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The ?Achieve Coaching Model“®. A systematic approach to greater effectiveness in executive coaching The article describes some of the results of an international best practice study that aimed to identify what successful coaches do to achieve consistent tangible coaching results. The analysis of the primary and secondary data resulted in a new coaching model, that has received international recognition and proved to be successful and valuable in practice — the Achieve Coaching Model®. The article describes the seven steps of the model, underpins it with information from the study and the authors international coaching practice and concrete behaviours of coaches that yielded continuously positive results in a coaching setting.  相似文献   

?Leadership Coaching“ — A critical discussion?Leadership Coaching“ comes into vogue again. It is possible that cutting down the expenses for HRM (and specially for counsultants) reinforces this trend. Therefore it is again time to discuss the question about the main differences between “leadership coaching” and coaching by professionals. Consultations by the superior can be helpful, however there are distinct differences to the professional coaching.  相似文献   

Coaching between practice and science. Coaching theory and -practice are two sides of the same coin. As contrasted with the successful practice the theoretical and scientific explanation of coaching is still unattended despite the fact that serious coaching conceptions are to base on epistemological and scientific premises; and this only for the sake of practice. The text at hand will point out the limits and the possibilities to approach the task for answering to the questions of differences between science, theory and practice.  相似文献   

Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

Coaching in administrative authorities. A study on the acceptance of a new counseling method This study proves that also leadership in administrative authorities are in need of counseling for developing their social, professional and organizational competence. Coaching turns out to be a helpful method for it. Occasions for coaching, efficacy and conditions of coaching are explored. In spite of the promising start support of the organization is necessary to establish coaching in the long run. For this aspects and suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Coaching as a separate product within a classical consulting company The article describes the author’s initiative to try to implement coaching as a separate product within a classical consulting company and to apply it in the context of big change projects. Based on the actual experience within a post merger integration project, the author describes the coaching aspects of the PMI project and discusses the chances and risks of such a ?new” product mixture of coaching and consulting.  相似文献   

Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof.  相似文献   

May coaching be leadership? An analysis of literature on the term coaching. An analysis of the German-speaking literature about coaching shows for what the term Coaching or rather the title coach is used in actual publications dealing with the leading manager as a coach. It becomes apparent, that coaching is not seen as a specialized advisory profession. Instead the term is used as an alternative expression for leadership vocabulary as management style or managerial functions. The elaboration of terms and concepts concludes, that semantically it is meant leadership when it comes to the concept of the coaching manager. To be an exception, the management by systemic approach forms a brand-new perspective about organizations. However, to give respects to the German-speaking coaching community there should be a difference between leadership and coaching as well as notions and titles should be used more accurate among professional management coaches.  相似文献   

Coaching, supervision and many others formats. A pledge for a peaceful playing togetherIn this speech the thesis is justified, that a distinction of the different formats like coaching or supervision can only be successful, if they are discussed in a democratic dialog by all stakeholders. Only if such an agreement succeeds, it can be accepted in public.  相似文献   

Coaching for leaders and representatives in churchesThis article shows possibilities of coaching for leaders and representatives in churches, especially during this time with many transformations in ecclesiastical structures. It seems to be very important for acceptance of coaching, that the coach has a high standard of knowledge about this branch.  相似文献   

Coaching und Psychotherapie — Differenz und Konvergenz   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Coaching and psychotherapy — difference and convergence. A discussion on counseling between professional and personal issuesThe author discusses the relation between coaching and psychotherapy. He emphasises several crucial differences, but here he is concerned with the interfaces between these formats. He demonstrates, that in many cases psychotherapeutic views — basing on corresponding qualifications — may offer an important improvement of coaching. This is illustrated by some case studies.  相似文献   

Learning processes in coaching This Coaching is approached from the view of the coachee. Different learning processes which the coachee should run through in his/her coaching are deduced from three approved theoretical concepts close to practice. The Kolb circle is presented as first basic concept. It is described by the author as action leading for coachee and coach by a coaching-questionnaire. Several learning forms are shown and related to the first basic concept. The most important factor for the coaching success is the sustainability of the realization of the recognized learning goals. Therefore some proposals are submitted basing on the Kuhl-concept.  相似文献   

