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"产城融合"的新理念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张道刚 《决策》2011,(1):1-1
今年是“十二五”的开局之年,各地在谋划未来5年的经济发展时,工业化和城镇化的“双轮驱动”,无一例外地成为关键词。一时间,千亿元产业园区、区域性中心城市等鼓舞人心的提法,跃然纸上,甚至喧嚣尘上。  相似文献   

王运宝 《决策》2011,(6):18-21
东莞高调推出第8个“10亿元工程”,是在“渴才”、“猎才”、“用才”等一系列动作背后上演的一场“智本演义”。  相似文献   

曹劲松 《决策》2011,(6):76-77
政府网络发言人要做到“说”与“做”相一致,必须建立政府工作的网格化责任分解体系,将纵向与横向的工作责任主体加以明确,并通过网络发言平台交由公众监督。  相似文献   

宋晓路 《决策》2011,(2):93-93
记得古人有“雪夜闭门读禁书”之说,似乎道出了读书中的一些道理,至少我是非常认同的。  相似文献   

蒋勋 《决策探索》2011,(11):76-77
有时候走过街头,看到路边摆摊替人算命的先生,会忽然想到黄公望。坐过牢,做过道士,读透了老庄义理,看尽了人世的悲喜宠辱荒谬,坐在熙来攘往的大街上,为过往有心事的路人卜一卦。也许,黄公望晚年登峰造极的美学意境都与这些过眼的人世忧苦辛酸息息相关吧。  相似文献   

今年的“两会”有着非常特殊的意义。2011年是实施“十二五”规划的第一年,国家“十二五”规划制定了宏伟的发展蓝图,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中强调,要加快构建现代产业体系,推动产业转型升级。这些都为淮北矿业“十二五”发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

陈泉 《决策》2011,(2):66-67
在施瓦辛格眼里,政治并非一件僵化刻板的事。每周总有三天,他会穿着牛仔皮靴上班,下班了,他会叼着雪茄,开着昂贵的保时捷,带着孩子兜风,或者开着摩托车招摇过市……  相似文献   

杨雪冬 《决策》2011,(6):15-15
这种争夺资源的行为不仅影响到社会管理整体格局的形成。也造成了新的资源浪费。  相似文献   

徐振余 《决策》2011,(1):72-73
邓亚萍在共青团的工作很少有周末,晚上还要常常加班。这样没日没夜的工作,使得她与家人相聚的时间很少,乃至闹出了儿子小瀚铭常喊她“阿姨”的大笑话。  相似文献   

吴明华 《决策》2011,(2):38-40
一方面是更严格的土地管理问责制度,一方面是“十二五”更旺盛的用地需求,面对这样的“两难”困局。地方如何缓解双重压力?土地管理制度将何去何从?  相似文献   

This article takes a fresh and radical look at organizational talent management strategies. It offers a critique of some of the prevalent assumptions underpinning certain talent management practices, particularly those fuelled by the narratives of scarcity and metaphors of war. We argue that talent management programmes based on these assumptions ignore important social and ethical dimensions, to the detriment of both organizations and individuals. We offer instead a set of principles proceeding from, and informed by, Sen's ‘capability approach’ (CA). Based on the idea of freedoms not resources, the CA circumvents discourses of scarcity and restores vital social and ethical considerations to ideas about talent management. We also emphasize its versatility and sensitivity to the particular circumstances of individual organizations such that corporate leaders and human resource practitioners might use the principles for a number of practical purposes.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Dutch healthcare sector has been confronted with increased competition. Not only are financial resources scarce, Dutch hospitals also need to compete with other hospitals in the same geographic area to attract and retain talented employees due to considerable labour shortages. However, four hospitals operating in the same region are cooperating to cope with these shortages by developing a joint Talent Management Pool. ‘Coopetiton’ is a concept used for simultaneous cooperation and competition. In this paper, a case study is performed in order to enhance our understanding of coopetition. Among other things, the findings suggest that perceptions of organizational actors on competition differ and might hinder cooperative innovation with competitors, while perceived shared problems and resource constraints stimulate coopetition. We reflect on the current coopetition literature in light of the research findings, which have implications for future research on this topic.  相似文献   

