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To be unemployed is often associated with being stigmatised by others. People may blame the unemployed themselves, insist that they could find a job if they tried harder, maintain that too little is demanded from recipients of unemployment benefits and consider differences in standard of living between the unemployed and the employed too small. This article is aimed at studying the prevalence of such negative attitudes and to examine the determinants behind them. In May 2000, questions were added on to a randomly selected subsample in the regular Swedish labour force survey. The results indicate that own unemployment experience and perceived risks of becoming unemployed make people less apt to blame the unemployed. Having family members or close friends with unemployment experience tends to have a similar impact. In contrast, young people more often express stigmatising attitudes. With respect to social class position the results are divided.  相似文献   

富勒的新自然法思想在坚持法律与道德不可分的基础上,将法律看成是一项目的性互动的事业.而这一事业的内在道德则贯穿于此事业形成与发展的始终.以此为核心,富勒新自然法思想的具体内容分别体现在法律事业所构成的基本环节、其从事者的角色道德,以及此事业要达到成功的目的导向和动态过程等四大方面.这种以事业观为导向的新自然法思想,扩展了自然法学讨论的范围,较之于古典自然法思想有着较强的实践性和可操作性.尤为突出的是富勒以官民之间的互惠、预期、承诺与合作等互动过程来把握法律的本质,其理论研究的独特视角、方法和内客丰富了人们对法律现象的认识,其作用于法律职业共同体的法律道德意识,可以为构建法治社会提供理论和方法上的支持.富勒以法律事业观为核心的新自然法思想,无论是对于法律本身的理解还是对于法学理论及法律实践的发展都具有十分重要的价值.  相似文献   

试论自然法思想在罗马法发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭建华 《社科纵横》2005,20(3):67-69
罗马法之所以能跨越时空的限制,具有经久不衰的生命力,是与其中所蕴涵的自然法思想密不可分的。正是在自然法思想的指引下,罗马法才得以克服其自身的种种限制,步入良好而快速的发展轨道,并逐渐臻于完善。  相似文献   

王焱  汤静雅 《求是学刊》2013,40(3):85-91
我国实证法上对物权行为独立性与无因性理论承认与否,向来有所争议。通过实证法分析,单从买卖致所有权移转的角度,以《物权法》与《合同法》对此的相关规定,可证明大部分实证法法条承认债权行为不可导致物权变动,另有部分法条则肯定物权行为的存在。而对于抽象原则,实证法法条持否定态度。  相似文献   

The current trajectory of the Scandinavian welfare states is unclear. However, social policy in the Scandinavian countries is, undoubtedly, in a period of transition. This article's main purpose is to analyze whether Scandinavians' support for the welfare state has played a critical role in this transition. Based on surveys from Sweden. Norway and Denmark, two conclusions are reached. Firstly, at the highest aggregated level, the Scandinavian welfare states had solid support in the beginning of the 1990s. Secondly, this support was characterized by significant cleavages between social groups. This article also attempts to further the research on the relationship between institutional characteristics and attitudes. The conclusion is that institutional characteristics provide a reliable guidance for an understanding of attitudes toward social policy in the Scandinavian countries.  相似文献   

党静萍  韩维栋 《唐都学刊》2001,17(2):102-104
为进一步认识思维在写作中的特殊性,更好地发挥其对写作的影响,我们必须了解写作思维的转换统一律;写作思维的渐递交替律;写作思维的多元互补律,以便不断提高写作能力与水平.  相似文献   

战国时期,群雄割据,连年混战,政局动荡。为了达到强大自己并统一天下的目的,各诸侯国对人才的需要极度膨胀,而这一时期,以好客喜士而闻名的四公子,即齐国孟尝君、赵国平原君、魏国信陵君、楚国春申君,为其所处诸侯国的人才储备与供应做了巨大贡献。司马迁在《史记》中对四公子的行径描述详细。在这里,分别从“四公子何以进入《史记》”“四公子之好客”“四公子之疏误…‘从生活环境窥探四公子的性格”和“太史公笔下的四公子”等方面浅显解析战国四公子之异同。  相似文献   

物权变动是私法的中心问题之一,在欧陆民法典中,它在三个层面上体现出相反原则之对立:合意原则与交付原则,统一原则与分离原则,无因性原则和有因性原则。德国法和瑞典法在物权变动上的规定几乎完全不同,前者采纳的是无因性原则,后者则采纳了有因性原则。两种原则各有利弊,但都起源于罗马法。要式买卖和拟诉弃权与无因性原则有关,罗马法上的交付则是有因性原则的渊源。因此,罗马法可能是更好地理解物权变动中的有因性原则、无因性原则并比较两者优劣之关键。  相似文献   

Rural African American clergy's ability to recognize Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and their capacity to provide support to elders with this illness has been neglected in the literature. Using a mental health literacy framework, the purpose of this research was to explore rural African American clergy knowledge and beliefs of AD. In-depth interviews were conducted with 9 African American clergy who oversaw churches in central Kentucky. Although few had direct experience with providing pastoral care to elders with AD, all clergy were literate and aware of the need for additional training. This study seeks to further clarify the role of African American clergy and their understanding of AD to inform the future development of appropriate interventions and establish better collaborative community treatment relationships.  相似文献   

梁小萌 《探求》2004,(6):45-48
我国的民营企业已经进入了第二代,昔日的家族企业有的已经发展成为具有一定规模的现代企业,而大多数的民营企业只能维持原来的经营规模,难以成长壮大。制约民营企业发展的除了有其自身的原因以外,更多的原因来自外部。本文认为制约民营企业发展的外部原因主要是思想观念障碍、融资障碍和体制障碍。  相似文献   

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