High Profiling Coaching? is a method which is based on a biographical interview of the coachee. The interview is then analysed hermeneutically by a team of experts resulting in a competence profile. This profile is handed over to both the coachee and the coach before the start of the coaching process. Thus the face-to-face interaction in the coaching process will be reduced. Methods of qualitative research were used to conduct the evaluation of High Profiling Coaching. The criteria ?reason for coaching“ (voluntarily vs. involuntarily) and ?way of learning“ (Single-, Double-Loop or Deutero learning) were shown to be essential for the evaluation of the method. Using this approach, it was possible to identify the optimal range for applying the method and to assess its sustainability.  相似文献   

Coaching with a headmasterThe author describes a coaching process with a headmaster in difficulties, who always wants to please everybody. He lacks the necessary professional delimitation. Though refusing it initially, he recognizes the necessity and the advantage of a professional delimitation. By utilizing it in small steps, his contacts to the parents improve, he has more time for his administrative work, and he feels less oppressed by his tasks.  相似文献   

“What is happening in coaching?”—this question is given two readings in the current article: Coaching is understood as consulting business and as consulting interaction. With respect to the first reading, i.e. the coaching market, the trans- and interdisciplinary research group LOCCS (The Linguistics of Coaching, Consulting and Supervision) is introduced, dedicated to qualitative-linguistic analysis of coaching and other consulting interactions. With respect to the second reading, i.e. the coaching interaction itself, the special contribution of such qualitative-linguistic analysis will be outlined. With the help of concrete examples, we will illustrate this method and its benefits.  相似文献   

The coaching culture as an impact factor on the efficacy of Coaching has rarely been addressed in scientific research so far. This article differentiates the coaching culture in aspects of the organizational embedding and attitudes towards coaching. The results of the quantitative study, where N = 49 members of organizations took part, show that the coaching processes are conducted in diverse ways, that the format is being applied for a broad range of issues and that the attitudes towards coaching lead into a positive direction. As a significant predictor for the judgement of coaching effects the reputation of the format in the organization was identified.  相似文献   

Career coaching of a marketing managerThis paper describes the career coaching of a marketing manager, who is in a conflictual work situation and forced to make a decision concerning his professional career. The goal of this coaching is to increase the client’s understanding of the opportunities and risks of two job alternatives and to develop with the client a pathway for his future career. Coaching methods are the analysis of the current situation, the determination of important strengths and weaknesses, a discussion of his career expectations and an exploration of the future. The results enabled the client to weigh up the opportunities and risks of the job alternatives and allowed him to make a clear decision concerning his future career.  相似文献   

When it comes to Online Coaching in its different forms, there is now an increasing number of publications to describe possible fields of application, concepts and prerequisites. In contrast to that, the following article focuses on the coach-client encounter, and how it changes in virtual coaching formats as opposed to face-to-face coaching. The article presents ideas on how big a role changes in sensory and communicative aspects might play, and reflects upon the consequences these changes imply.  相似文献   

Coaching of owner-entrepreneurs — experiences and effectsThe author argues that the kind of coaching which owner-entrepreneurs require differs in fundamental ways from the kind of coaching for hired top managers. The difference is rooted in the higher level of complexity of the decision problems of owner-entrepreneurs, which needs to be reflected in a more complex approach chosen by the coach. In this context, the ability to make himself better understood by others turns out to be a very essential key capacity which some owner-entrepreneurs lack and which a qualified coach can help them to regain.  相似文献   

Development of head masters by group coaching In discussion on school development, a central role is attributed to the head masters. Beside these expectations concerning an innovative activity, the head masters act for the maintaining of the everyday school functioning in the context of very different and partly conflicting expectations. Coaching may give a support by refering immediately to the everyday work of the head masters. This article focusses on group coaching, outlines the special procedure in group coaching and compares it with other forms of personal development of head masters.  相似文献   

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