The deliberate identification of talent is a critical process in most organizations. Performance ratings and senior management recommendations are its main sources, revealing the importance of line managers in the process. Nevertheless, some managers do have a talent for talent spotting and little is known about their behaviours as effective talent spotters. We explore, through social cognition, as part of the social psychology framework, the practices required to execute the talent identification process (TIP). An exploratory and qualitative method was adopted for this study; 21 line managers of an Argentine holding describe their experiences as talent spotters through semi-structured interviews. Findings show that the identification process is a complex and iterative one, in which several behaviours come into play, interrelated among each other. This interaction involves talent identification and talent development behaviours, deployed in a synergetic way. The relationship building behaviours set the foundations for the identification process to bear fruit. Distinct skills are necessary at different stages of the identification process for line managers to fulfil the talent spotter role. Finally, a model of the TIP is proposed.  相似文献   

In a similar way as consumers use social media to spread word-of-mouth about brands and firms, employees perform similar activities when posting company-related content on social media. Such posts can be of significant importance for future employees who use them as supposedly unbiased information of firm attractiveness. Hence better understanding such activity is a crucial element of many HR managers. In this study we rely on signaling theory to explore the relationships between corporate brand strength, corporate social media activity and company-related posts by employees on social media channels. To analyze those relationships, we apply variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS SEM) based on data from a survey among scholars who published in A-journals. Our results show that corporate brand strength alone is not sufficient to mobilize employees to upload company-related posts. However, corporate brand strength influences corporate social media activity, which, in turn, impacts company-related posts by employees on social media. We highlight the crucial role of employees as spokespeople and influencers for firms, especially vis-à-vis applicants and prospective employees.  相似文献   

Those working in organisations have choices to make associated with not only the goods and services they produce but also their wider social and economic impact. The number of employees in low-skilled/low-paid jobs and the high proportion of companies adopting business strategies based on low-specification goods and services are a concern for many developed and developing economies. Addressing this problem is not traditionally the concern of Human Resource Development; however, we argue that through exploring the role that a wider, more balanced approach to Sustainable Talent Management and Development (S-TMD) may play within the context of the low skilled in the UK provides a crucial link to enhancing an organisation’s performance and responsibility to society. At the heart of this approach lies a shift to appreciate the collective endeavour of work practices, an enhanced role for stakeholders and identification of, and participation in skills ecosystems to support sustainable development. The paper identifies the opportunity for S-TMD to move from a predominantly individualist, managerial and unitarist understanding to one grounded in the value of tacit and embedded development processes undertaken to reflect a pluralist, multi-voiced approach to understanding of a skills ecosystem.  相似文献   

If resources and facilities from different partners need to be engaged for a large-scale project with a huge number of tasks, any of which is indivisible, decision on the number of tasks assigned to any collaborating partner often requires a certain amount of coordination and bargaining among these partners so that the ultimate task allocation can be accepted by any partner in a business union for the project. In the current global financial crisis, such cases may appear frequently. In this paper, we first investigate the behavior of such a discrete bargaining model often faced by service-based organizations. In particular, we address the general situation of two partners, where the finite Pareto efficient (profit allocation) set does not possess any convenient assumption for deriving a bargaining solution, namely a final profit allocation (corresponding to a task assignment) acceptable to both partners. We show that it is not appropriate for our discrete bargaining model to offer the union only one profit allocation. Modifying the original optimization problem used to derive the Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS), we develop a bargaining mechanism and define a related bargaining solution set to fulfil one type of needs on balance between profit-earning efficiency and profit-earning fairness. We then show that our mechanism can also suit both Nash’s original concave bargaining model and its continuous extension without the concavity of Pareto efficient frontier on profit allocation.  相似文献   

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