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The traditional Tibetan residence boasts a unique style--in terms of structure,layout and decor ,There are several kinds of dwellings in the Tibet Autonomous Region,Such as diaofang houses ,in the valley area of southern Tibet,  相似文献   

周学森 《当代老年》2006,(10):53-53
笔者最近去了一趟西藏,在那里,欣赏了青藏高原的优美景色,感受了当地独特的民族风情。所见所闻,感触颇多。  相似文献   

帕拉·土登沃丹的父母因为健康的原因过早的离开了人世,留下了尚不太懂事的三子三女,面对这样的局面,年轻的土登沃丹以坚强的意志承担起了家族延续的责任.他以冷静的处理身边的事情,树立了自己的家长威信.他把全部精力花费在巩固和发扬家族利益上,一切思想和言行都从维护家族的荣誉出发,不错过任何一个家族发展壮大的机会,孜孜不倦搜求家族需要的一切利益,进而使帕拉家族成为贵族社会人人看齐的完美和谐家庭,土登沃丹本人也成为西藏贵族社会中的风云人物.  相似文献   

本文就党中央对西藏地区民主改革的方法进行分析,针对不同的阶层党中央实行的方法不同,其目的是为了让更多的劳动人民能有人权,更好的生活.  相似文献   

石海 《老年人》2012,(10):40-41
张经武、谭冠三、王其梅是首批进驻西藏的湘籍解放军高级将领,他们在解放西藏、建设西藏、保卫边疆的革命事业中作出了特殊贡献,立下了不朽功勋,被誉为西藏革命和建设事业的奠基者、组织者和开拓者。张经武:中央人民政府首任驻藏代表张经武出生于湖南省酃县(今炎陵县),是中华人民共和国成立后中央人民政府的首任也是最后一任驻藏代表,历任中共西  相似文献   

There are many traditional festivals in Tibet. Every year, there are nearly 30 festivals, including Tibetan New Year, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Wheel Festival, Onkor Festival and Palden Lhamo Festival.  相似文献   

为了拓展大学生就业渠道,进一步巩固党的基层组织建设,培养更接地气的基层干部队伍,促进基层农牧区长治久安和长足发展,西藏自治区从2008年开始通过公招考试面向高校毕业生招聘大学生村官。和全国其他省市的大学生村官一样,我区的大学生村官在工作和生活中面临同样的问题,存在共性的不适应。但同时由于,西藏特殊的自然环境、生活条件、基础设施以及社会风俗习惯等原因,我区大学生村官的不适应现象有其特殊性。通过实地调研和大学生村官面对面交谈,我们了解到他们的生活工作和心理状况,发现他们的问题主要表现为环境上、生活上、工作上和精神上的不适应。  相似文献   

西藏,是一个永远都说不完的梦境。有人说它壮美,还有人说它雄伟;有人说它纯净,还有人说它神秘。到过西藏的人醉在眼前的梦幻里,没有到过的人醉在心灵的梦幻里。如果从太空遥望,你能看到这里是“世界屋脊”和地球在太空的第三个支点;如果从高空俯视,你能看到这里峰岭相连,苍山如海,  相似文献   

西藏发展旅经济有着得天独厚的条件,但是,西藏要实现旅游业的大发展,还存在着不少的瓶颈。  相似文献   

Tibet Today     
In the 40 years since thedemocratic reform, the Tibetaneconomy has developed morerapidly than at any other time inits history. Tibetan people carryhigh their traditions and continueto make great progress in theirlives and in the construction oftheir towns.  相似文献   

I close my eyes. The children with whom I stayed with in Lhasa appear before me. In the pink world they smile. It is a strange feeling. I have been to Tibet twice. I remember how the Lhasa children would walk on the streets in Lhasa: when they spotted a man and a woman holding hands, they would sing, You Are Late, a popular song of that time. I had her in my heart a long time ago./Oh! She arrived before you. When the young couple turned around, the children would run away. Then they searched for another couple. What I most remember about Tibet is  相似文献   

