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双打是网球的一项重要的比赛项目之一。从双打比赛中的站位及发球、双打比赛的战术配合、双打比赛中的抢网战术以及创造得分机会的战术等方面对网球双打的基本战术进行了研究探讨。  相似文献   

乒乓球比赛每一分的争夺都是从接发球开始的,在所有乒乓球技术中,相对而言接发球技术也是难度最大的,要求在最短的时间,判断对方发球的旋转、速度、落点,然后采取最合理有效的方法进行回接.所以接发球技术在比赛中起着至关重要的作用.随着一系列新规则的实施,对接发球训练的方法和手段也提出了新的要求.本文通过分析和探讨,使运动员进一步认识接发球技术的重要性,更好地去掌握接发球技术,提高运动技术水平.  相似文献   

刘中玉 《现代交际》2013,(10):105-105
网球是越来越受到大众喜爱的新兴项目之一,它能给参与者带来很大的乐趣,但要想打好网球就必须注意四个要素,那就是体能、技术能力、战术能力和心理能力。  相似文献   

发球作为比赛的开始,是唯一一项不受对手限制的技术,而接发球则是在受对手牵制的情况下,变被动为主动的技术。接发球技术的全面与否与接发球战术的运用是否得当会直接影响到整个比赛中是否能够牵制对手获得主动。我国乒乓球运动在全球乒乓球界长盛不衰少不了对运动员接发球技战术能力的培养和研究创新。本文将对我国一线球员王皓在2011年世界乒乓球锦标赛中接发球技战术的运用情况进行统计分析,并探讨其技战术选择运用的优劣,以期在教学中能够借鉴采用。  相似文献   

本文认为生物力学在网球技术中的运用,不仅填补了多年来那么传统的网球教科书或书籍的漏洞,而且也促使了其他学科在体育学中的推广和运用。这是一个达到文化百花齐放的方式,然而更为重要的一点是推动了世界网球的发展。  相似文献   

网球发球是网球运动的中心环节,研究网球发球技术史研究网球运动的首要任务.本研究采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、观察法等方法对网球的发球技术和环节、网球发球的联系方法、网球发球容易产生的错误及纠正方法的技巧进行研究.  相似文献   

近年来,随着网球运动的发展,网球运动逐渐在我国流行起来。因此普及网球文化,协助高校建设网球课程成为教育工作者讨论的焦点。本文围绕网球文化展开讨论,分析网球文化在高校网球教学中的作用,并对网球文化在高校网球教学中的开展方法进行简要的探究。  相似文献   

在网球技术中发球是唯一由运动员自己掌握,不受对方制约的技术,发球技术的好坏对比赛的胜负有很大的影响。通过分析网球发球动作技术原理,对部分同学与世界优秀选手的发球技术的比较找出差距,提出解决的对策,为网球运动员的发球技术的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

排球是三大球之一,在群众中的开展具有普遍性,文章全面探讨中学生排球运动员接发球的训练,把接发球分为基本技术和接发球配合技术两个部分进行阐述,针对如何提高接发球的到位率、控制好接发球的力量等问题进行探讨,并提出具体的训练方法,以期为排球训练和比赛提供参考依据。  相似文献   

网球运动在我国发展速度较快,得到了越来越多人的喜爱,大学生作为青少年的主力军,对网球的热爱程度更加强烈。有关统计表明我国高校网球课程已成为了体育选修课程中最受欢迎的课程之一。在高校大力发展网球运动,普及网球文化,对大学生综合素质的提高以及人生观、价值观的培养都有重要的作用,本文分析了网球文化在高校文化中的作用,并阐述了网球文化在网球教学中的运用方法,最后提出了关于加强网球文化建设的一些方法和措施。  相似文献   


This article examines the roles and functions of narratives in the conduct and prosecution of the Falklands War. It looks at how, and with what degree of success the Falklands conflict was emplotted into potent definitions of national identity; how it was constructed as the embodiment of certain cherished ideals of nationhood, and thus slotted into what Patrick Wright calls the ‘mythical Histories’ of Britain and Argentina. It considers how the languages of diplomacy and sport were articulated within a discourse of war. It examines how participants in the conflict, journalists and combatants, made use of narratives cognate with the tradition of the romance quest in an effort to make sense of the conflict, promote its aims and provide themselves with reassurance at times of uncertainty, if not naked terror. It also considers how opposition to the war, dissenting opinions about the legitimacy of its aims and prosecution, and a more critical view of its costs, was most often and most effectively articulated in narratives which contested and deconstructed the discursive norms of the romance quest, or which challenged the coherence of the narrative or the narrative subject itself.  相似文献   

<中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定>中明确指出,要"形成以道德为支撑、产权为基础、法律为保障的社会信用制度","增强全社会的信用意识,政府、企事业单位和个人都要把诚实守信作为基本行为准则",该内容对我国会计诚信的建设有着极为深远的意义.  相似文献   

With the advent of technology, the computer became a working tool increasingly present in companies. Its purpose is to increase production and reduce the inherent errors in manual production. The aim of this study was to analyze the usability of 2D graphics software in creating clothing designs by a professional during his work. The movements of the mouse, keyboard and graphical tools were monitored in real time by software Camtasia 7? installed on the user's computer. To register the use of mouse and keyboard we used auxiliary software called MouseMeter?, which quantifies the number of times they pressed the right, middle and left mouse's buttons, the keyboard and also the distance traveled in meters by the cursor on the screen. Data was collected in periods of 15 minutes, 1 hour and 8 hours, consecutively. The results showed that the job is considered repetitive and high demands physical efforts, which can lead to the appearance of repetitive strain injuries. Thus, the goal of minimizing operator efforts and thereby enhance the usability of the examined tool, becomes imperative to replace the mouse by a device called tablet, which also offers an electronic pen and a drawing platform for design development.  相似文献   

何莉 《安家》2006,(12):64-65
近年来,中国房地产业持续走强.透过市场的种种表现,我们不难看出,创建品牌已经成为房地产企业的共识和不懈追求,而一批在全国初具影响的品牌已然出现.通过品牌,消费者得到了能满足种种需求并且值得相信的承诺,从而建立起了对这种商品的忠诚.  相似文献   

Evaluation is often both conceptually and functionally separate from program planning and operations management. Though program managers may not see themselves as served well by the work of evaluation staffs, there are a number of potentially beneficial side effects to be realized from close collaboration between program administrators and evaluators. These flow only when the evaluation task is broadly defined and when both administrators and evaluators recognize their interdependence. Particular functional benefits to management from evaluation are described. Characteristics of interorganizational relations which might increase the probability of their attainment are then outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluators are challenged to keep pace with the vast array of Veteran support programs operating in the United States, resulting in a situation in which many programs lack any evidence of impact. Due to this lack of evidence, there is no efficient way to suggest which programs are most effective in helping Veterans in need of support. One potential solution to this dilemma is to reconceptualize program evaluation, by moving away from evaluating programs individually to evaluating what is common across programs. The Common Components Analysis (CCA) is one such technique that aggregates findings from programs that have undergone rigorous evaluation at the level of program components (e.g., content, process, barrier reduction). Given that many Veteran programs lack outcome evidence from rigorous studies, an adaptation to CCA is needed. This report examines cross-sectional data from a pilot study using an adapted CCA across five domains of well-being (i.e., employment, education, legal/financial/housing, mental/physical health, and social/personal relationships). The purpose of this preliminary study is to determine the feasibility of eliciting program nominations and program components from Veterans via an online survey. When coupled with a longitudinal research design, this adaptation to CCA will allow for stronger causal claims about the expected impact of different program components within and across a variety of domains.  相似文献   

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