文献   

家庭经济困难学生是高校学生中的一个特殊群体,由于对自身期望较高、心理压力大等原因,尤其是在高等教育改革以及经济结构调整环境下,其就业处境可谓步履艰难。所以,要构建高校家庭经济困难学生就业发展能力,必须对工作模式进行创新并找准切入点,以实现家庭经济困难学生更高质量就业。  相似文献   

从人际交往的角度分析农民工子女与城市社会的关系,发现农民工子女同伴关系、师生关系以及亲子关系方面的特点及存在的问题。家庭通过经济支持、环境支持以及教育支持等多个方面,对子女人际交往产生不同程度的影响,良好的家庭支持能力对子女人际交往产生正面、积极的影响,反之亦然。因此,可以通过提高农民工家庭的支持能力促进农民工子女人际交往的发展,包括促进农民工家庭城市融入、提高农民工家庭的文化层次、建立和谐的亲子关系、加强对农民工子女人际交往的指导等。  相似文献   

家长参与在家庭资本影响学生学业成就获得的过程中发挥着重要的中介作用,家庭资本占有量的不同会外显为家长参与方式的差异。对6名取得学业成功的劳动家庭大学生进行深度访谈后发现:劳动家庭家长的参与方式具有"以乡村观念为底色,以城市渲染为呈现"的二重性。因文化资本和社会资本匮乏导致的家长参与方式不利于帮助子女取得教育优势,但经济资本和情感资本的相对丰富在一定程度上使子女获得了较高的先赋性资本。劳动家庭子女依靠自身强大的"转化能力",能够将家庭内外的资源有效地结合起来,批判性地获取和创造性地建构有利于学业成功的后生性文化资本,把自己从家庭资本的被动接纳者"转化"为文化资本的主动建构者,进而取得学业成功。  相似文献   

本文以湖北省红安县易地扶贫搬迁集中安置点的残疾人家庭为研究对象,依据残疾发生对象将残疾人家庭分为两类,第一类是残疾父母健康子女家庭,第二类是健康父母残疾子女以及残疾父母残疾子女家庭。从人口负担和家庭经济两方面分析农村残疾人家庭各阶段返贫风险,研究结果表明,在家庭形成、扩展、收缩和解体四个阶段中,第一类家庭在扩展阶段和解体阶段返贫风险较高,在形成阶段和收缩阶段返贫风险较低。对这类家庭,在评估解体阶段返贫风险的时候不应忽略子女的赡养义务。第二类家庭虽然难以用现有的家庭生命周期阶段划分方式进行定量分析,但从家庭生命周期角度可判断返贫风险趋势:如果残疾子女不具备劳动能力,从该子女出现残疾家庭状况就可能日益恶化,且难以摆脱困境;如果残疾子女具备一定劳动能力,需要警惕返贫发生。第二类家庭中,有多个子女的家庭比仅有一个子女残疾的家庭返贫、致贫的风险大幅降低。应防止残疾父母家庭贫困的代际传递效应。  相似文献   

家庭是每个人出生的摇篮,它不仅对个体的生长发育产生影响,也对个体人生观的形成起着重要的作用。然而,随着社会的发展变迁,现代家庭对子女人生观教育的功能却相对弱化了。本文试分析现代家庭对子女人生观教育功能弱化的原因、表现及应对方法。  相似文献   

使用一个1996年收集的全国抽样数据,并结合事件史分析方法(离散时间风险模型),本文探讨了1978年中国农村经济体制改革后,到底是哪些农民能够抓住机会实现经济上的成功并成为农村中的精英阶层。本研究具体检验了中国农村居民的精英职业地位获得是如何受到他们改革前或解放前的家庭背景影响的。数据分析结果表明:第一,旧式精英(解放前的政治或经济精英)和新式精英(解放后再分配经济时期的政治或经济精英)家庭背景的农民,改革后进入非农职业的机率都比较高。第二,在不同历史阶段,精英职业获得模式是不同的。低风险性是导致改革早期新、旧精英的后代的选择趋同的主要原因,反映了他们在对社会经济发展走向无法清晰把握时的一种选择理性,而改革后期他们非农化道路的分野则充分体现了个体的社会行动是如何受其家庭背景(或精英文化因素)影响的。基于这些发现,作者提出精英文化的代际传承观点,指出除了当前学界讨论较多的权力和人力资本因素之外,文化因素也是转型期中国农村社会分层的重要作用机制。  相似文献   

