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石燕 《社会工作》2012,(4):55-57
现今社会,心理健康问题凸显,人们对学生心理健康的重视程度也不断加深,学校心理健康教育在维持学生心理健康方面发挥着重要的作用,但其存在的问题也越来越明显。而此时,随着学校社会工作的兴起,越来越多的心理健康教育者开始重视学校社会工作在学生心理健康工作中作用。本文则以此为研究点,探讨学校社会工作与学校心理健康教育在目的、对象和方法上存在的异同,以便更好阐述学校社会工作和心理健康教育二者的地位和作用。  相似文献   

美国等发达国家和地区的学校社会工作已经相当成熟,我国学校社会工作的研究与实践尚处于初步探索阶段。传统学生工作模式功能上的欠缺为专业学校社会工作嵌入高校学生工作体系提供了空间和可能性。在此制度背景下,笔者梳理了学校社会工作的实务模式,借用社会互动模式视角,从“学校.家庭.社区”等方面对大学生小米这个典型个案进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

学校社会工作实务最早在美国萌芽与建立,经历了传统临床模式、学校变迁模式、社区学校模式、社会互动模式。20世纪90年代以来学校社会工作的发展呈现新趋势。这也是学校社会工作从一种助人的方法发展成独立专业的历程。专业角色经历了友好访问员、访问教师和学校社会工作者的根本转变。  相似文献   

本文在分析高校辅导员职责与学校社会工作存在契合点的基础上,探讨学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作的结合原则,进一步构建学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作结合的模式,并就该模式在具体运用时的保障条件做了相关探讨。试图通过高校辅导员工作与学校社会工作相结合模式及其运用等方面展开的探讨,以期能对辅导员的专业化发展提供一些可能的视角,从而进一步探索辅导员的专业化发展空间。  相似文献   

本文在分析高校辅导员职责与学校社会工作存在契合点的基础上,探讨学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作的结合原则,进一步构建学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作结合的模式,并就该模式在具体运用时的保障条件做了相关探讨。试图通过高校辅导员工作与学校社会工作相结合模式及其运用等方面展开的探讨,以期能对辅导员的专业化发展提供一些可能的视角,从而进一步探索辅导员的专业化发展空间。  相似文献   

随着国家和社会对未成年人保护工作的日益重视,学校社会工作正成为社会工作参与未成年人保护的重要研究和实务领域.尽管各地的学校社会工作探索取得丰富成效,但仍比较零碎,社会工作介入西部农村小学的实践研究还比较少,有效的学校社会工作介入模式或路径还有待探索,制度化和规模化发展更是任重道远.本实践研究项目选取西部偏远民族地区小学...  相似文献   

实习是社会工作教学的重要环节,在实习开展的过程中,透过学校督导对学生的指导,有利于学生将社会工作的价值观、理论知识、方法技巧进行反思和整理,从而应用于实践。本文将社会工作学生开展实习的过程特点进行梳理,归纳学生在每个阶段主要的实习任务和遇到的问题。从而总结学校督导在不同阶段的工作内容。期望能够对当前社会工作实务的开展有所助益。  相似文献   

王佳 《社会工作》2013,(4):108-112
近些年来,随着社会管理的不断创新和社会建设的持续推进,作为一种新兴的专业力量,社会工作逐渐替代政府大量介入社会公共服务领域。在此过程中,深圳凭借毗邻香港的优势,引入社会工作发展机制和督导指导体系,迅速成为中国内地社会工作行业发展的先锋阵地。其中,学校社会工作是深圳较早推行的重要领域之一,目前已形成较为完备的运作模式,并在解决青少年社会化问题、培育青少年健全人格、促进青少年健康成长等方面发挥着积极的作用。本文以深圳市Y区为研究对象,通过对学校社会工作的推进及发展状况、运作成效与发展困境等方面的分析和反思,以期为本土学校社会工作发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

刘芳 《社会工作》2008,(18):10-12
经济社会的剧烈变化使学校教育面临前所未有的冲击,原有的学生工作和学校心理咨询工作虽然在一定程度上发挥了功用,但也暴露了诸多弊端。对我国而言,学校社会工作是一个全新的领域,且由于其在工作性质、工作原则及某些工作方法上与学校心理咨询存在相似性,因而使其在学校领域的介入和发展受到一定的质疑。全文以新时期学生发展的需求为基础,以与学校心理咨询相比较为重点,总结出学校社会工作的特质,从而论证了新时期开展学校社会工作的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

学校社会工作在加拿大很多地方被看作是复杂的学生服务工作的一部分。其原则和价值观遵循加拿大社会工作协会工作守则中的责任和义务,并且根据每个省学校公共管理条倒,遵守当地的政策及规定。加拿大绝大多数条例中规定学校社会工作者必须具有社会工作学士学位,并且在省级认证机构进行过注册,以确认他们能够胜任该工作并具备道德操守。部分省要求学校社工具有省教育部颁发的特定资质许可。  相似文献   