Tibet in Cloth     
During the Tibetan CulturalExhibition held in Beijing inMarch this year there were twoTibetan dress and costume shows eachday. In order to obtain a better view ofthe beautiful Tibetan costumes, visitorscrowded the catwalk and lookedforward to the unique show long beforeit began. The show was divided into twoparts. The first part was a presentationof Tibetan costumes of various ages bya team of Tibetan youth. The secondwas a presentation of a fashion seriescalled Chinese Wind, which was the  相似文献   

IN the second week of the firstmonth of every lunar year in theTibetan Autonomous Prefecture ofSouthern Gansu Province, an importantreligious festival takes place. It is theannual displaying of Buddha's imageheld in one of the six renownedmonasteries of the Gelu (YellowReligion) School of Tibetan Buddhism.Here, in the Labrang Monastery, itmarks the gathering of many Tibetan  相似文献   

GUNBO Gyelcthan and Kalsang Tsomo am renowned Tibetan dancers from the China Central Nationality Singing and Dancing Troupe. Their home is filled with traditional Tibetan art; especially noticeable is the large blue tapestry on the wall depicting the Tibetan opera, The Hunter and the Deer, in which a hunter who has already strung his bow with an arrow is persuaded by a Raiba artist to let the deer go. The tapestry was woven based on a sketch drawn up by Gunbo and Kalsang. For them. the wise and  相似文献   

A central element of the narrative circulated by the Tibet Movement has been that China has carried out genocide and practised colonialism in Tibet. These notions are, for the most part, uncritically accepted by politicians and the media, especially in the West. This essay challenges such characterizations as inept and as obstacles to resolving the Tibet Question. It looks at whether convincing empirical evidence of physical and cultural genocide in Tibet exists, in light of the most common understanding of such practices as rooted in efforts to destroy a people and its culture. The essay also considers what the contours of colonialism have been in light of its principal modern experience, that of European, US and Japanese colonization, and determines whether the Tibet case fits these characteristics. The essay concludes that a critique of China's policies and practices in Tibet would be best served by focusing on actual problems experienced by Tibetans.  相似文献   

Nima Tsering. a modern Tibetan painter, hascreated many works reflecting ancient Tibetancivilization as well as modern Tibetan life. He usesmany modern painting methods, but also carries onthe style of the wall paintings of Tibetan Buddhism. The painting here depicts the story that in aboutthe 7th Century AD. during the Tang Dynasty (AD  相似文献   

Beginning in the 1980s, and continuing for over three decades since, a particular generation of Tibetans from the Northeastern Tibetan region known as Amdo, and particularly from the northern parts of China’s Qinghai province, has proven extremely productive. Why has this generation, born primarily between 1959 and 1967, been so incredibly successful? This article examines the contextual factors that may have contributed to the incredible success of this generation. This ranges from the policies and circumstances that affected their births, and the state of the cultural field at the time they reached adulthood. Personal experience narratives, autobiographies, and scholarly studies then reveal how this generation was able to access the intellectual field. Finally, I briefly discuss how the Amdo Tibetan intellectual field compares with other Tibetan and ethnic experiences in the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

汉族妇产医生张军在西藏工作20年了,她的足迹遍布那曲、山南等偏远艰苦的地方,她为那里的妇女和医院提供生育方面的技术支援和指导。她不断被派往北京、上海等城市进修,将先进的医学技术、项目带回西藏。为此,她一走就是几个月甚至—年,长期过着与丈夫孩子两地分居的生活。对此,她却淡定地说:“在西藏,像我这样的人太多了。”  相似文献   

The ‘cultural turn’ in social movement studies has brought a renewed outlook on new social movements and lifestyle movements. In this development on the symbolic challenge of contemporary movements, research has expanded to both music and art. However, little is known about the role of clothing in movements and how activists use it for social change. In making the case for a greater consideration of clothing’s tactical use in identity work, this paper explores the case of the Tibetan Lhakar movement. I argue that for Lhakar activists, clothing is the materialization of the political consciousness of the movement and symbolically acts as a mechanism of communication in shaping its political goals. By using social media to observe individualized collective actions of wearing Tibetan clothing, the paper demonstrates how activists frame and create new political opportunity structures for civic participation in a one party state that controls all speech and movement.  相似文献   

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