原生家庭的家庭关系对人的一生影响深远,它是人生整个教育的基础和起点,为探究原生家庭关系中的代际隔阂问题,基于"90后"子女和父母双视角出发,从原生家庭父母与子女沟通理念、城市与农村家庭代际隔阂、城市化进程对农村家庭的影响等方面进行分析。研究结果显示:在互联网背景下,父母及子女沟通理念的不同加剧了原生家庭的代际隔阂;城市和农村地区原生家庭父母的教育理念的不同,使父母对子女的教育方式与父母和子女之间的沟通方式存在较大差异;随着城市化进程的推进,加剧了农村地区原生家庭的代际隔阂。  相似文献   

文雯  王颂丽  钱莹 《公关世界》2022,(21):126-127
随着国家信息技术和通讯技术不断发展,新媒体的出现和广泛运用已经成为了学生资助工作管理和沟通的重要途径,家庭经济困难的中职学生心理问题逐渐引起学校和社会的关注,本文利用信息化平台向被资助的学生传递正能量,基于新媒体背景下阐述家庭经济困难中职学生心理问题的集中表现,并从学生自身、家庭、学校、社会四个方向分析产生心理问题的原因,进而从激发学生个体潜能、发挥家庭主体作用、运用学校教育资源、借助社会关怀力量、提升学校网络教学能力与水平五个策略构建以学生、家庭、学校、社会的四种心理救助机制。  相似文献   

This study draws on a survey of 126 graduate social work students from a large school of social work in the United States to investigate the impact of family problems on career choices. Sixty‐nine percent of the students indicated they had a family history of problems related to substance abuse (44%), psychopathology (43%), compulsive disorders (17%), and/or violence (35%). Students who report more indicators of psychopathology and violence were more likely to see their family history as influential in their career choice. These students were also more likely to select mental health/health as a practice area. However, no differences were found between students without a family history of problems and those who did not see their family history as influential. Students' history of family problems and their perceptions of its influence on career choice did not affect the likelihood of selecting a practice method. The authors discuss the implications of these findings and conclude with a series of recommendations for social work education.  相似文献   

Factors related to gambling behavior among college students in the USA are examined by applying the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and incorporating the concepts of impulsivity and cognitive bias. This study uses a broader approach to analyze gambling behavior by including financial behavior variables using ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regressions. The survey data were collected through a self-administered online questionnaire of college students from 19 colleges and universities in the fall of 2010. With a sample of 5024 college students, a majority of the respondents (84.45%) in this study report that they did not gamble in the last 30 days. The results of multivariate analysis indicate that gambling is related to attitudes toward gambling, cognitive bias toward gambling, subjective norms of family members regarding financial behavior, and impulsivity. Underestimation of financial behavior (cognitive bias toward financial behavior) was found to be associated with only gambling frequency but not gambling propensity.  相似文献   

张兆敏 《现代交际》2013,(10):188-189
双语教学是基于双语现象所产生的一种教学手段,目前在我国受到了一些院校的关注,高职高专一些专业也开展了双语教学的尝试。由于双语教学在我国主要在本科院校开展,课程内容、教学方法等很多方面与高职高专院校有较大差异。如何选取适用于高职高专院校的双语教学内容是讨论重点。本文主要围绕高职高专双语教学课程内容选取的原则及内容选取的基本过程开展,以涉外旅游专业《英美文化》课程为例,进行分析和推论。全文结合高职高专的院校特点、专业特征及学生差异,明晰了双语教学课程内容选取的原则及过程,体现了课程开展的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