The importance of schools and teachers in child welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article begins by challenging what is considered to be the relative neglect by child and family social work of the importance for children of school and teachers. Key roles of school in children's lives are conceptualized. School is argued to have potential as an ally for children, a guarantor of basic protection, a capacity builder, a secure base from which to explore the self and the world, an integrator into community and culture, a gateway to adult opportunities and a resource for parents and communities. It is suggested that school can have a special supportive value for children experiencing adversity, including those in state care or under supervision, those whose parents have divorced, and those recovering from abuse or neglect. The implications of the central importance of schools and teachers for child and family social work are discussed with reference to the child as client, work with teachers, work with the wider school and community, and policies in social work agencies and in education and training programmes for social workers and teachers.  相似文献   

This paper calls for the introduction of school social work in Malaysia. Many industrialized countries have introduced school social work, partly because teachers are not able to tackle students' personal and social problems. Teachers are burdened with teaching tasks and are not trained to handle social problems. The introduction of school social work in these developed countries was an admission that there was only so much teachers could do in addressing the problems of school children. Even with school counselors, the problems have not decreased. Many parents in Malaysia perceive schools to be incapable of providing sufficient education to excel in the major exams. The existence of many private tuition institutions and private teachers is a testimony to that perception. If society has already deemed these teachers to be incapable of providing quality education, to expect them to look after students' social problems is presumptuous on society's part. The need for school personnel who understand the social ills of the community is urgently needed, and it is the contention of this paper that school social workers are best equipped for that responsibility.  相似文献   

通过调查分析,发现目前社会工作专业核心课程设置相对统一,分支课程设置比较分散,专业实习与国际标准差距明显。学生对社会工作专业课程和专业教材的满意度达到中等水平,对专业实习的认同度比较低。学生所在年级、进入大学之前和目前对社工的了解程度等个人因素,学校类型、专业实习时间等学校因素对专业课程、专业教材和专业实习的评价有显著影响。这主要与社会工作专业的助人特质和我国社会工作发展现状有关。如何完善社会工作实习机制、规范社会工作教材编制,是增强学生专业课程认同的关键。  相似文献   

The present pilot study examines the effect of a social work self-esteem group as a method for improving the self-esteem and classroom behavior of disruptive male students in an elementary school in rural Georgia. Teachers, educators, and administrators in school systems across the nation are continuously bombarded with a disproportionate number of students who fail to display acceptable standards for appropriate classroom behavior, particularly male students. Research efforts have been directed toward identifying effective social work practice interventions that will bring about meaningful proactive changes to elementary student populations who exhibit such behaviors. A validated outcome measure was included in an uncontrolled pretest–posttest design to determine quantifiable changes. Findings from this study show that after the social work group intervention, posttest scores tended to be lower than pretest scores, which would indicate that there was a notable improvement in elementary students’ self-esteem and class behavior between pretest and posttest assessments. Implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文尝试将模糊综合评价法应用于大学生心理健康学校社会工作评估中.基本思路为:首先,简要介绍模糊综合评价法的原理;其次,以泸州医学院为例,实证检验模糊综合评价法在大学生心理健康学校社会工作评估中的可行性和适用性;最后,得出有关研究结论和建议.  相似文献   

温静 《社会工作》2009,(16):37-40
灾后学校面临一系列新的问题,需要社会工作的专业介入,对于介入策略,宏观层面要注意对学校社会工作价值观念、伦理守则的坚持与把握;中观层面要采取措施为志愿服务的连续性提供保障;微观层面要综合利用各种学校社会工作的方法。“抗震希望学校社工志愿服务项目”实施以来取得了很大成绩,但仍要在实践中探索适合灾后学校的服务模式。  相似文献   

本文尝试将模糊综合评价法应用于大学生心理健康学校社会工作评估中。基本思路为:首先,简要介绍模糊综合评价法的原理;其次,以泸州医学院为例,实证检验模糊综合评价法在大学生心理健康学校社会工作评估中的可行性和适用性;最后,得出有关研究结论和建议。  相似文献   

Concerns have been expressed for some time about a decline in emphasis on therapeutic work in social work, notably articulated in the Munro Review. Further concerns have been expressed in child care that social workers have increasingly had to focus on child protection work rather than earlier stages of prevention. However, there remain opportunities for social workers through the development of new programmes. One development has been that of Behaviour and Education Support Teams: multi‐professional teams, containing as a key element social workers, and encouraging novel practices designed to help emotional stability and improved behaviour and education performance. This study reports on an evaluation of a social worker delivered school‐based social skills programme, which can contribute to the important area of resilience. This showed significant and sustained improvements in pro‐social behaviour and friendships. The implications of this for the therapeutic potential and professional role of social work are discussed.  相似文献   

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