高校“留言壁文化”是指大学生在学校建筑物的墙壁上写下各种留言,从而形成的一种非主流的校园文化现象。这种现象在不少高校中均有不同程度的存在,它是一面特殊的了解当代大学生人生观的镜子。对高校“留言壁”进行相关研究可以看出当代大学生的人生态度。当前,部分大学生中存在着人生理想模糊、不求上进的人生态度,因此,加强大学生理想信念教育、挫折教育和婚恋观教育等人生观教育意义重大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to devise a multiple choice question (MCQ) exam that provides students with opportunities to engage in a deep approach to learning. Multiple choice assessment is largely unused in social work degree courses in the UK because of associations with techniques such as guessing and rote learning, which do not correspond with deep approaches to learning. Strategies used to enhance opportunities for a deep approach to learning within the MCQ exam used in this study included certainty-based marking (CBM), enhancing the use of formative feedback and giving students responsibility for devising the MCQs. Results show that students use similar levels of deep learning when they completed a MCQ exam compared to those students who completed an essay exam. The deep learning approach for the MCQ exam was, however, less when compared to a different module that used an essay assignment. There is an increasing pressure on Higher Education to provide more robust assessment practices, and findings in this study suggest it may be time for social work tutors to reconsider the role of the MCQ format within the existing range of assessment tools.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors involved in changing a family's financial situation for 485 Midwestern households. High income families and those with high home equity levels have a smaller gap between their standards and levels of consumption. High income families are more satisfied with their financial situations than low income families. Those families with a large gap between their standards and levels of consumption are more dissatisfied with their financial situations. Older heads of households have higher satisfaction with their financial situations and are less likely to plan to change them. Large families are less satisfied with their financial situations than small families and are more likely to plan to change them.Sharon M. Danes is Assistant Professor and Family Resource Management Extension Specialist, Family Social Science Department, University of Minnesota, 275F McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. Dr. Danes received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University and her current research interests include family management and family financial management.Earl W. Morris is Associate Professor, Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel, University of Minnesota, 368B McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. Dr. Morris received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. His current research interests include rural housing.  相似文献   


Objective: To characterize contemporary college students requiring psychiatric hospitalization. Participants and methods: Sociodemographic and diagnostic information was gathered retrospectively and analyzed from the electronic medical records (EMRs) of the consecutive inpatient hospitalizations of 905 college students admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit. Results: Significantly more females compared to males experienced the following: more hospitalizations, more family and financial stressors, more depression, and less psychotic and bipolar disorder. The most frequent diagnosis was a depressive disorder, followed by bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder, and personality disorder, most frequently borderline personality disorder. Half of participants had comorbid diagnoses with substance abuse most common. More than two-thirds of students endorsed social or intimate relationship, academic, and family challenges as psychosocial stressors. In all, 15% of participants had repeat admissions. Conclusions: The present study provides demographic data from a sample of psychiatrically hospitalized college students. Findings can help improve screening and identification of decompensation in college students.  相似文献   

Although the latest education policy for disabled students is one of inclusion, some students are moving out of mainstream schools into specialist colleges for their further education. This research uses a combination of group and individual interviews to explore why this move away from mainstream education is made. Results show that these students' moved into specialist education because of the inadequate physical accessibility of their mainstream colleges, the quality of disability services available to them and their previous experiences whilst in mainstream school. These students were able to identify both strengths and weaknesses within mainstream and special education for disabled students, and believed that educational placement should therefore be a matter of choice depending on the physical, academic and emotional needs of the individual. It would appear, however, that for the students participating in this research, their local mainstream colleges were unable to cater for their needs, indicating that their decision to move into a special needs college was not based on a real choice. Mainstream colleges are challenged to create a truly inclusive environment so that disabled students are offered a real choice.  相似文献   

对大学生的调查发现,部分大学生的自我认识、入学选择、就读状态以及就业观念均与现行高等教育制度内容明显背离,形成了对现行高等教育制度的严重冲击和影响,而这一切皆源于高等教育领域中存在的象征性秩序。象征性秩序已经制约和影响了当今高等教育领域的多个运作环节。对此,有关部门应树立全局观念,在加强指导和宣传工作的同时,督促高等教育机构形成正确认识,帮助大学生抵制象征性秩序的影响,实现高等教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Web sites of the 3738 U.S.-based colleges and universities were sampled and analyzed to determine how higher education employs the internet to communicate to key publics overall and students in particular. Analyses revealed prospective donors are the most often-targeted public followed by faculty/staff. Prospective and current students followed. In better news to students, the five items students most often seek on the Web were the five most common items linked from university home pages.  相似文献   

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